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Cat Quest III (Switch): all the updates (latest: Mew Game Mode Update)

On this page, you will find all there is to know about the various updates for Cat Quest III on Nintendo Switch.

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Cat Quest III – Ver. ??? (Mew Game Mode Update)

  • Release date: February 10th/11th 2025
  • Patch notes:
New Content
  • Hoist the sails and get ready to embark on a more challenging catventure with Mew Game Mode!
    • Listen up ye purrywags! Mew Game Mode allows the player to add a variety of unique meowdifiers to their game for a more challenging experience.
    • Conquer the seas of the Purribean in Mew Game Mode and earn some treasure for completing it. The more meowdifiers selected, the greater the reward!
  • Nine Lives – You can only ‘Game Over’ nine times. After which, the game kicks players back to the main menu and deletes the save file.
  • Ruffer Enemies – Different and more powerful enemies appear.
  • Naked Paws – Armor and weapons cannot be equipped. Trinkets still can be equipped.
  • Purre Magic – You can only cast spells. Mana regenerates automatically and quickly.
  • No Leveling – You cannot level up.
  • Fast Furwards – Everything moves at twice the speed. Even you.
  • No Upgrades – You cannot upgrade anything, not even spells.
  • Furriendly Ship – Your ship does one damage.
Patch notes
  • Shield dodge animation has been tweaked to look more unique.
  • Slightly reduced the damage of Mewteor and Ice Paw.
  • Bug fix: certain items were given at too high a level.

Cat Quest III – Ver. ??? (Mew Content Update)

  • Release date: ???
  • Patch notes:
New Content
  • 5 new quests.
  • 4 new dungeons.
  • 9 new equipment (Including a second Warrior’s Braid for more co-op fun!)
QOL Additions
  • Leveling up past maximum level now replenishes health, mana and ammo.
  • Added “Camera Shake” option in Options.
Bug fixes
  • Fixed rare issue where NPCs would move at abnormal speeds sometimes.
  • Fixed French Localization where there are missing characters from certain words (Eg. Charaibes -> Charabes).
  • Fixed issue where some enemies’ attacks can cause the player to not be able to transition from water>land and vice versa.
  • Fixed issue where there was a short static at the end of skipping animated videos.
  • Fixed Credits not being reset back to initial starting point.
  • Fixed confirmation message panels not hiding properly sometimes after confirmation (“Yes”).
  • Adjusted sound effects to fade out during transition between scenes.
  • Fixed issue where certain passives were not functioning properly with certain equipment.

Cat Quest III – Ver. ???

  • Release date: ???
  • Patch notes:
  • Fixed Golden Helm’s bonus still being capped at 30% instead of 20%
  • Fixed issue where Mewtallica Boss’ headgear was not working as intended
  • Fixed issue where players could sometimes sink underground in the Infinity Tower
  • Fixed issue where players could sometimes pause the game during cutscenes & get stuck
  • Fixed Necropawmicon quest being tied to the chest instead of the boss
  • Edited puzzle stones to not reset when sleeping at Rest Beakons

Cat Quest III – Ver. ???

  • Release date: August 28th 2024 (North America, Europe, Japan)
  • Patch notes:
  • Fixed bug where player remains in ‘combat’ mode even though enemies are not within range of player
  • Fixed full-screen text overflowing out of screen in certain languages.
  • Nerfed Golden Helm’s damage increase
  • Fixed issue where players could get stuck walking on a float in Spicy Cave
  • Fixed issue where healing values were being reduced by the heal target’s Def Stat
  • Tweaks to some Infinity Tower waves & enemy behavior
  • Fixed some equipment passives applying incorrect effects
  • Fixed animated cutscenes being too loud, now it is tied to the Music slider in options as well!
  • Fixed map in inventory not being fully viewable in certain aspect ratios
  • Fixed some localization errors
  • Fixed issue where Icicles’ hitboxes were larger than expected
  • Tweaked some passive effect values
  • Fixed certain reward multipliers (most notably in the wanted posters) giving way too much gold than originally intended

How to download updates for Cat Quest III for the Nintendo Switch?

To download the updates for Cat Quest III, you have three options:

  • let the console do its thing if you have automatic downloads activated, and didn’t completely turn it off

If not…

  • try to launch the game from the Home Menu while being connected to the internet. You should get a prompt when doing so: simply follow the instructions on screen;


  • select the game > press either + or – to go to the Options page > select Software update > select Via the Internet.

To check that you have the latest version installed, simply select the game on the Home Menu, and press – or + to go to the Options: the version number is displayed just below the game title.


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.