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TASaturday #21 – New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo DS)

For the TASaturday #21, we picked up one of the best-selling Mario platformers ever… New Super Mario Bros.! If you were around during the DS / Wii era, then you definitely know about this game which single-handhedly revived the 2D Mario series after many years without a new entry (just ports during the GameBoy Advance era).

The game itself isn’t really hard (in fact, it may well be the easiest 2D Mario platformer), but that doesn’t make its Tool Assisted Speedrun any less impressive… quite the opposite. The precision of movements, the chain of perfectly timed jumps and wall jumps, the destroying of bosses in less than a second… The TASer certainly made sure people would enjoy their work!

There’s actually two TAS for this game: one that uses warps in order to reach the end as fast as possible, and one that do so without using said warps. We picked up the second for one simple reason: there’s more of the game to see! … That being said, we also included the first one, so you can chose the one you prefer, or even compare the two!

Here’s the TAS of New Super Mario Bros. on Nintendo DS (warpless), by Soig:

For more details about this TAS, please click here!

And here’s the second TAS of New Super Mario Bros. on Nintendo DS (with warps), by adelikat, terrotim, mindnomad & Y05H1:

For more details about this TAS, please click here!

We hope you enjoyed this TASaturday #21. See you next week!


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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