Daily news (April 8, Round 2): Samurai Warriors 5 / Wonder Boy – Asha in Monster World
Today’s Daily news: latest set of pictures for Samurai Warriors 5, but also…
- Wonder Boy – Asha in Monster World
- Ninjala
- eBaseball Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2021 Grand Slam
- Paradigm Paradox
- Gendai Dai Senryaku 2020 ~Yureru Sekai Chitsujo! Taikoku no Yabou to Sekai Taisen~
Samurai Warriors 5
Here’s the latest set of pictures (screenshots and character artworks) for Samurai Warriors 5:
Samurai Warriors 5 (Switch) comes out on June 24th in Japan, and July 27th in Europe and North America.
Source: Gamer
Wonder Boy – Asha in Monster World
Starting today, Wonder Boy – Asha in Monster World is available for digital pre-order in Japan for 3 445 Yen (regular price from May 9th: 3 828 Yen). This version of the game does offer an English language option.
Here’s some more screenshots for the game:
Wonder Boy – Asha in Monster World (Switch) comes out on April 22nd in Japan. No release date for Europe and North America, but release is slated for sometime this Spring.
Source: Nintendo
eBaseball Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2021 Grand Slam
Here’s the latest video for eBaseball Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2021 Grand Slam:
eBaseball Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2021 Grand Slam (Switch) comes out on July 8th in Japan.
Here’s the latest Dev Diary video for Ninjala, showcasing the upcoming collaboration with Monster Hunter Rise (which kicks off on April 27th!):
Ninjala is collaborating with Monster Hunter Rise! Starting April 27th, you can don your Kamura armor and practice your Hammer skills in both games!
This collab features costumes for your in-game avatar that are styled after some iconic Monster Hunter Rise armor sets from the new Gacha Gumball Machine! You can also obtain some Monster Hunter Rise themed IPPON decorations, stickers, emotes, and Gum Utsusemi from the Select Shop.
You get Jala, they get Jala, WE ALL GET JALA!!! We’re also introducing the new GOEMON Matsuri Limited Time Event! Get Jala from different opportunities, including simply logging in!
We have more information regarding that new in-game tournament mode we told you about in the last Dev Diary. See what you can get from playing in the Nissin U.F.O. Yakisoba Cup in this video!
Here’s more details about the Monster Hunter Rise collaboration:
- Three Avatar costumes: Kamura Style, Rathalos Style, and Aknosom Style
- Three Emotes: BBQ Success, BBQ Fail, and Weapon Sharpening
- MHRise 2 IPPON Decoration featuring a Palico and a Palamute
- Two Gum Utsusemi of a Palico and a Palamute
- Monster Hunter TeeLogin reward:
- MHRise Sticker featuring a Palico
- Battle reward:
- MHRise 1 IPPON Decoration
And here’s more details about upcoming events:
- GOEMON Matsuri: From April 27 to May 26, players can login to get up to 600 Jala (200 once a day for three days during the period).
- Nissin U.F.O. Yakisoba Cup: On April 24 and 25, players can battle it out in the first in-game Online Tournament. Players who place in the top 4 will receive exclusive Commemorative Tournament IPPON Decorations. Other rewards include:
- Top 100: Gacha Coin x100
- Top 1000: Gold Medal x50
- Top 3000: Silver Medal x500
- Top 5000: Extremely Addictive Emote
- Top 10000: Bronze Medal x1000
- Participation Reward: Nissin U.F.O. Yakisoba IPPON Decoration
Source: GungHo PR
Paradigm Paradox
Here’s several gameplay videos for Paradigm Paradox:
Paradigm Paradox (Switch) comes out on May 27th in Japan.
Gendai Dai Senryaku 2020 ~Yureru Sekai Chitsujo! Taikoku no Yabou to Sekai Taisen~
Starting today, a demo version for Gendai Dai Senryaku 2020 ~Yureru Sekai Chitsujo! Taikoku no Yabou to Sekai Taisen~ is available for download in Japan (it requires about 1.3GB of free space). It allows you to play through the tutorial and the first 5 maps. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to transfer progress to the full version of the game.
Also, digital pre-orders for the full game are now live for 7 678 Yen. It requires 2GB of free space.
Here’s some screenshots:
Gendai Dai Senryaku 2020 ~Yureru Sekai Chitsujo! Taikoku no Yabou to Sekai Taisen~ (Switch) comes out on June 24th in Japan.