Nintendo news (November 1): Luigi’s Mansion 3 / Nintendo Tokyo (Animal Crossing)
Today’s Nintendo news: latest videos for Luigi’s Mansion 3, but also…
- Nintendo Tokyo (Animal Crossing)
- Nintendo merchandise
- Daigasso! Band Brothers P
- Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp
- Dr. Mario World
- Dragalia Lost
Luigi’s Mansion 3
Here’s the latest episode of Nintendo Minute, which is about Luigi’s Mansion 3 this time around:
Nintendo Minute is never a minute! Happy Luigi’s Mansion 3 launch day. We hope you’re already playing and enjoying this spooky game. We had some very special guests on the show this week to expertly guide us through one of the multiplayer modes – ScareScraper. Bryce and Sean are both from Next Level Games and are just the best. Stay till the end to see who gets a Gooigi inspired surprise. As always, thanks so much for watching and we’ll see you next week!
-Kit & Krysta
And here’s the latest videos for the game:
- latest TV Commercial (Japan)
- two Accolades Trailers
- second episode of the Yoiko webshow
- latest video from the Domino King, about Luigi’s Mansion of course!
Nintendo Tokyo (Animal Crossing)
Nintendo have revealed some more merchandise to be sold at the Nintendo Tokyo Store, this time focusing on Animal Crossing merchandise:
Source: Nintendo (Twitter)
Nintendo merchandise
Here’s pictures of even more Nintendo merchandise from… Nintendo themselves, in Japan:
Source: 4Gamer
Daigasso! Band Brothers P
Nintendo have announced that the various online features of Daigasso! Band Brothers P will be discontinued within the next few months. Here’s the planning:
- December 20th
- Sale of the in-game currency, Tomato (purchased Tomatoes will remain useable until all online features are shut down. Also, players will still be able to redownload the game even after online services have been discontinued).
- May 1st
- Original Music Submission, from the Music Score Submission menu
- Downloading music from the Music Shop
- Downloading additional content from the Radio Shop
- Watch online programs via Radio
- Performing with other players online
Of course, all non-internet features (local multiplayer, content shared with other players) will remain available after May 1st.
Source: Nintendo
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp
Here’s the latest videos for Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp:
- video showcasing some of the items for the 2nd Anniversary of the game
- video showcasing the contents of the Sky’s lavish ball cookie, now available
Dr. Mario World
Here’s the latest video for Dr. Mario World, showcasing the new Doctors and Assistants added on October 31st:
Dragalia Lost
Here’s the latest episode of the official Dragalia Lost webradio programme:
Dragalia Lost (Android, iOS) still does not have a release date in Europe yet.