
Daily news (December 25, Round 2) – Earth Defense Force: World Brothers / Nintendo Minute

Today’s Daily news: latest set of screenshots for Earth Defense Force: World Brothers, but also…

  • Nintendo Minute
  • Yo-kai Gakuen Y – Wai Wai Gakuen Seikatsu
  • Fatal Fury First Contact
  • Dragalia Lost

Earth Defense Force: World Brothers

Here’s the latest set of screenshots for Earth Defense Force: World Brothers:

Earth Defense Force: World Brothers (Switch) does not have a release date in Europe and North America yet.

Source: Famitsu

Nintendo Minute

Here’s the latest episode of Nintendo Minute, once again dedicated to Animal Crossing: New Horizons:

Nintendo Minute is never a minute! To celebrate the holidays we invited some of our amazing creator friends to join us in a super fun Animal Crossing: New Horizons gift exchange. It’s so nice to be able to virtually get together with friends this holiday in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Have you been doing that with your friends? Thanks so much as always for all your support this year. We hope all of you have a safe and relaxing holiday and we’ll see you in 2021!

-Kit & Krysta

Yo-kai Gakuen Y – Wai Wai Gakuen Seikatsu

Here’s the latest trailer for Yo-kai Gakuen Y – Wai Wai Gakuen Seikatsu:

Fatal Fury First Contact

Here’s a video for Fatal Fury First Contact:


Here’s the latest video for FUSER:

Dragalia Lost

Here’s the latest episode of the official Dragalia Lost webradio program:

Dragalia Lost (Android, iOS) still does not have a release date in Europe yet.


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.