Tatsumi Kimishima


Nintendo news (May 9): Fire Emblem Echoes / Kirby 25th Anniversary / Nintendo Switch

Today’s Nintendo news: TV Commercial for Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, message and merchandise for the Kirby 25th Anniversary, a few tidbits about Nintendo’s forecast for the Nintendo Switch, and livestream recording for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe!

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3DSamiiboDLCeShopNESNintendoSalesWii U

Investor Briefing (Jan. 2017): Kimishima on Wii U sales, amiibo, digital sales, NES Mini

During the usual meeting with investors, which always follows the presentation of the latest financial results, Nintendo talked about Wii U sales, but also amiibo sales, digital sales, and Nintendo Classic Mini: Nintendo Entertainment System sales.

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3DSeShopNew Nintendo 3DSNintendoNintendo 2DSSalesSwitch

Investor Briefing (Jan. 2017): Kimishima on Nintendo 3DS sales, more

During the usual meeting with investors, which always follows the presentation of the latest financial results, Nintendo talked about Nintendo 3DS sales, the many unannounced titles currently in the works, and how the Nintendo Switch isn’t replacing the handheld.

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