Pokémon news (September 14th) – Pokémon Shuffle: over 5 million downloads, new challenges
Pokémon Shuffle
Today, The Pokémon Company announced that Pokémon Shuffle has been downloaded over 5 million times worldwide. The last time we had an update, it was back in June with over 4.7 million downloads: that means the game was downloaded 300 000 times between June 29th and September 14th. The pace of new downloads has been slowing down in the past few weeks, but still remain rather strong.
To celebrate, a brand new challenge has gone live in Pokémon Shuffle on Nintendo 3DS and mobile platforms: it gives you access to Diancie, and will remain available until September 28th. You first need to download the latest update (Ver. 1.2.16) before being able to play it, using the in-game check-in feature.
Also, a re-run of the Regirock, Regice and Registeel was announced:
- Regirock: until September 18th
- Registeel: from September 18th to September 23rd
- Regice: from September 23rd to September 28th
Finally, the rewards are being sent out for the Mega Sharpedo challenge. What you get depends on your final rank:
- Top 3,500 players in Europe, Top 10,000 players in North America or Top 25,000 players in Japan: Sharpedonite + Mega Speedup
- Top 11,000 players in Europe, Top 18,000 players in North America or Top 50,000 players in Japan: Sharpedonite
- Top 16,000 players in Europe, Top 25,000 players in North America or Top 70,000 players in Japan: Attack Power Up
- Not ranked: one Jewel
Source: The Pokémon Company
Via: Serebii
Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon
CoroCoro magazine reveals that Pokémon Super Mystery is, quite simply, massive: it features over 120 different dungeons, scattered around the 5 continents the game takes place in. What’s more, there’s also the special Meowth dungeons, with special rules.
Thanks to a QR Code found in the latest issue of CoroCoro magazine (coming out tomorrow), players will be able to get a Power-Up Puch TM for the game. And finally, in the next issue, to be released in October, there will be a distribution for a special “CoroCoro Dungeon”: it has 20 levels, and Garchomp is the boss.
Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon (3DS) comes out on September 17th in Japan, November 20th in North America, and early next year in Europe.
Source: Serebii