
Nintendo news (Apr. 10): Domino King & Yoshi / 1-2-Switch / (Custom) SNES themed Joy-Con

Today’s Nintendo news: latest video of the Domino King (about Yoshi), but also…

  • 1-2-Switch
  • (Custom) SNES themed Joy-Con
  • Tool Assisted Speedrun

Domino King & Yoshi

Here’s the latest video of the Domino King, which is about the one and only Yoshi!


A few weeks ago, the Billings Farm & Museum challenged Nintendo to a bout of actual cow milking, and the fun thing is… Nintendo actually accepted! It looks like they really could not pass on this unique opportunity to promote 1-2-Switch! The company did share a few pictures a few days ago, and last week, they finally uploaded the long-awaited video!

Here it is:

Billings Farm and Museum in Woodstock, Vermont challenge Nintendo to learn to milk a real cow and to play against them in Milk- one of the 28 games that are part of 1-2-Switch on Nintendo Switch.

(Custom) SNES themed Joy-Con

If there’s one thing fans liked about the New Nintendo 3DS, it’s the coloured buttons (meant to look like those of the SNES). Unfortunately, Nintendo didn’t keep those for the right Joy-Con of the Nintendo Switch, and fans who want them will have to wait for an hypothetical Limited Edition Joy-Con… that may never be released.

Fortunately, there IS a way to get a SNES-themed Joy-Con… by making it yourself, using buttons from the New Nintendo 3DS! Unfortunately, it’s not really a straightforward process, and is definitely not something anyone could pull off. In fact, it’s quite likely you will break the Joy-Con if you don’t know what you’re doing.

If you’re interesting in modding your right Joy-Con, or if you’re simply interested in checking out how it’s done, make sure to check out JordiPower’s video tutorial!

Tool Assisted Speedrun

The latest Tool Assisted Speedrun video is for Mario Pinball Land, finished in 07:21.22!


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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