
eShop news (Aug. 17): Mosaic / The Messenger / Hollow Knight: Godmaster

Today’s Nintendo eShop news: Mosaic announced for the Nintendo Switch, release date for The Messenger, new name for the last DLC pack for Hollow Knight, trailers for Surgeon Simulator CPR, 9 Monkeys of Shaolin, and Redeemer: Enhanced Edition, screenshot for Decay of Logos, and Japanese release date confirmed for Toy Stunt Bike: Tiptop’s Trials!

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eShop news (Aug. 4, Round 3): Unties / Bee Simulator / Moonfall Ultimate / Carried Away

Today’s Nintendo eShop news (Round 3): Unties bringing even more games to the Nintendo Switch, Bee Simulator, Moonfall Ultimate, Carried Away, and Kill! Kill! Kill! all announced for the Nintendo Switch, release date for Tetra’s Escape, screenshot and video clip for Piczle Colors, and latest The Download video!

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