Fire Emblem Heroes: Updates Archives (Ver. 1.1.0 to Ver. 7.11.0)
On this page, you will find all there is to know about the various updates for Fire Emblem Heroes on Android and iOS (originally released on February 2nd 2017 in Europe, Japan, and North America) released between launch and November 2023. For the most recent updates, make sure to check out this page instead!
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Fire Emblem Heroes – Software updates
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 7.11.0
- Release date: November 5th 2023 (North America) / November 6th 2023 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 22.24MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ New skills have been added for a Legendary and Mythic Hero
Of the Heroes that appear in Legendary & Mythic Hero Remixes, Plumeria: Lewd Dream and Dimitri: Savior King have gained new skills.
○ New skills
・ Assist Skill
Sweet Dreams+
Range: 1
Grants another action to target ally and grants
Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5, “if unit initiates combat,
unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack,” and
【Hexblade】to target ally for 1 turn. Inflicts
Atk/Spd/Def/Res-5 on nearest foes within
5 spaces of target ally through their next
actions. (Cannot target an ally with Sing or
Dance. This skill treated as Sing or Dance.)【Hexblade】
Calculates damage using the lower of foe’s
Def or Res during combat for 1 turn (including
damage dealt by Specials before combat).This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.
・ C Skill
Atk/Res Hold
Inflicts Atk/Res-4 on foes within 3 spaces
during combat.・ A Skill
Atk/Spd Clash 4
If unit or foe initiates combat after moving to
a different space, grants bonus to unit’s Atk/Spd
during combat = X + 6. (X = number of spaces
from start position to end position of whoever
initiated combat; max 4.) If X ≥ 2, neutralizes
unit’s penalties to Atk/Spd during combat.・ B Skill
Atrocity II
At start of combat, if foe’s HP ≥ 40%, inflicts
Atk/Spd/Def-4 on foe, deals damage = 25% of
unit’s Atk (excluding area-of-effect Specials),
and reduces damage from foe’s first attack
by 40% during combat, and also, after combat,
inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-6 and【Guard】
on target and foes within 3 spaces of target
through their next actions and inflicts Special
cooldown count+1 on those foes (no effect on
Special cooldown counts already at maximum).【Guard】
Inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on target
per attack during combat through its next action.
(Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.
Plumeria: Lewd Dream and Dimitri: Savior King have received new weapon skills to refine at the same time, so be sure to check the section of this notification labeled “New weapon skills and weapons to refine have been added” in conjunction with this section.
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals has been updated
With the release of Ver. 7.11.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 11) from events and exchange them for an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 11) will be able to be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 28/12/2023 6:59(UTC).
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 11) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 7.11.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 10) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 7.11.0.■ New weapon skills and weapons to refine have been added
The following Heroes can now learn these new character-specific weapon skills at 5★:
Brilliant Rapier
Hero who can learn this skill: Marth: Legacied HeroFlame Battleaxe
Hero who can learn this skill: Flame Emperor: Bringer of War・ The weapons above can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after they have been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons can now be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Flower of Plenty
Hero who can learn this skill: Plumeria: Lewd DreamAreadbhar
Hero who can learn this skill: Dimitri: Savior KingEarthly Gáe Bolg
Hero who can learn this skill: Altena: Luminous RiderVouge
Hero who can learn this skill: Osian: Scolded SoldierMirage Axe
Hero who can learn this skill: Mamori: Microwavin’ IdolNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ New Memento Events have been added to Heroes Journey
○ New Memento Events have been added.
■ Aether Raids has been updated
○ Some structures have had their level cap increased.
・ Bolt Tower (O/D): up to level 11
○ Aether Resort has been updated.
・ Two new songs have been added to the Concert Hall: “Memory of Mom” from the Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance game and “Shhh… Easy now, girl. I won’t hurt you.” from the Fire Emblem Awakening game.
■ Summoner Duels has been updated
○ You will be able to increase your Favor Level to level 3,700.
This will be in effect with the season starting 14/11/2023 7:00(UTC).
■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Fuga: Force of Gales
・ Arion: Gungnir’s Heir
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: official website
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 7.10.0
- Release date: October 2nd 2023 (North America) / October 3rd 2023 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: Yes (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 25.11MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals has been updated
With the release of Ver. 7.10.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 10) from events and exchange them for an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 28/11/2023 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 10) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 7.10.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 9) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 7.10.0.■ New weapon skills and weapons to refine have been added
The following Heroes will be able to learn these new character-specific weapon skills at 5★:
Hyperion Lance
Hero who can learn this skill: Heath: Wandering KnightWildcat Dagger
Hero who can learn this skill: Chad: Lycian Wildcat・ The weapons above can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after they have been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons can now be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Larcei’s Edge
Hero who can learn this skill: Larcei: Keen KinMirage Feather
Hero who can learn this skill: Tsubasa: Madcap IdolBun-Bun Baton
Hero who can learn this skill: Fir: Student of SpringNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ New Memento Events have been added to Heroes Journey
○ New Memento Events have been added.
■ Aether Raids has been updated
○ Some structures have had their level cap increased.
・ Dark Shrine (O/D): up to level 11
○ Aether Resort has been updated.
・ Two new songs have been added to the Concert Hall: “Treasured Memories” from the Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones game and “Beneath the Banner” from the Fire Emblem: Three Houses game.
■ Summoner Duels has been updated
○ You will be able to increase your Favor Level to level 3,600.
This will be in effect with the season starting 10/10/2023 7:00(UTC)
■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Tailtiu: Teatime Mingler
・ Cyril: Rhea’s Attendant■ Other Changes
○ We have addressed an issue in which the game would sometimes crash when a Duo Hero was attacked.
We have addressed an issue in which the game would sometimes crash when a Duo Hero was attacked and then defeated a foe during combat with Combat Animations on.
○ We have addressed issues with the Check Rewards screen in Aether Raids.
The following display issues have been addressed. Please note that these are display issues only, and do not impact the actual rewards received.
・ When the reward type is set to Tier, the initial Tier displayed was not the player’s actual Tier, but instead, Tier 1.
・ When the reward type is set to Defense, the rewards the player would receive were not highlighted.○ We have slightly adjusted the appearance of sprites wearing the Pointy Magic Hat accessory.
○ We have made it so, for some Android devices, when the device is set to the dark theme, the in-game notifications screen will display in the dark theme as well.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: official website
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 7.9.0
- Release date: September 5th 2023 (North America) / September 6th 2023 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 26.81MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ New skills are being added for some Mythic Heroes
Of the Heroes that appear in Legendary & Mythic Hero Remixes, Mirabilis: Daydream and Hel: Death Sovereign are gaining new skills.
○ New skills
・ Assist Skill
Whimsical Dream+
Range: 1
Grants another action to target ally. Grants
Atk+6 and “neutralizes foe’s bonuses during
combat” to target ally and allies within 2 spaces
of target ally (excluding unit) for 1 turn. Inflicts
Atk-6 on nearest foes within 5 spaces of target
ally and any foe within 2 spaces of those foes
through their next actions. (Cannot target an
ally with Sing or Dance. This skill treated as
Sing or Dance.)
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.・ B Skill
Chill Def/Res 3
At start of turn, inflicts Def/Res-6 on foe on
the enemy team with the highest Def+Res total
and foes within 2 spaces of that foe through
their next actions.・ A Skill
Distant Pressure
Unit can counterattack regardless of foe’s range.
At start of combat, if unit’s HP ≥ 25%, grants
Spd+5 during combat, but after combat, if unit
attacked, deals 5 damage to unit.・ C Skill
Inevitable Death+
For each foe within 4 spaces of unit, unit can
move to any of the nearest spaces adjacent
to that foe (unless space is impassible terrain).
Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-5 on foes within
2 spaces of unit during combat. If unit’s
Spd > foe’s Spd, neutralizes effects that
guarantee foe’s follow-up attacks and
effects that prevent unit’s follow-up
attacks during combat.
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.Mirabilis: Daydream and Hel: Death Sovereign are receiving new weapon skills to refine at the same time, so be sure to check the section of this notification labeled “New weapons to refine are being added” in conjunction with this section.
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated
With the release of Ver. 7.9.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 9) from events and exchange them from an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 9) will be able to be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 28/10/2023 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 9) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 7.9.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 8) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 7.9.0.■ New weapons to refine are being added
The following weapons will be able to be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Flower of Ease
Hero who can learn this skill: Mirabilis: DaydreamMirage Falchion
Hero who can learn this skill: Itsuki: Finding a PathGenesis Falchion
Hero who can learn this skill: Marth: Prince of LightBinding Reginleif
Hero who can learn this skill: Eirika: Pledged RestorerHel’s Reaper
Hero who can learn this skill: Hel: Death SovereignCharging Horn
Hero who can learn this skill: Gatekeeper: Nothing to ReportPhantasm Tome
Hero who can learn this skill: Marianne: Serene AdherentNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ New Memento Events are being added to Heroes Journey
○ New Memento Events are being added.
■ Aether Raids is being updated
○ Some structures will have their level cap increased.
・ Bright Shrine (O/D): up to level 11
○ Aether Resort is being updated.
・ Two new songs are being added to the Concert Hall: “Backsliding” from the Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn game and “In a Silver Garden with You” from the Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia game.
■ Summoner Duels is being updated
○ You will be able to increase your Favor Level to level 3,500.
This will be in effect with the season starting 12/9/2023 7:00(UTC)
○ A new Captain Skill is being added.
Captain deals damage = X during combat
and allies within 3 spaces of captain deal
damage = 50% of X during combat
(X = highest total penalties among target
and foes within 2 spaces of target; excluding
area-of-effect Specials).Note: The new Captain Skill will be able to be used in the season beginning 12/9/2023 7:00(UTC)
■ Additional Heroes will be available via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Donnel: Sunny Villager
・ Zephia: Scheming Dragon■ Other Changes
○ We will address an issue in which Friend Mock Battles are sometimes unavailable during periods of time when Aether Raids are not being held.
Additional changes
- fixes issue with the description for Alear (Awoken Divinity)’s Dragon’s Fist skill and Alear (Dragon Child) and Alear (Dragon Youth)’s Libération skill
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: official website
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 7.8.0
- Release date: August 6th 2023 (North America) / August 7th 2023 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 23.49MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ Summoning events are being updated
○ Legendary and Mythic Heroes will be added to Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix summoning events.
10 Legendary and Mythic Heroes will appear anew in Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix summoning events. The 10 Legendary and Mythic Heroes being added will not appear in normal Legendary or Mythic Hero summoning events from now on.
See the About Legendary & Mythic Hero Remixes notification for details.
○ Heroes will be added to Weekly Revival summoning events.
A total of 17 additional 5★ Heroes are being added to the pool of Heroes who appear in Weekly Revival summoning events, and they will also appear in the 4★ Special Rate summoning category in other summoning events.
See the Weekly Revival Summoning Focus Schedule notification for details.
○ Hero Check button will be added to the Summoning screen.
This will allow you to check what Focus Heroes are available even after advancing to the Summoning screen or after performing a summon.
Note: The information displayed will be the profile data for Focus Heroes when they reach level 40 (including what assets or flaws they may have and if they have mastered their skills). This information is also available via the Hero Check button in each summoning event under the Summoning tab.
■ New skills are being added for a Legendary and Mythic Hero
Of the Heroes that appear in Legendary & Mythic Hero Remixes, Seliph: Scion of Light and Freyja: Lady of Nightmare are gaining new skills.
○ New skills
・ A Skill
Distant Ferocity
Unit can counterattack regardless of foe’s
range. If foe initiates combat, grants Atk+5
to unit during combat.・ B Skill
Holy War’s End II
At start of combat, if unit’s HP ≥ 25%, inflicts
Atk/Def-5 on foe during combat, unit makes
guaranteed follow-up attack, and foe cannot
make a follow-up attack, and also, if foe
initiates combat, unit attacks twice (does
not stack).
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.・ B Skill
Binding Necklace+
Removes the condition to transform. If a skill
compares unit’s Spd to a foe’s or ally’s Spd,
treats unit’s Spd as if granted +7. If foe
initiates combat or number of allies adjacent
to unit ≤ 1, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+3 to unit,
inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-3 on foe, and
neutralizes effects that inflict “Special
cooldown charge -X” on unit during combat,
and also, if foe has bonuses, grants bonus
to unit’s Atk/Spd/Def/Res and inflicts penalty
on foe’s Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat =
current bonus on each of foe’s stats.
Calculates each stat bonus independently.
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.・ C Skill
Spd Smoke 4
After combat, inflicts Spd-7 on target and foes
within 2 spaces of target through their next
actions, and grants Spd+6 and【Dodge】
to unit for 1 turn.【Dodge】
If unit’s Spd > foe’s Spd, reduces damage from
attacks during combat and from area-of-effect
Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect
Specials) by percentage = difference between
stats × 4 (max 40%).Seliph: Scion of Light and Freyja: Lady of Nightmare will be getting new weapon skills to refine at the same time, so be sure to check the section of this notification labeled “New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added” in conjunction with this section.
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated
With the release of Ver. 7.8.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 8) from events and exchange them from an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 8) will be able to be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals.
・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 9/27/2023 11:59 p.m.(PT)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 8) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 7.8.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 7) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 7.8.0.■ New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added
The following Heroes will be able to learn these new character-specific weapon skills at 5★:
Thracia Kinglance
Hero who can learn this skill: Travant: King of ThraciaWestern Axe
Hero who can learn this skill: Echidna: Unyielding Idealist・ The weapons above can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after they have been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons will be able to be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Virtuous Tyrfing
Hero who can learn this skill: Seliph: Scion of LightMareeta’s Sword
Hero who can learn this skill: Mareeta: Sword of StarsEagle’s Egg
Hero who can learn this skill: Est: Springtime FlierWinds of Silesse
Hero who can learn this skill: Ced: Hero on the WindNightmare Horn
Hero who can learn this skill: Freyja: Lady of NightmareNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ The Arena is being updated
○ The Free Summon reward for getting five consecutive wins in Arena Duels will be updated.
The First Summon Ticket that you can get by getting five consecutive wins in Arena Duels will switch to one that works for Free Summon: Arena Reward 3.
The improvements being made to Weekly Revival summoning events in Ver. 7.8.0 will be reflected in Free Summon: Arena Reward 3.The switch to this Free Summon: Arena Reward 3 ticket will begin with the season starting 8/8/2023 12:00 p.m.(PT)
Note: The Free Summon: Arena Reward 2 summoning event will end at 8/31/2023 11:59 p.m.(PT) Please keep in mind that the Arena Reward 2 tickets cannot be used on the Free Summon: Arena Reward 3 summoning event.
○ Additional maps
We will add five new maps for the season starting 8/8/2023 12:00 p.m.(PT)
■ New Memento Events are being added to Heroes Journey
○ New Memento Events are being added.
■ Aether Raids is being updated
○ Additional Terrain
Two new terrain maps are being added. You will be able to use them after you update the app.
○ Some structures will have their level cap increased.
・ Tactics Room (O/D): up to level 11
○ Aether Resort is being updated.
・ A new stuffed toy, Belly-Rub Sommie, will be added to the Inn.
・ Two new songs are being added to the Concert Hall: “Loyalty: Hector’s Theme” from the Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade game and “Id (Serenity)” from the Fire Emblem Awakening game.
■ Summoner Duels is being updated
○ You will be able to increase your Favor Level to level 3,400.
This will be in effect with the season starting 8/15/2023 12:00 p.m.(PT)
■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Murdock: Loyal General
・ Shez: Mercenary Shade■ Other Changes
○ We will fix an issue with the Aether Raids loading screen.
We will fix an issue where the lower Tier background is being shown on the loading screen in Aether Raids, regardless of your actual Tier level.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: official website
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 7.7.0
- Release date: July 5th 2023 (North America) / July 6th 2023 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 28MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ New skills are being added for a Legendary and Mythic Hero
Of the Heroes that appear in Legendary & Mythic Hero Remixes, Chrom: Crowned Exalt and Bramimond: The Enigma are gaining new skills.
○ New skills
・ Assist Skill
To Change Fate! II
Range: 1
Moves target ally to opposite side of unit.
Grants another action to unit, grants Atk/Def+6
and【Bonus Doubler】to unit and Pair Up cohort
(if any) for 1 turn, and inflicts【Isolation】
on unit and Pair Up cohort (if any) through their
next action. (Once per turn.)【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during
combat = current bonus on each of unit’s stats
for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus
Target cannot use or be the target of Assist
skills through its next action. (Target can
neither use nor be the target of skills like
Dance and Sing, skills that neutralize penalties,
like Restore and Harsh Command+, etc.)This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.
・ C Skill
Blue Feud 3
During combat, disables skills of all blue
foes, excluding foe in combat. If in combat
against a blue foe, disables skills of all foes,
excluding foe in combat, and inflicts
Atk/Spd/Def/Res-4 on foe during combat.
・ B Skill
Atk/Res Tempo 3
Inflicts Atk/Res-3 on foe and neutralizes effects
that grant “Special cooldown charge +X” to foe
or inflict “Special cooldown charge -X” on unit
during combat.・ C Skill
Impenetrable Void
Disables skills of all foes excluding foe in
combat, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-5 on foe, and
reduces the percentage of foe’s non-Special
“reduce damage by X%” skills by 50% during
combat (example: a foe with a “reduce damage
by 45%” skill would reduce damage by
23% instead).
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.Chrom: Crowned Exalt and Bramimond: The Enigma are receiving new weapon skills to refine at the same time, so be sure to check the section of this notification labeled “New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added” too.
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated
With the release of Ver. 7.7.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 7) from events and exchange them for an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 28/8/2023 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 7) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 7.7.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 6) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 7.7.0.■ New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added
The following Heroes will be able to learn these new character-specific weapon skills at 5★:
Desert-Tiger Axe
Hero who can learn this skill: Gerik: Desert TigerFather’s-Son Axe
Hero who can learn this skill: Ross: His Father’s Son・ The weapons above can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after they have been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons will be able to be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Venin Edge
Hero who can learn this skill: Kempf: Conniving GeneralZephyr Breath
Hero who can learn this skill: Idunn: Dragonkin DuoPrized Lance
Hero who can learn this skill: Perceval: Knightly IdealRandgríðr
Hero who can learn this skill: Chrom: Crowned ExaltVoid Tome
Hero who can learn this skill: Bramimond: The EnigmaNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ New Memento Events are being added to Heroes Journey
○ New Memento Events are being added.
■ Aether Raids is being updated
○ Some structures will have their level cap increased.
・ Healing Tower (O/D): up to level 11
○ Aether Resort is being updated.
・ Two new songs will be added to the Concert Hall: “II – Reclaim the Capital” from the Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade game and “The Fell Dragon’s Hounds” from the Fire Emblem Engage game.
■ Summoner Duels is being updated
○ You will be able to increase your Favor Level to level 3,300.
This will be in effect with the season starting 11/7/2023 7:00(UTC)
■ Additional Heroes will be available via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Linus: Savage Dog
・ Robin: Keen Groom■ Other Changes
○ We will fix the following issues in Seer’s Snare.
・ If a player changes a Hero’s Special skill on the Edit Teams screen and then head into battle, that Hero’s Special cooldown count will remain the same as it was before the skill was changed.
・ There is a display issue on the Change Skills screen when scrolling left or right.
Also, regarding the Bonus Hero S Skill slot, we will add an ABC icon in the lower right corner to make it easier to see that any A, B, or C skills can be equipped in that slot.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: official website
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 7.6.0
- Release date: June 6th 2023 (North America) / June 7th 2023 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 23.49MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated
With the release of Ver. 7.6.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 6) from events and exchange them from an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 28/7/2023 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 6) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 7.6.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 5) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 7.6.0.■ New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added
The following Hero will be able to learn this new character-specific weapon skill at 5★:
Violdrake Bow
Hero who can learn this skill: Tanya: Dagdar’s Kid・ The weapon above can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after it has been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons will be able to be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Guardian’s Bow
Hero who can learn this skill: Igrene: Nabata ProtectorThorn Lance
Hero who can learn this skill: Rudolf: Emperor of RigelFimbulvetr
Hero who can learn this skill: Brunnya: Devoted GeneralEthereal Breath
Hero who can learn this skill: Nagi: Dragon AvatarNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ New Memento Events are being added to Heroes Journey
New Memento Events are being added.
■ Aether Raids is being updated
○ Some structures will have their level cap increased.
・ Panic Manor (O/D): up to level 11
○ Aether Resort is being updated.
・ Two new songs will be added to the Concert Hall: “The Little Divine Dragon” from the Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon game and “A Beacon of Light Awakens” from the Fire Emblem Engage game.
■ Summoner Duels is being updated
○ You will be able to increase your Favor Level to level 3,200.
This will be in effect with the season starting 13/6/2023 7:00(UTC)
○ A new Captain Skill is being added.
Grants Atk+5 to captain during combat. Grants
the following effect to captain and allies within
2 spaces of captain: “inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-X
on foe during combat (X = current bonus on
each of foe’s stats × 2; calculates each stat
penalty independently).”Note: The new Captain Skill will be able to be used in the season beginning 13/6/2023 7:00(UTC)
■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Lucius: Calming Light
・ Cornelia: Saint Consumed■ Other Changes
○ We will address an issue related to the effects of Maria: Ritual Sacrifice’s Sacrifice Staff weapon skill. We have confirmed an issue concerning Sacrifice Staff’s effect “grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 during combat to allies within 2 spaces of unit.” When this effect is activated alongside skills that trigger after comparing stat values (like Heavy Blade), the increase in stat value isn’t taken into account. We will address the issue so that skills comparing stat values are determined correctly, based on the stat values after the effect mentioned above is triggered.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: official website
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 7.5.0
- Release date: May 8th 2023 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 26MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ A new event, Seer’s Snare, is coming!
A new event where you make your way across the Timeless Rift, Seer’s Snare, is about to begin. With time itself as your ally, try to return to your original world through the distortion of space-time!Seer’s Snare is an event in which you press ahead through various diverging branches of time while strengthening your allies. You can use event-specific stamina to move forward, while choosing from the various paths.
There are a total of four different kinds of areas in this world: Normal Battles, Boss Battles, Vanir Seals, and Safe Havens. When you proceed into a battle area, there will be a battle! At first, your allies’ A, B, and C skills and Sacred Seals will be sealed. Also, there are unique color advantage differences.
You can obtain skills and Rift Vessels as Battle Rewards for clearing areas. Rift Vessels are items that can be used in Vanir Seal areas. They can be exchanged for desired skills or used to unlock sealed skills.
Many skills can be equipped in this world thanks to the power of time. Equip your allies with skills you’ve obtained and engage in Boss Battles.
If you get stuck partway through, activate Unwind Time from the event’s main page. You can either return to the beginning or return to just after the last sub-boss you defeated. Your consumed stamina will return accordingly.
By playing once each day, you can earn rewards like Orbs and Dragonflowers! Also, each time you reach a new point in the Timeless Rift, you can earn rewards such as Orbs, Dragonflowers, and Divine Codes.
Note: You will only receive the reward for arriving at a location for the first time. Even if you use Unwind Time and choose another path, you will not be able to receive the reward again.
In Seer’s Snare, there are two bonus titles set for each event. Heroes from bonus titles will have their stats increased, and also, in addition to expanded skill slots, they will get a free skill slot that can be equipped with A, B, or C Skills!
The first bonus titles are Fire Emblem Awakening and Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem.
The event is scheduled to be held for the first time starting 14/5/2023 7:00(UTC) More details and gameplay tips will be included in notifications leading up to the event.
You can see a small preview of this event in action in the recently released Feh Channel (Apr. 20, 2023) video. We even touch on things like formation tips and unique color affinities. We hope you take a look!
■ New skills are being added for a Legendary Hero and Mythic Hero
Of the Heroes that appear in Legendary & Mythic Hero Remixes, Líf: Lethal Swordsman and Edelgard: Flame Emperor are gaining new skills.
○ New skills
・ B Skill
Deadly Balance+
At start of combat, if unit’s HP ≥ 25% or
if【Penalty】is active on unit, inflicts
Atk/Spd/Def-5 on foe, inflicts Special cooldown
charge -1 on foe per attack (only highest value
applied; does not stack), and grants Special
cooldown charge +1 to unit per foe’s attack
(only highest value applied; does not stack;
Special cooldown charge granted even if foe’s
attack deals 0 damage) during combat, and
also, if Special triggers, neutralizes “reduces
damage by X%” effects from non-Special
skills (excluding area-of-effect Specials).
If Special triggers before or during combat,
grants Special cooldown count-2 to unit
after combat.【Penalty】
All effects that last “on foe through its next
action.” Includes penalties inflicted by a skill
like Panic or Threaten and negative status
effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting
movement, or the effects of a skill like
Triangle Adept or Guard).This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.
・ C Skill
Even Tempest 3
At start of even-numbered turns, unit can
move 1 extra space. (That turn only. Does
not stack.)
・ A Skill
Atk/Res Ideal 4
At start of combat, if unit’s HP = 100% or
if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Res+7
to unit during combat. At start of combat, if
unit’s HP = 100% and【Bonus】is active
on unit, grants an additional Atk/Res+2 to unit
during combat.【Bonus】
All effects that last “for 1 turn” or “that turn
only.” Includes bonuses granted by a skill
like Rally or Hone and positive status effects
(extra movement or effects like Dominance).・B Skill
Raging Storm II
If unit initiates combat, grants another action
to unit if unit is not adjacent to an ally after
combat. (Once per turn. If a skill that moves
unit after combat is used, references unit’s
position after that movement occurs.) At start
of combat, if unit’s HP ≥ 25% or unit is not
adjacent to an ally, inflicts Atk/Def-5 on foe
and unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack
during combat, and also, if foe uses dragonstone
or beast damage, neutralizes effects that
prevent unit’s follow-up attacks during combat.
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.Líf: Lethal Swordsman and Edelgard: Flame Emperor are receiving new weapon skills to refine at the same time, so be sure to check the section of this notification labeled “New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added” in conjunction with this section.
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated
With the release of Ver. 7.5.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 5) from events and exchange them for an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 28/6/2023 6:59(UTC).
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 5) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 7.5.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 4) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 7.5.0.■ New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added
The following Heroes will be able to learn these new character-specific weapon skills at 5★:
Freeblade’s Edge
Hero who can learn this skill: Eyvel: Mistress of FianaPupil’s Tome
Hero who can learn this skill: Ewan: Eager StudentValbar’s Lance
Hero who can learn this skill: Valbar: Open and HonestRevenger Lance
Hero who can learn this skill: Cormag: Aloof Lanceman・ The weapons above can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after they have been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons will be able to be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Hero who can learn this skill: Líf: Lethal SwordsmanAymr
Hero who can learn this skill: Edelgard: Flame EmperorScepter of Love
Hero who can learn this skill: Alm: Lovebird DuoNotes:
・ We will fix the graphics for the Aymr weapon in Edelgard: Flame Emperor’s sprite in this update. This change will apply regardless of whether or not the weapon has been refined.
・ To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.■ New Memento Events are being added to Heroes Journey
○ New Memento Events are being added.
■ Aether Raids is being updated
○ Some structures will have their level cap increased.
・ Catapult (O/D): up to level 11
○ Aether Resort is being updated.
・ Two new songs will be added to the Concert Hall: “Move Out!” from the Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance game and “Another Day of Training?” from the Fire Emblem Engage game.
■ Summoner Duels is being updated
○ You will be able to increase your Favor Level to level 3,100.
This will be in effect with the season starting 16/5/2023 7:00(UTC)
■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Michalis: Fruiting Ambition
・ Vigarde: Silent Emperor■ Other Changes
○ An illustration for Lucius: Calming Light will be adjusted.
○ An illustration for Tana: Soaring Princess will be adjusted.
○ An illustration for Peony: Álfar Dream Duo will be adjusted.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: official website
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 7.4.0
- Release date: April 6th 2023 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 21.17MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated
With the release of Ver. 7.4.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 4) from events and exchange them for an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 4) will be able to be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 28/5/2023 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 4) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 7.4.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 3) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 7.4.0.■ New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added
The following Heroes will be able to learn these new character-specific weapon skills at 5★:
Wizened Breath
Hero who can learn this skill: Bantu: Tiki’s GuardianMasked Lance
Hero who can learn this skill: Conrad: Masked KnightStaff of Lilies
Hero who can learn this skill: Silque: Adherent of Mila・ The weapons above can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after they have been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons will be able to be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Imbued Koma
Hero who can learn this skill: Alfonse: Askran DuoVictorious Axe
Hero who can learn this skill: Edelgard: The FutureNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ New Memento Events are being added to Heroes Journey
○ New Memento Events are being added.
■ The Arena is being updated
○ Changes to Chain Rewards
The number of Arena Medals you receive after four consecutive wins in the Arena has been increased from 100 to 200. This will be applied to all seasons starting on or after 11/4/2023 7:00(UTC)
■ Aether Raids is being updated
○ Some structures will have their level cap increased.
・ Infantry School (O/D): up to level 11
・ Armor School (O/D): up to level 11
・ Cavalry School (O/D): up to level 11
・ Flier School (O/D): up to level 11○ Aether Resort is being updated.
・ Two new songs will be added to the Concert Hall: “Tactics” from the Fire Emblem: Three Houses game and “Mighty Governance” from the Fire Emblem Engage game.
■ Summoner Duels is being updated
○ You will be able to increase your Favor Level to level 3,000.
This will be in effect with the season starting 11/4/2023 7:00(UTC)
■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Effie: Dedicated Heart
・ Ludveck: Rebellious Duke■ Other Changes
○ We will address a bug that may trigger an incorrect calculation in the combat forecast when the player attacks a foe Lucia: Tireless Advisor. For details about this issue, please see the notification titled Regarding a Temporary Issue in the Combat Forecast when Attacking Lucia: Tireless Advisor.
○ We will correct the effects of the Killing Intent+ skill. We will address an issue which causes Thrasir: Omnicidal Witch’s Killing Intent+ skill to produce unintended effects. For details about this issue, please see the notification titled About the Killing Intent+ Skill.
○ We will address a loading time issue that occurs when returning to the Home screen after finishing a battle.
○ An illustration for Legion: Masked Maniac will be adjusted.
One of the illustrated poses for Legion: Masked Maniac will be adjusted
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: official website
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 7.3.1
- Release date: March 19th 2023 (North America) / March 20th 2023 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 23.26MB (Android)
- Additional download: No
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Update to support future data distribution.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: game
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 7.3.0
- Release date: March 5th 2023 (North America) / March 6th 2023 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 24.14MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ New skills are being added for a Legendary and Mythic Hero
Of the Heroes that appear in Legendary & Mythic Hero Remixes, Celica: Queen of Valentia and Mila: Goddess of Love are gaining new skills.
○ New Skills
・ B skill
Soul of Zofia II
Neutralizes effects that guarantee foe’s
follow-up attacks and effects that prevent
unit’s follow-up attacks during combat. If unit
initiates combat, unit can make a follow-up
attack before foe can counterattack. At start of
combat, if unit’s HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Spd-5 on
foe and reduces the percentage of foe’s
non-Special “reduce damage by X%” skills by
50% (example: a foe with a “reduce damage by
45%” skill would reduce damage by 23%
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.・ C Skill
Atk/Spd Menace
At start of turn, if unit is within 4 spaces of
a foe, inflicts Atk/Spd-6 on closest foes through
their next actions and grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit
for 1 turn.
・ B Skill
Dragon Wall 3
If unit’s Res > foe’s Res, reduces damage from
attacks during combat and from area-of-effect
Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect
Specials) by percentage = difference between
stats × 4 (max 40%).・ C Skill
Mila’s Turnwheel II
At the start of turn, grants “foe cannot make
a follow-up attack” to unit for 1 turn and
inflicts【Isolation】and【Guard】on foes
in cardinal directions with Def < unit’s Def
through their next actions.If deployed in Aether Raids offense during Light
season, grants Turn Limit+1. (If the Turn Limit
is 7, it will increase to 8, etc.)【Isolation】
Target cannot use or be the target of Assist
skills through its next action. (Target can
neither use nor be the target of skills like
Dance and Sing, skills that neutralize penalties,
like Restore and Harsh Command+, etc.)【Guard】
Inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on target
per attack during combat through its next action.
(Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.
Celica: Queen of Valentia and Mila: Goddess of Love are receiving new weapon skills to refine at the same time, so be sure to check the section of this notification labeled “New weapons to refine are being added” in conjunction with this section.
■ Divine Codes (Part 4) will be added
New Divine Codes that can be used to compile Normal Combat Manuals, Divine Codes (Part 4) will become available! Mjölnir’s Strike and other events from which Divine Codes can be obtained will, after the update, switch from Divine Codes (Part 3) to Divine Codes (Part 4).
・ The Divine Codes available as rewards from Resonant Battles will switch with the season starting 7/3/2023 7:00(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Part 2) and Divine Codes (Part 3) will only be available as rewards in Summoner Duels Favor Battles.
Also, along with the addition of Divine Codes (Part 4), there will be a new Normal 4 category added to the Compile menu. There are Ascended Hero Combat Manuals in Normal 4 as well, so please be sure to check it out!Note: If you compile a Combat Manual for an Ascended Hero that you haven’t made your ally, you will not receive an Ascendant Floret.
Please note that you will still be able to compile Normal 1 through 3 Combat Manuals after the update. Normal 1 Combat Manuals are generally compiled with Divine Codes (Part 1), and so on, but if you don’t have enough older Divine Codes, you can supplement them with Divine Codes (Part 4). Older Divine Codes will be prioritized.
Example: If you wish to compile a Normal 1 Combat Manual that requires 1,200 Divine Codes and do not have any Divine Codes (Part 1), but do have 100 Divine Codes (Part 2), 200 Divine Codes (Part 3), and 1,000 Divine Codes (Part 4), the Divine Codes (Part 2) will be consumed first, followed by your Divine Codes (Part 3), and then finally your Divine Codes (Part 4).
Note: You cannot compile Combat Manuals that require new Divine Codes by using older Divine Codes.
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated
With the release of Ver. 7.3.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 3) from events and exchange them from an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 3) will be able to be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 28/4/2023 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 3) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 7.3.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 2) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 7.3.0.■ New weapons to refine are being added
The following weapons will be able to be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Creator Sword
Heroes who can learn this skill: Byleth: Tested Professor and Byleth: Proven ProfessorMercurius
Hero who can learn this skill: Astram: Midia’s HeroSol Lance
Hero who can learn this skill: Forsyth: Loyal LieutenantSaintly Seraphim
Hero who can learn this skill: Celica: Queen of ValentiaNurturing Breath
Hero who can learn this skill: Mila: Goddess of LoveNew Foxkit Fang
Hero who can learn this skill: Selkie: New Year’s SpiritNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ New Memento Events are being added to Heroes Journey
○ New Memento Events are being added.
■ Aether Raids is being updated
○ Some structures will have their level cap increased.
・ Bolt Tower (O/D): up to level 10
○ Aether Resort is being updated.
・ Two new songs will be added to the Concert Hall: “On Day Patrol, Divine One?” from the Fire Emblem Engage game and “Coming Demise” from the Fire Emblem Fates games.
■ Summoner Duels is being updated
○ You will be able to increase your Favor Level to level 2,900.
This will be in effect with the season starting 14/3/2023 7:00(UTC)
○ A new Captain Skill is being added.
・Headlong Rush
At the start of turns 2 through 5, grants
【Charge】and【Canto (1)】to captain for
1 turn.【Charge】
Unit can move up to 3 spaces in any cardinal
direction. (Cannot move through foes, terrain
that blocks movement, or effects of skills like
Obstruct. Granted movement treated as
Warp movement.)【Canto (1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure
destruction, unit can move 1 space(s).(Unit moves according to movement type. Once
per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest
value applied. Does not stack. After moving,
if a skill that grants another action would be
triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will
trigger after the granted action. Unit’s base
movement has no effect on movement granted.
Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy)
a distance greater than 1 space(s).)Note: The new Captain Skill will be able to be used in the season beginning 14/3/2023 7:00(UTC)
■ Additional Heroes will be available via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・Soren: Wind of Tradition
・Lumera: Dragon Monarch
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: official website
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 7.2.0
- Release date: February 5th 2023 (North America) / February 6th 2023 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: Yes (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 24.34MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ Summoning events are being updated
As introduced in Feh Channel February 1, 2023, we are making updates to some summoning events.
○ The Focus Charge feature is being added!
We will add a Focus Charge feature to all summoning events that have 5★ and 5★ focus Hero categories.
Focus Charge is a new feature that will be activated after you summon three non-focus 5★ Heroes and will increase the appearance rate of 5★ focus Heroes by the amount of the non-focus 5★ Hero category, reducing the non-focus 5★ Hero category’s appearance rate to 0%.
When a 5★ Hero is summoned while the Focus Charge feature is active, it is guaranteed to be a 5★ focus Hero.
・ This feature will be available for some summoning events only when you are subscribed to Feh Pass.
・ The Focus Charge feature will not be available for summoning events that began at or before 6/2/2023 7:00(UTC), including the Hero Fest, even after 7/2/2023 7:00(UTC)See the notification titled Feh Channel Supplement, Part 1: Focus Charge for details about this feature and which events it is available for.
○ The 4★ Special Hero Special Rate is being updated.
Forty Special Heroes who appeared between February of 2019 and January of 2020 will appear in the 4★ Special Hero Special Rate category.
Also, we will add 10 types of Special Hero summoning event revivals for which the 4★ Special Hero Special Rate will be set.
Note: This change will be applied for the first time for the Special Heroes Revival: Greil’s Devoted summoning event starting on 24/2/2023 7:00(UTC)
See the notification titled Feh Channel Supplement, Part 2: 4★ SH Special Rate for details.
○ Legendary & Mythic Hero Remixes will be updated.
The following Legendary and Mythic Heroes will appear anew in Legendary & Mythic Hero Remixes.
・ Peony: Sweet Dream
・ Celica: Queen of Valentia
・ Líf: Lethal Swordsman
・ Chrom: Crowned Exalt
・ Bramimond: The Enigma
・ Edelgard: Flame Emperor
・ Mila: Goddess of LoveNote: The seven Legendary and Mythic Heroes who are being added will no longer appear in normal Legendary and Mythic Hero summoning events.
Also, starting with Ver. 7.2.0, two Remix events will be held simultaneously each time.
Don’t let this chance to meet even more Legendary and Mythic Heroes pass you by!
○ Weekly Revival summoning events will be improved.
Nineteen 5★ Heroes will be added to Weekly Revival summoning events, and they will appear in the 4★ Special Rate category in other summoning events after that.
See the notification titled Feh Channel Supplement, Part 3: Heroes Added to Weekly Revival Summoning Focuses and Their Schedule for details.
■ New skills are being added for Mythic Heroes
Of the Heroes that appear in Legendary & Mythic Hero Remixes, Thrasir: Omnicidal Witch and Peony: Sweet Dream are gaining new skills.
○ New skills
・ A Skill
Atk/Spd Ideal 4
At start of combat, if unit’s HP = 100% or
if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd+7
to unit during combat. At start of combat, if
unit’s HP = 100% and【Bonus】is active
on unit, grants an additional Atk/Spd+2 to unit
during combat.【Bonus】
All effects that last “for 1 turn” or “that turn
only.” Includes bonuses granted by a skill
like Rally or Hone and positive status effects
(extra movement or effects like Dominance).・ B Skill
Killing Intent+
At start of turn, inflicts【Exposure】on nearest
foes within 5 spaces of unit and foes within
2 spaces of those foes through their next
actions. At start of combat, if foe’s HP ≤ 99%
or if【Penalty】is active on foe, inflicts
Spd/Res-5 on foe during combat, and also, if
unit initiates combat, unit can make a follow-up
attack before foe can counterattack.【Exposure】
Foe’s attacks deal +10 damage.【Penalty】
All effects that last “on foe through its next
action.” Includes penalties inflicted by a skill
like Panic or Threaten and negative status
effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting
movement, or the effects of a skill like
Triangle Adept or Guard).This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.
・ Assist Skill
Gentle Dream+
Range: 1
Grants another action to target ally. Grants
Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 and the following statuses
to target ally and allies in cardinal directions
of unit and target (excluding unit): “unit can
move to a space adjacent to any ally within 2
spaces” and “neutralizes penalties.” (That turn
only. Cannot target an ally with Sing or Dance.
This skill treated as Sing or Dance.)
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.・ C Skill
Cross Spur Res
Grants Res+5 to allies in cardinal directions
of unit during combat.Thrasir: Omnicidal Witch and Peony: Sweet Dream are receiving new weapon skills to refine at the same time, so be sure to check the section of this notification labeled “New weapon skills and weapons to refine have been added” in conjunction with this section.
■ The Arena is being updated.
○ New effects are being added to Legendary Heroes who are Arena Bonus Heroes.
Starting with the Arena season that begins at 7/2/2023 7:00(UTC), Legendary Heroes who are set as Arena Bonus Heroes will have two special effects in addition to their normal Bonus Hero effects.
1. Highest-score effect
2. Insurance effect when losingSee the notification titled Feh Channel Supplement, Part 4: Legendary Heroes for Arena Bonus Heroes for details.
○ The Free Summon reward for getting five consecutive wins in Arena Duels will be updated.
The First Summon Ticket that you can get by getting five consecutive wins in Arena Duels will switch to one that works for Free Summon: Arena Reward 2.
The improvements being made to Weekly Revival summoning events in Ver. 7.2.0 will be reflected in Free Summon: Arena Reward 2.The switch to this Free Summon: Arena Reward 2 ticket will begin with the season starting 7/2/2023 7:00(UTC)
Note: The Free Summon: Arena Reward 1 summoning event will end at 1/3/2023 6:59(UTC). Please keep in mind that the Arena Reward 1 tickets cannot be used on the Free Summon: Arena Reward 2 summoning event.
○ Additional maps
We will add new maps for the season starting 7/2/2023 7:00(UTC)
■ New Memento Events are being added to Heroes Journey
○ New Memento Events are being added.
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated
With the release of Ver. 7.2.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 2) from events and exchange them from an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 2) will be able to be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 28/3/2023 6:59(UTC).
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 2) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 7.2.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 1) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 7.2.0.■ New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added
The following Heroes will be able to learn these new character-specific weapon skills at 5★:
Command Lance
Hero who can learn this skill: Sigrun: Loyal ProtectorVolunteer Bow
Hero who can learn this skill: Norne: The Volunteer・ The weapons above can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after they have been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons will be able to be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Astra Blade
Hero who can learn this skill: Catria: Mild Middle SisterNoble Lance
Hero who can learn this skill: Dimitri: The ProtectorFlower of Joy
Hero who can learn this skill: Peony: Sweet DreamÍfingr
Hero who can learn this skill: Thrasir: Omnicidal WitchGuardian Fang
Hero who can learn this skill: Lethe: New Year’s ClawNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ Aether Raids is being updated
○ Some structures will have their level cap increased.
・ Dark Shrine (O/D): up to level 10
○ Aether Resort is being updated.
・ Two new songs will be added to the Concert Hall: “Keep Marching On” from the Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon game and “Preparations” from the Fire Emblem Engage game.
・ You will be able to purchase new accessories at the Accessory Shop.
Twenty-three new types of 8-bit renditions of Heroes will be available.■ Summoner Duels is being updated
○ You will be able to increase your Favor Level to level 2,800.
This will be in effect with the season starting 14/2/2023 7:00(UTC)
○ Your tier will no longer decrease, regardless of what tier you are in, while the Summoner Duels S event is active, even if you lose.
Note: Tiers above a certain threshold may still decrease at the start of the following season based on the results of the Glory reset.
■ Additional Heroes will be available via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・Hans: Ambitious Brute
・Bruno: Masked Reveler
・Yarne: Hoppy New Year■ Other Changes
○ The limit on Hero Merit will increase from 8,000 to 9,000.
○ Place names from the Fire Emblem Heroes and Fire Emblem Engage games will be added to the Profile Card.
○ The behavior of Céline: Joyous Royal’s weapon skill, Joyous Tome, will be revised to match its description.
See the notification titled About the Joyous Tome skill for details.
○ An illustration for Cordelia: Unyielding Snow will be adjusted.
One of the illustrated poses for Cordelia: Unyielding Snow will be adjusted
Additional changes:
- fixes issue impacting Céline (Joyous Royal)’s Joyous Tome skill (see in-game notification for more details)
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: official website
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 7.1.0
- Release date: January 9th 2023 (North America, UK) / January 10th 2023 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 24.68MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ New skills are being added for a Legendary and Mythic Hero
Of the Heroes that appear in Legendary & Mythic Hero Remixes, Leif: Unifier of Thracia and Altina: Dawn’s Trueblade are gaining new skills.
○ New skills
・ Special Skill
Njörun’s Zeal II
Cooldown: 3
At the start of turn 1, grants Special cooldown
count-1. If unit initiates combat and Special is
triggered, grants unit another action after
combat. (Activates after combat where Special
is triggered. Once per turn.) When Special
triggers, inflicts “restricts movement to 1 space”
on unit and Pair Up cohort through their
next action.
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.・ C Skill
Joint Drive Atk
Grants Atk+4 to allies within 2 spaces during
combat. If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally,
grants Atk+4 to unit during combat.
・ A Skill
Ashera’s Chosen+
Neutralizes “effective against flying” bonuses.
If unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies,
if unit is not adjacent to any ally, or if foe’s
HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants
Atk/Def/Res+9 to unit during combat, and also,
if unit’s Res > foe’s Res, deals damage = 70%
of the difference between stats (max 7) and
reduces damage from attacks during combat
and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding
Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage =
difference between stats × 4 (max 40%).
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.・ C Skill
Atk/Def Hold
Inflicts Atk/Def-4 on foes within 3 spaces
during combat.Leif: Unifier of Thracia and Altina: Dawn’s Trueblade are receiving new weapon skills to refine at the same time, so be sure to check the section of this notification labeled “New weapons to refine are being added” in conjunction with this section.
■ New Memento Events are being added to Heroes Journey
○ New Memento Events are being added.
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated
With the release of Ver. 7.1.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 1) from events and exchange them from an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 1) will be able to be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 28/2/2023 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 1) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 7.1.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 12) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 7.1.0.■ New weapons to refine are being added
The following weapons will be able to be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Heroes who can learn this skill: Altina: Dawn’s Trueblade and Altina: Cross-Time DuoSable Lance
Hero who can learn this skill: Sirius: Mysterious KnightScythe of Sariel
Hero who can learn this skill: Death Knight: The ReaperSnow’s Grace
Hero who can learn this skill: Sothis: Silver SpecterMeisterbogen
Hero who can learn this skill: Leif: Unifier of ThraciaCunning Bow
Hero who can learn this skill: Claude: The SchemerNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ Aether Raids is being updated
○ Some structures will have their level cap increased.
・ Bright Shrine (O/D): up to level 10
○ Aether Resort is being updated.
・ Two new songs will be added to the Concert Hall: “Sara” from the Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 game and “Flickering Illusion” from the Fire Emblem Fates games.
■ Summoner Duels is being updated
○ You will be able to increase your Favor Level to level 2,700.
This will be in effect with the season starting 17/1/2023 7:00(UTC)
■ Additional Heroes will be available via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・Haar: Tempest Runner
・Matthis: Brother to Lena■ Other Changes
○ We will revise some of the colors for Cherche: Shaded by Wings’s sprite.
○ We will revise the animation for Nils: Wandering Star and Nils: Bright Bard when a special is activated.
○ We will fix an issue in which you cannot receive rewards from Lost Lore when the amount you receive is more than the cap.
You will be able to receive the rewards for the items up until the cap when you receive more than the cap on how many you can hold.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: official website
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 7.0.0
- Release date: December 4th 2022 (North America) / December 5th 2022 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: Yes (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 28.06MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ Book VII of the main story begins
Starting 12/6/2022 11:00 p.m.(PT), Book VII of the main story will open.The Order of Heroes is battling alongside the summoner against Gullveig, the golden seer who has the power to manipulate time, and they fall in the conflict… Alfonse and his companions take the hand of Seiðr, a goddess of Vanaheimr, the realm of light, in order to prevent this vision of the future from coming to pass.
Book VII plays out across the past, present, and future, so the order of the chapters is designed to match the timelines of each act. Chapters 13 and 5 of Book VII will be released with Ver. 7.0.0, but you can enjoy the story in the order it is released, as normal.
5★ Mythic Hero Seiðr: Goddess of Hope will join your barracks if you clear Part 5 of Chapter 13 of Book VII.
Be sure to watch the Book VII Opening Movie, woven together by the beautiful light Seiðr radiates and Gullveig’s unsettling golden light! You can jump right into the story of Book VII even if you haven’t completed Books I through VI
And to celebrate the beginning of Book VII, starting 12/6/2022 11:00 p.m.(PT), we will be holding the Book VII Begins: Seiðr and More summoning event and a Book VII Begins Celebration!
In this New Heroes summoning event, Seiðr: Goddess of Hope is available as a part of the 5★ focus category along with New Heroes from Fire Emblem Fates.
Note: Because Seiðr: Goddess of Hope is a Mythic Hero, she does not appear in normal summoning events. The next time she is scheduled to appear in a summoning event is this month’s Legendary Hero summoning event.
You can make two copies of 5★ Hero Kiragi: Upbeat Archer your ally by completing quests, and there will be Log-In Bonuses from which you can get Dragonflowers and more as part of the Book VII Begins celebratory events!
■ You can make Heroes you met in Binding Worlds your allies!
You can now make Heroes with whom you have swapped in Binding Worlds your allies as Forma!
You can use the new Otherworld Bond item and make a Hero with whom you swapped your ally.
The Hero will become your ally as a Forma when you consume an Otherworld Bond.○ What is inherited from the original Hero
・The skills the original Hero had equipped will be equipped as-is to the Hero when they become your ally. Also, they will have the skills they would ordinarily possess when summoned as a 5★ Hero. On top of that, the skills that the Hero in question can learn at 5★ will be available for the Forma to learn by consuming SP.
・Traits will also be inherited as-is from the original Hero; however, Ascended Assets will not.○ Things that are not impacted by the original Hero’s status
・ All Heroes will join your barracks as level 40 5★ Heroes at all times.
・ They will join your barracks with the maximum amount of bonuses from Dragonflowers available at the time they join your barracks.
・ Merges are not inherited.
・ Ascended Assets are not inherited.
・ You will not receive a blessing even if you make a Legendary or Mythic Hero your ally.
・ Blessings, Sacred Seals, and accessories will not be equipped.
・ Resplendent Attire will not be inherited. Your settings for Resplendent Attire will be applied at all times.Also, in Binding Worlds you can make a Hero your ally any time from when the event begins to 30 days after it ends!
With the addition of this feature the name of the Hero Records screen has been changed to Recruit Forma in Ver. 7.0.0.
Things to keep in mind when making a Hero your ally in Binding Worlds
・ You can only make one Hero your ally per event.
・ You can only make Heroes from Ver. 4.11.0 or earlier your allies.
・ You cannot make Alfonse: Prince of Askr, Sharena: Princess of Askr, or Anna: Commander your allies as Forma.
・ You cannot have other Heroes inherit skills from your Forma.
・ You cannot use the Forma as the source ally in a merge. (You can use a Hero as a source ally in a merge with a Forma.)
・ Two of the same Forma can be used in a merge. Also, Forma you made your ally from Hall of Forms and Binding Worlds can be used in a merge even if they joined your barracks from each of the different events.
・ You cannot make Forma into Combat Manuals.・ You cannot make Heroes from the Binding Worlds events that were held from Ver. 6.8.0 to Ver. 6.10.0 your allies.
・ The status of the Forma that joins your barracks or appears in your Recruit Forma screen is based on the status of the Hero when you swapped with them, and changes made to their skills or traits by the original Hero’s original owner after you swapped with them do not impact them, since the Hero is registered at the time the swap was performed.You can see the name of the original owner of the Hero the Forma originated from in the Forma’s detailed stats screen.
You can also set the player name not to display. If you want to set it not to display their name, turn Display Usernames with Forma Units off in the Settings menu.
Even if you set it to on, your friends or other players cannot see it.
Also, you cannot see if the Heroes you have dispatched have joined someone else’s barracks as a Forma.Otherworld Bonds are available from Otherworld Bond Packs as bonuses. Please see the shop while the pack is available for purchase for the price.
・ Be aware that Otherworld Bonds cannot be transferred between different operating systems.The Binding Worlds for Ver. 7.0.0 will be held from 12/10/2022 11:00 p.m.(PT) to 12/20/2022 11:00 p.m.(PT), and the period you can make Heroes from the event your ally is scheduled to be from 12/10/2022 11:00 p.m.(PT) to 1/19/2023 11:00 p.m.(PT)
Sales of Otherworld Bond Packs will begin at the same time the event does.
■ The Arena has been updated
Starting with the season that begins 12/5/2022 11:00 p.m.(PT), a Free Summon: Arena Reward 1 ticket will appear as a reward for getting a 5-win streak in the Arena!
4★ Special Rate Heroes are guaranteed to appear in this summoning event.
You can only summon in this summoning event when you have obtained a summoning ticket as a reward from the Arena. You cannot summon in this summoning event using Orbs.
This free summon ticket reward can be obtained every season starting with the one that begins 12/5/2022 11:00 p.m.(PT)
See the notification entitled Free Summon: Arena Reward 1 for information on the Heroes that appear in the 4★ Special Rate.
Also, Ver. 1 Heroes will be set as Bonus Heroes for the season that begins 12/5/2022 11:00 p.m.(PT)
All Ver. 1 Heroes will be treated as Bonus Heroes along with 9 other Heroes.
Seasons in which Heroes of specific versions will be Bonus Heroes are scheduled to be held at regular intervals in the future.
■ Aether Raids has been updated
○ Aether Resort has been updated.
・ You will be able to grow new ingredients: potatoes and mushrooms.
Once the crop comes in, be sure to drop by the Dining Hall and see what delightful new dishes your intrepid chefs can cook up!
・ New toys were added to the Hot Spring and Inn.
・ You can now purchase new accessories at the Accessory Shop.
Some 8-bit renditions of Heroes who played major roles in the main story, such as Fjorm and Eir, are now available in the shop.
・ Two new songs have been added to the Concert Hall: “Enticing Dance” from the Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade game and “A Guide for the Future” from the Fire Emblem: Three Houses game.
○ Some structures have had their level cap increased.
・ Tactics Room (O/D): up to level 10
○ When Safety Fence (O)’s effect is triggered, it will now light up.
■ The limit on the number of friends you can have has been increased
The limit on the number of friends you can have has been increased from 150 to 200.
Send friend requests to players who catch your eye in Binding Worlds or Aether Raids!
■ New Memento Events are being added to Heroes Journey
New Memento Events are being added!
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated
With the release of Ver. 7.0.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 12) from events and exchange them from an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 12) will be able to be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 28/1/2023 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 12) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 7.0.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 11) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 7.0.0.■ New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added
The following Hero will be able to learn this new character-specific weapon skill at 5★:
Retainer’s Report
Hero who can learn this skill: Hubert: Sinister Servant・ The weapon above can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after it has been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons will be able to be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Oracle’s Breath
Hero who can learn this skill: Nah: Little MissReginleif
Hero who can learn this skill: Ephraim: Dynastic DuoTanngrisnir
Hero who can learn this skill: Marth: Royal Altean DuoAthame
Hero who can learn this skill: Kronya: Gleaming BladeNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ Summoner Duels is being updated
○ You will be able to increase your Favor Level to level 2,600.
This will be in effect with the season starting 13/12/2022 7:00(UTC)
○ A new Captain Skill is being added.
・ Tandem Form
Grants Atk/Spd+4 to captain during combat.
At the start of turns 2 through 5, grants “unit
can move to a space adjacent to any ally
within 2 spaces” to captain and allies
within 2 spaces of captain for 1 turn.Note: The new Captain Skill will be able to be used in the season beginning 13/12/2022 7:00(UTC)
○ Only your Summoner Duels Combat Animation settings will be applied in replays.
Even if your opponent has their combat animations set to off, if you have yours set to on, animations will play in replays.■ Aether Raids is being updated
○ Some structures will have their level cap increased.
・ Tactics Room (O/D): up to level 10
○ When Safety Fence (O)’s effect is triggered, it will now light up.
○ Aether Resort is being updated.
・ Two new songs will be added to the Concert Hall: “Enticing Dance” from the Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade game and “A Guide for the Future” from the Fire Emblem: Three Houses game.
■ Additional Heroes will be available via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Nils: Wandering Star
・ Cervantes: Invincible General■ Updates to the Allies Menu
○ We will improve it so that Rearmed Heroes can be set in the source ally slot in the Inherit Skill screen even if they are set as a favorite ally.
○ It will now be possible for a Hero who has been merged to +10, has 9,999 SP and is used as a target ally in Merge Allies to inherit skills, etc., by performing a merge.
Note: Their merge value will not increase past +10.○ Ascended and Rearmed will be added to the Hero Type filter.
■ Other Changes
○ Auto-Battle Animations will be added to the Settings menu.
You will be able to set whether or not to play battle animations when using Auto-Battle separately from your other settings.○ An issue in which the events on the map display inaccurately when Save skills are activated will be resolved.
When a Save skill is activated the Hero with the Save skill appears on top of the Hero they are protecting on the map. We will fix an issue in which, in some circumstances, the Hero being protected displays on top.○ We will fix an issue in which, when Robin: Fell Tactician has an accessory equipped, the accessory stops being displayed in the middle of battle animations.
○ An illustration for Sonya: Dazzling Rabbits will be adjusted.
One of the illustrated poses for Sonya: Dazzling Rabbits will be adjusted.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: official website
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 6.11.0
- Release date: November 7th 2022 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 25.90MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ New skills are being added for a Legendary and Mythic Hero
Of the Heroes that appear in Legendary & Mythic Hero Remixes, Eliwood: Blazing Knight and Yune: Chaos Goddess are gaining new skills.
○ New skills
・ B Skill
Flow Refresh 3
If unit initiates combat, neutralizes effects that
prevent unit’s follow-up attacks and restores
10 HP to unit after combat.・ C Skill
Vision of Arcadia II
At start of turn, if a dragon or beast ally is
deployed, grants Atk/Spd/Def+6,【Null Panic】,
and 【Canto (1)】 to unit and ally with the
highest Atk (excluding unit) for 1 turn.【Null Panic】
If unit is inflicted with Panic (bonuses converted
into penalties), neutralizes the “converts
bonuses on target into penalties” effect for
1 turn. (Even though the effect is neutralized,
the Panic status remains, and is treated as a
Penalty status.)【Canto (1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure
destruction, unit can move 1 space(s).(Unit moves according to movement type. Once
per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest
value applied. Does not stack. After moving,
if a skill that grants another action would be
triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will
trigger after the granted action. Unit’s base
movement has no effect on movement granted.
Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy)
a distance greater than 1 space(s).)This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.
・ A Skill
Atk/Res Unity
If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants
Atk/Res+5 and bonus to Atk/Res during
combat = current penalty on each of those
stats × 2. (Example: if unit has -7 penalty to
Atk, grants Atk+19, for a net bonus of Atk+12.)
Calculates each stat bonus independently.・ C Skill
Chaos Named+
At start of turn, if any foes have the highest
Atk, Spd, Def, or Res on the enemy team,
inflicts -7 on the corresponding stat of those
foes and foes within 2 spaces of those foes
through their next actions. At start of turn, if
any foes have the highest Atk, Spd, Def, or Res
on the enemy team, inflicts【Panic】on
those foes.【Panic】
Converts bonuses on target into penalties
through its next action.This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.
Eliwood: Blazing Knight and Yune: Chaos Goddess are receiving new weapon skills to refine at the same time, so be sure to check the section of this notification labeled “New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added” in conjunction with this section.
■ New Memento Events are being added to Heroes Journey
New Memento Events are being added!
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated
With the release of Ver. 6.11.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 11) from events and exchange them from an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 11) will be able to be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 28/12/2022 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 11) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 6.11.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 10) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 6.11.0.■ New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added
The following Hero will be able to learn this new character-specific weapon skill at 5★:
Lance of Heroics
Hero who can learn this skill: Cynthia: Hero ChaserSnide Bow
Hero who can learn this skill: Python: Apathetic Archer・ The weapon above can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after it has been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons will be able to be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Conjurer Curios
Hero who can learn this skill: Hector: Dressed-Up DuoArdent Durandal
Hero who can learn this skill: Eliwood: Blazing KnightHunting Blade
Hero who can learn this skill: Petra: Princess of BrigidChaos Manifest
Hero who can learn this skill: Yune: Chaos GoddessSavage Breath
Hero who can learn this skill: Corrin: Wailing SoulNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ Summoner Duels is being updated
○ You will be able to increase your Favor Level to level 2,500.
This will be in effect with the season starting 15/11/2022 7:00(UTC)
■ Aether Raids is being updated
○ Some structures will have their level cap increased.
・ Healing Tower (O/D): up to level 10
○ Aether Resort is being updated.
・ Two new songs will be added to the Concert Hall: “Ships and Homes” from the Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade game and “Preparations: Reunion” from the Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia game.
■ Additional Heroes will be available via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Mordecai: Gentle Firetender
・ Holst: Hero of Leicester■ Other Changes
○ We will add filters to the skill search function on the Equip Seals screen.
○ We will revise some of the animations for Lloyd: White Wolf’s sprite.
○ We will fix the following issue with the animations in Heroes Journey.
・ There are times when unnecessary graphics are displayed when you have Sharena: Spring Princess in your team and you peer into the World Mirror and a long period of time passes.
・ A very small portion of Heroes’ sprites’ heads become smaller in the 3★ Life and Limb and 4★ More Hidden Dangers Memento Events.○ We will resolve an issue that prevents Tiki: Legendary Dragon and Tiki: Torpid Dragon from equipping the Gold Divine Tiara accessory.
○ We will resolve an issue that prevents the app from starting when options in the Accessibility menu on iOS 16.0 devices are set to on.
○ We will resolve an issue with some Android devices in which they could not receive push notifications about summoning events or other events.
- Additional changes:
- Fixes issue causing the ! icon not to be displayed for some events (like Hall of Forms and Revival: Hall of Forms) while they’re active.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: official website
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 6.10.0
- Release date: October 4th 2022 (North America) / October 5th 2022 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 23.43MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ Hall of Forms Revivals are on their way
Revivals of past Hall of Forms events will soon begin! The Forma that appear will be the same as the ones that appeared the first time the event was held, but they will be able to learn additional skills that weren’t available to them the first time around.
As always, you will be able to make the Forma you develop during the event your allies after the event ends using Forma Souls.
The Hall of Forms Revival event in Ver. 6.10.0 is scheduled to begin 9/10/2022 7:00(UTC)
We hope you enjoy developing Forma with additional skills or that you get a chance to make Forma your allies that you didn’t the first time the event was held!
・ You cannot carry over the levels or skills for the Forma you developed the last time the event was held.
・ The Forma you make your allies cannot be used in Inherit Skills or merges. However, as an exception to this, two of the same Forma can be merged. Also, you will be able to merge normal Heroes into Forma units.On top of the Hall of Forms Revival event, there will be an accompanying summoning focus featuring the four Heroes that appear in the revival! All players will be able to summon a focus Hero of their choice after summoning 40 times or more during the summoning event.
The next Hall of Forms event to return as a Hall of Forms Revival will be decided via a survey to be held on the official Twitter account.
The summoning focus and surveys will both begin at the same time as the Hall of Forms Revival event at 9/10/2022 7:00(UTC) Please see the in-game notification that goes live the day the event begins for details on the available rewards and active period.
■ Binding Worlds is being updated
Starting with the Binding Worlds event that begins in Ver. 6.10.0, we will perform the following updates.
○ You will be able to check the Heroes you have swapped with on the Hero Records screen.
You will also be able to send friend requests to other players directly from this screen!
Note: Each time the Binding Worlds event is held, the Hero Records will be reset. Also, you cannot check Hero Records for the Binding Worlds event held during Ver. 6.8.0.
○ It will be easier for your friends’ Heroes to appear as candidates for swapping.
○ The Heroes you swap with will always have their original skills equipped.
Previously in Binding Worlds, if the Heroes you swapped with were at a low level, they would be equipped with skills that were lower than the skills their summoners equipped them with. The next time the event is held and onward, Heroes will have their highest-level skills equipped, regardless of their level.
○ Three more stages will be added (Enclosures 26-28).
The Binding Worlds event for Ver. 6.10.0 is scheduled to begin 12/10/2022 7:00(UTC)
We hope you enjoy these updates to Binding Worlds that will make it even easier to connect with other players!
■ Summoner Duels is being updated
○ Starting 14/10/2022 7:00(UTC), a new Special Weekend Favor Bonus will be available for Favor Battles.
Take on Favor Battles while this bonus is active and you will be granted an extra +10 to your Hero’s Favor Level regardless of whether you win or lose as long as you score one or more points.
This Favor Level bonus is available for the three days from Friday at 7:00(UTC) to Monday at 6:59(UTC) every weekend starting with the weekend of 14/10/2022 7:00(UTC)
Note: Your Favor Level can only increase by up to 20 from a single battle normally, but during the bonus period it can increase by up to 30, including the bonus.
On top of this, you will be able to select the “Lv.40, No Support” custom rule in Favor Battles as well while the bonus is active.
○ If you win because your opponent surrendered or disconnected during Favor Battles, your Favor Level will increase by the maximum value.
If you win because your opponent surrendered or disconnected during Favor Battles and you scored a total of nine points or fewer, your Favor Level will increase by the maximum value of 20. (The limit of 10 + 10 for the victory).
・ If have a total of 10 points or more, then it will go up by the limit of 20 as it has until now.
・ You must score one point or more for this.○ Your opponent’s Captain Skill will be displayed from the outset when viewing replays.
Previously, replays displayed the opponent’s Captain Skill in the same manner as the actual battle (at the moment when you discover it), but it will now be displayed from the outset of the battle instead.
○ You will be able to increase your Favor Level to level 2,400.
This will be in effect with the season starting 11/10/2022 7:00(UTC)
○ A new Captain Skill is being added.
・ Might of Myriads
Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6 to captain during
combat (excluding when unit’s Savior skill
triggers). Captain can counterattack regardless
of foe’s range (excluding when unit’s Savior
skill triggers).Note: The new Captain Skill will be able to be used in the season beginning 11/10/2022 7:00(UTC)
○ When using the “Lv.40, No Support” custom rule in Summoner Duels, the flaws of all Heroes will be removed.
Previously, using Heroes whose flaws had been removed via the Merge Heroes feature with the “Lv.40, No Support” custom rule in Summoner Duels would result in those flaws returning due to merges being ignored with this rule. Now, flaws will be removed when using this rule.
Note: When using the “Lv.40, No Support” custom rule, this will also apply to Heroes whose flaw has not been removed via the Merge Heroes feature.
■ New Memento Events are being added to Heroes Journey
○ New Memento Events are being added.
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated
With the release of Ver. 6.10.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 10) from events and exchange them from an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 10) will be able to be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 28/11/2022 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 10) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 6.10.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 9) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 6.10.0.■ New weapons to refine are being added
The following weapons will be able to be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Brazen Cat Fang
Hero who can learn this skill: Lethe: Gallia’s ValkyrieDeath
Hero who can learn this skill: Delthea: Tatarrah’s PuppetDeep-Blue Bow
Hero who can learn this skill: Lyn: Lady of the BeachBunny Fang
Hero who can learn this skill: Yarne: Timid TaguelRazing Breath
Hero who can learn this skill: Tiki: Torpid DragonNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ Aether Raids is being updated
○ You will be able to more easily confirm whether or not a Bonus Unit has defeated a foe during a battle in Chaos season.
During a battle, tap the Settings button in the lower-left corner of the screen and you will see either “Bonus Unit Defeated Foe” or “No KOs Using Bonus Unit” depending on whether or not a Bonus Unit has defeated a foe in that battle.
○ Some structures will have their level cap increased.
・ Panic Manor (O/D): up to level 10
○ Aether Resort is being updated.
・ Two new songs will be added to the Concert Hall: “The Mind of Izuka” from the Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn game and “Lyon” from the Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones game.
■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Rickard: Carefree Culprit
・ Jeralt: Blade Breaker■ Other Changes
○ A feature that allows you to search for skills by name will be added to the skill filter.
The skill filter available for use with features such as Inherit Skill will allow you to search for skills by directly entering their name. You can combine the Skill Name filter with the Skill Type filter to narrow down the results to those of the desired weapon types.
○ A link to the Fire Emblem Heroes — Writhe video featuring Líf: Arcane Blade will be added to the Past Episodes button in Tempest Trials+.
○ An illustration for Nino: Pale Flower will be adjusted.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: official website
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 6.9.0
- Release date: September 5th 2022 (North America) / September 6th 2022 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 21.67MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ New skills are being added for a Legendary and Mythic Hero
Of the Heroes that appear in Legendary & Mythic Hero Remixes, Julia: Crusader of Light and Sothis: Girl on the Throne are gaining new skills.
○ New skills
・B Skill
Light and Dark II
Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-5 on foe, neutralizes
unit’s penalties and foe’s bonuses (from skills
like Fortify, Rally, etc.), and disables foe’s skills
that “calculate damage using the lower of foe’s
Def or Res” during combat.
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.・C Skill
Atk/Res Menace
At start of turn, if unit is within 4 spaces of a
foe, inflicts Atk/Res-6 on nearest foes through
their next actions and grants Atk/Res+6 to unit
for 1 turn.
・Special Skill
Cooldown: 2
Neutralizes effects that inflict “Special
cooldown charge -X” on unit. When Special
triggers, boosts damage by 35% of unit’s Spd
and restores HP = 35% of damage dealt.
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.・B Skill
Null C-Disrupt 3
Neutralizes effects that prevent unit’s
counterattacks during combat.Julia: Crusader of Light and Sothis: Girl on the Throne are receiving new weapon skills to refine at the same time, so be sure to check the section of this notification labeled “New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added” in conjunction with this section.
■ New Memento Events are being added to Heroes Journey
○ New Memento Events are being added.
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated
With the release of Ver. 6.9.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 9) from events and exchange them from an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 9) will be able to be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 28/10/2022 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 9) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 6.9.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 8) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 6.9.0.■ New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added
The following Hero will be able to learn this new character-specific weapon skill at 5★:
Tempest’s Claw
Hero who can learn this skill: Haar: Black Tempest・ The weapon above can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after it has been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons will be able to be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Sublime Surge
Hero who can learn this skill: Sothis: Girl on the ThroneDark Spikes T
Hero who can learn this skill: Lysithea: Earnest SeekerMoon Gradivus
Hero who can learn this skill: Dimitri: King of FaerghusVirtuous Naga
Hero who can learn this skill: Julia: Crusader of LightFlower Hauteclere
Hero who can learn this skill: Edelgard: Adrestian EmperorWind Parthia
Hero who can learn this skill: Claude: Almyra’s KingNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ Summoner Duels is being updated
○ You will be able to increase your Favor Level to level 2,300.
This will be in effect with the season starting 13/9/2022 7:00(UTC)
■ Aether Raids is being updated
○ Change Teams and Keep Teams buttons are being added to Auto-Create.
You can now use the Confer (If Possible) feature with Keep Teams to confer blessings without changing your team or anything else. If you use Keep Teams in this way on a team that has had its skills locked, the team will not be unlocked.
○ A notification will display on the Home screen when it is within three days of the start of the next season and the following are true:
・ You have a Hero in the additional slot on your defensive team, but you will no longer be able to use the additional slot because your tier will drop in the following season.
・ Your Fortress (D) level will drop because your tier will drop in the following season.○ Some structures will have their level cap increased.
・ Catapult (O/D): up to level 10
○ Aether Resort is being updated.
・ Two new songs will be added to the Concert Hall: “Oliver’s Fall” from the Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn game and “Light on a Window” from the Fire Emblem Fates games.
■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Seth: Silver-Sea Knight
・ Brigand Boss: Known Criminal■ Other Changes
○ A notification will appear on the Home screen when three days or more have passed since the Arena season began and you haven’t participated in an Arena battle.
You can turn this notification off in Settings.
○ Adjustments will be made to how Hero movement is displayed on the map.
There were cases when Heroes appeared to be moving through spaces they could not move through due to effects such as Obstruct, which limit Heroes’ movement, so the display of Hero movement paths is being revised. Note that this is only an issue with the way Hero movement has been displayed up until now, and there are no issues with the actual effects of these skills currently. (There are no cases in which Heroes move to places they should not be able to.)
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: official website
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 6.8.0
- Release date: August 7th 2022 (North America) / August 8th 2022 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 25.77MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ A new event, Binding Worlds, is being added!
A new event called Binding Worlds is coming soon, and you’ll need to cooperate with friends to achieve success! Enter worlds that have been closed off by Embla and reopen them with the power of your bonds by cooperating with the Heroes of other worlds!
The new game mode features Divine Askr Gates placed throughout its stages, called Enclosures. When a Hero ends their move on top of one of these gates, you will be able to swap them out for another player’s Hero, who will take to the field in place of your Hero.
The Hero who swaps with your Hero can act right away! Use these gates to make the best of your advantages as you progress through the battles that await.
There’s more to it than just borrowing strength from other players. You can also dispatch your Heroes to aid others. Send out Heroes you are proud of to support the efforts of others and free as many worlds as you can!
You can get Orbs and Dragonflowers by playing once each day! On top of that, when you clear a stage for the first time, you will receive rewards such as Dragonflowers, Divine Codes (Ephemera), Orbs, and more!
Binding Worlds is scheduled to be held for the first time starting 12/8/2022 7:00(UTC)
More details and gameplay tips will be included in notifications leading up to the event.
You can see a small preview of this event in action in the Feh Channel (Aug. 1, 2022) video that was recently released. We hope you take a look!
■ Summoning events are being updated
As introduced in Feh Channel (Aug. 1, 2022), we are making updates to some summoning events.
○ Legendary and Mythic Heroes will be added to Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix summoning events.
Six Legendary and Mythic Heroes will appear anew in Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix summoning events. The six Legendary and Mythic Heroes being added will not appear in normal Legendary or Mythic Hero summoning events from now on.
See the About Legendary & Mythic Hero Remixes notification for details.
○ Heroes will be added to Weekly Revival summoning events.
A total of 25 additional 5★ Heroes are being added to the pool of Heroes who appear in Weekly Revival summoning events, and they will also appear in the 4★ Special Rate summoning category in other summoning events.
See the Weekly Revival Summoning Focus Schedule notification for details.
■ New skills are being added for a Legendary and Mythic Hero
Of the Heroes that appear in Legendary & Mythic Hero Remixes, Alm: Saint-King and Naga: Dragon Divinity are gaining new skills.
○ New skills
・ Special Skill
Lunar Flash II
Cooldown: 2
Treats foe’s Def/Res as if reduced by 20%
during combat. Boosts damage by 20% of
unit’s Spd. Neutralizes “reduces damage by
X%” effects from non-Special skills.
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.・C Skill
Time’s Pulse 3
At start of turn, if Special cooldown count is at
its maximum value, grants Special cooldown
・B Skill
Dive-Bomb 3
At start of combat, if both unit’s and foe’s
HP ≥ 80% and unit initiates combat, unit
can make a follow-up attack before foe
can counterattack.・C Skill
Divine Fang+
At start of turn, grants “effective against
dragons” to adjacent allies for 1 turn. At
start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of
an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6 and the following
status to unit and allies within 2 spaces of
unit for 1 turn: “If unit initiates combat, unit
makes a guaranteed follow-up attack.”
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.Alm: Saint-King and Naga: Dragon Divinity are receiving new weapon skills to refine at the same time, so be sure to check the section of this notification labeled “New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added” in conjunction with this section.
■ The Arena is being updated
○ Additional maps
We will add new maps for the season starting 9/8/2022 7:00(UTC)
■ New Memento Events are being added to Heroes Journey
New Memento Events are being added!
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated
With the release of Ver. 6.8.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 8) from events and exchange them from an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
■ New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added
The following Hero will be able to learn this new character-specific weapon skill at 5★:
Wanderer Blade
Hero who can learn this skill: Rutger: Lone Swordsman・ The weapon above can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after it has been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons will be able to be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Wolfskin Fang
Hero who can learn this skill: Keaton: Lupine CollectorWorldsea Wave
Hero who can learn this skill: Laegjarn: Burning SunDivine Breath
Hero who can learn this skill: Naga: Dragon DivinityFreikugel
Hero who can learn this skill: Hilda: Idle MaidenLuna Arc
Hero who can learn this skill: Alm: Saint-KingLion King Fang
Hero who can learn this skill: Caineghis: Gallia’s Lion KingNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ Summoner Duels is being updated
○ You will be able to increase your Favor Level to level 2,200.
This will be in effect with the season starting 16/8/2022 7:00(UTC)
○ A new Captain Skill is being added.
・ Dauntless
At the start of turns 2 through 5, grants Special
cooldown charge +1 per attack to captain and
allies within 2 spaces of captain for 1 turn
and inflicts【Guard】on foes in cardinal
directions of captain through their next actions.【Guard】
Inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on target
per attack during combat through its next action.
(Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)Note: The new Captain Skill will be able to be used in the season beginning 16/8/2022 7:00(UTC)
■ Aether Raids is being updated
○ Some structures will have their level cap increased.
・ Hex Trap: up to level 6
○ Aether Resort is being updated.
・ Two new songs will be added to the Concert Hall: “When the Rush Comes” from the Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade game and “Steam Baths Respite” from the Fire Emblem: Three Houses game.
■ Additional Heroes will be available via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Limstella: Living Construct
・ Elincia: Seaside Queen■ Other Changes
○ An issue causing some weapons to display incorrectly when Ishtar: Thunder Goddess is in her resplendent attire will be fixed. Prior to the fix, when Ishtar: Thunder Goddess is displayed in her resplendent attire and has any weapon other than a tome equipped, the weapon will be displayed as a pink tome. After the fix is complete, each weapon will display the correct graphic. (Note that the display has no impact on the weapon effects.)
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: official website
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 6.7.0
- Release date: July 4th 2022 (North America) / July 5th 2022 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: Yes (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 25MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ New skills are being added for a Legendary Hero
Of the Heroes that appear in Legendary & Mythic Hero Remixes, Roy: Blazing Lion will gain new skills.
○ New skills
・ B Skill
Spurn 3
If unit’s Spd > foe’s Spd, reduces damage from
attacks during combat and from area-of-effect
Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect
Specials) by percentage = difference between
stats × 4 (max 40%). If unit’s HP ≤ 75% and
unit’s attack triggers Special, deals +5 damage
when Special triggers.・ C Skill
Human Virtue II
At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of
any allies other than beast or dragon allies,
grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit and those allies for
1 turn. Grants bonus to unit’s Atk/Spd/Def/Res
during combat = highest bonus on allies other
than beast or dragon allies within 2 spaces.
Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Reduces damage from foe’s first attack during
combat by X% (X = total value of bonuses on
the 3 allies other than beast or dragon allies
with the highest bonus totals within 2 spaces;
max. 40).
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.Roy: Blazing Lion will receive a new weapon skill to refine at the same time, so be sure to check the section of this notification labeled “New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added” in conjunction with this section.
■ New Memento Events are being added to Heroes Journey
New Memento Events are being added!
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated
With the release of Ver. 6.7.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 7) from events and exchange them from an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 7) will be able to be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 28/8/2022 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 7) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 6.7.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 6) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 6.7.0.■ New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added
The following Hero will be able to learn this new character-specific weapon skill at 5★:
Heartbeat Lance
Hero who can learn this skill: Kjelle: Fair Fighter・ The weapon above can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after it has been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons will be able to be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Hero who can learn this skill: Roy: Blazing LionShadow Sword
Hero who can learn this skill: Mareeta: The Blade’s PawnTaguel Fang
Hero who can learn this skill: Panne: Proud TaguelSabertooth Fang
Hero who can learn this skill: Mordecai: Kindhearted TigerGjallarbrú
Hero who can learn this skill: Fjorm: Bride of RimeNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ Arena Assault+ is being updated
○ The blessing filter will be set by default on the Edit Teams screen.
The blessing filter will automatically be set to the blessing of the appropriate season on the Edit Teams screens of Arena Assault+. The Edit Teams screen can be accessed after you tap the Battle button for the first match, then it appears again after selecting your opponent in subsequent matches.
Note: You can reset the filters manually as well.
○ The amount of Dragonflowers obtained from Rank Rewards will increase.
With the season starting 12/7/2022 7:00(UTC), the number of Dragonflowers awarded from Rank Rewards will increase at all ranks.
■ Summoner Duels is being updated
○ You will be able to increase your Favor Level to level 2,100.
This will be in effect with the season starting 12/7/2022 7:00(UTC)
■ Aether Raids is being updated
○ Some structures will have their level cap increased.
・ Infantry School (O/D): up to level 10
・ Armor School (O/D): up to level 10
・ Cavalry School (O/D): up to level 10
・ Flier School (O/D): up to level 10○ Aether Resort is being updated.
・ Two new songs will be added to the Concert Hall: “The White Heron” from the Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance game and “An Ordinary Day” from the Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia game.
○ The following issue that occurred during Ver. 6.6.0 will be addressed.
・ When you take part in a mock battle during the time between when the season ends and the following season begins, the Bonus Allies from the preceding season will be treated as Bonus Allies. There are also circumstances in which your opponent’s defensive team will not be updated in Friend Mock Battles.
■ Mjölnir’s Strike is being updated
○ A mechanism is having its level cap increased.
・ Summoner Aflame: up to level 6
■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Muarim: Raw Instinct
・ Larum: Dancing Bride■ Other Changes
○ An issue in which damage values are calculated incorrectly will be resolved.
We will resolve an issue in which incorrect results are calculated when several effects that reduce damage by a certain percent overlap and the ratio of damage reduced gets extremely high.
○ Some of Larum: Dancing Bride’s voice tracks will be changed.
Currently, the voice track that plays when Larum: Dancing Bride uses her dance skill is the same as the one that plays when she is tapped on her profile screen. In consideration of how long the track is, we have changed it to the voice track that plays when she activates her Special.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: official website
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 6.6.0
- Release date: June 6th 2022 (North America) / June 7th 2022 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 23MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ New Memento Events are being added to Heroes Journey
○ New Memento Events are being added.
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated
With the release of Ver. 6.6.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 6) from events and exchange them from an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 6) will be able to be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 28/7/2022 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 6) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 6.6.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 5) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 6.6.0.■ New weapons to refine are being added
The following weapons will be able to be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Hero who can learn this skill: Flora: Signature DishKriemhild
Hero who can learn this skill: Berkut: Purgatorial PrinceRaven King Beak
Hero who can learn this skill: Naesala: Sky’s ShadowCovert Cat Fang
Hero who can learn this skill: Ranulf: Friend of NationsWolfpup Fang
Hero who can learn this skill: Velouria: Wolf CubNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ Summoner Duels is being updated
○ Certain on-screen text will be removed from replays.
The text “[Player name]’s move” that appears on screen each time either player makes their move will be cut from replays to shorten their playback time.
○ The “Alter Foe’s Name” option will be added to the Settings menu.
This option will allow players participating in Summoner Duels to see their opponent’s name as “Kiran” instead of their actual name. Should you enable this option, both the name of your opponent during the match and on the post-match friend request screen will appear as “Kiran.” Please note that the names of opponents in replays recorded with this option enabled will continue to appear as “Kiran” even if you disable this option after the replay was recorded.
○ A New Captain Skill is being added.
・Storm of BlowsCaptain Skill Effects
・Storm of Blows
Neutralizes bonuses of captain’s foes during
combat. Captain and allies within 2 spaces of
captain make guaranteed follow-up attacks.Note: This Captain Skill can be used in the season beginning 14/6/2022 7:00(UTC)
○ It will be possible to increase your Favor Level in Favor Battles in Summoner Duels to 2,000.
This will be in effect with the season starting 14/6/2022 7:00(UTC)
■ The Arena is being updated
With the season starting 14/6/2022 7:00(UTC), Tiers 12 through 17 will be adjusted so that players in those Tiers are less likely to drop to a lower Tier at the end of a season.
■ Aether Raids is being updated
○ Some structures will have their level cap increased.
・ Hex Trap: up to level 5
○ Aether Resort is being updated.
・ Two new songs will be added to the Concert Hall: “Agustria Royal Palace” from the Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War game and “Your Name Is…” from the Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem game.
■ Mjölnir’s Strike is being updated
○ A mechanism will have its level cap increased.
・ Múspell Pyre: up to level 6
■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Boyd: Future Great
・ Hilda: Queen of Friege■ Other Changes
○ The result of upgrading Idunn: Dark Priestess’s weapon skill Demonic Breath will be changed.
This change is being made to ensure that the upgraded version of Demonic Breath can be used under the same conditions as the non-upgraded version.
Upgrade Before and After
■ BeforeGrants Def+3. Effective against armored foes.
If foe initiates combat or if unit’s HP < 100%
at start of combat, neutralizes penalties on unit
and grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during
combat. If foe’s Range = 2, calculates damage
using the lower of foe’s Def or Res.■ After
Grants Def+3. Effective against armored
foes. If foe initiates combat, if a negative
status effect is active on unit at start of
combat, or if unit’s HP < 100% at start of
combat, neutralizes penalties on unit and
grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 during combat.
If foe’s Range = 2, calculates damage using
the lower of foe’s Def or Res.○ The “Merge Heroes w/Lower ★ Rating” option will be added to the Settings menu.
As announced in a previous notification, an option will be added to allow players to merge lower-rarity Heroes into higher-rarity ones if they so desire. This option will be disabled by default but can be enabled as necessary.
○ Tharja: Florid Charmer’s sprite will be adjusted.
○ The functionality of the Back button on Android devices will be improved.
・ If the Auto-Battle feature is active, pressing the Back button will deactivate it.
・ If the Back button is pressed while viewing the top level of a menu outside of the Home screen, the Home screen will be displayed instead of a confirmation window asking if you want to close the app.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: official website
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 6.5.1
- Release date: May 22nd 2022 (North America) / May 23rd 2022 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 22.60MB (Android)
- Additional download: No
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Issues have been addressed.
- Fixes an item-related issue occurring for some users
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 6.5.0
- Release date: May 9th 2022 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 70.01MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ The Arena is being updated
○ You will be able to use Tactical Retreat up to two times.
You will be able to use the Tactical Retreat feature, which allows you to continue your win chain in the Arena without losing your score or breaking your chain when you lose a match, up to two times.
This update will be active starting with the season that begins 10/5/2022 7:00(UTC)
・ There is no limit to how many times you can use this feature per season.
・ If you restart your battle chain from the beginning by using the Reset button, your Tactical Retreat uses will reset as well.■ Summoner Duels is being updated
○ Your opponent’s remaining teams will display in Summoner Duels S.
The two opponent teams you did not choose on the Veto Selection screen will display when you choose which of your teams to dispatch on the Team Selection screen.
○ Captain Skills are being updated.
The effects of the below Captain Skills are being updated.
・EffulgenceCaptain Skill Effects
■ Before Update・Erosion
When a foe’s Savior skill triggers, inflicts
Def/Res-4 on that foe during combat and
that foe cannot counterattack.・Effulgence
Grants Atk/Spd+4 and neutralizes penalties to
allies within 2 spaces of your captain during
combat.■ After Update
When your captain is in combat, foes’ Savior
skills will not trigger.When a foe’s Savior skill triggers, inflicts
Def/Res-4 on that foe during combat and
that foe cannot counterattack.・Effulgence
Grants Atk/Spd+4 and neutralizes penalties to
your captain and allies within 2 spaces of your
captain during combat.You can use these Captain Skills with their new effects starting with the season beginning 10/5/2022 7:00(UTC)
○ It will be possible to increase your Favor Level in Favor Battles in Summoner Duels to 1,900.
This will be effective starting with the season beginning 10/5/2022 7:00(UTC)
○ The game will try to reconnect automatically when the connection is broken in the middle of a match.
■ New skills are being added for a Mythic Hero
Of the Mythic Heroes that appear in Legendary & Mythic Hero Remixes, Duma: God of Strength is gaining new skills.
○ New skills
・ A Skill
Fury 4
Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4. After combat, deals 8
damage to unit.
Cannot use:・ C Skill
At the start of turn 1, deals 10 damage to all
foes, and if defending in Aether Raids during
Anima season, destroys nearest offensive
structure. (Does not affect structures that
cannot be destroyed.) At start of combat, if
unit’s Atk > foe’s Atk, or if foe’s HP < 100%,
neutralizes foe’s bonuses (from skills like
Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.Duma: God of Strength will be getting a new weapon skill to refine at the same time, so be sure to check the section of this notification labeled “New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added” in conjunction with this section.
■ New Memento Events are being added to Heroes Journey
New Memento Events are being added!
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated
With the release of Ver. 6.5.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 5) from events and exchange them from an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 5) will be able to be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 28/6/2022 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 5) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 6.5.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 4) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 6.5.0.■ New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added
The following Hero will be able to learn this new character-specific weapon skill at 5★:
Icy Maltet
Hero who can learn this skill: Thea: Stormy Flier・ The weapon above can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after it has been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons will be able to be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Hero who can learn this skill: Gharnef: Dark PontifexDemonic Breath
Hero who can learn this skill: Idunn: Dark PriestessEldhrímnir
Hero who can learn this skill: Felicia: Off the MenuKitsune Fang
Hero who can learn this skill: Kaden: Kitsune BraggartFell Breath
Hero who can learn this skill: Duma: God of StrengthNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ Aether Raids is being updated
○ Some structures will have their level cap increased.
・ Bolt Tower (O/D): up to level 9
○ Aether Resort is being updated.
・ Two new songs will be added to the Concert Hall: “Battle: Advance” from the Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 game and “Advance” from the Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones game.
■ Mjölnir’s Strike is being updated
○ A mechanism will have its level cap increased.
・ Shining Summoner: up to level 5
■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Luthier: Spring Hopes
・ Salem: Dark Sage■ Other Changes
○ A portion of the graphics for desert maps will be improved.
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 6.4.0
- Release date: April 5th 2022 (North America) / April 6th 2022 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 23MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ The Coliseum is being updated
○ Arena Assault is being updated.
With the season starting 12/4/2022 7:00(UTC), Arena Assault will be renamed Arena Assault+ and will introduce the following changes.
The tactical retreat feature will be added to Arena Assault+. If you lose a battle or surrender during a chain of battles, the battle will be treated as a tactical retreat up to two times per chain. When a tactical retreat occurs, your chain of wins is not ended, and you can advance to the next battle with your score unchanged. If you reset your chain or start a new one from the beginning, your tactical retreats will once again be available for use. There is no limit to how many times you can use this feature per season.
Dragonflowers will be added to Arena Assault+ rank rewards. In addition to the existing lineup of rewards, you will be able to earn Dragonflowers based on your performance.
What’s more, a chain reward will be added that rewards you with Dragonflowers for your first win, your second win in a row, and your third win in a row each season.
The type of Dragonflowers available as rank rewards and chain rewards will change each season.
○ Arena Bonus Heroes are being updated.
With the season starting 19/4/2022 7:00(UTC), of the 10 Bonus Heroes who appear, certain currently available Bonus Heroes will be swapped out on a weekly basis. Recently released New Heroes, Special Heroes, Legendary Heroes, and Mythic Heroes will continue to be swapped out on a biweekly basis. With this change, the Bonus Hero preview notification will be posted every week instead of every two weeks.
■ New Memento Events are being added to Heroes Journey
○ New Memento Events are being added.
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated
With the release of Ver. 6.4.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 4) from events and exchange them from an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 4) will be able to be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 28/5/2022 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 4) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 6.4.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 3) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 6.4.0.■ New weapons to refine are being added
The following weapons will be able to be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Aversa’s Night
Hero who can learn this skill: Aversa: Dark OneHawk King Claw
Hero who can learn this skill: Tibarn: Lord of the AirSylgr
Hero who can learn this skill: Ylgr: Fresh SnowfallFoxkit Fang
Hero who can learn this skill: Selkie: Free SpiritVeðrfölnir’s Egg
Hero who can learn this skill: Veronica: Spring PrincessNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ Aether Raids is being updated
○ Two structures are being added to Aether Raids.
The following structures are being added to the trap and decoy-trap categories:
・ Hex Trap
・ False Hex Trap (decoy version of Hex Trap)
Hex Trap has the following effect: If foe ends movement on this structure’s space and foe’s HP ≤ X, cancels the foe’s attack, Assist skill, etc. and ends that foe’s action. (Magic traps cannot be disarmed by Disarm Trap skills.) X = structure’s level × 5 + 35.
In Ver. 6.4.0, Hex Trap can be upgraded to a maximum level of 4.
○ Aether Resort is being updated.
・ Two new songs are being added to the Concert Hall: “A New Journey” from the Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem game and “Serenity” from the Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia game.
■ Summoner Duels is being updated
○ A new Captain Skill is being added.
・Mass ConfusionCaptain Skill Effects
・Mass Confusion
Grants Atk+5 to captain during combat.
At start of turns 2-5, if any foe is adjacent
to another foe, inflicts Atk/Def/Res-7 on that
foe through its next action.Note: The new Captain Skill will be able to be used in the season beginning 12/4/2022 7:00(UTC)
○ You will be able to increase your Favor Level to level 1,800.
This will be in effect with the season starting 12/4/2022 7:00(UTC)
■ Mjölnir’s Strike is being updated
○ A mechanism will have its level cap increased.
・ Ebon Summoner: up to level 5
■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Lissa: Sweet Celebrant
・ Gonzalez: Kindly Bandit■ Other Changes
○ The Merge Allies screen is being updated.
To prevent players from unintentionally merging a lower-rarity Hero into a higher-rarity one, the Merge Allies screen (accessible by tapping Allies, then Ally Growth, then Merge Allies) will be updated to prevent players from merging a source ally into a target ally if the source ally’s rarity is lower than the target ally’s rarity.
○ The art for Azura: Hatari Duet is being adjusted.
The art for the following pose will be adjusted to better match previous depictions of Leanne.
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 6.3.0
- Release date: March 6th 2022 (North America) / March 7th 2022 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 24.39MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ Summoner Duels is being updated
○ A replay search feature is being added.
A feature that allows you to search for replays is being added to Favor Battles and Free Duels in Summoner Duels, as well as Summoner Duels R and Summoner Duels S. You will be able to replay matches you’ve participated in, view replays of matches that other players have shared, and more!
A Copy Battle ID button is being added to each Record as well as a search window for Battle IDs at the top of the Records screen.
・ When you want to view the replay of another player’s match
Input the Battle ID they have made public in the search window and the replay will play.
Note: You can search for replays of matches that took place in other modes. For example, you can search for a Summoner Duels R replay in the Favor Battles Records screen.
・ When you want to share a replay of your own match with someone else
Tap the Copy Battle ID button of the match you want to share and the Battle ID will be copied, allowing you to paste it elsewhere.
Note: If you make a Battle ID public, others will be able to see your and your opponent’s in-game names. Please be aware that making a Battle ID public makes both your names public.
○ You will no longer be matched with the same opponent within a certain period of time.
We will improve it so you will not be matched against the same opponent for a set period of time after facing them in Favor Battles, Summoner Duels R, and Summoner Duels S.
Note: Free Duels are an exception to this.
○ A Resume button will be added that will allow you to resume a match when an error occurs after matching is completed.
After an error occurs, a Resume button will appear only when it is possible to resume the match. If you tap the Resume button, you will be able to rejoin the match from the point it was interrupted without returning to the title screen.
Note: If it is an error that causes you not to be able to resume the match, or if the outcome of the match is already decided, the Resume button will not display.
○ After reaching a certain amount of Glory in Summoner Duels S, you will be at 1st Place.
If you reach the highest Glory at the end of the event, you will be guaranteed to be in 1st Place regardless of how many wins or losses you have. This will also extend to Summoner Duels R with the event beginning 3/3/2022 7:00(UTC)
Note: The expression “highest Glory” in Summoner Duels R refers to the maximum Glory in the mode, 7,300, and in Summoner Duels S it refers to the Glory cap, which increases each time the event is held.
○ New Captain Skills are being added.
・Flash of Steel
・Rallying CryCaptain Skill Effects
・Flash of Steel
If captain initiates combat, captain can make a
follow-up attack before foe can counterattack.
Grants the following to captain and allies within
2 spaces of captain during combat: “neutralizes
effects that grant ‘Special cooldown charge +X’
to foe or inflict ‘Special cooldown charge -X’
on unit.”・Rallying Cry
At start of turns 2-5, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6
to captain and allies within 2 spaces of captain
for 1 turn.Note: New Captain Skills will be able to be used in the season beginning 8/3/2022 7:00(UTC)
○ You will be able to increase your Favor Level to level 1,700.
This will be in effective with the season starting 8/3/2022 7:00(UTC)
○ A link to Learn with Sharena! will be added to the Help button.
You will be able to go to the Learn with Sharena! articles that explain Favor Battles, Summoner Duels R, and Summoner Duels S.
■ Divine Codes (Part 3) will be added
New Divine Codes that can be used to compile Normal Combat Manuals, Divine Codes (Part 3), will become available! Mjölnir’s Strike and other events from which Divine Codes can be obtained will, after the update, switch from Divine Codes (Part 2) to Divine Codes (Part 3).
・ The Divine Codes available as rewards from Resonant Battles will switch with the season starting 8/3/2022 7:00(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Part 2) will only be available as rewards in Summoner Duels Favor Battles.
Also, along with the addition of Divine Codes (Part 3), there will be a new Normal 3 category added to the Compile menu.
Please note that you will still be able to compile Normal 1 and 2 Combat Manuals after the update. Normal 1 and 2 Combat Manuals are generally compiled with Divine Codes (Part 1) and Divine Codes (Part 2) respectively, but if you don’t have enough Divine Codes (Part 1) or Divine Codes (Part 2), you can supplement them with Divine Codes (Part 3). Older Divine Codes will be prioritized.
Example: If you wish to compile a Normal 1 Combat Manual that requires 1,200 Divine Codes and you have 100 Divine Codes (Part 1), 200 Divine Codes (Part 2), and 1,000 Divine Codes (Part 3), the Divine Codes (Part 1) will be consumed first, followed by your Divine Codes (Part 2), and finally your Divine Codes (Part 3) will account for the remainder.
Note: You cannot compile Combat Manuals that require new Divine Codes by using older Divine Codes.
■ New skills are being added for some Legendary Heroes
Of the Heroes that appear in Legendary & Mythic Hero Remixes, Azura: Vallite Songstress is gaining new skills.
○ New skills
・ Assist Skill
Gray Waves II
Range: 1
Grants another action to target ally, and if
target is an infantry or flying ally, grants
【Null Panic】to target and target can
move 1 extra space. (That turn only. Does not
stack. Cannot target an ally with Sing or Dance.
This skill treated as Sing or Dance.)【Null Panic】
If unit is inflicted with Panic (bonuses converted
into penalties), neutralizes the “converts
bonuses on target into penalties” effect for
1 turn. (Even though the effect is neutralized,
the Panic status remains, and is treated as a
Penalty status.)This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.
・ A Skill
Atk/Spd Push 4
At start of combat, if unit’s HP ≥ 25%,
grants Atk/Spd+7, but after combat, if unit
attacked, deals 5 damage to unit.Azura: Vallite Songstress will be getting a new weapon skill to refine at the same time, so be sure to check the section of this notification labeled “New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added” in conjunction with this section.
■ New Memento Events are being added to Heroes Journey
○ New Memento Events are being added.
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated
With the release of Ver. 6.3.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 3) from events and exchange them from an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 3) will be able to be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ These Divine Codes (Ephemera 3) are different from last year’s Divine Codes (Ephemera 3). You cannot compile last year’s Combat Manuals with this year’s Divine Codes (Ephemera 3).
・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 28/4/2022 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 3) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 6.3.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 2) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 6.3.0.■ New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added
The following Heroes will be able to learn these new character-specific weapon skills at 5★:
Azure Lance
Hero who can learn this skill: Shigure: Uplifting ArtistQuick Mulagir
Hero who can learn this skill: Sue: Doe of the PlainsDoting Staff
Hero who can learn this skill: Mikoto: Caring Mother・ The weapons above can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after they have been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons will be able to be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Hero who can learn this skill: Gunnthrá: Year’s First DreamBreath of Blight
Hero who can learn this skill: Garon: King of NohrPrayer Wheel
Hero who can learn this skill: Azura: Vallite SongstressNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ Aether Raids is being updated
○ Some structures will have their level cap increased.
・ Dark Shrine (O/D): up to level 9
○ Aether Resort is being updated.
・ Two new songs are being added to the Concert Hall: “Renewed Purpose” from the Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon game and “Anxiety” from the Fire Emblem: Three Houses game.
■ Mjölnir’s Strike is being updated
○ A mechanism will have its level cap increased.
・ Vital Summoner: up to level 5
■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Riev: Blood Beryl
・ Deen: Bladed Sandstorm■ Other Changes
○ We are changing the combat animations for Ishtar: Thunder Goddess. Currently, when she is set to her Resplendent attire, her attack animation is different from that of her normal appearance. We are changing it so her attack animation is the same for both.
○ It will be easier to increase Summoner Support and Ally Support levels.
○ We will correct Ephraim: Sparkling Gallantly’s refined weapon effect for the Festive Siegmund skill. For details please see the notification titled Regarding an Issue with a Portion of Festive Siegmund’s Weapon Refinement.
○ We are fixing an issue with how a portion of the Ascend Traits menu displays. There are circumstances in which Ascending a stat will cause another stat to increase alongside it, but the increase to the other stat is not displayed. We will update it so that when a stat that is not Ascended increases, the increase will be displayed.
- List of changes:
- starting with this update, all skills with effects that raise or lower Atk during combat will correctly affect the “unit’s Atk > foe’s Atk” condition.
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 6.2.0
- Release date: February 6th 2022 (North America) / February 7th 2022 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: ???MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ A new event, Summoner Duels S, is coming!
An even more challenging Summoner Duels event is on its way! Summoner Duels S is set to begin!
Summoner Duels S is an event in which you can battle to earn Glory until you lose three times, like Summoner Duels R. The main rules are the same as Summoner Duels R, but the key to victory in Summoner Duels S lies in its special veto rule! This new rule adds an extra element of brains to the brawn!
○ Editing Teams
To start playing Summoner Duels S, first you need to form a regiment made up of four teams each consisting of five Heroes. That’s a total of 20 Heroes! Keep in mind that you can only battle using one of the teams in your regiment, so be sure to form several strong teams.
Rules for Summoner Duels S Teams
・ You cannot add more than one Hero with the same name and epithet to your regiment, even if you are using two different copies of the same Hero. You must form a regiment of 20 different Heroes.
・ You can equip different Captain Skills for each team within your regiment.
・ You can save multiple regiments.
・ You cannot dispatch your teams unless all 20 slots in your regiment are filled.
・ You can only add one Hero with a Sing or Dance skill to a team.
・ You can only add one Hero with a Savior skill to a team.○ Vetoing Teams
There is a special rule in Summoner Duels S that allows you to veto your opponent’s teams. After being matched up with an opponent, you choose which team to use in the match by following these steps.
1. Select Teams to Veto
Choose two of your opponent’s four teams to veto. The two teams you veto cannot be used in the match. You cannot view the opponent teams’ stats or Captain Skills during this step.2. Choose Your Team
After both players have vetoed, you and your opponent choose one of the two remaining teams left in your regiments to dispatch.The time limit for both steps 1 and 2 is 30 seconds. If the time limit is exceeded, teams will be automatically selected and combat will begin.
Note that in order to participate in Summoner Duels S, you must first earn the Fighter Badge, which can be obtained from Favor Battles. You can earn the Fighter Badge at Favor Level 225.
Other than the veto rule and the Fighter Badge necessary to participate, the rules for Summoner Duels S are the same as Summoner Duels R.
・ Bonus Legendary and Mythic Heroes
Three Bonus Legendary or Mythic Heroes are set each season for Summoner Duels S as well. Bonus Heroes reduce the amount of Glory lost upon a loss and nullify one defeat per season.
Note: If you have a Bonus Hero somewhere in your regiment, the above effects are active even if you dispatch a team without the Bonus Hero in it.
・ Glory
The Glory earned in Summoner Duels R and the Glory earned in Summoner Duels S are independent from one another.
・ Tier
Your Tier increases as your Glory increases in Summoner Duels S as well. Your Tiers for Summoner Duels R and Summoner Duels S are displayed separately on your Profile Card.
The first Summoner Duels S event is scheduled for 17/2/2022 7:00(UTC)
For the first Summoner Duels S event and only the first event, all players who participate will receive the highest rewards, regardless of their Tier and Rank! If you participate in a battle, you are guaranteed to receive the same rewards you would earn if you were within Tier 24 and Rank 1,000. This is an opportunity to get lots of Dragonflowers, Divine Codes, and more, so don’t let it pass you by!
Note: From the second Summoner Duels S on, the rewards wil be based on your Tier and Rank.
We will inform you of the details on Bonus Legendary and Mythic Heroes, etc., in a Coming Soon notification before the event is held.
■ Updates to summoning events
As introduced in Feh Channel (Feb. 1, 2022), we are updating multiple summoning event types.
○ Some Special Heroes Revival events will be getting a new summoning category
A 4★ SH Special Rate summoning category with an initial appearance rate of 3% will be added to some future Special Heroes Revival summoning events. The first event in which the 4★ SH Special Rate will be applied is the Special Heroes Revival: Love Abounds summoning event scheduled to start 21/2/2022 7:00(UTC)
For details, see the notification titled Feh Channel Supplement, Part 1: 4★ SH Special Rate.
○ We will improve Weekly Revival summoning events
A total of 25 additional 5★ Heroes will be added to the pool of Heroes who appear in Weekly Revival summoning events, and they will also appear in the 4★ Special Rate summoning category in other summoning events. Also, with the week starting 13/2/2022 7:00(UTC), there will be 2 Weekly Revival summoning events held each week.
For details, see the notification titled Feh Channel Supplement, Part 2: Improvements to Weekly Revival Summoning Focuses and Their Schedule.
○ We will add Legendary and Mythic Heroes to Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix summoning events
Starting with Ver. 6.2.0, Mythic Heroes will also have new skills added to them and they will appear alongside Legendary Heroes in Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix summoning events! The six Legendary and Mythic Heroes being added will not appear in normal Legendary or Mythic Hero summoning events from now on.
The Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix for Ver. 6.2.0 will be available starting 12/2/2022 7:00(UTC)
Also, we will be adjusting the schedule for Legendary and Mythic Hero summoning events held at the end of each month.
For details, see the notification titled Feh Channel Supplement, Part 3: Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix.
■ New skills are being added for some Legendary and Mythic Heroes
Of the Heroes that appear in Legendary & Mythic Hero Remixes, Hríd: Icy Blade and Eir: Merciful Death are gaining new skills.
○ New skills
・ B Skill
Freezing Seal II
At start of turn, inflicts Atk/Def-7 and【Guard】
on foes on the enemy team with the lowest Res
and any foe within 2 spaces of those foes
through their next actions.【Guard】
Inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on target
per attack during combat through its next action.
(Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.
・ C Skill
Atk/Def Menace
At start of turn, if unit is within 4 spaces of a
foe, inflicts Atk/Def-6 on nearest foes through
their next actions and grants Atk/Def+6 to unit
for 1 turn.
・ A Skill
Atk/Res Unity
If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants
Atk/Res+5 and bonus to Atk/Res during
combat = current penalty on each of those
stats × 2. (Example: if unit has -7 penalty to
Atk, grants Atk+19, for a net bonus of Atk+12.)
Calculates each stat bonus independently.・ C Skill
Sparkling Boost+
At start of turn, restores 20 HP to ally that has
been dealt the most damage. (Excludes unit.)
At start of any ally’s combat, if ally’s HP ≥ 50%,
grants Res+5 to ally during combat. (Excludes
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.Hríd: Icy Blade and Eir: Merciful Death will be getting new weapon skills to refine at the same time, so be sure to check the section of this notification labeled “New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added” in conjunction with this section.
■ New Memento Events are being added to Heroes Journey
New Memento Events are being added!
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated
With the release of Ver. 6.2.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 2) from events and exchange them from an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 2) will be able to be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 28/3/2022 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 2) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 6.2.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 1) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 6.2.0.■ New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added
The following Heroes will be able to learn these new character-specific weapon skills at 5★:
Tome of Reason
Hero who can learn this skill: Lugh: Anima ChildBow of Verdane
Hero who can learn this skill: Jamke: Prince of VerdaneHurricane Dagger
Hero who can learn this skill: Legault: The Hurricane・ The weapons above can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after they have been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons will be able to be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Hero who can learn this skill: Hríd: Icy BladeBook of Dreams
Hero who can learn this skill: Camilla: Flower of FantasyFestive Siegmund
Hero who can learn this skill: Ephraim: Sparkling GallantlyLyfjaberg
Hero who can learn this skill: Eir: Merciful DeathNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ Aether Raids is being updated
○ Some structures will have their level cap increased.
・ Bright Shrine (O/D): up to level 9
○ Aether Resort is being updated.
・ Two new songs are being added to the Concert Hall: “Before Battle” from the Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem game and “Melancholy Wyvern Generals Theme” from the Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade game.
○ Maps are being added.
New maps will be added with the season starting on 8/2/2022 7:00(UTC)
■ Mjölnir’s Strike is being updated
○ A mechanism will have its level cap increased.
・ Summoner Aflame: up to level 5
■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Yen’fay: Blade Legend
・ Ignatz: Snowscape Artist
・ Kyza: Tiger of Fortune■ The Coliseum is being updated
○ It will be possible to increase your Favor Level in Favor Battles in Summoner Duels to 1,600.
○ We will add new maps to the Arena.
Note: The above two changes will be applied for the season beginning 8/2/2022 7:00(UTC)
■ Other Changes
○ The limit on Hero Merit will increase from 7,000 to 8,000.
○ We will add Summoner Duels S teams to the teams menus in Edit Special Teams and Equip Skill Sets.
○ We will adjust Neimi: Tearful Archer’s weapon skill, Rapid-Crier Bow, so that its effect functions as the skill description describes. For details, please see the notification titled Regarding an Issue with the Rapid-Crier Bow Skill.
○ We will address an issue in which the actual result of combat with Elm: Retainer to Embla differed in some circumstances from the combat forecast that displays in the top of the screen.
○ We will make it so when the device is set to use the dark theme, the notifications screen will display in the dark theme as well.
■ To players using an Android device
After the Ver. 6.2.0 update, Fire Emblem Heroes will require Android OS 6.0 or higher to play.
For details, please see the recent notification titled Important Notice Regarding Supported Android Devices
- List of changes:
- Starting with this update, users on Android need Android 6.0 or more recent to launch the game.
- Fixes an issue in the calculation for the combat forecast when engaging in combat with Elm: Retainer to Embla in Story Maps.
- Fixes an issue with the Rapid-Crier Bow skill for Neimi (Tearful Archer).
- Fixes an issue with Profile Cards with the Favored Heroes not appearing on it after playing Summoner Duels R.
- Starting with this update, some Mythic Heroes will also be able to learn additional skills: Eir (Merciful Death), Duma (God of Strength), Roy (Blazing Lion), Yune (Chaos Goddess), Alm (Saint-King), and Naga (Dragon Divinity)
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 6.1.1
- Release date: January 13th 2022 (North America) / January 14th 2022 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Download size: 23MB (Android)
- Additional download: No
- Patch notes:
This update addresses the following:
- Crashes occurring on the Friend List
- Visual issues for certain Android devices
- Additional notes: you cannot compete in Summoner Duels matches against players using Ver. 6.1.0 if you are using Ver. 6.1.1, and vice versa.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 6.1.0
- Release date: January 5th 2022 (North America) / January 6th 2022 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Download size: 25MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Patch notes:
The Hall of Forms is being updated
Two skills each will be offered for the A, B, and C skill slots on infernal difficulty maps in the Hall of Forms (floors 13 and up). Also, the skills that appear there will only be exclusive skills or skills that cost 240 SP or more.
Note: These updates will be applied to Hall of Forms events that begin after the release of Ver. 6.1.0. Please keep in mind that they will not be applied to the Hall of Forms event that is currently active.
■ The Filter feature is being updated
We will be adding a Skill Search to the Filter feature, making it easier to search for Heroes by skills on the Edit Teams or Inherit Skill screens.
■ New Memento Events are being added to Heroes Journey
○ New Memento Events are being added!
■ New skills are being added for some Legendary Heroes
Of the Heroes that appear in Legendary Hero Remixes, Eirika: Graceful Resolve and Lucina: Glorious Archer are gaining new skills.
○ New skills
・ A Skill
Atk/Spd Solo 4
If unit is not adjacent to an ally, grants
Atk/Spd+7 during combat.・ B Skill
Lunar Brace II
Enables【Canto (2)】.Neutralizes effects that guarantee foe’s
follow-up attacks and effects that prevent
unit’s follow-up attacks during combat.
Deals damage = 15% of foe’s Def.【Canto (2)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure
destruction, unit can move 2 space(s).(Unit moves according to movement type. Once
per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest
value applied. Does not stack. After moving,
if a skill that grants another action would be
triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will
trigger after the granted action. Unit’s base
movement has no effect on movement granted.
Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy)
a distance greater than 2 space(s).)This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.
・ Assist Skill
Future Vision II
Range: 1
Unit and target ally swap spaces. Inflicts
Atk/Def-7 on nearest foes within 4 spaces
of both unit and target through their next
actions. Grants another action to unit.
(Additional action granted once per turn only.)
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.・ A Skill
Swift Sparrow 3
If unit initiates combat, grants Atk+6, Spd+7
during combat.
Cannot use:Eirika: Graceful Resolve and Lucina: Glorious Archer will be getting new weapon skills to refine at the same time, so be sure to check the section of this notification labeled “New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added” in conjunction with this section.
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated
With the release of Ver. 6.1.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 1) from events and exchange them from an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 1) will be able to be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 28/2/2022 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 1) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 6.1.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 12) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 6.1.0.■ New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added
The following Heroes will be able to learn these new character-specific weapon skills at 5★:
Ancient Codex
Hero who can learn this skill: Canas: Wisdom SeekerSworn Lance
Hero who can learn this skill: Silas: Loyal Knight・ The weapons above can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after they have been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons will be able to be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Storm Sieglinde
Hero who can learn this skill: Eirika: Graceful ResolveSpirit Breath
Hero who can learn this skill: Myrrh: Spooky MonsterThögn
Hero who can learn this skill: Lucina: Glorious ArcherDraconic Rage
Hero who can learn this skill: Corrin: Dream PrinceDraconic Rage
Hero who can learn this skill: Corrin: Dream PrincessNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ Summoner Duels is being updated.
○ We will improve the controls when Double Tap to Wait is off.
Currently, Double Tap to Wait is always on in Summoner Duels, even if you have it turned off in the game’s settings. In order to help prevent players from unintentionally ending turns early, we will revise it so when Double Tap to Wait is turned off in Summoner Duels, and you have Heroes who can still make actions or are affected by Canto, you will need to tap three times to wait.
Regarding Canto, this will be applied in situations outside of Summoner Duels as well.
Note: The game’s behavior when Double Tap to Wait is turned on will be unchanged by the update.
○ We will improve a portion of the game’s behavior when a communications error occurs.
Currently, when a communication error occurs on your end after an opponent concedes, the game will prioritize the communications error, resulting in a loss for you. We will improve the system so that even if a communication error occurs on your end after your opponent concedes, the match will count as a victory for you.
■ Aether Raids is being updated
○ Some structures will have their level cap increased.
・ Escape Ladder (O): up to level 7
You can return all of a lost battle’s Aether cost up to 7 times by placing a Level 7 Escape Ladder. Be sure to put this structure to good use!
○ Aether Resort is being updated.
・ Two new songs are being added to the Concert Hall: “Eyes of Rage” from the Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn game and “Bound by Fate (Sakura and Elise)” from the Fire Emblem Fates games.
■ Mjölnir’s Strike is being updated
○ A mechanism will have its level cap increased.
・ Deluge Fountain: up to level 5
■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Shamir: Lone-Moon Ninja
・ Bertram: Dread Cavalier■ Other Changes
○ You will be able to change your name from the Edit Profile Card screen.
A button that allows you to edit your name will be added to the Edit Profile Card screen, and the same dialogue that is displayed in the Misc. screen will be displayed.
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 6.0.1
- Release date: December 12th 2021 (North America) / December 13th 2021 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 22.32 MB (Android)
- Additional download: No
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Issues have been addressed.
- Summoner Duels server optimization
- Profile Card display issue fix
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 6.0.0
- Release date: December 5th 2021 (North America) / December 6th 2021 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: Yes (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: ??? MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ Book VI of the main story begins
Starting 7/12/2021 7:00(UTC), Book VI of the main story will open.
As the Order of Heroes sets out to investigate a mysterious darkness plaguing a village in their homeland of Askr, they come across Princess Veronica, who reports a similar phenomenon happening in Embla. With the assistance of a new ally in the form of Ash, retainer to the Divine Dragon Askr, Prince Alfonse and the others work to track down their suspected source of the encroaching dark: the dragon Embla.
5★ Mythic Hero Ash: Retainer to Askr will join your barracks if you clear Part 5 of Chapter 1 of Book VI.
Be sure to watch the thrilling Book VI Opening Movie in which the powerful retainers to Askr and Embla clash! You can jump right into the story of Book VI even if you haven’t completed Books I through V.
And to celebrate the beginning of Book VI, starting 7/12/2021 7:00(UTC), we will be holding the Book VI Begins: Ash and More New Heroes summoning event and a Book VI Begins Celebration!
In this New Heroes summoning event, Ash: Retainer to Askr is available as a part of the 5★ focus category along with New Heroes from Fire Emblem Awakening.
Note: Because Ash: Retainer to Askr is a Mythic Hero, she does not appear in normal summoning events. The next time she is scheduled to appear in a summoning event is this month’s Legendary Hero summoning event.
You can make two copies of 5★ Hero Miriel: Rapier Intellect your ally by completing quests, and there will be Log-In Bonuses from which you can get Dragonflowers and more as part of the Book VI Begins celebratory events!
■ Summoner Duels, a synchronous PvP mode, was added
Summoner Duels, a new mode in which you can face off against summoners from around the world in synchronous one-on-one battles, has been added to the Coliseum!
Build a team using your Favored Heroes and dispatch them in Favor Battles. The Favor Level of the Hero you select as your team’s captain will increase, and you can earn Forma Souls, Dragonflowers, and more as rewards based on their level.
We introduced Favor Battles in the Feh Channel – Dec. 5, 2021 video by showing an actual Favor Battle in action.
We also released a video in which two armies led by Alfonse and Veronica clash titled Fire Emblem Heroes – Summoner Duels: Alfonse vs Veronica Play-by-Play. Be sure to give the hotly contested competition a watch!
Summoner Duels also features a Free Duel mode in which you can get matched up with specific players using passwords, and a Practice Duel mode where you can dip your toes in to test the waters of Summoner Duels. Give Summoner Duels a try and find the mode that’s best suited for you!
■ A new profile card feature has been implemented
Players can now create and show off their own profile cards!
You can use a profile card to display your Favored Heroes, Home Base, and more in addition to your name and ID to other players using the profile card feature. You can also view your friends’ profile cards in the Friend List menu.
・ Your profile card will be viewable by others when you battle for the first time or edit your profile card after updating your app.
・ You can also make your profile card private by tapping Public/Private on the Edit Profile Card screen. If you make it private, other players will not be able to see your profile card.Your profile card can be edited and set by doing the following:
・ Tap Home, then Friend List, then the profile card icon in your section of the screen.
・ Tap Allies, then Interact with Allies, then My Summoner, then in the details screen tap the profile card icon.There are eight elements to your profile card, all of which can be customized to your personal preference. Be sure to give customizing your profile card a try!
List of Profile Card Elements
・ NicknameThe player’s Nickname is written here. (This is not the name of the player’s My Summoner.)
Note: You can change your Nickname by tapping Misc., then FAQ/Etc., then Change Nickname.
・ ID
You can choose to make this public or private. It is set to public by default.
Note: If you view a Friend’s profile card from your Friend List, their ID will not be displayed, whether it is set public or private.
・ Arena Tier
・ Golden Thrones
・ Home Base
You can choose one from a set of options. You can also choose Secret.
・ Play Style
You can choose one from a set of options. You can also choose Secret.
・ Favored Heroes
The 3 Heroes with the highest Favor Level and their Favor Levels will be displayed.
You can also change the background to be themed after the different worlds and countries from Fire Emblem Heroes or the summoning gate.
・ You can raise your Heroes’ Favor Level be completing Favor Battles in Summoner Duels.
・ If multiple Heroes are at the same Favor Level, then the Hero with the highest number of wins will be displayed. If there are multiple with the same number of wins, then the Hero from the newest title will be prioritized.
・ The weapons that the Favored Heroes hold will always be that of the highest ranked weapon skill of those they have acquired. Also, accessories, Resplendent outfits, etc. will not be displayed.・ Total Heroes
The number of Heroes you have met so far will be displayed. (The same number that is displayed in your Catalog of Heroes.)You can also set your Profile Card’s style and color.
■ The Sort and Filter features have been updated
○ Duo/Har. and Version options were added to Sort and Advanced Options.
By selecting Version, you can sort Heroes by the Fire Emblem Heroes game update version number they first appeared in. The first digit in the version number corresponds to the Book number of the main story.
For example, the version number for Dagr: Sun’s Radiance, who appeared during Book V, is 5.3.
○ Hero Type and Release Ver. were added to the Filter feature.
You can now filter by five different types of Heroes—including Legendary, Mythic, Duo, Harmonized, and Heroes with Dance skills—and you can filter by the six different game version numbers. Please note that Heroes who can equip a Dance or Sing skill will be affected by the Dance filter regardless of whether or not they currently have such a skill equipped.
■ New Memento Events have been added to Heroes Journey
New Memento Events have been added to Heroes Journey!
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals has been updated
With the release of Ver. 6.0.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 12) from events and exchange them from an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 12) will be able to be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 28/1/2022 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 12) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 6.0.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 11) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 6.0.0.■ A new weapon skill and weapons to refine have been added
The following Hero can now learn this new character-specific weapon skill at 5★:
Inviolable Axe
Hero who can learn this skill: Libra: Fetching Friar・ The weapon above can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after it has been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons can now be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Summer’s Breath
Hero who can learn this skill: Tiki: Beachside ScionWolf Queen Fang
Hero who can learn this skill: Nailah: Unflinching EyeWolf Berg
Hero who can learn this skill: Walhart: The ConquerorThökk
Hero who can learn this skill: Loki: The TricksterNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ Aether Raids has been updated
○ Some structures have had their level cap increased.
・ Tactics Room (O/D): up to level 9○ Aether Resort has been updated.
・ Two new songs have been added to the Concert Hall: “The Black Knight” from the Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance game and “Main Theme (Hot Spring)” from the Fire Emblem Awakening game.■ Mjölnir’s Strike has been updated
○ A mechanism has had its level cap increased.
・ Askran Seal: up to level 5■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes are now available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Sophia: Cobweb Prophet
・ Sedgar: Coyote’s Dutiful■ Other Changes
○ A button that will take you to the Book V Ending Movie has been added.
A button that will take you to the Book V Ending Movie has been added to the Main Story Book V menu in Story Maps.
○ Duo and Harmonized Heroes who have completed their action on a given turn and can use their Duo or Harmonized skill are now displayed with a green space on the map.
○ We adjusted how the turn ends when Smart End and Excl. Pair/Duo are both turned on in settings.
If a Duo or Harmonized skill can be used, but that skill will not have an effect, turns will now end.
Note: In the Summoner Duels mode, because there are circumstances in which a Duo or Harmonized skill will have an effect depending on the opponent’s actions, this behavior will not occur.
○We adjusted how the AI behaves when it is controlling Heroes.
If there is a Hero in the team that the AI is controlling who has a skill that inflicts status effects such as Guard or Deep Wounds on foes, the AI will now move that Hero before other Heroes.
○We added Summoner Duels Combat Animations to settings.
You can select On or Off, and combat animations will play in Summoner Duels only if both players have it set to On.
○We added Duels Teams to the teams in the Equip Skill Sets menu.
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 5.11.0
- Release date: November 3rd 2021 (North America) / November 4th 2021 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 20.43MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ New skills have been added for some Legendary Heroes
Of the Heroes that appear in Legendary Hero Remixes, Marth: Hero-King and Tiki: Legendary Dragon have gained new skills.
○ New skills
・ Special Skill
Shining Emblem
Cooldown: 2
At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of
an ally, grants unit Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6 for
1 turn and grants allies within 2 spaces of
unit Atk+6 for 1 turn. Boosts Special damage
by 35% of unit’s Spd. After combat, if unit’s
Special triggered, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6
to unit and all allies for 1 turn. (Bonus granted
to allies even if unit’s HP reaches 0.)
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.・ B Skill
Binding Shield II
If unit’s Spd ≥ foe’s Spd+5 or if unit is in
combat against a dragon foe, unit makes a
guaranteed follow-up attack and foe cannot
counterattack or make a follow-up attack.
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.・ B Skill
Slick Fighter 3
If unit’s HP ≥ 25% and foe initiates combat,
neutralizes penalties on unit during combat and
unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack.・ C Skill
With Everyone! II
At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an
ally, grants Def/Res+6 to unit and allies within
2 spaces for 1 turn. If a foe uses bow, dagger,
magic, or staff and initiates combat against an
ally within 2 spaces of unit, triggers【Savior】
on unit. If unit triggers Savior, grants
Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 during combat.【Savior】
Unit takes ally’s space, enters combat in ally’s
place, and receives all after-combat effects.Savior will not trigger if ally is on terrain that
unit cannot move to or if multiple units are able
to use Savior during the same combat. If Savior
triggers, after-combat movement effects do
not occur.This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.
Marth: Hero-King and Tiki: Legendary Dragon both received new weapon skills to refine, so be sure to check the section of this notification labeled “New weapon skills and weapons to refine have been added.” in conjunction with this section.
■ Updates to the Learn Skills screen
On the Learn Skills screen, when you have set it so only the Best Skills are being displayed, skills that the Hero has yet to learn will now be displayed.
■ New Memento Events have been added to Heroes Journey
New Memento Events have been added to Heroes Journey!
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals has been updated
With the release of Ver. 5.11.0, players can now obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 11) from events and exchange them from an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 11) can be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 28/12/2021 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 11) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 5.11.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 10) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 5.11.0.■ New weapon skills and weapons to refine have been added
The following Heroes can now learn these new character-specific weapon skills at 5★:
Fanged Basilikos
Hero who can learn this skill: Linus: Mad DogKaze’s Needle
Hero who can learn this skill: Kaze: Easygoing Ninja・ The weapons above can now be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after they have been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons can be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Exalted Falchion
Hero who can learn this skill: Marth: Hero-KingFruit of Iðunn
Hero who can learn this skill: Tana: Noble and NimbleSagittae
Hero who can learn this skill: Kliff: Curious SpiritThunder Armads
Hero who can learn this skill: Hector: Marquess of OstiaBýleistr
Hero who can learn this skill: Helbindi: Savage ScourgeDivine Mist
Hero who can learn this skill: Tiki: Legendary DragonNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ Aether Raids has been updated
○ Some structures have had their level cap increased.
・ Healing Tower (O/D): up to level 9○ Aether Resort has been updated.
・ Two new songs have been added to the Concert Hall: “Embracing Destiny” from the Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War game and “Awakening” from the Fire Emblem: Three Houses game.■ Mjölnir’s Strike has been updated
○ A mechanism has had its level cap increased.
・ Nifl Icicle: up to level 5■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes are now available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Nanna: Mystletainn Scion
・ Aelfric: Custodian Monk■ Other Changes
○ We corrected the display issue in the Celestial Stone Shop.
We have corrected the item-name display issue that occurred when exchanging Celestial Stones for Aether Stones, Sacred Coins, or Refining Stones in the Celestial Stone Shop.
○ We adjusted how the screen displays on iPhone 13 devices.
The time, remaining battery life, etc., will now display at the top of the screen when playing on an iPhone 13 device.
○ We removed the Skill List button from the Hero profile screen when sending a friend request in the Arena.
We removed the Skill List button from the opponent’s lead Hero’s profile screen that can be accessed from the Friend Request screen in the Arena.
- List of changes:
- Fixes an iussue impacting a message display in the Celestial Stone Shop
- New skills are being added for some Legendary Heroes
- Marth: Hero-King
- Special Skill: Shining Emblem
- B Skill: Binding Shield II
- Tiki: Legendary Dragon
- B Skill: Slick Fighter 3
- C Skill: With Everyone! II
- Updates to the Learn Skills screen
- When using the Best Skills filter, skills that the Hero has yet to learn will now be displayed.
- New Memento Events are being added to Heroes Journey
- The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated
- Players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 11) from events and exchange them for an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
- New weapon skills and weapons to refine
- Fanged Basilikos (Linus: Mad Dog)
- Kaze’s Needle (Kaze: Easygoing Ninja)
- Exalted Falchion (Marth: Hero-King)
- New weapons to refine
- Fruit of Iðunn (Tana: Noble and Nimble)
- Sagittae (Kliff: Curious Spirit)
- Thunder Armads (Hector: Marquess of Ostia)
- Býleistr (Helbindi: Savage Scourge)
- Divine Mist (Tiki: Legendary Dragon)
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 5.10.0
- Release date: October 5th 2021 (North America) / October 6th 2021 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: Yes (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 21MB(Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ Heroes Journey has been updated
○ We have implemented an Available Memento Events feature.
You can now select and view Memento Events up to three times by using the new item, Memory Fragments.
A new item called Memory Fragments will appear in Heroes Journey that can be used to unlock a Memento Event of your choosing, regardless of type and Rapport. Memento Events unlocked with Memory Fragments will be recorded in your Memento Logs just the same as normal Memento Events.
Memory Fragments can be obtained when a Memento Event you have already seen appears when you use Memento Points. The number of fragments that can be received is equivalent to the Rapport (number of hearts) of the Memento Event that appeared. You can watch a Memento Event of your choice by consuming 20 Memory Fragments.
You can use Memory Fragments up to three times each time the Heroes Journey event is held. You cannot receive more than three viewings’ worth of Memory Fragments (60 total) during the duration of an event. You can choose from both the Memento Events of the current season as well as those of previous seasons. Try unlocking Memento Events that you missed in the past by using Memory Fragments!
Note: The number of Memory Fragments you have, like Rapport and Memento Events, are reset at the end of the event period. You cannot carry them over to the next time the event is held.
○ You can now look back at your Memento Logs any time.
You can now view your Memento Logs, which could only be viewed while the Heroes Journey event was active, at any time, even when the event is not active. You can view Successful Pairs as well.
○ New Memento Events have been added.
○ While the Heroes Journey event is active, a notification will appear on the Home Screen. You can set this notification on or off from the settings screen.
○ We will improve the Memento Event button to be easier to see.
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals has been updated
With the release of Ver. 5.10.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 10) from events and exchange them from an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 10) can be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 28/11/2021 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 10) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 5.10.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 9) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 5.10.0.■ New weapon skills and weapons to refine have been added
The following Hero can learn this new character-specific weapon skill at 5★:
Soleil’s Shine
Hero who can learn this skill: Soleil: Adorable Adorer・ The weapon above can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after it has been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons can be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Hero who can learn this skill: Laevatein: Searing SteelMissiletainn
Hero who can learn this skill: Owain: Chosen OneLoptous
Hero who can learn this skill: Julius: Scion of DarknessMúspell Fireposy
Hero who can learn this skill: Tharja: Obsessive BrideNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ Aether Raids has been updated
○ Some structures have had their level cap increased.
・ Panic Manor (O/D): up to level 9○ Aether Resort has been updated.
・ Two new songs have been added to the Concert Hall: “Odd Folk” from the Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem game and “Desire Below” from the Fire Emblem Fates games.■ Mjölnir’s Strike has been updated
○ A mechanism has had its level cap increased.
・ Emblian Seal: up to level 5■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes are available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Lifis: Terror of Iz
・ Pelleas: Ashnard’s Orphan■ Other Changes
○ We adjusted how the AI moves when it controls Micaiah: Radiant Queen.We have adjusted the AI so when it is in control of Micaiah: Radiant Queen while a player is using Auto-Battle or in defensive battles in Aether Raids or the Arena, the Hero uses the Assist skill Maiden’s Solace when there is an ally who is under the effect of a penalty and hasn’t moved.
- List of changes:
- Heroes Journey
- Available Memento Events feature will be added. You’ll be able to unlock Memento Events up to three times using a new item, Memory Fragments.
- You’ll be able to watch Memento Logs when the event is not active.
- New Memento Events will be added.
- The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated. Players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 10) from events and exchange them for an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
- New weapon skill
- Soleil’s Shine (Soleil: Adorable Adorer)
- New weapons to refine
- Laevatein (Laevatein: Searing Steel)
- Missiletainn (Owain: Chosen One)
- Loptous (Julius: Scion of Darkness)
- Múspell Fireposy (Tharja: Obsessive Bride)
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 5.9.0
- Release date: September 5th 2021 (North America) / September 6th 2021 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 33.66MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ New skills have been added for some Legendary Heroes
Of the Heroes that appear in Legendary Hero Remixes, Ephraim: Legendary Lord and Hector: Marquess of Ostia have gained new skills.
○ New skills
・ A Skill
Atk/Def Solo 4
If unit is not adjacent to an ally, grants
Atk/Def+7 during combat.・ B Skill
Solar Brace II
Enables【Canto (2)】.Neutralizes unit’s penalties that inflict “Special
cooldown charge -X” on unit during combat.
Restores 10 HP to unit after combat.【Canto (2)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure
destruction, unit can move 2 space(s).(Unit moves according to movement type. Once
per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest
value applied. Does not stack. After moving,
if a skill that grants another action would be
triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will
trigger after the granted action. Unit’s base
movement has no effect on movement granted.
Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy)
a distance greater than 2 space(s).)This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.
・ B Skill
Crafty Fighter 3
If unit’s HP ≥ 25% and foe initiates combat,
unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack
and inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on
foe per attack. (Only highest value applied.
Does not stack.)
Cannot use :・ C Skill
Ostia’s Pulse II
At start of turn, grants Def/Res+6 to unit
and allies for one turn, and also, if any unit or
ally’s Special cooldown count is at its maximum
value, grants them Special cooldown count-1.
All effects granted only if the number of that
unit or ally’s movement type on the current
team is ≤ 2.
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.Also, the six Legendary Heroes listed below will appear in Legendary Hero Remixes starting with the Legendary Hero Remix event in Ver. 5.9.0.
・ Hríd: Icy Blade
・ Marth: Hero-King
・ Eirika: Graceful Resolve
・ Tiki: Legendary Dragon
・ Lucina: Glorious Archer
・ Azura: Vallite SongstressThese six Heroes will also gain new skills over time, so that will be something to look forward to.
■ New Memento Events have been added to Heroes Journey
Five new types of Memento Events have been added to Heroes Journey! If you completed all the Memento Events in the last season of Heroes Journey, please look forward to the new season’s Memento Events.
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals has been updated
With the release of Ver. 5.9.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 9) from events and exchange them from an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 9) can be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 28/10/2021 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 9) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 5.9.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 8) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 5.9.0.■ New weapon skills and weapons to refine have been added
The following Hero can learn this new character-specific weapon skill at 5★:
Dusk Dragonstone
Hero who can learn this skill: Kana: Dragon Spawn・ The weapon above can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after it has been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons can be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Hero who can learn this skill: Alm: Imperial AscentFlame Siegmund
Heroes who can learn this skill: Ephraim: Legendary Lord and Ephraim: Restoration LordNinis’s Ice Lance
Hero who can learn this skill: Eliwood: Marquess PheraeSwift Mulagir
Hero who can learn this skill: Lyn: Lady of the WindLight of Dawn
Hero who can learn this skill: Micaiah: Queen of DawnSanngriðr
Hero who can learn this skill: Camilla: Light of NohrNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ Aether Raids has been updated
○ Some structures have had their level cap increased.
・ Catapult (O/D): up to level 9○ Aether Resort has been updated.
・ Two new songs have been added to the Concert Hall: “Sephiran’s Sorrow” from the Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn game and “Combat Preparation” from the Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade game.■ Mjölnir’s Strike has been updated
○ A mechanism has had its level cap increased.
・ Death’s Throne: up to level 5■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes are available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Norne: Seaside Volunteer
・ Arete: Requiem’s Beauty■ Other Changes
○ How Ginnungagap functions has been fixed.
How Nyx: Rulebreaker Mage’s skill Ginnungagap functions has been fixed.○ How Mermaid Bow functions has been fixed.
How Hinoka: Fair Pirate Pair’s skill Mermaid Bow functions has been fixed.
- List of changes:
- Fixes an issue impacting a portion of the effect of Hinoka (Fair Pirate Pair)’s Mermaid Bow skill.
- Fixerd an issue impacting Nyx (Rulebreaker Mage)’s Ginnungagap weapon skill.
- New skills are being added for some Legendary Heroes
- Ephraim: Legendary Lord
- A Skill: Atk/Def Solo 4
- B Skill: Solar Brace II
- Hector: Marquess of Ostia
- B Skill: Crafty Fighter 3
- C Skill: Ostia’s Pulse II
- These six Legendary Heroes will appear in Legendary Hero Remixes! These Heroes will also gain new skills over time.
- Hríd: Icy Blade
- Marth: Hero-King
- Eirika: Graceful Resolve
- Tiki: Legendary Dragon
- Lucina: Glorious Archer
- Azura: Vallite Songstress
- New Archive of the North Memento Events are being added to Heroes Journey. Five new types of Memento Events are being added to Heroes Journey! If you completed all the Memento Events in the last season of Heroes Journey, look forward to this season’s Memento Events.
- The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated. Players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 9) from events and exchange them for an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
- New weapon skill
- Dusk Dragonstone (Kana: Dragon Spawn)
- (This weapon can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after it has been obtained.)
- New weapons to refine
- Dracofalchion (Alm: Imperial Ascent)
- Ninis’s Ice Lance (Eliwood: Marquess Pherae)
- Flame Siegmund (Ephraim: Legendary Lord, Ephraim: Restoration Lord)
- Swift Mulagir (Lyn: Lady of the Wind)
- Light of Dawn (Micaiah: Queen of Dawn)
- Sanngriðr (Camilla: Light of Nohr)
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 5.8.0
- Release date: August 3rd 2021 (North America) / August 4th 2021 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: ???MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes (20MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ A New Event, Heroes Journey, has been added
Heroes Journey, a new event where you make memories with pairs of Heroes of your choosing, is set to begin! Watch over your Heroes as they strengthen their bonds to one another throughout the course of their journey.
Heroes Journey is an event in which you can form a team consisting of either two Heroes or one Hero and your custom summoner, then view the Memento Events that they make along their travels.
The Rapport between your chosen pair builds as you view their Memento Events, and you can receive rewards such as Hero Feathers, Dragonflowers, and more based on how much Rapport they gain. Win the Final Boss battle, which you can challenge when you have built up enough Rapport, and you can earn special accessories as keepsakes to remember their journey! Plus, you can earn 3 Orbs from the quests that are available during the event!
The first Heroes Journey event is scheduled to start 14/8/2021 7:00(UTC) For a detailed explanation of how to play the event, what rewards are available, and more, please check the notification that is posted when the event begins.
We also introduced this event in the Feh Channel (August 1, 2021) video that was released a few days ago. Please check it out if you haven’t already!
■ The Arena has been updated
We added new features and maps to the Arena.
○ New Features
You will be able to use the below new features after updating your app version.
・ Tactical retreat
If you lose or surrender in the middle of a chain of wins, tactical retreat will treat it as though your chain was never broken, but this feature can only be used once per chain. When tactical retreat is used, your chain of wins won’t end, you will maintain your score, and you will be able to continue fighting matches in that chain.Notes:
・ There is no limit to how many times this feature can be used in a season.
・ If you use the Reset button to begin a new chain of battles in the Arena, your tactical retreat counter will reset.・ Reset button
If you have won one or more battles in a chain of battles, a Reset button will display on the Arena menu. If you tap the Reset button, your chain of wins and score will return to zero and you can start your chain of battles over from the beginning.Note: Even if you start over from the beginning, your high score until then will not change.
○ New maps
We will add new maps for the season starting 10/8/2021 7:00(UTC)
■ The Heroes that appear in summoning events have been reorganized
24 5★ Heroes who appeared between September of 2018 and February of 2019 will appear anew in summoning focus revivals starting 8/8/2021 7:00(UTC)
Also, the affected Heroes will no longer appear in the 5★ Hero category starting with the Special Heroes summoning event: Perilous Seas that begins 5/8/2021 7:00(UTC), and will instead appear in the 4★ Special Rate summoning category.
Please see the notifications entitled Feh Channel Supplement and Revival Summon Schedule for a list of which Heroes are affected and when they are scheduled to appear.
■ Feh Pass loyalty perks are available
Loyalty perks are available to Feh Pass subscribers!If you maintain an active Feh Pass subscription, you will be able to earn loyalty perks based on how many consecutive months you’ve been subscribed.
○ What perks will I receive?
・ Expanded Summoner Support
Subscribing to Feh Pass allows you to form Summoner Support bonds with up to three Heroes, but on your second month of maintaining your subscription, you will be able to form up to four bonds and on your third month of maintaining your subscription you can form up to five!Note: From the third month on, you will be able to form up to five bonds, and this will not continue to increase.
・ Feh Pass Loyalty Perk Log-In Bonuses
Based on the duration of your ongoing Feh Pass subscription, you can collect items as loyalty perk Log-In Bonuses, which are useful for developing your allies!Month 2
20 Trait Fruit
20 Dragonflowers (I)
20 Dragonflowers (A)
20 Dragonflowers (C)
20 Dragonflowers (F)Month 3 on
40 Trait Fruit
40 Dragonflowers (I)
40 Dragonflowers (A)
40 Dragonflowers (C)
40 Dragonflowers (F)Loyalty perks will be distributed the first time you go to the Home screen after renewing your Feh Pass subscription.
Note: Loyalty perks will be added directly to your inventory without going through your Present List after the notification appears on the Home screen informing you that you received them.
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals has been updated
With the release of Ver. 5.8.0, players can obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 8) from events and exchange them from an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 8) will be able to be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ The Combat Manuals that were added in this update may be compiled until 28/9/2021 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 8) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 5.8.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 7) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 5.8.0.■ New weapon skills and weapons to refine have been added
The following Heroes can learn these new character-specific weapon skills at 5★:Loyalty Spear
Hero who can learn this skill: Finn: Lance of LegendPunishment Staff
Hero who can learn this skill: Maribelle: Dire Damsel・ The weapons above can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after they have been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons can be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Dark Mystletainn
Heroes who can learn this skill: Ares: Black Knight and Eldigan: LionheartNíu
Hero who can learn this skill: Laegjarn: Sheathed SteelNifl Frostflowers
Hero who can learn this skill: Sanaki: Apostle in WhiteNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ A skill has been added for Fjorm: Princess of Ice
An A Skill, Mirror Stance 3, has been added to Fjorm: Princess of Ice.
■ Aether Raids has been updated
○ A new structure, Safety Fence (O), has been added.
Until turn X (X being this structure’s level), after skills are activated at the start of the defensive team’s turn, if the entire raiding party is outside the defensive team’s attack range, or is within 2 rows and 7 columns centered on a structure, all defensive team unit actions end immediately.Note: As of Ver. 5.8.0, the structure’s maximum level is level 1.
A Safety Fence can be built using 500 Heavenly Dew.
Please note that, with the addition of this new structure, the following will occur in Aether Raids:
・ Players who have not updated to Ver. 5.8.0 that are attacked by players who have updated to Ver. 5.8.0 will not be able to view the replay of their Defense Results. (They will not be able to view the replay even if they update to Ver. 5.8.0 afterwards.)
○ Some structures have had their level cap increased.
・ Infantry School (O/D) up to level 9
・ Armor School (O/D) up to level 9
・ Flier School (O/D) up to level 9
・ Cavalry School (O/D) up to level 9○ Aether Resort has been updated.
・ New songs have been added to the Concert Hall: “Preparations: Pilgrimage” from the Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia game and “Battle: Destiny” from the Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 game.
■ Mjölnir’s Strike has been updated
○ A mechanism has had its level cap increased.
・ Cogent Summoner: up to level 4
■ Resonant Battles has been updated
○ A Restart feature has been added.
You will be able to use Restart in Resonant Battles as well from the menu on the bottom left.
■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes are now available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Fernand: Traitorous Knight
・ Leonie: Relentless Rays■ Other Changes
○ Buttons that will take you to YouTube videos have been added to the Tempest Trials+ menu.
Buttons that take you to the Fire Emblem Heroes — Book II — Chibi Playhouse and Fire Emblem Heroes — Fjorm Sings “Flower of Ice” videos have been added to the Past Episodes menu, which will display during and after the Ice & Flame series ends.
○ More voices have been added to the Catalog of Heroes.
When you quickly tap a sprite in the Catalog of Heroes, the sound of the Hero taking damage plays. Starting with the update, the sound of the Hero being defeated will occasionally play as well.
- List of changes:
This update brings the following:
- Fjorm (Princess of Ice) can now equip Mirror Stance 3.
- Adds loyalty perks for Feh pass subscribers
- Expanded Summoner Support: up to 4 Heroes on second month of maintaining your subscription, up to 5 Heroes on third month
- Log-in Bonuses
- The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated. Players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 8) from events and exchange them for an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
- New weapon skills
- Loyalty Spear (Finn: Lance of Legend)
- Punishment Staff (Maribelle: Dire Damsel)
- New weapons to refine
- Dark Mystletainn (Ares: Black Knight, Eldigan: Lionheart)
- Níu (Laegjarn: Sheathed Steel)
- Nifl Frostflowers (Sanaki: Apostle in White)
- Safety Fence (O): Until turn X (structure lvl), after skill activation at start of defensive turn, if raiding party is outside the defensive team’s range or is within 2 rows and 7 columns centered on a structure, defensive turn ends immediately. Available at lvl 1 at release.
- Resonant Battles: A Restart feature is being added.
- Other Changes
- Buttons that allow you to view the Book II — Chibi Playhouse and Fjorm Sings “Flower of Ice” movies will be added to Past Episodes, which appears during and after the Ice & Flame event series.
- New features and maps are coming to the Arena.
- Tactical Retreat (allows you to keep your chain of wins if you lose or surrender, but it can only be used once per chain)
- Reset button (allows you to return your chain of wins and score to zero)
- New maps will added starting from the Season starting on August 10th)
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 5.7.0
- Release date: July 5th 2021 (North America) / July 6th 2021 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 20MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ A team skill lock feature has been added.
We have added a feature that allows you to lock the skills of Heroes, including Sacred Seals, on a team by team basis. When you deploy a team that includes Heroes whose skills have been locked, the Heroes will always start the battle with the skills they had equipped when the team was locked, even if you change which skills the individual Heroes have equipped before the battle begins.
Please note that you will not be able to change the skills of Heroes in skill-locked teams from the Hero’s profile screen. Also, you will not be able to switch Heroes in and out of teams that have their skills locked. When the skill lock is turned off, all Heroes in the team will have their latest skills equipped.
Unlike Aether Raids, Mjölnir’s Strike, and other Defensive Team lock features, the statuses of Heroes other than their skills will not be locked. Changing a Hero’s blessing or traits, or Merging an ally with a Hero in a skill-locked team will be reflected on the Hero in the skill-locked team. When you enhance a Sacred Seal, that will be reflected on the Hero in the skill-locked team as well.
Also, if you remove a Hero in a skill-locked team from your main barracks, whether by sending the Hero home, using them in a skill inheritance, or moving them to a reserve barracks, they will be removed from the skill-locked team.
The skill lock feature can be used on the following edit teams screens.
・ The normal Edit Team screen
・ The Edit Reserve Team screen
・ The Edit Brigades screen
・ The Form Raiding Party screen in Aether Raids
・ The Edit Team screen during multi-map battles, as well as the Edit Reserve Team screen that can be displayed during those battles.Note: It is possible to use skill lock on the Edit Brigades screen; however, your friends’ Heroes cannot be locked. If you update your friend, your friend’s Hero’s most up-to-date status will be reflected.
Skill lock is a feature that allows you to lock your Heroes’ skills when they are deployed on a map. Their latest skills will be equipped when they are not deployed on a map, such as on results screens, the Home screen, etc.
■ New skills have been added for some Legendary Heroes
Of the Heroes that appear in Legendary Hero Remixes, Lyn: Lady of the Wind and Robin: Fell Vessel have gained new skills.
○ New skills
・ A Skill
Laws of Sacae II
If unit initiates combat or if unit is within
2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6
during combat, and also, if foe uses sword,
lance, axe, dragonstone, or beast damage
and unit’s Spd ≥ foe’s Spd+5, foe cannot
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.・ C Skill
Joint Drive Spd
Grants Spd+4 to allies within 2 spaces during
combat. If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally,
grants Spd+4 to unit during combat.・ A Skill
Dragonskin II
Neutralizes “effective against flying” bonuses.
If foe initiates combat or if foe’s HP ≥ 75%
at start of combat, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6
to unit during combat and neutralizes
foe’s bonuses (from skills like Fortify,
Rally, etc.).
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.・ C Skill
Spd/Res Rein 3
Inflicts Spd/Res-4 on foes within 2 spaces
during combat.
Cannot use:
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals has been updated
With the release of Ver. 5.7.0, players can obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 7) from events and exchange them for an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 7) can be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ The Combat Manuals that were added in this update may be compiled until 28/8/2021 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 7) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 5.7.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 6) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 5.7.0.
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 6) can be obtained as rewards from the Lost Lore event starting at 06/7/2021 7:00(UTC)■ New weapon skills and weapons to refine have been added
The following Hero can learn this new character-specific weapon skill at 5★:Masking Axe
Hero who can learn this skill: Gerome: Masked Rider・ The weapon above can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after it has been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons can be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Hero who can learn this skill: Fjorm: Princess of IceHuginn’s Egg
Hero who can learn this skill: Catria: Spring WhitewingStout Tomahawk
Hero who can learn this skill: Dorcas: Serene WarriorBlizzard
Hero who can learn this skill: Gunnthrá: Voice of DreamsExpiration
Heroes who can learn this skill: Robin: Fell Reincarnation and Robin: Fell VesselNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ Aether Raids has been updated
○ Some structures have had their level cap increased.
・ Dark Shrine (O/D): up to level 8
・ Escape Ladder (O): up to level 6By placing a level 6 Escape Ladder, when you lose a battle in Aether Raids, you can regain all the Aether expended on that battle up to 6 times. Give them a try!
○ Aether Resort has been updated.
・ Two new songs were added to the Concert Hall: “Respite and Sunlight” from the Fire Emblem: Three Houses game and “Gods, have the Risen spread this far?” from the Fire Emblem Awakening game.
■ Mjölnir’s Strike has been updated
○ A mechanism has had its level cap increased.
・ Winged Summoner: up to level 4
■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes are available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Orson: Passion’s Folly
・ Zelot: Avowed Groom■ Other Changes
○ A lock icon will display on the Aether Raids and Mjölnir’s Strike Edit Defensive Team screens when your team is locked.
- List of changes:
This update brings the following:
- A team skill lock feature is being added. This allows you to lock the skills of Heroes on a team by team basis. When you deploy a team with Heroes whose skills have been locked, they will start the battle with the skills they had equipped when the team was locked.
- New skills are being added for some Legendary Heroes
- Lyn: Lady of the Wind
- A Skill: Laws of Sacae II
- C Skill: Joint Drive Spd
- Robin: Fell Vessel
- A Skill: Dragonskin II
- C Skill: Spd/Res Rein 3
- The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated. Players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 7) from events and exchange them for an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
- New weapons to refine
- Leiptr (Fjorm: Princess of Ice)
- Huginn’s Egg (Catria: Spring Whitewing)
- Stout Tomahawk (Dorcas: Serene Warrior)
- Blizzard (Gunnthrá: Voice of Dreams)
- Expiration (Robin: Fell Reincarnation and Robin: Fell Vessel)
- New weapon skill
- Masking Axe (Gerome: Masked Rider)
- Other changes
- A lock icon will display on the Aether Raids and Mjölnir’s Strike Edit Defensive Team screens when your team is locked.
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 5.6.1
- Release date: June 13th 2021 (North America) / June 14th 2021 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 18MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Issues have been addressed. (addresses an issue with an upcoming event)
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 5.6.0
- Release date: June 6th 2021 (North America) / June 7th 2021 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 19MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ The display for skills has been updated.
We have added a Best Skills button to the Hero skills screen. With this button, you can choose to display either the Best Skills in a series (the last skills learned in a given series), or to display all of the skills in a series.
・ Skills that can only be equipped by their original unit other than weapon skills will have the Best Skills of their prerequisite skills displayed as well. (Example: Astra and Regnal Astra)
・ Of the Special skills that can be inherited, prerequisite skills will not be displayed, even if the series of the given skill changes. (Example: Bonfire and Blue Flame)
・ When multiple weapon skills that can only be equipped by their original unit have been refined, only the post-refined versions of the weapon skills will be displayed. The weapon skills from which they were refined will not be displayed. However, if weapons with different names have been refined, they will be treated separately and the original weapon will be displayed.The Best Skills button has been implemented in the following menus:
○ In the Allies Menu
・ Individual Hero Change Skills and Learn Skills menus
・ Learn Skills and Inherit Skill in the Ally Growth menu
・ Equip Skills and Edit/Equip Skill Sets in the Traits/Equipment menu
・ The My Summoner Copy Skills menu in Interact with Allies○ Skill List Menu
・ The Skill List that is displayed when you select a character on the Home screen, Compile menu, and other menus.■ The second half of Book V!
With the release of Chapter 8 of Book V, Serpent’s Whispers, set for 8/6/2021 7:00(UTC), the second half of Book V will finally begin!
The Order of Heroes rescues the summoner, regaining their strength. Fáfnir’s forces, however, have yet to reveal the full breadth of their own power. Now, the intensity builds as the battle rages on…
You can view the Book V Midpoint movie when you reach Book V, Chapter 8, Part 1. Don’t miss it!
Note: You can watch the movie on YouTube as well.
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals has been updated
With the release of Ver. 5.6.0, players can obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 6) from events and exchange them for an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 6) can be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals.
・ The Combat Manuals that were added in this update may be compiled until 28/7/2021 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 6) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 5.6.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 5) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 5.5.0.■ New weapons to refine are being added
The following weapons can now be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Vassal’s Blade
Hero who can learn this skill: Karla: Sword VassalMuninn’s Egg
Hero who can learn this skill: Sharena: Spring PrincessSkadi
Hero who can learn this skill: Takumi: Empty VesselHoarfrost Knife
Hero who can learn this skill: Flora: Cold as IcePeshkatz
Hero who can learn this skill: Sothe: ZephyrNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ Pawns of Loki has been updated
○ Tier 11 will be added to Pawns of Loki.
Note: This will apply to Pawns of Loki events starting with the next one.
■ Aether Raids has been updated
○ The color of the spaces your team initially occupies on the map has been adjusted. When the opponent’s attack range (red) intersects with a space occupied by one of your units in their initial position (green), that space will be easier to see.
○ Some structures have had their level cap increased.
・ Bright Shrine (O/D): up to level 8
○ Aether Resort has been updated.
・ Two new songs have been added to the Concert Hall: “The Proud Commander” from the Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon game and “Past Light” from the Fire Emblem Fates games.
■ Mjölnir’s Strike has been updated
○ A mechanism has had its level cap increased.
・ Shining Summoner: up to level 4
■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes are now available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Sonia: Inhuman Beauty
・ Innes: Frelian Moonlight■ Other Changes
○ Past story movies were moved to YouTube.
The Book II Opening, Book III Opening, Book IV Opening, and Mid-Book IV movies have been made available on YouTube. Buttons that are linked to their respective movies have been added to Story Maps.
Along with this change, the movies will no longer automatically play at the points they did in the story up until now.
Also, when you push the Play button for each of these movies in the Movies menu under FAQ/Etc. in the Misc. menu, they will take you to the respective YouTube video.
○ The presentation of certain elements in Frontline Phalanx has been adjusted.
○ Equip Skill Sets has been adjusted slightly.
An issue in which you could select MS Defense Team after tapping Select by Team in the Equip Skill Sets menu even if you had locked your Mjölnir’s Strike Defense team has been addressed.
○ A portion of the AI’s logic has been adjusted.
When using Auto-Battle, or during Defensive Battles in Aether Raids or the Arena, Heroes will move to positions where they will be able to get an advantageous result from battle when they attack an opponent. Some Tactics Drills maps have been adjusted with this change.
- List of changes:
- The display for skills is being updated. We’re adding a Best Skills button to some Hero skills screens. This button will let you choose to display either the Best Skills in a series (the last skills learned in a given series) or all of the skills in a series.
- The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated Players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 6) from events and exchange them for an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
- New weapons to refine
- Vassal’s Blade (Karla: Sword Vassal)
- Muninn’s Egg (Sharena: Spring Princess)
- Skadi (Takumi: Empty Vessel)
- Hoarfrost Knife (Flora: Cold as Ice)
- Peshkatz (Sothe: Zephyr)
- Aether Raids is being updated
- The color of the spaces your team initially occupies on the map will be adjusted to make them easier to see in battle.
- Pawns of Loki is being updated
- Tier 11 will be added to Pawns of Loki.
- Other Changes
- The Book II Opening, Book III Opening, Book IV Opening, and Mid-Book IV movies will no longer automatically play at the points they did in the story and will be made available view on YouTube instead via in-game buttons in Story Maps.
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 5.5.0
- Release date: May 5th 2021 (North America) / May 6th 2021 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: Yes (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 22MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ Reserve barracks have been implemented
We have implemented a feature called Reserves that will allow you to house even more Heroes in your barracks than before. 10 reserve barracks have been added, and as a result, you can house a total of 1,000 additional allies. You can edit your reserves from Manage Barracks in the Allies menu.
○ Move to Reserves
This button allows you to move Heroes from your main barracks into your reserve barracks. Heroes will automatically be moved to the first reserve barracks with space available.○ Manage Groups
This button allows you to organize allies in both your main barracks and your 10 reserve barracks. You can select Heroes from any of your 11 different barracks, allowing for some meticulous organization.Things to consider when moving allies to reserves.
・ Any Sacred Seals, Accessories, Pair Ups, and Summoner Support Bonds associated with the ally will be removed when they are moved to reserves.
・ Allies that are housed in reserves cannot be added to teams, and their skills and traits cannot be changed. Also, they cannot be used to create Combat Manuals or sent home, and you will not be able to edit their favorite status.
・ Alfonse: Prince of Askr, Sharena: Princess of Askr, and Anna: Commander cannot be put into reserves.We explained how reserves work in detail in the recently released Feh Channel (April 25, 2021) video, so give it a watch if you haven’t already!
■ My Summoner has been updated
○ You can select a weapon for My Summoner from among 7 types:
After changing your weapon type, any skills that cannot be used with that weapon are automatically removed, and a My Summoner-specific weapon skill will be equipped.○ Two new styles to change up the look of My Summoner have been added.
○ You can access the My Summoner settings screen by tapping on your custom summoner on the Home screen.
・ You can still access the My Summoner settings screen by tapping Allies, then interact with allies, and then My Summoner.
・ You can change My Summoner display settings from the Settings menu.○ You can send your custom summoner to the Aether Resort. Enjoy spending time outside of battles hanging out with your favorite allies!
Note: You can set this by tapping Aether Resort, then tapping Change Heroes. Your custom summoner will be selectable from here, just like other Heroes in your barracks.
■ New skills have been added for some Legendary Heroes
Of the Heroes that appear in Legendary Hero Remixes, Gunnthrá: Voice of Dreams and Ryoma: Supreme Samurai are gaining new skills.
○ New skills
・ A Skill
Atk/Res Solo 4
If unit is not adjacent to an ally, grants
Atk/Res+7 during combat.・ B Skill
Chilling Seal II
At start of turn, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-7 on
foes on the enemy team with the lowest Def
through their next actions and inflicts Atk/Res-7
on foes within 2 spaces of foes on the enemy
team with the lowest Def through their
next actions.
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.・ B Skill
Bushido II
Neutralizes “effective against flying” bonuses.
Deals +7 damage. If unit’s Spd > foe’s Spd,
reduces damage from attacks during combat
and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding
Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage =
difference between stats × 4 (max 40%).
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.・ C Skill
Atk/Spd Rein 3
Inflicts Atk/Spd-4 on foes within 2 spaces
during combat.
Cannot use:■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals has been updated
With the release of Ver. 5.5.0, players can obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 5) from events and exchange them for an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 5) can be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ The Combat Manuals that have been added in this update may be compiled until 28/6/2021 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 5) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 5.5.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 4) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 5.5.0.■ New weapons to refine have been added
The following weapons can be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Heroes who can learn this skill: Ike: Young Mercenary and Ike: Vanguard LegendAlondite
Heroes who can learn this skill: Black Knight: Sinister General and Zelgius: Jet-Black GeneralRaijinto
Heroes who can learn this skill: Ryoma: Peerless Samurai and Ryoma: Supreme SamuraiSiegfried
Hero who can learn this skill: Xander: Paragon KnightGradivus
Heroes who can learn this skill: Camus: Sable Knight and Hardin: Dark EmperorNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ Pawns of Loki has been updated
○ Save skills equipped by enemies will no longer activate.
○ The number of turns for each Tier has been changed to 9. Because the amount of points that can be obtained at one time has been reduced with this change, the score needed to obtain each of the cumulative score rewards has been adjusted.
○ The base score for Advanced has increased by 100.
■ Aether Raids has been updated
○ Some structures have had their level cap increased.
・ Bolt Tower (O/D): up to level 8
○ Aether Resort has been updated.
・ Two new songs have been added to the Concert Hall: “Wonderful Pirates” from the Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance game and “Dark Clouds Gather” from the Fire Emblem: Three Houses game.
■ Mjölnir’s Strike has been updated
○ You can now use Auto-Create.
A feature has been implemented to the Edit Defensive Team menu that will automatically create the team that will earn you the highest score possible.○ Quests will be available that task you with defeating foes with My Summoner.
Mjölnir’s Strike events will have accompanying quests that reward you with Divine Codes (Part 2) for defeating foes with My Summoner during the Shield phase.○ A mechanism has had its level cap increased.
・ Ebon Summoner: up to level 4
■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes are now available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Solon: Church Shadow
・ Saleh: Vernal Sage■ Feh Pass has been updated
○ Feh Pass has been updated to be accessible across multiple devices with different operating systems that are using the same save data.
When you play using the same save data on different operating systems by using a Nintendo Account, Feh Pass features will be active on both operating systems. Also, if you are using the same save data, you will be able to migrate your Feh Pass subscription to another operating system when you change to a new device.
Note: You must link your save data to a Nintendo Account before changing your device. For details, please see the article titled I want to move my Feh Pass subscription to a new device. on the Feh Pass site’s FAQ page.
○ You can now see your active subscription period in the Shop.
You can now check your Feh Pass subscription status and active subscription period from the Shop menu’s More about Feh Pass button. Your active subscription period is the number of consecutive months you have been subscribed to Feh Pass without interruption beginning on or after 1/5/2021 0:00(UTC) Your Feh Pass subscription period does not include time subscribed before that time.
・ If you subscribe to Feh Pass, or if an automatic renewal occurs on or after 1/5/2021 0:00(UTC), one month will be added to your subscription period.
・ If you subscribed to Feh Pass before 1/5/2021 0:00(UTC), and your subscription is active at that time, your subscription period will display as zero months until the next automatic renewal.For more details about the active subscription period, please see the Feh Pass site’s FAQ page.
■ Other Changes
○ We have fixed the way the skill effect Pathfinder works when Auto-Battle is being used.
We have fixed an issue where, in some circumstances, unnatural behavior would occur when a Hero providing the Pathfinder effect to an ally was present while using Auto-Battle.○ We have fixed an issue with the behavior of Equip Skill Sets.
We have fixed an issue in which, when the Select by Team button is used on the Equip Skill Sets menu, the selected team would not change even when a unit icon is tapped.○ We have made minor adjustments to the blessing icons for some Mythic Heroes.
The blessing icons for Mythic Heroes that grant access to the Special slot in Aether Raids have changed as follows.○ The Forging Bonds event banner will now display in a new color palette that will differentiate it from active and inactive events after all the rewards have been collected and while it is still active.
- List of changes:
- Reserve barracks are being added 10 reserve barracks will be added, allowing you to house 1,000 additional allies. Tap Allies, Manage Barracks, then Move to Reserves to move Heroes from your main barracks to your reserves. Manage your allies using Manage Groups.
- My Summoner updated
- Select a weapon for My Summoner from among 7 types.
- Two new look styles will be added.
- Access the My Summoner settings screen by tapping your summoner on the Home screen.
- Send your custom summoner to the Aether Resort.
- New skills are being added for some Legendary Heroes
- Gunnthrá: Voice of Dreams
- A Skill: Atk/Res Solo 4
- B Skill: Chilling Seal II
- Ryoma: Supreme Samurai
- B Skill: Bushido II
- C Skill: Atk/Spd Rein 3
- The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated Players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 5) from events and exchange them for an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature
- New weapons to refine
- Ragnell (Ike: Young Mercenary, Ike: Vanguard Legend)
- Alondite (Black Knight: Sinister General, Zelgius: Jet-Black General)
- Raijinto (Ryoma: Peerless Samurai, Ryoma: Supreme Samurai)
- Siegfried (Xander: Paragon Knight)
- Gradivus (Camus: Sable Knight, Hardin: Dark Emperor)
- Pawns of Loki updated.
- Save skills equipped by enemies will not activate.
- The number of turns for each Tier will be changed to 9, and the score needed to obtain cumulative score rewards will be adjusted.
- The base score for Advanced will increase by 100.
- Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
- Solon: Church Shadow
- Saleh: Vernal Sage
- Aether Raids updated
- Some structures will have their level cap increased.
- Bolt Tower (O/D): up to 8
- Aether Resort updated.
- Two new songs are being added to the Concert Hall
- Mjölnir’s Strike is being updated
- The Auto-Create feature will be implemented.
- Quests that reward you for defeating foes with My Summoner during the Shield phase will be added.
- A mechanism will have its level cap increased.
- Ebon Summoner: up to level 4
- Feh Pass is being updated
- Feh Pass will be accessible across multiple devices with different operating systems using the same save data.
- If you are using the same save data, you will be able to migrate your Feh Pass subscription to another OS on a new device
- Other Changes
- We will fix an issue regarding movement affected by the Pathfinder effect while using Auto-Battle.
- We will fix an issue in which, when the Select by Team button is used on the Equip Skill Sets menu, the selected team would not change.
- Minor adjustments to Blessing icons for Mythic Heroes that grant access to the Special slot in Aether Raids.
- The Forging Bonds event banner will display in a new color palette to differentiate it, depending on the event’s status.
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 5.4.1
- Release date: April 14th 2021 (North America) / April 15th 2021 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 18MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Update to support future data distribution.
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 5.4.0
- Release date: April 4th 2021 (North America) / April 5th 2021 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 32MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ The new Celestial Stone item has been added!
A new item known as a Celestial Stone was added to the game!
A Celestial Stone is a special item that you can obtain when you summon a Hero of your choice after summoning 40 or more times in a summoning event. Each time you select a 5★ Hero of your choice to summon in a summoning event that allows you to do so, such as a New Heroes summoning event, you will receive one Celestial Stone directly on the summoning screen.
You can get Celestial Stones from the New Heroes summoning event: Bond of Trust, starting on 6/4/2021 7:00(UTC).
・ If a summoning event allows you to summon a 5★ focus Hero after 40 summons multiple times, it is possible to get a Celestial Stone for each of those free summons.
・ Please refer to the notification for each individual summoning event for more information regarding the system for summoning a Hero of your choice.Summoning events from which you can get Celestial Stones will display a counter on the Summon screen that shows how many times you have summoned on the event as well as a Celestial Stone icon. Tapping on the Celestial Stone icon will bring you to the Celestial Stone Shop.
Note: We have confirmed an issue that causes the above mentioned summon counter and Celestial Stone icon to display improperly with a gap between them after all available Orb Packs have been purchased. This is scheduled to be addressed in Ver. 5.5.0.
Celestial Stones can be exchanged for items in the Celestial Stone Shop, such as Forma Souls, Trait Fruit, Dragonflowers, and more.
There is a limit on the number of times an item can be exchanged for in the Celestial Stone Shop, and the limit for each item is displayed next to the “Remaining Exchanges” text. The number of items that can be exchanged is reset around every half year, and you will be able to once again exchange Celestial Stones for items that have run out.
・ The next reset will happen on 1/11/2021 7:00(UTC).
・ The number of days left until the next reset is displayed next to the “Days left to exchange” text in the top portion of the shop.
・ There will be times in the future at which the lineup of items available for exchange in the shop are changed when the number of remaining exchanges is reset.■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals has been updated
With the release of Ver. 5.4.0, players can now obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 4) from events and exchange them for an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 4) can be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ The Combat Manuals that were added in this update may be compiled until 28/5/2021 6:59(UTC).
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 4) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 5.4.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 3) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 5.4.0.
■ New weapon skills and weapons to refine have been added
The following Heroes can now learn these new character-specific weapon skills at 5★:
Hero who can learn this skill: Marisa: Crimson FlashFlower Lance
Hero who can learn this skill: Sumia: Maid of Flowers・ The weapons above can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after they have been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons can now be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Grima’s Truth
Hero who can learn this skill: Morgan: Lad from AfarGáe Bolg
Hero who can learn this skill: Quan: Luminous LancerBerserk Armads
Hero who can learn this skill: Hector: Just Here to FightNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ Aether Raids has been updated
○ Some structures have had their level cap increased.
・ Tactics Room (O/D): up to level 8
○ Aether Resort has been updated.
・ Three new songs were added to the Concert Hall: “World Map Act 3: (War of Deliverance: Respective Paths)” from the Fire Emblem Gaiden game, “Sorrow” from the Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones game, and “Howling Gears (Danceable Remix)” from the Fire Emblem Heroes game.
■ Hall of Forms has been updated
○ The number of Forma Torches awarded for clearing chambers 4, 7, and 10 in Hall of Forms events that begin after the update will increase to 2.
○ A notification will now display on the Home screen when you can collect your daily reward. A notification used to be displayed when the event was active. After the update, a notification will only be displayed when you can obtain a daily reward such as Orbs, etc.
■ Mjölnir’s Strike has been updated
○ A mechanism has had its level cap increased.
・ Vital Summoner: up to level 4
■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes are now available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Veronica: Bestowed Love
・ Díthorba: Cutting Knight■ Other Changes
○ You can now choose whether or not your customized summoner is displayed in the top portion of the Home screen. To do this, tap Options, then Summoner on Home Screen.
○ Buttons that allow you to view story movies have been added to Book III of the main story.
Buttons that allow you to watch the story movies for the second half of Book III and the ending movie for Book III have been added to Book III of the main story in Story Maps.○ The display for the top and bottom portions of screens for taller devices has been improved.
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 5.3.0
- Release date: March 3rd 2021 (North America, UK) / March 4th 2021 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 22MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ Divine Codes (Part 2) have been added
New Divine Codes that can be used to compile Normal Combat Manuals, Divine Codes (Part 2), are now available! Mjölnir’s Strike and other events from which Divine Codes can be obtained will, after the update, switch from Divine Codes (Part 1) to Divine Codes (Part 2).
Note: The Divine Codes available as Interval Rewards from Resonant Battles will switch with the season starting after the update, which is scheduled from 09/3/2021 7:00(UTC) to 15/3/2021 22:59(UTC)
Also, along with the addition of Divine Codes (Part 2), there is a new Normal 2 category added to the Compile menu. You will be able to compile Combat Manuals for Heroes that were not previously available as part of the Normal 1 category, including some Heroes from the Fire Emblem: Three Houses game, so please check out the lineup of Heroes in the new category!
Please note that you will still be able to compile Normal 1 Combat Manuals after the update. Normal 1 Combat Manuals are generally compiled with Divine Codes (Part 1), but if you don’t have enough Divine Codes (Part 1), you can supplement them with Divine Codes (Part 2).
Example: If you make a Normal 1 Combat Manual that requires 1,600 Divine Codes and you have 300 Divine Codes (Part 1) and 2,700 Divine Codes (Part 2), the Divine Codes (Part 1) will be prioritized and the remaining 1,300 Divine Codes will be taken from your supply of Divine Codes (Part 2).
■ Tempest Trials+ has been updated
・ Starting with the first event after the 5.3.0 update, Target Score will be implemented.
Five levels of Target Scores have been set, and upon reaching each level for the first time, you will receive a bonus to your Cumulative Score.
・ You can now check scores, rewards, and more on the stage select screen.
You can check your current Cumulative Score, the next Cumulative Score Reward, and how many points remain between those two numbers, all from the stage select screen. Also, your High Score and the next Target Score is displayed as well.
■ Aether Raids has been updated
○ Tier 39 will be added.
Beginning with the season starting from 09/3/2021 7:00(UTC) to 15/3/2021 22:59(UTC), which will begin after the update, Tier 39 will be added. If you finish the season in Tiers 38-39, you will begin the following season at Tier 31.
○ The Vault of Heaven has been updated.
Your class will change from Exos to Ásgarðr upon reaching the Vault of Heaven. Also, the background for Aether Raids will become a special Vault of Heaven background. Go see the view from the Heavens with your own eyes!
○ An Auto-Create function has been added to the Edit Raiding Party and Defense Team menus.
Lift gain will be prioritized for Raiding Parties and Lift loss reduction will be prioritized for Defense Teams.
○ Some structures have had their level cap increased.
・ Healing Tower (O/D): up to level 8
○ Aether Resort has been updated.
・ Two new songs have been added to the Concert Hall: “One Heart: Eliwood’s Theme” from the Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade game and “Brother and Sister” from the Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia game.
■ The limit on the number of friends you can have has been increased
The limit on the number of friends you can have has been increased from 100 to 150.
■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals has been updated
With the release of Ver. 5.3.0, players can now obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 3) from events and exchange them for an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 3) can be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
Note: These Divine Codes (Ephemera 3) differ from last year’s Divine Codes (Ephemera 3). You cannot compile Combat Manuals from last year’s lineup with this year’s Divine Codes (Ephemera 3).
・ The Combat Manuals that were added in this update may be compiled until 28/4/2021 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 3) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 5.3.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 2) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 5.3.0.■ New weapons to refine have been added
The following weapons can now be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Ayra’s Blade
Hero who can learn this skill: Ayra: Astra’s WielderGrimoire
Hero who can learn this skill: Nowi: Eternal WitchNaglfar
Hero who can learn this skill: Lyon: Shadow PrinceIvaldi
Hero who can learn this skill: L’Arachel: Princess of LightMjölnir
Hero who can learn this skill: Ishtar: Thunder GoddessNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ Mjölnir’s Strike has been updated
○ The Shield Phase will now be active for 2 days.
Up until now, both the Shield and Counter phases lasted for one day each. Moving forward, the Shield phase will be extended to last for two days.
○ A mechanism has had its level cap increased.
・ Summoner Aflame: up to level 4
■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes are now available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Veld: Manfroy’s Rock
・ Kris: Ardent Firebrand■ Other Changes
○ You can now see a Hero’s dialogue from when they level up in the Catalog of Heroes.
○ You can now view the Learn with Sharena! site from the in-app browser.
○ A banner with a link to the web page explaining Pawns of Loki has been added to the Pawns of Loki Help window.
○ An issue in which Ike: Brave Mercenary’s cape was not displaying properly when he was equipped with his Resplendent Attire in the Catalog of Heroes and Change Attire screens has been resolved.
○ An issue in which the My Summoner greeting would be reset to the default greeting under certain circumstances has been resolved.
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 5.2.0
- Release date: February 3rd 2021 (North America) / February 4th 2021 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 25MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
■ New My Summoner feature
You can now set up your summoner under My Summoner in the Allies menu. You can change your summoner’s appearance, name, and greeting for your friends.
When you change your summoner’s appearance they will appear with your selected look in certain situations.
To set My Summoner, tap Allies, then Interact with Allies, and then My Summoner in-game. In addition to choosing your summoner’s appearance, you can also equip accessories and use Copy Skills.
Note: Your My Summoner unit can equip accessories already equipped by a Hero.
An accessory specific to My Summoner, (S) Blindfold, will be given to you the first time you enter the Edit Accessory screen on the My Summoner menu. There are six other My Summoner accessories in the Accessory Shop in Aether Resort too, so be sure to check them out there!
○ Skills
My Summoner starts off with the Dire Breidablik weapon skill equipped.Dire Breidablik
Mt: 14 Range: 2
Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to allies within 2 spaces during combat. Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-4 on foes within 2 spaces during combat.
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.On top of that, you can use the Copy Skills ability to copy skills from any ally Hero and equip them to your summoner. You can even copy skills from Combat Manuals.
・ Copying a new skill overwrites the old skill. My Summoner will retain only the skills they have equipped.
・ Sacred Seals can also be copied. My Summoner and allied Heroes can equip the same Sacred Seal at the same time.Choose Specials, A Skills, and more using filters, copy them to your summoner, and make your own My Summoner with them!
○ Combat
You can deploy your summoner in Mjölnir’s Strike along with your Heroes. For more details, see the section labeled Mjölnir’s Strike updates and notifications about the Brace phase.○ For Summoners Quests
Active: 05/2/2021 7:00(UTC) to 19/2/2021 6:59(UTC)There are For Summoners Quests available to commemorate the release of the My Summoner feature. Fulfill the quest conditions while clearing certain maps to get three types of accessories specific to My Summoner!
■ Mjölnir’s Strike updates
○ The Brace Phase map is now bigger
The map is now 8×10 spaces, with 4 rows dedicated to the top portion of the map and 6 rows for the bottom.○ My Summoner can now participate in Mjölnir’s Strike!
Your summoner will now be automatically added to your Mjölnir’s Strike defensive team. The My Summoner unit can be added to any of the slots described below, with the exception of the special slot. Note that My Summoner has no impact on the strength of enemies.Notes:
・ My Summoner cannot be made a cohort of allied Heroes via Pair Up.
・ My Summoner must be included in one of the slots on your team.○ Slots have been added to defensive teams
New slots have been added: a set of Atk+10 slots and another set of special slots, which can only be occupied by Mythic Heroes of the current major season and/or a Hero with a blessing that matches that season. This addition increases the total number of slot sets to 6. Note that My Summoner and Heroes in special slots have no impact on the strength of enemies.・ Atk+10 slots
These slots give a bonus of Atk+10, and the units that occupy them can act in the bottom portion of the map.・ Special slots
You can use the special slots by fulfilling any one of the conditions below.1. A special slot can be unlocked by deploying a Mythic Hero of the current major season in any of the normal slots on your team. This includes only Heroes who appeared after Ver. 5.0.0, who increase the number of slots in Aether Raids. Only Heroes of the current major season or Heroes with a blessing that matches that season can occupy a special slot.
2. You can deploy a Mythic Hero of the current major season to a special slot directly. This includes only Heroes who appeared after Ver. 5.0.0, who increase the number of slots in Aether Raids. The second Hero placed in the special slots must be another Mythic Hero of the current major season or a Hero with a blessing that matches that season.
The special slots give a bonus of +3 to all stats, and the Heroes who occupy them can act on the bottom portion of the map.
・ You can check Mjölnir’s Strike’s current season on the main menu of the event, the Edit Defensive Team screen, and other places.
・ Since you cannot grant the My Summoner unit a Blessing, it is not possible to place them in a special slot.Example:
1. If you have deployed Reginn: Bearing Hope, who has a major Mythic Effect for Astra season and increases the number of slots in Aether Raids, to a normal slot during a Mjölnir’s Strike major Astra season, then a special slot is unlocked and can be used.2. If you have deployed Reginn: Bearing Hope, who has a major Mythic Effect for Astra season and increases the number of slots in Aether Raids, to a special slot during a Mjölnir’s Strike major Astra season, then you can use the other special slot.
○ New mechanisms have been added
・ Summoner Aflame (LV. 1-3)
・ Vital Summoner (LV. 1-3)
・ Ebon Summoner (LV. 1-3)
・ Shining Summoner (LV. 1-3)
・ Winged Summoner (LV. 1-3)
・ Cogent Summoner (LV. 1-3)Each new mechanism affects the My Summoner unit and their surroundings. Review the fighting style of the Heroes in your team and feel out what works best for you!
○ Rewards have been added
・ The amount of Dragonflowers given as tier rewards has been increased.
・ You can also now get Dragonflowers as rewards when your Askr LV. is 30.You can play the updated Mjölnir’s Strike with the Shield Phase beginning 11/2/2021 7:00(UTC) We hope you’ll look forward to trying it out!
■ The 4★ Special Rate summoning category
A new summoning category, 4★ Special Rate, has been added to summoning events that begin after the update. With this change, 5★ New Heroes that were added to the game before August of 2018 will be summoned as 4★ Special Rate Heroes, and then awaken to 5★ Heroes on the summoning screen. These Heroes will no longer appear as part of the 5★ category.
■ New skills for Legendary Heroes
Fjorm: Princess of Ice and Ike: Vanguard Legend have had new skills added. Legendary Heroes with new skills will no longer appear in normal Legendary or Mythic Hero summoning events, and will instead appear in a new summoning event, Legendary Hero Remix.
○ New Skills
・ Special Skill
Ice Mirror II
Cooldown: 2
If foe is 2 spaces from unit, reduces damage
from foe’s attacks by 40%. After triggering,
boosts damage for unit’s next attack by 40% of
unit’s Res. (Boost resets at the end of combat.)
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.・ A Skill
Atk/Def Unity
If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants
Atk/Def+5 and bonus to Atk/Def during
combat = current penalty on each of those
stats × 2. (Example: if unit has -7 penalty to
Atk, grants Atk+19, for a net bonus of Atk+12.)
Calculates each stat bonus independently.・ Special Skill
Radiant Aether II
Cooldown: 4
At the start of turn 1, grants Special cooldown count-2 to unit. Treats foe’s Def/Res as if reduced by 50% during combat. Restores HP = 50% of damage dealt.
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.・ C Skill
Joint Drive Res
Grants Res+4 to allies within 2 spaces during
combat. If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally,
grants Res+4 to unit during combat.■ Limited-Time Combat Manual updates
With the release of Ver. 5.2.0, players can now obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 2) from events and exchange them for an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
Divine Codes (Ephemera 2) will be able to be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:
・ The Combat Manuals that were added in this update may be compiled until 28/3/2021 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 2) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 5.2.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 1) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 5.2.0.■ New weapon skills and weapons to refine
The following Hero can now learn this new character-specific weapon skill at 5★:
Spy-Song Bow
Hero who can learn this skill: Nina: Eye Spy・ The weapon above can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after it has been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.The following weapons can now be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:
Hero who can learn this skill: Joshua: Tempest KingMeisterschwert
Hero who can learn this skill: Reinhardt: Thunder’s SwordGiga Excalibur
Hero who can learn this skill: Nino: Pale FlowerNote: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.
■ Pawns of Loki improvements
○ The Beginner enemies are now all NPCs
When you play Pawns of Loki on Beginner difficulty, regardless of your Tier, the enemies that appear will be NPCs on every turn. For Intermediate and Advanced difficulties, if you are Tier 1, enemies will be NPCs on all turns. If you are Tier 2 or above, other players’ teams will appear as enemies on turn 4 and beyond.○ Pawns of Loki now counts toward your number of friends helped
If a friend borrows a Hero from your brigade and clears Pawns of Loki with them, that will count toward how many times you helped your friends.■ Aether Raids and Aether Resort updates
○ Some structures have had their level cap increased
・ Duo’s Indulgence (O): up to level 5
・ Duo’s Hindrance (D): up to level 5○ Aether Resort has been updated
・ Three new songs have been added to the Concert Hall: “We should turn in for the night” from the Fire Emblem Awakening game, “A Momentary Peace” from the Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem game, and “Fire Emblem Main Theme (Arranged Ver.)” from the Fire Emblem Heroes game.
■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
The following Heroes are available to summon using Heroic Grails:
・ Caellach: Tiger Eye
・ Felix: Icy Gift Giver
・ Keaton: Resolved Wolfskin■ Other Changes
○ The limit on Hero Merit has increased from 6,000 to 7,000
■ Addressed Issues
○ The effect of Velouria: Renewed Wolfpup’s weapon skill, Renewed Fang, has been fixed.
We fixed an issue where in certain conditions, the “grants Special cooldown charge +1 per attack” effect of Velouria: Renewed Wolfpup’s weapon skill, Renewed Fang, was granted to other allies when it should only affect her support partner.
Post-fix Effect: If a Hero is the support partner of Velouria: Renewed Wolfpup and is within 2 spaces of her, that Hero will receive the “grants Special cooldown charge +1 per attack” effect.
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 5.1.0
- Release date: January 6th 2021 (North America) / January 7th 2021 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: ???MB (Android)
- Additional download: Yes
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
This update includes the following:
- Event statuses have been made easier to understand.
- adds the Vault of Heaven (Tiers 29-38) to Aether Raids. The Vault of Heaven is where the strongest compete. Reach tier 27 or 28 by the end of the season to start the next one at tier 31. In the Vault of Heaven, you get a Lift bonus of +10 for Raid victories in which all of your units survive.
- Aether Raids
- More defense maps
- 5→15
- More blessings from daily rewards
- 1→3 for the 1st and 5th times (6 total per season)
- Structure level cap increases
- Panic Manor (O/D): up to level 8
- Aether Resorts
- Two new songs are being added to the Concert Hall
- The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated Players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 1) from events and exchange them for an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
- New weapon skills and weapons to refine
- Arden’s Blade (Arden: Strong and Tough)
- Springtime Staff (Genny: Endearing Ally)
- Forseti (Lewyn: Guiding Breeze)
- Warrior Princess (Hinoka: Blue Sky Warrior)
- Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
- Hana: Focused Ninja
- Galle: Azure Rider
- Mjölnir’s Strike is being updated
- Some mechanisms will have their level cap increased.
- Dökkálfar Briar: up to level 5
- Pawns of Loki is being updated
- The number of enemy Combos from turns 4-6 will be reduced slightly.
- We will be adding a “Map: Skip Animation” option to Pawns of Loki.
- We will address some minor issues.
- Other changes
- Cavalry units using Canto while under the effect of Gravity can only move 1 space over trenches.
- If unit is under the effect of Canto, double tapping will allow unit to wait in their space, even if the Double Tap to Wait option is set to off.
- If player returns to the Home screen while Hall of Forms is active, a Notification dialogue will appear.
- Loading-screen intros will be viewable from the icon next to the Hero’s name when the Hero is selected with the Hero Check button on the Summoning screen.
- Improved event banner display
- When rewards have been collected, event banners will no longer glow.
- During the period when Forma Souls can be exchanged, the Hall of Forms banner will display in a new color palette to differentiate it from active/inactive events.
- Additional notes: none
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 5.0.2
- Release date: December 13th 2020 (North America) / December 14th 2020 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 17.93MB (Android)
- Additional download: No
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Update to support future data distribution.
- List of changes:
- fixes an issue occuring on iOS devices where you cannot enter summoning events or the Hall of Forms event screen if you have the in-app purchases setting turned off. As a workaround, you can temporarily disable the in-app purchase restrictions on your device. Important: a temporary side-effect of the fix will result on the Purchase button in Hall of Forms always being displayed as Collected if you have in-app purchases setting turned off.
- Additional notes: more details can be found on this page!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 5.0.0
- Release date: December 7th 2020 (North America) / December 8th 2020 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: Yes (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 27MB (Android) / 89MB (iOS)
- Additional download: Yes (40MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Book V of the main story is here, featuring the dvergar and their advanced machinery! Play to get a 5-star Mythic Hero Reginn to join your army!
- Improvements have been made to both Aether Raids and summoning events.
- New weapon skills with refines
- Tome of Favors (Oliver: Admirer of Beauty)
- Purifying Breath (Nowi: Eternal Youth)
- Elena’s Staff (Mist: Helpful Sister)
- A new weapon refine
- Sealed Falchion (Chrom: Knight Exalt, Chrom: Exalted Prince, Lucina: Future Witness, and Marth: Enigmatic Blade)
- Additional notes: more details can be found on this page!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 4.11.0
- Release date: November 4th 2020 (North America, UK) / November 5th 2020 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: ???MB (Android) / 89MB (iOS)
- Additional download: Yes (11.3MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- A new event, Pawns of Loki, has been added and is scheduled to begin round the middle of November.
- The End of Book IV! With the release of chapter 13 in late November, Book IV of the Main Story will come to a close. A revelation about the whereabouts of the summoner, and Peony’s wish… What comes of their battle with Freyja, and at what cost?
- The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated Players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 11) from events and exchange them for an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
- New weapon skills and weapons to refine!
- Eternal Breath (Fae: Divine Dragon)
- Elise’s Staff (Elise: Budding Flower)
- Cursed Lance (Valter: Dark Moonstone)
- Thani (Micaiah: Priestess of Dawn)
- Aether Raids is being updated
- Some structures will have their level cap increased.
- Infantry School (O/D): up to level 8
- Armor School (O/D): up to level 8
- Cavalry School (O/D): up to level 8
- Flier School (O/D): up to level 8
- Mjölnir’s Strike is being updated!
- Some mechanisms will have their level cap increased.
- Múspell Pyre: up to level 5
- Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails. The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
- Eldigan: Strutting Lion
- Petrine: Icy Flame-Lancer
- Other Changes
- You will be able to access the Learn with Sharena! website from several Help messages in-game.
- New Recommended data setting will be added. Enjoy the game at a quality close to the High Quality Version while only using approximately 1.6 GB of space.
- List of changes:
- iOS: minimum iOS version to run the game is iOS 10
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 4.10.1
- Release date: October 25th 2020 (North America) / October 26th 2020 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 20MB (Android) / 89MB (iOS)
- Additional download: No
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Issues have been addressed.
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 4.10.0
- Release date: October 6th 2020 (North America) / October 7th 2020 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 21MB (Android) / 89MB (iOS)
- Additional download: Yes (33.1MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Resonant Battles is being updated The seasonal attempt limit for Resonant Battles in the Coliseum is being removed, so players may test their strategies as many times as they like. In addition, the foes that appear will be made weaker
- The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated Players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 10) from events and exchange them for an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
- New weapon skills Effie’s Lance (Effie: Army of One) and Obsessive Curse (Rhajat: Black Magician) are coming soon! (These weapons can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after they have been obtained.)
- New weapons to refine Divine Tyrfing (Sigurd: Holy Knight and Seliph: Heir of Light), Valflame (Arvis: Emperor of Flame), and Wargod’s Tome (Saias: Bishop of Flame) are coming soon!
- Aether Raids updated
- Offensive Fortress structure level tuning expanded. If defender’s Fortress structure level is higher than attacker’s, the difference between levels will be calculated as 0. Additions from bonus-structure and low-tier tuning are applied after.
- Some structures will have their level cap increased.
- Dark Shrine (O/D): up to level 7
- Mjölnir’s Strike is being updated
- Some mechanisms will have their level cap increased.
- Deluge Fountain: up to level 4
- Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
- The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
- Darros: Seawalker
- Jorge: Traveling Peddler
- Other changes
- Stat increases and decreases will display in the combat forecast shown before a Hero attacks.
- The Portrait Display for Tall Screens option will be added, allowing players to show or hide information displayed in the extra space on tall screens.
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 4.9.0
- Release date: September 6th 2020 (North America) / September 7th 2020 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 66MB (Android) / 89MB (iOS)
- Additional download: Yes (35.5MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- New Event Frontline Phalanx Added! Frontline Phalanx is a new event in which summoners send their support to Heroes in other worlds struggling against the odds. Learn more in the most recent Feh Channel video.
- A feature to change Hero traits is being added! Players will be able to change a Hero’s asset or flaw using a new item: Trait Fruit. See the in-game notification for details. Complete quests celebrating the debut of Frontline Phalanx to earn 100 Trait Fruit!
- The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated! Players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 9) from events and exchange them for an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
- New weapons to refine! Royal Sword (Celica: Warrior Priestess), Maltet (Hector: Brave Warrior), Garm (Ephraim: Sacred Twin Lord), and Hliðskjálf (Veronica: Brave Princess) are coming soon!
- Aether Resort!
- Structures will have level caps increased
- Bright Shrine (O/D): up to level 7
- Aether Resort updated
- Three new songs added to the Concert Hall.
- Mjölnir’s Strike is being updated!
- Mechanisms will have level caps increased
- Askran Seal: up to level 4
- Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails! The following Heroes will be summonable via Heroic Grails:
- Lorenz: Highborn Heat
- Eremiya: Bishop of Woe
- Other Changes!
- When presenting opponents in Aether Raids, the game will attempt to prioritize the opponents whom players have been matched with less frequently.
- A link to Learn with Sharena! will be added to the Allies menu.
- List of changes:
- Android: minimum Android version to run the game is Android 4.4.
- Adds a new type of event: Frontline Phalanx
- Adds option to change a Hero’s Traits. Requires Trait Fruit (100 of them required to change a trait once), obtained from The Arena, Resonance Battles, Mjolnir’s Strike, and Forging Bonds.
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 4.8.0
- Release date: August 5th 2020 (North America) / August 6th 2020 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 21MB (Android) / 89MB (iOS)
- Additional download: Yes (37.1MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
Coming soon!
- List of changes:
- The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated! Players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 8) from events and exchange them for an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
- New weapon skills and weapons to refine!
- Sneering Axe (Legion: Masked Maniac), Tome of Order (Cecilia: Etrurian General), Setsuna’s Yumi (Setsuna: Absent Archer), and Bright Naginata (Shiro: Raw Talent) are coming soon!
- Aether Raids and Aether Resort are being updated!
- New items will be available from the field.
- You will be able to grow a new ingredient, tomatoes, and collect spices and gourmet spices as provisions.
- Three new songs are being added to the Concert Hall.
- Some structures will have their level cap increased.
- Bolt Tower (O/D): up to level 7
- Escape Ladder (O): up to level 5
- Mjölnir’s Strike is being updated Some mechanisms will have their level cap increased.
- Nifl Icicle: Up to level 4
- Category icons are being added to summoning screens! To help discern the type of summoning event at a glance, category icons will be added to each event’s summoning screen. Each icon and its corresponding summoning event category is shown in the in-game notification.
- Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails! The following Heroes will be summonable via Heroic Grails:
- Gangrel: Plegia’s Mad King
- Rhys: Gentle Basker
- Other Changes
- In Resonant Battles, tapping the Edit Teams button will automatically apply a filter for bonus titles.
- When prompted to download data, the status and estimated time required will be displayed. For more info, please see the in-game notification.
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 4.7.0
- Release date: July 5th 2020 (North America) / July 6th 2020 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 22MB (Android) / 89MB (iOS)
- Additional download: Yes (46.6MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- The Auto-Dispatch feature has been added to Aether Raids and will be available alongside the first season after the update. Use Auto-Dispatch when encountering really tough foes, when you don’t have time to focus, or when you’ve run out of escape ladders. It’s there to help!
- Additional limited-time Combat Manuals are available to be compiled using Divine Codes.
- List of changes:
- Auto-Dispatch feature added to Aether Raids This feature allows you to dispatch a single raiding party that will automatically battle a computer-generated team of foes.
- The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated! Players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 7) from events and exchange them for an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
- New weapon skills and weapons to refine!
- Dark Royal Spear (Berkut: Prideful Prince)
- Crimson Axe (Sheena: Princess of Gra)
- Gloom Breath (Corrin: Fateful Princess)
- Beloved Zofia (Celica: Imprisoned Soul)
- Aether Raids and Aether Resort are being updated
- Some structures will have their level cap increased.
- Tactics Room (O/D): up to level 7
- Aether Resort is being updated.
- Three new songs are being added to the Concert Hall.
- Mjölnir’s Strike being updated
- Some mechanisms will have their level cap increased.
- Ljósálfar Garden: up to level 4
- Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails Heroes will be summonable via Heroic Grails:
- Ashnard: Mad King
- Hinata: Samurai Groom
- Other Changes
- Duo and Harmonized Hero sprites will be slightly smaller.
- The Assist Skills in Auto option will be added to Settings and can be set to On, Off, or No Move Skills.
- Options for various Home Notifications will be added to Settings.
- Hero Check button will be added to the summoning screen. This allows players to preview the profile screens of Heroes appearing in the event.
- In Ver. 4.7.0 onward, rewards for Resonant Battles seasons will become obtainable at each season’s end.
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 4.6.1
- Release date: June 17th (North America) / June 18th 2020 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 19MB (Android) / 89MB (iOS)
- Additional download: ???
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
Issues have been addressed.
- List of changes:
- Fixes an issue impacting Sniper’s Bow, a new skill for Clarisse (Sniper in the Dark), added in Ver. 4.6.0. If the target enemy is defeated using Sniper’s Bow, the enemies within 2 spaces of the target are correctly inflicted with Atk/Spd -7, but do not receive the intended 7 damage.
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 4.6.0
- Release date: June 4th (North America) / June 5th 2020 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: Yes (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 24MB (Android) / 89MB (iOS)
- Additional download: Yes (85.2MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Book IV of the main story continues into its second half. What struggles will our Heroes face in the nightmare realm of Dökkálfheimr? Watch the video at the start of Book IV, Chapter 8, for a preview of what’s to come!.
- New weapon skills for Draug, Donnel, and Clarisse have been added.
- List of changes:
- iOS: recommended RAM amount will be increased to 2 GB or more.
- The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated! Players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 6) from events and exchange them for an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
- New weapon skills and weapons to refine!
- Stalwart Sword (Draug: Gentle Giant)
- Hewn Lance (Donnel: Village Hero)
- Sniper’s Bow (Clarisse: Sniper in the Dark)
- Great Flame (Myrrh: Great Dragon)
- Aether Raids and Aether Resort are being updated
- Some structures will have their level cap increased
- Healing Tower (O/D): up to level 7
- Three new songs are being added to the Concert Hall
- Mjölnir’s Strike being updated
- Some mechanisms will have their level cap increased.
- Heroic Banner: up to level 4
- Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails. Heroes will be summonable via Heroic Grails:
- Iago: Nohr’s Tactician
- Minerva: Princess-Knight
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 4.5.0
- Release date: May 6th 2020 (North America) / May 7th 2020 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 20MB (Android) / 89MB (iOS)
- Additional download: Yes (50.6 MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Players can now exchange R&R Affinity for certain accessories in the Accessory Shop.
- New weapon skills for Narcian, Gwendolyn, and Leon have been added.
- Additional Limited-Time Combat Manuals are available to be compiled using Divine Codes.
- List of changes:
- A feature that allows players to purchase accessories has been added! Players may now purchase accessories from the Accessory Shop structure in their Aether Resort. Certain previously available accessories and special accessories will be available for purchase.
- The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated! Players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 5) from events and exchange them for an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.
- New weapon skills and weapons to refine!
- Runeaxe (Narcian: Wyvern General)
- Weighted Lance (Gwendolyn: Adorable Knight)
- Bow of Beauty (Leon: True of Heart)
- Dark Greatsword (Siegbert: Future King)
- The duration of the weekly Double SP event has been extended! Starting May 8, 12:00 AM PT, the Double SP event will be held every week from 12:00 AM PT on Fridays to 11:59 PM PT on Sundays, for a longer duration of three days
- The Forma Allies Recruit Bonus has been added! A bonus of 500 Hero Feathers will become available at the conclusion of a Hall of Forms event that you have played. (This gift will be available from Hall of Forms events that begin after the release of Ver. 4.5.0.)
- Arena Assault has been updated!
- A suspend-and-resume feature has been added. Players can suspend their session and exit Arena Assault to play other events and modes.
- Items have been improved. Certain Arena Assault items grant Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6, up from Atk/Spd/Def/Res+3.
- Aether Raids and Aether Resort are being updated!
- Some structures will have their level cap increased.
- Panic Manor (O/D): up to level 7
- Aether Resort is being updated.
- Three new songs are being added to the Concert Hall.
- Mjölnir’s Strike is being updated! Some mechanisms will have their level cap increased.
- Emblian Seal: Up to level 4
- Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails! These Heroes will be summonable via Heroic Grails:
- Flame Emperor: Bringer of War
- Bartre: Earsome Warrior
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 4.4.1
- Release date: April 8th 2020 (North America) / April 9th 2020 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 19MB (Android) / 89MB (iOS)
- Additional download: No
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
Issues have been addressed.
- List of changes:
- Fixes an issue where incorrect scores were displayed during the Counter phase in “Mjölnir’s Strike”
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 4.4.0
- Release date: April 6th 2020 (North America) / April 7th 2020 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 25MB (Android) / 89MB (iOS)
- Additional download: Yes (33.2MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- You can now choose a free 5-star focus Hero from New Heroes summoning events (once per event) after summoning 40 times from that event.
- Limited Hero Battles and Lost Lore: Spoils are now available.
- You can now use Divine Codes to compile limited-time Combat Manuals.
- List of changes:
- fixes an issue with inacurrate scores in-game during the Counter Phase in Mjölnir’s Strike
- adds new weapon skills and weapons to refine
- Inveterate Axe (Gunter: Inveterate Soldier)
- Candied Dagger (Gaius: Candy Stealer)
- Blue-Crow Tome (Ursula: Blue Crow)
- Gleipnir (Eirika: Anamnesis Lady)
- Limited Hero Battles: complete past Special Maps, but with restrictions on deployment options. For example: only Heroes from a certain game allowed, or Heroes with certain skills are banned.
- Hero filter added to Edit Teams screen (useful for Limited Hero Battles): search using name, colour, movement type, blessing, games, and more.
- Lost Lore: Spoils. Explore the world of Fire Emblem Heroes. Does not feature any strikes.
- Fortress (O) Low-Tier Tuning Adjusted: level of your offensive structures is raised when attacking on lower AR tiers.
- Rarity Changes: Reyon (White Prince), Thea (Stormy Flier), Mordecai (Kindhearted Tiger), Brady (Daunting Priest), Mercedes (Kindly Devotee), Norne (The Volunteer), Python (Apethetic Archer), Tethys (Beloved Dancer), and Echidna (Unyielding Idealist) now showing up as 3* and 4* Heroes instead of 4* and 5*.
- Change to New Heroes Summoning Events
- After your 40th summon on an event, choose a focus Hero from that event to summon for free (only applies to New Heroes summoning events, and can only be used once per summon event). Does not require any Orbs. First Summon Tickets count towards the 40 required summons.
- The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals was updated.
- Aether Raids and Aether Resort updated.
- Mjölnir’s Strike updated.
- Additional notes: more details can be found in the in-game notifications once the update is live.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 4.3.0
- Release date: March 4th 2020 (North America) / March 5th 2020 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 23MB (Android) / 89MB (iOS)
- Additional download: Yes (32MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Combat Manuals can now be compiled from Divine Codes using the new Compile Combat Manual feature.
- Forma units from the Hall of Forms events can now be made into allies with the new Forma Soul items.
- List of changes:
- The Compile Combat Manual feature is being added. You will be able to compile Combat Manuals using Divine Codes.
- Divine Codes (Part 1): These can be used to compile Normal Combat Manuals. Tap Allies, Compile, then Normal to view the list of paths. Choose the leftmost Combat Manual on the path you wish to unlock. You may set down any path you like, and switch to another path at any time.
- You receive 1,500 Divine Codes (Part 1) when you enter the Compile screen for the first time.
- Divine Codes (Part 1) appear as Tier Rewards in Mjölnir’s Strike. From Mar. 2, 11 PM PT, they will also appear as Rank Rewards in Aether Raids and Tier Awards in the Arena.
- Divine Codes (Ephemera): These can be used to compile Limited-Time Combat Manuals. The type of Ephemera available will change with each update. In Ver. 4.3.0, the Heroes whose Combat Manuals can be compiled with Divine Codes (Ephemera 3) are listed in the in-game notifications.
- New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added
- Laid-Back Blade for Gray: Wry Comrade
- Jubilant Blade for Tobin: The Clueless One
- Veteran Lance for Jagen: Veteran Knight
- Thunderhead for Olwen: Righteous Knight
- Aether Resort is being updated
- Three new songs from the Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, and Fire Emblem: Three Houses games are being added to the Concert Hall.
- Mjölnir’s Strike is being updated
- The following mechanism’s level cap will increase: ・ Dökkálfar Briar: up to level 4
- Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
- The following Heroes may be summoned using Heroic Grails:
- Travant: King of Thracia
- Itsuki: Finding a Path
- Other Changes
- The quest completion counter shown above Quests & Missions on the Home screen will no longer include completed Feh Pass Quests for players who are not subscribed to the Feh Pass.
- Additional notes: more details can be found in the in-game notification. Also, if a player is using Ver. 4.2.0 of the game, and a Hero in their Friend List is equipped with one of the weapons or weapons to refine added in Ver. 4.3.0, then the game will crash when that Hero appears in the Friend List. To avoid the issue, update to Ver. 4.3.0 as soon as possible.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 4.2.0
- Release date: February 5th 2020 (North America) / February 6th 2020 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: Yes (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 65MB (Android) / 89MB (iOS)
- Additional download: Yes (49MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
The new Feh Pass subscription service is now available.
Plus, the 3rd Anniversary celebration is in full swing!
- List of changes:
- Adds the Feh Pass (monthly subscription, $9.49). Offers the following benefits:
- 1) Resplendent Heroes (+ resplendent costumes unlocked for other versions of those Heroes). Features new voices and visuals, and +2 bonus to all of their stats. 2 Resplendent Heroes per month on the 10th and 25th of every month (9th and 24th when DST is off), that will also be available for purchase separately after distribution period has ended.
- 2) Special Feh Pass Quests (twice every month, alongside the Resplendent Heroes)
- 3) Expanded Summoner Support, bond with up to 3 Heroes
- 4) Re-Act, allows you to return to the start of the previous turn if your Heroes have yet to act, and to the start of the current turn if your Heroes have already acted. Works even if you get a Game Over, and can be used as many times as you want. However, cannot be used in the Coliseum and Aether Raids.
- 5) Auto-Start, allows you to play the same map several times in a row (provided you have stamina remaining). Can be used in Training Tower, Tempest Trials+, Forging Bonds. In Tempest Trials+, it automatically switches teams.
- Aether Raids and Aether Resort are being updated
- The structure limit is being updated (max. number of offensive structures: 5 > 6)
- Three new songs are being added to the Concert Hall
- Royal Palace of Silesse (Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War)
- Lyon (Organ Arrangement) (Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones)
- Spring Radiance (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)
- New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added
- Laslow’s Blade (Laslow: Dancing Duelist)
- Devil Axe (Barst: The Hatchet)
- Jakob’s Tray (Jakob: Devoted Servant)
- Father’s Tactics (Morgan: Lass from Afar)
- The “Learn Skills” screen will now also show Skills that are still unattainable at lower rarity levels.
- Additional notes: more details can be found in the in-game notification.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 4.1.1
- Release date: January 14th 2020 (North America) / January 15th 2020 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 18MB (Android) / 89MB (iOS)
- Additional download: No (???MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Implemented bug fixes.
- List of changes:
- Fixes an issue with Mordecai: Kindhearted Tiger’s weapon skill, Sabertooth Fang, which causes Grandmaster 44 Tactics Drills to be unclearable.
- Addresses an issue that made it possible to equip multiple Heroes with the same Sacred Seal.
- Additional notes: more details can be found in the in-game notification.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 4.1.0
- Release date: January 7th 2020 (North America) / January 8th 2020 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 19MB (Android) / 89MB (iOS)
- Additional download: Yes (58MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- New character-specific weapon skills for Cordelia, Rebecca, and Henry have been added.
- Some Aether Raids structures have had their level cap increased.
- Issues have been addressed.
- List of changes:
- Adjusts the Skill Description for Igrene: Nabata’s Protector’s Guardian Bow
- New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added
- Cordelia’s Lance for Cordelia: Knight Paragon
- Rebecca’s Bow for Rebecca: Wildflower
- Corvus Tome for Henry: Twisted Mind
- Light Brand for Leif: Prince of Leonster
- Aether Raids and Aether Resort are being updated
- Three new songs are being added to the Concert Hall.
- Siless Castle Town (Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War)
- Young Warriors (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)
- As Fierce as Fire (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
- Some structures will have their level cap increased
- Dark Shrine (O / D): up to level 5
- Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
- Cormag: Aloof Lanceman
- Brunnya: Devoted General
- Other Changes
- Notifications will be sent to players when Battle Ballots are fully restored during a Voting Gauntlet.
- Descriptions of Heroes who appear in active summoning events will be added to loading screens.
- Issues affecting Mjölnir’s Strike will be addressed.
- Additional notes: more details can be found in the in-game notification.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 4.0.0
- Release date: December 4th 2019 (North America) / December 5th 2019 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 23.6MB (Android) / 89MB (iOS)
- Additional download: Yes (133.6MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Book IV of the main story opens on 12/5. Clear Chapter 1 to receive Peony: Sweet Dream as a 5-star Hero!
- New event, Mjölnir’s Strike, starts on 12/8.
- Skills can now be learned and changed directly from a Hero’s profile screen.
- List of changes:
- Book IV of the main story will soon begin. The Order of Heroes enters the realm of dreams and confronts denizens of the realm of nightmares!
- New event Mjölnir’s Strike has been added. Starting on 12/8 at 11:00 PM PT, players will cooperate to protect the Kingdom of Askr from Thórr’s army in the newest event, Mjölnir’s Strike! Score higher than the opposing army and claim victory to earn rewards. There’s a new type of reward, the Divine Code. They’re not useful right now, but use this opportunity to stock up! The first Shield phase starts on 12/8 at 11:00 PM PT.
- New functionality added to the Hero profile screen. Skills can now be learned and changed directly from a Hero’s profile screen. Also, you can now use the Equip Skills function to equip Sacred Seals.
- Aether Raids and Aether Resort have been updated.
- Aether Resort has been updated. Three new songs have been added to the Concert Hall.
- Some structures have had their level cap increased. Bright Shrine (O/D): up to level 5
- The Arena is being updated. The number of extra points earned toward your score whenever you defeat a foe using a bonus Hero will be adjusted. This update will come into effect with the season starting on 12/9 at 11:00 PM PT.
- Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails The following Heroes are available to summon using Heroic Grails: Rolf (Tricky Archer), Conrad (Masked Knight)
- New weapon skills and weapons to refine:
- Knightly Lance (Mathilda: Legendary Knight)
- Arthur’s Axe (Arthur: Hapless Hero)
- Lordly Lance (Clive: Idealistic Knight)
- Resolute Blade (Mia: Lady of Blades)
- Additional notes: more details can be found in the in-game notification.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 3.11.0
- Release date: November 6th 2019 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 21MB (Android) / 89MB (iOS)
- Additional download: Yes (30.3MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Aether Raids has been updated. The number of defensive structures that can be placed in your Aether Resort has been increased from 5 to 6.
- New character-specific weapon skills have been added for four Heroes.
- List of changes:
- Aether Raids and Aether Resort are being updated
- Three new songs are being added to the Concert Hall.
- Bolt Tower (O/D) structures will have their level cap increased to 5.
- The maximum number of defensive structures that you can place is being increased from 5 to 6.
- NB: The following will temporarily occur in Aether Raids with the release of Ver. 3.11.0:
- Players using Ver. 3.10.0 cannot be matched with or attack players using Ver. 3.11.0 (with 6 defensive structures placed).
- Players using Ver. 3.11.0 can attack players using Ver. 3.10.0.
- New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added
- Concealed Blade for Athena: Borderland Sword
- Golden Naginata for Subaki: Perfect Expert
- Renowned Bow for Gordin: Altean Archer
- Sun Dragonstone for Kana: Dragon Princess
- Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails. The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
- Rinea: Reminiscent Belle
- Astram: Midia’s Hero
- Additional notes: check out this page for more details about what the update has to offer!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 3.10.0
- Release date: October 8th 2019 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 22MB (Android) / 89MB (iOS)
- Additional download: Yes (42.6MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- A new mode, Hall of Forms, has been added. The first event starts 10/10!
- Now you can join your Heroes for a meal! The Field and Dining Hall have been added to Aether Resort.
- The Harvest Party event begins on 10/9. It’s sure to be a treat!
- List of changes:
- new character-specific weapons skills:
- Guardian’s Axe (Hawkeye: Desert Guardian)
- Frederick’s Axe (Frederick: Polite Knight)
- Dignified Bow (Virion: Elite Archer)
- new weapon upgrade:
- Weirding Tome (Lute: Prodigy)
- Two new R&R Structures for the Aether Resort
- Field (grow all kind of crops, including Dragonflowers)
- Dining Hall (cook up dishes for other Heroes
- Adds Duo Heroes (can use powerful Duo Skills on any map, but only once per map)
- Adds Hall of Forms event
- Adds new offensive and defensive structures to Aether Raids (Duo’s Indulgence and Duo’s Hindrance)
- New Heroes have been added to Heroic Grails
- Aether Resort: you can now invite up to 12 Heroes
- Three new songs have been added to the Concert Hall
- Additional notes: check out this page for more details about what the update has to offer!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 3.9.0
- Release date: September 4th 2019 (North America) / September 5th 2019 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 17.5MB (Android) / 89MB (iOS)
- Additional download: Yes (34.4MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- A new feature, Heroes’ Path, has been added! Feeling lost in a new world? Let the Heroes’ Path be your guide—and complete quests to earn some 5-star Heroes!
- Aether Raids has been updated. You can now spend twice the Aether to earn twice the Lift from attacking!
- List of changes:
- new Heroes’ Path feature
- new weapons skills and weapons to refine
- Updates to Aether Raids / Aether Resort
- Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
- Additional notes: you can find more details about the update on this page!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 3.8.0
- Release date: August 5th 2019 (North America) / August 6th 2019 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 20MB (Android) / 89MB (iOS)
- Additional download: Yes (36.3MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- The new Lost Lore events begin on August 13. Send Heroes to scout out other worlds in order to recover their lost lore for the Heroes’ Saga!
- New character-specific weapon skills have been added for four Heroes.
- List of changes:
- new weapons skills and weapons to refine [more details]
- new Lost Lore event [more details]
- Updates to Aether Raids
- Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
- Additional notes: you can find more details about the update on this page!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 3.7.1
- Release date: July 25th 2019 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 4MB (Android) / 89MB (iOS)
- Additional download: No (???MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- The app’s icon has been updated [Android: Byleth: Proven Professor / Play Store: Edelgard, Claude, and Dimitri / iOS and AppStore: Bylet: Tested Professor]
- The main character and house leaders from the Fire Emblem: Three Houses game make their long-awaited appearance—along with a gift of some new castle designs!
- Additional notes: check out this post for details on how to get Bylet: Tested Professor for “free”!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 3.7.0
- Release date: July 7th 2019 (North America) / July 8th 2019 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 18MB (Android) / 89MB (iOS)
- Additional download: Yes (???MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Aether Raids has been updated. You can now earn defense rewards too!
- New character-specific weapon skills have been added for four Heroes.
- List of changes:
- Aether Raids is being updated.
- New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added.
- New Heroes will be added to Heroic Grails
- Various other changes (including radical inventory increase for some items)
- Additional notes: check out this post for all the details about this update!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 3.6.0
- Release date: June 9th 2019 (North America) / June 10th 2019 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 17MB (Android) / 89MB (iOS)
- Additional download: Yes (51.8MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- The Concert Hall has been added, where you can listen to nostalgic tunes anytime.
- The ability to save Aether Raids map setups has been added.
- The limit on Hero Merit has been raised to 6,000
- Weekly Revival summoning events have been added.
- A new mode, Røkkr Sieges, will become available on June 17!
- List of changes:
- New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added [more details];
- Concert Hall added to Aether Resort
- adds setups for Aether Raids
- adds a Copy function to the map editor in Aether Raids
- upgrades the Test Defense function, to allow for testing for next Aether Raids season
- Hero Merit limit increase to 6 000
- adds new game mode: Røkkr Sieges
- Aether Raids are getting adjustments [more details]
- Additional notes: check out this post for more details about the update!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 3.5.1
- Release date: May 13th 2019 (North America) / May 14th 2019 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 9.7MB (Android) / 89MB (iOS)
- Additional download: No (0MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
Bug fixes
- List of changes:
- Fixes an issue with the Rematch feature in Aether Raids in Ver. 3.5.0. The issue was occuring due to a problem with the acquisition of opponent data. The feature has been suspended and will remain unavailable until the update is released (if you try to use it anyway, you will get an error message telling you that no opponent can be found).
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 3.5.0
- Release date: May 8th 2019 (North America) / May 9th 2019 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 14MB (Android) / 89MB (iOS)
- Additional download: Yes (45.5MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Friend Mock Battles have been added to Aether Raids. Test your teams against your friends’ defense maps!
- Enjoying Aether Resort? A new icon has been added to let you know when your daily R&R Affinity is ready.
- An icon-only display mode for Sacred Seals has been added to the Equip Seals menu.
- List of changes:
- Fixes issue causing the game to crash in the Aether Resort mode [more details];
- Friend Mock Battles are being added to Aether Raids;
- New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added;
- The Equip Seals screen is being improved.
- Additional notes: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 3.4.0
- Release date: April 8th 2019 (North America) / April 9th 2019 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 57MB (Android) / 89MB (iOS)
- Additional download: Yes (up to 620MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- The new Aether Resort mode has been added, offering new ways to interact with Heroes.
- The new Pair Up function has been added, allowing certain Legendary Heroes to deploy paired with another Hero.
- The Heroes who can appear at 5-star rarity have been adjusted for summoning events featuring new Heroes from this version on. For details, please see the in-game notification.
- List of changes:
- adds new ability for Legendary Heroes: Pair Up
- adds new game mode: Allegiance Battles
- adds new feature: Aether Resort
- adds option create separate Raid Parties for each element (Aether Raids)
- Adjustments are being made to Aether Raids.
- New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added
- updates game icon
- Additional details: check out this post and this one for plenty of details about the new features!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 3.3.0
- Release date: March 6th 2019 (North America) / March 7th 2019 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 12MB (Android) / ???MB (iOS)
- Additional download: Yes (76MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- The Inherit Skill feature has been expanded! A single Hero can now transfer up to four skills to an ally.
- New character-specific weapon skills have been added for two Heroes.
- List of changes:
- The Inherit Skill feature is being expanded (increases the number of skills an ally can transfer to another ally, from 3 to 4)
- The Aetheric Lift loss reduction provided by Anima and Dark Mythic Heroes is being strengthened slightly
- New weapons and weapons to refine are being added
- Sacred Seals are being made easier to to find on the Equip Seals screen
- Additional details: more details can be found in this post!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 3.2.0
- Release date: February 6th 2019 (North America) / February 7th 2019 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: Yes (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 14MB (Android) / 86.1MB (iOS)
- Additional download: Yes (104.8MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
The second-anniversary celebration is on now—and the app’s icon has been updated as well! Players who update the app and log in will receive a 2nd Anniversary castle design.
A new item, Dragonflower, has been added. Earn Dragonflowers by succeeding in the new map type, Heroic Ordeals, and use them to further strengthen your Heroes.
- List of changes:
- makes changes to the Merge Hero feature
- adds new background for the castle [more details]
- adds a new item to strengthen your Heroes: Dragonflowers
- adds a new modes: Heroic Ordeals
- makes changes to Aether Raids
- adds new weapon skills and weapons to refine
- Additional details: check out this post for all you need to know about this update!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 3.1.0
- Release date: January 9th 2019 (North America) / January 10th 2019 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 13.88MB (Android) / ???MB (iOS)
- Additional download: Yes (42MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- A new weapon type has been added: Beast! The laguz now appear in Fire Emblem Heroes.
- Full-screen viewing on the 2018 iPad Pro is now supported.
- List of changes:
- A new weapon type, Beast, will be added
- Legendary Effects and Mythic Effects will be expanded
- In Aether Raids, Aether Fountains and other structures will have their level cap increased
- New weapon skills and weapons to refine will be added
- Additional details: check out this post for all the details about this update!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 3.0.1
- Release date: December 19th 2018 (North America) / December 20th 2018 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 9.9MB (Android) / 105.5MB (iOS)
- Additional download: No
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
Implemented bug fixes
- List of changes:
- fixes issue with Rematch in Aether Raids (click here for more details)
- Additional details: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 3.0.0
- Release date: December 10th 2018 (North America) / December 11th 2018 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: Yes (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 55.42MB (Android) / 108.5MB (iOS)
- Additional download: 94.6MB
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Book III is now available in Story Maps! Play through the story to obtain Eir: Merciful Death as a 5-Star Hero.
- Also, you can now get First Summon Tickets, which can be exchanged for a free summon during specific summoning events.
- List of changes:
- adds Book III of the main story [more details]
- adds new character-specific weapon skills [more details]
- adds new types of Seasons, impacting Aether Raids [more details]
- adds First Summon Tickets [more details]
- various other changes and improvements [more details]
- Additional details: update announced on October 31st. Early details in this post. More details from the latest Feh Channel presentation in this post. More details about the update itself available in this post!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 2.11.1
- Release date: November 15th 2018 (North America) / November 16th 2018 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 8.4MB (Android) / ???MB (iOS)
- Additional download: No.
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
Implemented bug fixes
- List of changes:
- Additional details: update should be released around 4.30PM PT / 7.30PM ET / 12.30AM GMT / 1.30AM CET / 9.30AM JST
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 2.11.0 – Data Update
- Release date: November 14th 2018 (North America) / November 8th 2018 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 7.9MB (Android) / 7.9MB (iOS)
- Additional download: no.
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Adjusted the Rank Rewards received at the end of a season in Aether Raids [check out this page for more details]
- Fixed an error in the description for the Healing Tower (O) structure [check out this post for more details]
- Fixed an issue where the wrong background music played on the final map of Tempest Trials+: Before We Met…
- Additional details: this is a Data update. It’s downloaded automatically upon launching the game.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 2.11.0
- Release date: November 7th 2018 (North America) / November 8th 2018 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 15MB (Android) / 105.8MB (iOS)
- Additional download: 46.9MB
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Take to the skies and battle in your very own castle in a new mode: Aether Raids!
- A new type of item, Heroic Grails, lets you summon Heroes that have appeared in Grand Hero Battles and other modes.
- We’re also getting closer to the unveiling of Book III of the Fire Emblem Heroes story…
- List of changes
- New Weapon Skills and Weapons to refine will be added
- adds Heroic Grail items [more details]
- adds Aether Raids mode [more details]
- various other changes [more details]
- Additional details: update announced on November 2nd. More details can be found in this post!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 2.10.0
- Release date: October 8th 2018 (North America) / October 9th 2018 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 10MB (Android) / 96.1MB (iOS)
- Additional download: 42.1MB
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Good news for users who have concerns about storage space on their devices: You can now choose between High Quality and Lite Data versions of the game data. Lite Data reduces the amount of data that needs to be downloaded by lowering image and voice quality. This is particularly helpful for those on the go. (The high quality version can be downloaded at any time.)
- Grand Hero Battles have a new, harder difficulty mode as well.
- List of changes
- Abyssal difficulty will be added to the Grand Hero Battle rotation
- Lite Data Version downloads will be added for users who are concerned about space on their devices
- New Weapon Skills and Weapons to refine will be added
- A feature for naming favourite marks will be added
- The help text for some Special Skills has been adjusted
- Additional details: update announced on October 1st. More details can be found in this post!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 2.9.1
- Release date: September 13th 2018 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 8.1MB (Android) / ???MB (iOS)
- Additional download: no
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Implemented bug fixes
- List of changes
- Fixed an issue with the upcoming Forging Bonds event
- Fixed an issue where enemies affected by the Trilemma+ weapon skill also gained Special cooldown count-1
- Fixed an issue with the display of Voting Gauntlet points that occured in Ver. 2.9.0
- Additional details: you have to update the app before September 18th. After that date, you will be forced to update in order to be able to keep playing.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 2.9.0
- Release date: September 5th 2018 (North America) / September 6th 2018 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 11.49MB (Android) / ???MB (iOS)
- Additional download: yes (34.3MB)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- A new feature for barracks organization, Combat Manuals, has been added.
- A new battle type, Relay Defense, has been added.
- Additional weapon skills have been added.
- Additional weapons can be upgraded in Weapon Refinery.
- List of changes
- adds new type of Special Maps: Relay Defense
- adds new weapon skills and weapons to refine
- adds Combat Manuals
- Edit Teams screen: will allow you to check the current Blessing season;
- Tap Battle: a Swap Left/Right option will be added, changing the side of allies and enemies;
- Tempest Trials, Arena Assault, etc: you will be able to switch between Reserve Teams and Primary Teams via the UI for battles that require a second team;
- Grand Conquests: a warning will be displayed when there’s less than 10mn left in a Battle;
- Friend List: new friend requests will now be displayed on top;
- Android: tapping the back icon in battle will open the Battle menu.
- Known issues:
- minor issue related to Voting Gauntlet scores and the latest Summoning Focus [more details]
- Additional details: check out this post for a lot more details!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 2.8.0
- Release date: August 8th 2018 (North America) / August 9th 2018 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 12MB (Android) / ???MB (iOS)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- The Arena has been updated.
- Additional weapons can be upgraded in Weapon Refinery.
- The Allies menu has been upgraded.
- List of changes
- new weapons to refine (Folkvangr (Alfonse), Fensalir (Sharena), and Anna (Noatun)
- Arena: new rank Great Summoner (granted from August 21st based on Season starting on August 14th), +3 points for each unit defeated with a Bonus Hero
- new type of maps for Blessed Gardens: Grounds
- adds Skill Sets to Allies menu
- adds ability to specify several favourite marks for your Heroes
- increases the number of teams and brigades that can be created (15 and 8 respectively)
- the consecutive victory check box is coming back at the Arena
- new Speed option to Tap Battle Settings (3x speed)
- you will be able to get EXP, SP, and Hero Merit in Rival Domains and Grand Conquests. Ally Support and Summoner will also increase
- during a summoning event, the weapon types of the Heroes that can be summoned will be displayed when selecting a Summoning Stone
- the in-game display for Orbs will now display 4 digits instead of just 3. Also, you will be able to buy up to 9999 Orbs (instead of 1 000 previously)
- Additional details: check out this post for a lot more details!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Ver. 2.7.1
- Release date: July 18th 2018 (North America) / July 19th 2018 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: Yes (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 7.9MB (Android) / ???MB (iOS)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Implemented bug fixes
- Additional details: fixes an issue causing the amount of SP gained during double-SP periods to change when battles were restarted using the Restart function.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 2.7.0
- Release date: July 8th 2018 (North America) / July 9th 2018 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: Yes (check out this page for more details)
- Download size: 13MB (Android) / ???MB (iOS)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- A new type of map, Tactics Drills, has been added.
- Additional weapon skills have been added.
- Additional weapons can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery.
- Various UI improvements have been made, including the ability to view all quest progress in one list.
- List of changes:
- adds Tactics Drills
- adds new weapon skills and new weapons to refine
- adds new quest progression and completion display
- adds automatic scroll to the newly added maps on the map selection screen
- adds Battle BGM to the Settings menu (background music that plays during battle scenes can be toggled on or off, or it can be set to play only special background music);
- adds Event Recap to the Miscellaneous menu (review conversations from past events).
- adds a Restart option to the menus of Grand Hero Battles, Tactics Drills, and other maps that can be used without using any stamina
- and more…
- Additional details: update announced on June 30th. Make sure to check out this post for plenty of details about the update!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 2.6.1
- Release date: June 25th 2018 (North America) / June 26th 2018 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: No
- Download size: ???MB (Android) / ???MB (iOS)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Implemented bug fixes
- List of changes:
- Fixes issue with the Infantry Rush skill [more details]
- Additional details: none.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 2.6.0
- Release date: June 7th 2018 (North America) / June 8th 2018 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: Yes (check out the Maintenance page for more details)
- Download size: 12MB (Android) / ???MB (iOS)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- The Allies menu has been streamlined and additional features have been added.
- You can now equip an accessory on Hero mini units.
- The amount of SP earned when leveling up has increased.
- Additional weapon skills have been added.
- Additional weapons can be upgraded in Weapon Refinery.
- List of changes:
- Fixes issue with the Spd Feint skill [more details]
- Heroes can now wear accessories
- New weapon skills and options for the Weapon Refinery
- The Allies menu has been revamped and expanded with new options
- In Arena Assault, using Legendary Heroes or Heroes with blessings that match the season will increase your score
- SP gained when leveling up will increase slightly, making it easier to learn skills.
- Additional details: update announced on May 25th. More details can be found in this post!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 2.5.0
- Release date: May 8th 2018 (North America) / May 9th 2018 (Europe, Japan)
- Maintenance: check out this post for more details!
- Download size: 17.86MB (Android) / ???MB (iOS)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- The Arena has been updated.
- The tutorial has been updated.
- Adjustments have been made to Tap Battle and Rival Domains.
- Additional weapon skills have been added.
- Additional weapons can be upgraded in Weapon Refinery.
- List of changes:
- Updates to the Arena;
- New weapon skills;
- New options in Weapon Refinery;
- Minor improvements for future Tap Battle events;
- Improvements for Rival Domains;
- Heroes who are defeated in battle will no longer lose the SP and EXP they gained in battle;
- The SP and EXP earned in maps that have already been cleared will no longer be reduced by half;
- Along with improvements to the tutorial, gifts will be given out to existing players, including 4 ★ Takumi, the Wild Card;
- and more… check out this post for more details!
- Additional details: update announced on May 2nd. Check out this post for more details!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 2.4.0
- Release date: April 9th 2018 (North America) / April 10th 2018 (Europe, Japan)
- Download size: 13.54MB (Android) / ???MB (iOS)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
A new event, Grand Conquests, has been added. Additional weapon skills have been added. Additional weapons can be upgraded in Weapon Refinery. The limit on Hero Merit has been raised to 5,000. New notification banners have been added to the Home screen.
- List of changes:
- adds new weapon skills for Lilina, Fir, and Karel
- adds new weapon skills to refine at the Weapon Refinery
- makes some improvements to the Friend Lists
- prepares the addition of new Bow types
- and much more…
- Additional details: more details can be found in this post and this post!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 2.3.0
- Release date: March 7th 2018 (North America) / March 8th 2018 (Europe, Japan)
- Download size: ???MB (Android) / ???MB (iOS)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
New Rival Domains battles have been added to Special Maps. A new map type, Blessed Gardens, has been added. Additional weapon skills have been added. Additional weapons can be upgraded in Weapon Refinery.
- List of changes:
- adds Blessed Gardens: a new mode with maps that only Legendary Heroes and Heroes with a Blessing can tackle
- adds Rival Domains: a new type of special maps where you get to battle a large army
- adds a new weapon skill for Soren, the Shrewd Strategist
- adds new weapon skills to refine at the Weapon Refinery
- and more…
- Additional details: update announced on February 8th. More details can be found in this post!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 2.2.0
- Release date: February 7th 2018 (North America) / February 8th 2018 (Europe, Japan)
- Download size: 48.11MB (Android) / 110MB (iOS)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- A new event has been added.
- The layout of the Battle screen has been updated.
- Additional weapon skills have been added.
- Additional weapons can be upgraded in Weapon Refinery.
- List of changes:
- adds the Tap Battle: Illusory Dungeon event
- adds new Weapon Skills
- adds more weapons to refine at the Weapon Refinery
- Additional notes: the update was announced on January 19th. Some more details can be found in this post, this one, and this one.
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 2.1.0
- Release date: January 10th 2018 (North America) / January 11th 2018 (Europe, Japan)
- Download size: 10.65MB (Android) / 110MB (iOS)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- The limit on Hero Merit has been increased to 4,000.
- Additional possibilities await in Sacred Seal Forge and Weapon Refinery.
- A new feature to check the battle map before battle has been added.
- New maps have been added to the Arena.
- Bug fixes.
- List of changes:
- this update also fixes an issue with weapons that cannot be inherited if they have been refined at the Weapon Refinery (check out this post for more details)
- it also adds an option to edit your teams before the battle begins (via a button on the battle details screen)
- Additional notes: a post with additional details should be available soon!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 2.0.0
- Release date: November 27th (North America) / November 28th (Europe)
- Download size: 47.63MB (Android) / ???MB (iOS)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes
- Book II has been added to Story Maps.
- Added a new feature: Weapon Refinery.
- Added new skills for the weapon type Staff.
- Adjusted the cooldown for some Special skills.
- Expanded the barracks by 100 for all users.
- List of changes:
- new skills available at 5 ★ for Heroes using staves
- the countdown trigger is reduced by 1 turn for some skills
- free barrack extension (+ 100 Heroes)
- stamina capped to 10 for Story and Paralogue maps
- adds the Weapon Refinery
- adds Book II (new main story)
- new game icon
- Additional notes: check out this post and this one for more details about the update, but also Book II of the main story and upcoming events/Summoning Focuses!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 1.8.0
- Release date: October 8th (North America) / October 9th (Europe)
- Download size: 10.39MB (Android) / 93.7MB (iOS)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes
- Made it easier to identify stages involved in quests.
- Can now jump directly to related stages from the quest list.
- Now possible to jump to Edit Teams prior to entering a stage.
- Bug fixes.
- Additional notes: you can find a lot more details about the update in this post, including the brand new Sacred Seal Forge feature, and more!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 1.7.0
- Release date: September 6th (North America) / September 7th (Europe, Japan)
- Download size: ???MB (Android) / ???MB (iOS)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes
- New Support gameplay feature added.
- Added a way to view team names when selecting teams.
- Added an option to search for Heroes by skill within Inherit Skill menu.
- Added new options to the Settings menu.
- Bug fixes.
- Additional notes: click here for more details about the new features!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 1.6.0
- Release date: August 6th (North America) / August 7th (Europe, Japan)
- Download size: 11.32MB (Android) / ???MB (iOS)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- It is now possible to summon once during new Summoning Events without using Orbs.
- The summoning appearance rates for 3-Star and 4-Star Heroes have been adjusted.
Please note this change affects Summoning Events that begin after the update.
- The Catalog of Heroes has been added.
- A new mode has been added: Arena Assault.
- It is now easier to train Heroes in the Arena and Training Tower.
- List of changes:
- adds a new Arena mode: Arena Assault
- adds a Catalog of Heroes
- raised the max. Hero Limit
- adds improvements to the Training Tower
- Arena now gives more EXP and SP
- and more…
- Additional notes: more details can be found in this post!
- Official website: check out the links above!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 1.5.1
- Release date: July 7th (worldwide)
- Download size: 4.65MB (Android) / ???MB (iOS)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Implemented bug fixes
- List of changes:
- Fixes glitch impacting Log-in bonuses (click here for more details)
- Additional notes: this update is required to keep playing;
- Official website: see links above.
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 1.5.0
- Release date: July 4th (North America), July 5th (Europe, Japan)
- Download size: 9.09MB (Android) / 63.3MB (iOS)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Chain Challenge and Squad Assault have been added to Story Maps.
- Adjustments have been made to some in-game events.
- Options for sorting Heroes have been increased.
- The Complete Purchase button has been added to the Purchase Orbs screen.
- Bug fixes.
- List of changes:
- new modes for Story Maps: Chain Challenge, and Squad Assault
- adjustments to EXP earning
- improvements for the Tempest Trials event
- new Hero Sorting Options
- new “Complete Purchase” button on Orbs purchase screen
- maximum barracks size increased
- various other changes, improvements, and fixes
Click here for more details and some screenshots!
- Additional notes: this update is obviously required to keep playing;
- Official website: see links above.
Ver. 1.4.0
- Release date: June 6th (North America), June 7th (Europe, Japan)
- Download size: 12.16MB (Android) / 63.3MB (iOS)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Added extra gameplay features and a new event type.
- Increased the number of teams the player can create to 8.
- Added an “Accept All” button to accept rewards from cleared quests.
- Added new options to the Settings menu.
- Bug fixes.
- Additional details: for more details about the changes and new features, please check out this post! And for the Tempest Trials, click here!
- Additional notes: the update is required to keep playing;
- Official website: see links above.
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 1.3.0
- Release date: May 7th (North America) May 8th (Europe, Japan)
- Download size: 7.93MB (Android) / ???MB (iOS)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Changes made to the tier system in the Arena
- Added additional maps for the Arena
- Adjusted the difficult within the Training Tower
- Bug fixes
- List of changes:
- Arena: revamped Arena, with a new ladder system replacing the current ranking system, allowing you to get orbs as rewards (click here for more details);
- Arena: added new types of maps, with terrain effects;
- Training tower: adjusted difficulty and maps for Strata 8 and 9;
- added bonus for losing Army during Voting Gauntlet events;
- added tips to loading screen;
- added new sorting options for Heroes;
- more…
- Additional details: click here!
- Additional notes: the update is required to keep playing;
- Official website: see links above.
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 1.2.0
- Release date: April 11th (North America) / April 12th (Europe, Japan)
- Download size: 10.47MBMB (Android) / 66.7MB (iOS)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Maximum stamina raised from 50 to 99.
- Added feature that allows you to swap the position of Heroes at the start of battle.
- Adjusted the amount of EXP gained in battle. Heroes with lower rarities (in stars) will receive more EXP from battle.
- Adjusted matchmaking conditions in the Arena and made adjustements to how score is calculated after victory.
- Introduces additional enhancements to improve the user’s experience and enjoyment.
- Bug fixes.
- List of changes/new features:
- Inherit Skill: you can now inherit skills that were previously inherited when using Merge Allies;
- New feature: Hero Merit. Merit is earned in battle, and when a character has earned enough, you can get some precious Hero Feathers. NB: duplicate Heroes do share Merit. You get 500 Hero Feathers for each 500 Hero Merit you save up: you can get them by tapping the corresponding character on the Home screen;
- Arena: the way scores are handled and matchmaking have been modified;
- Arena: tap a Bonus Character to get a description of that character;
- Notifications are now displayed only once a day (you can still access them from the notice board in the Castle);
- Battles: you can now change the position of units at the start of battle;
- Battles: the amount of XP you get for defeating lower level enemies has been adjusted (only applies to ★1 to ★4 Heroes)
- Stamina bar now has 99 points (instead of 50)
- Story Maps: an icon indicates if there’s new maps available and/or map you’re yet to play;
- and more…
- Additional details: click here!
- Additional notes: the update is required to keep playing;
- Official website: see links above.
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 1.1.1
- Release date: March 9th (worldwide)
- Download size: 6.10MB (Android) / 66.3MB (iOS)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Implemented bug fixes
- Additional notes: this update fixes the issue with Arena Duels. Click here for more details!
- Official website: see links above.
Fire Emblem Heroes – Ver. 1.1.0
- Release date: March 3rd (Europe, Japan) / March 2nd (North America)
- Download size: 20.18MB (Android) / 83.4MB (iOS)
- Platform: Android and iOS
- Patch notes:
- Added a new event and a new feature.
- Other various system improvements.
- Additional notes: unfortunately, we don’t quite now what the event and feature are at the moment, but there’s no doubt we will know pretty soon (a bunch of new features were previously announced, and a special event related to friends was previously teased, too).
- Official website: see links above.
How to update Fire Emblem Heroes for Android and iOS?
To download updates for Fire Emblem Heroes, you have two options:
- tap on the notification that should appear on your phone;
- go to the App Store / Google Play Store, and more precisely to the “My Apps & Games” section > Installed tab (Play Store, Android) or the Updates tab (AppStore, iOS).
To check that you have the latest version of the game, simply launch it: you should see the right version number on the Title Screen, at the bottom left corner of the screen: