Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns – Localisation blog post about pets, Hamtaro not in English ver.
Yesterday, XSEED announced that Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns would be released on February 28th in North America. Following that announcement, the latest localisation blog post was published, and this one is all about pets. But first: livestock. Not much has changed compared to Story of Seasons, with a couple of exceptions: there is no more camels, and the “zebu” cow has been replaced with a buffalo.
As far as pets go, though, there’s a lot of new elements. For starters, you can chose among two dozen types of cats and dogs. Naturally, your pets have abilities like herding livestock and finding items, and they’re not all adept to the same things. Their size also changes the way you physically interact with them. As for villagers, they react differently based on the pet you have with you at the moment.
Here’s the list of cat and dog species you can find in the game:
- Siamese
- Shorthair Cat
- Tabby Cat
- Bengal
- Black Cat
- Maine Coon
- Scottish Fold
- Himalayan
- Tortoiseshell
- White Cat
- Tosa
- Great Pyrenees
- Bernese
- Weimaraner
- Husky
- Doberman
- (German) Shepherd
- Bull Terrier
- Tibetan Mastiff
- Border Collie
- Jack Russell (Terrier)
- Dachshund
- Beagle
- Shiba
- Chihuahua
- Poodle
Quite interestingly, the StreetPass feature is unlocked when you get your pet. After registering it, it will go visit the town of the players you meet via StreetPass. In doing so, they will bring back items from their worlds, and you may even meet other players’ pets in your own. Try talking to them to learn more about their owner.
If you really love a pet, you can have it become a furmiliar (sourumeito / soulmate in Japanese), by visiting Tsuyukusa’s guardian Inari. This will give it an “adorable bow”, and will trigger special cutscenes.
Besides pets, Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns also features wild animals, such as:
- stray cats
- stray dogs
- a bear (Westown) who can charge at you (but without doing any damage)
- foxes (Tsuyukusa)
- monkeys (Lulukoko)
The fun thing is, you can fulfill certain conditions in order to get special cutscenes with those wild animals. Giving them gifts will allow you to befriend them, and maybe get presents in return. Oh, and if you have a furmiliar, something really surprising can happen…
Finally, XSEED has some bad news for players who were looking forward to have Hamtaro as their pet: the cute little bugger has been removed from the English version, and not just because of the usual licensing fee shenanigans. The problem is, Hamtaro doesn’t really have an official presence in North America (anymore), and the team had to give up on including him (they tried hard to keep it, though).
Here’s the latest batch of English screenshots for Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns on Nintendo 3DS:
Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns (3DS) comes out on February 28th in North America
Source: XSEED