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Today’s Super Mario Maker #11: Pipes

With less than two weeks until release (September 10th in Japan, September 11th in Europe and North America), Nintendo launched Today’s Super Mario Maker earlier this month: every day, the company is going to highlight a particular element from the game, via videos, screenshots, etc..

Today's Super Mario MakerToday’s Super Mario Maker (August 31st)

For Today’s Super Mario Maker, Nintendo has uploaded a video showcasing one of the most basic elements of a Super Mario Bros. level… pipes! They have been there ever since the very first Super Mario Bros. game (in fact, they were already in the original Mario Bros.!), and of course, they will be in Super Mario Maker (the opposite would have been truly surprising).

Unsurprisingly, you can change the length of the pipes, but also chose where they lead to. They can be used to get a change of scenery, going from the Plains to an Underground, Underwater or Castle level. You can also do things like placing a moving platform just below the exit pipe, in order to surprise players with an impromptu ride.

Here’s the video:

Previous Today’s Super Mario Maker

August 17th: ? Block
August 18th
August 19th: Sound Effects
August 20th: Auto Scroll
August 21th
August 24th: Mario trail
August 25th
August 27th: Commercials (Create)
August 28th: Commercials (Play)
August 29th: Game Styles

Source: Nintendo

Finally, a note regarding the Super Mario Festival taking place on September 13th in Japan: Nintendo announced this morning that Shigeru Miyamoto and Koji Kondo would be in attendance.

Super Mario Maker (Wii U) comes out on September 10th in Japan, and September 11th in Europe and North America.


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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