PokéNews (Nov. 18): Pokémon Sun and Moon launch / Pokémon GO launched in more countries
Today’s Pokémon news: plenty of news for the launch of Pokémon Sun and Moon, but also…
- Pokémon GO
- Pokémon Sun and Moon (anime series)
- Pokémon no Uchi Atsumaru?!
Pokémon Sun and Moon
Pokémon Sun and Moon was released earlier today in Japan. To celebrate, there was a special event at the Pokémon Center Mega Tokyo, with Junichi Masuda and Shigeru Ohmori attending. Here’s some pictures and a video from various Japanese gaming news outlets:
In Australia, there were also several launch events. Nintendo Australia shared some of the one in Melbourne:
To celebrate the launch of Pokémon Sun and Moon, The Pokémon Company also uploaded one last trailer (only available in Japanese for now), which reveals “two” new Ultra Beasts:
- UB-04: Slash
- UB-04: Blaster
In fact, there’s another trailer, showcasing the Z-Ring and the Z-Moves:
Also, the following went live today:
- new version of the Pokémon Global Link: click here to check it out! However, please note that some features such as QR Team Rental, and the personal Competitions, will not go live until January;
- the first distribution is now live. Until January 11th, you can get a special Munchlax (Level 5, knows Hold Back, Tackle, Metronome, and Happy Hour). It holds a Snorlium Z, that is required to activate its exclusive Z-Move: Pulverising Pancake.
But that’s not all: yesterday, The Pokémon Company uploaded the last starters trailer, this time showcasing Popplio and its evolutions!
Next, here’s some TV commercials from Australia:
Finally, here’s the latest episode of the Play Nintendo Show, which is about… yup, Pokémon Sun and Moon!
Pokémon Sun and Moon (3DS) comes out on November 23rd in Europe.
Source: 4Gamer.net / Dengeki / Gamer / Famitsu / Nintendo
Pokémon GO
Today, Pokémon GO was officially launched in 8 more countries:
- Bahrain
- Israel
- Jordan
- Kuwait
- Lebanon
- Oman
- Qatar
- United Arab Emirates
Source: Niantic
Pokémon Sun and Moon (anime series)
Here’s the preview for the next episode of the Pokémon Sun and Moon anime series, airing on November 24th in Japan:
Pokémon no Uchi Atsumaru?!
Here’s the preview for the next episode of Pokémon no Uchi Atsumaru?!, airing this Sunday in Japan: