Sausage Sports Club


eShop news (July 20): Speed Brawl / Swords & Soldiers II Shawarmageddon / Fortnite

Today’s Nintendo eShop news: gameplay trailer for Speed Brawl, Swords & Soldiers II Shawarmageddon announced for the Nintendo Switch, 1st Anniversary event for Fortnite, release date and trailer for Polygod, Magic Scroll Tactics announced for the Nintendo Switch, latest development update for Ultimate Chicken Horse, RealPolitiks to include the New Power expansion, Behind the scenes video for Another Sight, launch trailer for Pool Panic, latest set of DLC for WorldNeverland – Elnea Kingdom, latest video clip for Bad North, latest video clip and artwork for Feudal Alloy, launch trailers for Sausage Sports Club and Toki Tori, and Xeodrifter releasing next week in Japan!

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eShop news (July 11): Sausage Sports Club / Yoiyami Dreamer

Today’s Nintendo eShop news: release date and trailer for Sausage Sports Club, Yoiyami Dreamer announced for the Nintendo Switch, launch trailr for Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!, character artworks for Mercenaries Wings: The False Phoenix, Flashback announced for Japan, another video for Nairi: Tower of Shirin, design document for Feudal Alloy, and latest video clips for Planet Alpha, Save me Mr Tako, and The Lion’s Song!

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