Drowning Monkey Games


Daily news (February 15): Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection / Solomon Program

Today’s Daily news: latest Dev Diary video for Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection, Solomon Program announed for the Nintendo Switch, Numskull Games Presents announcements, latest Stretchgoal for Ova Magica on Kickstarter, new release date for Castle Kong, and latest set of pictures for Empire of Sin!

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Daily news (June 1, Round 2): Fairy Tail / Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics

Today’s Daily news: gameplay footage for Fairy Tail, more video clips for Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics, another DLC character for One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4, Milky Way Prince – The Vampire Star and Castle Kong announced for the Nintendo Switch, release date for Strawberry Vinegar, latest livestream recording for La-Mulana 1 & 2, and gameplay trailer for Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted!

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