
Nintendo news (August 7): Astral Chain / Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Today’s Nintendo news: commercial for Astral Chain, but also…

  • Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  • Fire Emblem Heroes
  • Nintendo Labo
  • NyaNyaNya! Neko Mario Time
  • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Astral Chain

Nintendo have revealed a web commercial for Astral Chain in Japan:

Astral Chain (Switch) comes out on August 30th worldwide.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Last week, Vandal shared some sales data for Spain, and revealed that Fire Emblem: Three Houses is off to a great start in Spain: it sold no less than 19 500 units in Spain, making it the 6th best debut in the country this year. In comparison, Fire Emblem Fates sold 8 000 units at launch, on Nintendo 3DS.

In the United Kingdom, the game was once again #1 of sales, which is quite unusual for a Japanese SRPG. What’s more, it did so despite sales dropping by 60%, which is a fairly solid drop for a second week.

Finally, here’s the Accolades Trailer for the game:

Source: Vandal / Christopher Dring (Twitter)
Thanks Lelouch0612 for the heads up!

Fire Emblem Heroes

Here’s the latest Tips & Tricks videos for Fire Emblem Heroes, this time focusing on the Changing Winds Summoning Focus:

Nintendo Labo

Here’s the latest video for Nintendo Labo, part of the series dedicated to programming and the Toy-Con Garage mode:

NyaNyaNya! Neko Mario Time

Here’s the latest episode of NyaNyaNya! Neko Mario Time:

This episode showcases the following:

  • Super Mario Maker 2 (Nintendo Switch, already available worldwide)
  • Tsuri Spirits Nintendo Switch Version (Nintendo Switch, already available in Japan)
  • Obakeidoro (Nintendo Switch – Nintendo eShop, already available in Japan)

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Here’s the recording of the livestream for the latest Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tournament in Japan:


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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