
Team Kirby Clash Deluxe: list of all the passwords (all regions)

In this post, you will find the complete list of passwords for Team Kirby Clash Deluxe, a Free 2 Start game available on the Nintendo eShop of the Nintendo 3DS. Those allow you to get some extra Apple Gems for the most part, though there’s a special password that also nets you some fragments.

Looking for passwords for Super Kirby Clash on Nintendo Switch? Click here!

A few things to note about the passwords below: they are region-locked, meaning the Japanese passwords don’t work in the European and North American versions, and vice-versa (Europe and North America share the same region technically, since the passwords are in the “main language” of each region, such as Japanese in Japan for example). Also, you need to be connected to the internet in order to use those passwords.

The passwords come from various sources: the Team Kirby Clash Deluxe official website, message from HAL Laboratory on Miiverse, various promotional events (in Japan), and more. Naturally, we will try to keep this post updated as long as possible: if you see a missing password (or one that’s not working properly), make sure to let us know!

Latest passwords (May 10th)

  • [Europe, North America] THANKYOU (15 Gem Apples, and 3 Rare Fragment) (final password, unlimited)
  • [Japan] みんなでカービィハンターズゼット (15 Gem Apples, and 3 Rare Fragment) (final password, unlimited)

Europe / North America

  • [Europe, North America] KIRBYBIRTHDAY (10 Gem Apples and 5 of each Normal Fragments) [No longer active]
  • [Europe] APPLEJUICE [No longer active]
  • [Europe] SWEETGEMZ [No longer active]
  • [Europe] HUNGRYKIRBY [No longer active]
  • [Europe] RAREPRIZE (Rare Fragments) [No longer active]
  • [Europe] BLOWOUTBLAST (5 Gem Apples) [No longer active]
  • [Europe, North America] anniversary (50 Gem Apples and 5 Rare Fragments)
  • [Europe, North America] KIRBY (5 Gem Apples, and 1 Rare Fragment) [No longer active]
  • [Europe, North America] CELESTIALHAT (5 Gem Apples, and 1 Rare Fragment) [No longer active]
  • [Europe, North America] ICEDRAGON (5 Gem Apples, and 1 Rare Fragment) [No longer active]
  • [Europe, North America] KRACKO (5 Gem Apples, and 1 Rare Fragment) [No longer active]
  • [Europe, North America] HALLOWEEN (5 Gem Apples, and 1 Rare Fragment) [No longer active]
  • [Europe, North America] MAGOLOR (10 Gem Apples, and 1 Rare Fragment) [No longer active]
  • [Europe, North America] FROSTY (5 Gem Apples, and 1 Rare Fragment) [No longer active]
  • [Europe, North America] TARANZA (5 Gem Apples, and 1 Rare Fragment) [No longer active]
  • [Europe, North America] LANDIA (5 Gem Apples, and 1 Rare Fragment) [No longer active]
  • [Europe, North America] LONGHAIR (5 Gem Apples, and 1 Rare Fragment) [No longer active]
  • [Europe, North America] KINE (7 Gem Apples, and 1 Rare Fragment) (until May 12th)
  • [Europe, North America] THANKYOU (15 Gem Apples, and 3 Rare Fragment) (final password, unlimited)


  1. てんしゅマホロア (5 Gem Apples)
  2. メールでハンターズ (3 Gem Apples)
  3. カービィコンサート (10 Gem Apples)
  4. ローソンでカービィ (5 Gem Apples)
  5. ハッピーバースデーカービィ (10 Gem Apples and 5 of each Normal Fragments)
  6. ヤマシロヤでカービィ (5 Gem Apples)
  7. カービィプププトレイン (5 Gem Apples)
  8. カービィのペイントびより (5 Gem Apples)
  9. ハンターズプレイありがとう (3 Gem Apples)
  10. キノピオくんのピンチ (3 Gem Apples)
  11. ネコマリオとカービィ (5 Gem Apples)
  12. カービィハンターズだゼット (5 Gem Apples)
  13. サポートするマホロア (5 Gem Apples)
  14. たびびとマホロア (5 Gem Apples)
  15. まんぷくプププ
  16.  まんまるにっき
  17. ニンドリインタビュー
  18. ネコマリオとハンターズ
  19.  ハルけんブログ
  20. そうびをかおう
  21. そうびもステキなマホロア (5 Gem Apples, and 1 Rare Fragment)
  22. キャラぱふぇ
  23. ふぁみつうのリンゴ
  24. でんげき
  25. よわいぞグランワドルディ
  26. ファミツウでカケラゲット
  27. そうびもステキなマホロア
  28. プププトレインやねん
  29. なにわのカービィコンサート
  30. クラッコせんせいのしれん
  31. すいこみだいさくせんはつばい
  32. マホロアにかんじゃ
  33. マホロアせんぱい
  34. びじんてんしゅスージー (5 Gem Apples)
  35. マグマにかえるヴォルゲロム [No longer active]
  36. キミのフレンズマホロア (10 Gem Apples, 1 Rare Fragment)
  37. カービィ バトルデラックス [No longer active]
  38. ことしもカービおよろしく (Gem Apples)
  39. フランキッスよりびじんなスージー (Gem Apples) [No longer active]
  40. ズラきわくのタランザ [No longer active]
  41. [Japan] やみのかがみがつくったひげき [No longer active]
  42. いっしゅうねんありがとう (50 Gem Apples, and 5 Rare Fragments) [No longer active]
  43. [Japan] にじゅうろくしゅうねん (5 Gem Apples, and 1 Rare Fragment) [No longer active]
  44. [Japan] ほしぞらにねがいを (5 Gem Apples, and 1 Rare Fragment) [No longer active]
  45. [Japan] ホットななつをクールにのりきれ (5 Gem Apples, and 1 Rare Fragment) [No longer active]
  46. [Japan] めぐすりどうぞ (5 Gem Apples, and 1 Rare Fragment) [No longer active]
  47. [Japan] おかしくれなきゃイタズラするぞ (5 Gem Apples, and 1 Rare Fragment) [No longer active]
  48. [Japan] マホロアがスタアでラあそべるヨ (10 Gem Apples, and 1 Rare Fragment) [No longer active]
  49. [Japan] はずかしいタイムムービー (5 Gem Apples, and 1 Rare Fragment) [No longer active]
  50. [Japan] トリデラごじゅうねんなのね (5 Gem Apples, and 1 Rare Fragment) [No longer active]
  51. [Japan] ランディアさんオダイジに (5 Gem Apples, and 1 Rare Fragment) [No longer active]
  52. [Japan] みんなでロングヘアースゼット (5 Gem Apples, and 1 Rare Fragment) [No longer active]
  53. [Japan] カインあかつきをおぼえず (7 Gem Apples, and 1 Rare Fragment) (until May 12th)
  54. [Japan] みんなでカービィハンターズゼット (15 Gem Apples, and 3 Rare Fragment) (final password, unlimited)

Source: Nintendo (1 / 2 / 3) / GBATemp

[This post is part of our Games Extras section]


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.