eShop news (June 4): Tetra for Nintendo Switch / Circadian City
Today’s Nintendo eShop news: Tetra for Nintendo Switch announced for the Nintendo Switch, but also…
- Circadian City
- Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break
- Pinstripe / Neversong
- Shantae and the Seven Sirens
- Fortnite
Tetra for Nintendo Switch
Regista have announced their latest game for the Nintendo Switch: Tetra for Nintendo Switch, an adventure game developed by Bloom Mushroom. It will be released on June 18th in Japan, and it’s now available for pre-purchase on the Nintendo eShop for 780 Yen (regular price from July 1st: 990 Yen). The game requires 338MB of free space, and does offer an English language option.
Here’s some screenshots for the game:
Tetra for Nintendo Switch (Switch – eShop) comes out on June 18th in Japan. The Upcoming Games page has been updated!
Source: Nintendo
Circadian City
Here’s some screenshots for Circadian City:
Circadian City (Switch – eShop) does not have a release date yet.
Source: 4Gamer
Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break
3 g o o have announced that they will release Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break in Japan on August 20th, where it will cost 3 400 Yen. The Japanese version of the game will offer an English language option.
Here’s a trailer and some screenshots:
Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break (Switch – eShop) comes out on July 21st in Europe and North America, and August 20th in Japan. The Upcoming Games page has been updated!
Source: Gamer
Pinstripe / Neversong
Beep have announced a couple of games for the Nintendo Switch, from Atmos Games and Serenity Forge:
- Pinstripe (out this Summer in Japan, already available in Europe and North America)
- Neversong (out this Fall worldwide)
The Upcoming Games page has been updated!
Source: 4Gamer
Shantae and the Seven Sirens
The Original Soundtrack album for Shantae and the Seven Sirens is now available on more platforms:
- Spotify
- Deezer
- Google Play
- YouTube:
Source: WayForward (Twitter)
Epic Games have announced that, in light of the current events in the United States, Season 3 of Chapter 2 has been further delayed. It will now start on June 17th, with the The Device live event also delayed to June 15th.
Source: Epic Games