
Dai Gyakuten Saiban: more details about Episode 3, scans, livestream recording

Dai Gyakuten Saiban

As announced earlier this week, Dai Gyakuten Saiban: Naruhodou Ryuunosuke no Bouken is featured in the latest issue of Famitsu magazine (now available digitally). It includes quite a few details about episode 3, which is called “The Adventure of the Speeding Locked Room”, and involves a murder that took place in a horse-drawn carriage.

On his arrival in London, Naruhodou Ryuunosuke is drawn into the case by Hurt Vortex (the Chief Justice). This rather imposing man is said to be a strict adherer to science, who values time above everything else. As you can imagine, the case he gives to Naruhodou Ryuunosuke isn’t just any old case…

Even though it’s said to be “quite simple”, this is a case that nobody will take… and there’s a good reason for that. In fact, there’s a mountain of evidence against the man accused of murder, and the attorney tasked to defend him will receive a severe penalty if he is found guilty. What’s more, the prosecutor handling that case is none other than the fearsome and legendary Barok van Zieks.


The suspect in that case is one Cosney Megendal, a gentleman who is well-known around town for his good disposition (that some people find almost uncanny). He’s actually well-liked by many people, but for the reasons mentionned above, nobody is willing to defend him in court.

And in typical Ace Attorney fashion, Naruhodou Ryuunosuke is dropped in court with hardly enough time to prepare. On the other hand, Prosecutor Barok van Zieks is known for presenting the right evidence at the right time, and therefore making a strong impression on the Jury. He’s a really fierce opponent, with plenty of evidence up its sleeve.

A new witness is also introduced: a young woman called Gina Lestrade, who happens to be… a pickpocket (and she can get quite offended if anyone implies she is not a pro at her “job”). She lives among the orphans of London’s East End, and she happens to have witness the murder while she was off “working”.

2During the trial, something unexpected happens: when the carriage is brought into court, for examination, a fire suddenly breaks out. For what reason? It looks like we’ll have to wait a bit in order to find out. We’re also going to have to wait before we find out about that (really cute) cat shown on the last page of the article!

Here’s the scans from Famitsu magazine:

Here’s the recording of the 22nd episode of Capcom TV, with some gameplay footage for Dai Gyakuten Saiban: Naruhodou Ryuunosuke no Bouken. Unfortunately, if you have already watched the previous livestream recordings, there won’t be anything really new in there.


Dai Gyakuten Saiban: Naruhodou Ryuunosuke no Bouken (3DS) comes out on July 9th in Japan. The demo version is already available on the Japanese Nintendo eShop!

Source: Famitsu
Via: Court-Records


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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