Today’s Super Mario Maker #7; TV Commercial, videos
With less than month until release (September 10th in Japan, September 11th in Europe and North America), Nintendo launched Today’s Super Mario Maker last week: every day, the company is going to highlight a particular element from the game, via videos, screenshots, etc..
Today’s Super Mario Maker (August 25th)
For Today’s Super Mario Maker, Nintendo only shared one screenshot. It shows Mario in a rather sticky situation… Sections with moving platforms have always been tricky in Super Mario Bros. game, but this is nothing to the living hell you will end up in thanks the boundless imagination of players!
Here is the screenshot:
Previous Today’s Super Mario Maker
August 17th: ? Block
August 18th
August 19th: Sound Effects
August 20th: Auto Scroll
August 21th
August 24th: Mario trail
Source: Nintendo
First, we have a TV commercial from North America:
Head after the break for the rest of the videos!
Next, we two videos from IGN:
Super Mario Maker (Wii U) comes out on September 10th in Japan, and September 11th in Europe and North America.