PokéNews (Dec. 7): Pokémon GO update / Detective Pikachu (movie) / Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
Today’s Pokémon news: latest update available for Pokémon GO, but also…
- Detective Pikachu (movie)
- Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon – Battle Competition
- Nintendo 3DS Theme
- Pokkén Tournament DX
- Pokémon Duel
- Pokémon Puppet Show
- Pokémon no Uchi Atsumaru?!
Pokémon GO
Today, the latest update for Pokémon GO was released, though only for iOS (with the Android update coming soon). It brings the game to Ver. 1.55.1, and officially provides only bug fixes. However, this update is believed to include the data for the new Pokémon and the Dynamic Weather system introduced earlier this week, so if you don’t want to miss on those two things, make sure to update asap!
More details about the Software updates for Pokémon GO can be found on this page!
Also, earlier this week, Niantic announced that the deals on discounted boxes with Lucky Eggs, Lure Modules, Ultra Balls, and Great Balls have been extended for an extra week. They now end on December 11th (this Monday). As for Ho-Oh, it will be available for battle for an additional 48 hours, until December 14th to be precise!
Source: Niantic (Twitter) / Niantic (Twitter)
Via: Serebii
Detective Pikachu (movie)
According to Hollywood Reporter, Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool) is the one who will play Pikachu in the upcoming Detective Pikachu movie. Earlier this year, we found that Justice Smith (Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom) and Kathryn Newton (Big Little Lies) were also part of the cast for the movie, directed by Rob Letterman (Goosebumps).
Naturally, Rayn Reynolds’ role will be motion-capture in nature, it’s not like he’s going to wear a Pikachu costume or anything (though that would definitely be a sight to behold).
Source: Hollywood Reporter
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon – Battle Competition
Today, registrations for the first online competition for Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon went live. It’s called Johto x Alola, and here’s all you need to know about it:
- Pokémon allowed: Pokémon from the Johto and Alola Pokédexes (including those obtained via Poké Transfer)
- Pokémon banned: Mythical Pokémon, some Legendary Pokémon (Mewtwo, Ho-Oh, Lugia, Zygarde, Cosmog, Cosmoem, Solgaleo, Lunala, Necrozma)
- Battles: Double Battles, Team of 6 Pokémon and 4 sent to battle
- Level: 50 (dropped to 50 if above)
- Items: all allowed, but two Pokémon cannot have the same Hold Item
- Participation prize: 50 Battle Points (need to battle at least once)
- Registration: December 7th to December 15th
- Battles: December 15th to December 17th
If you want to train for this Online Competition, you can download the rules from the Festival Plaza.
Source: Pokémon Global Link
Nintendo 3DS Theme
Heads up for Pokémon fans: the latest Pokémon theme for the Nintendo 3DS is now available in North America. For some reason, it wasn’t released this week in Europe, but it’s definitely coming soon (most likely next week). Check out this post for more details!
Pokkén Tournament DX
Today, some new special codes for Pokkén Tournament DX were released: they allow you to unlock additional customisation items for your avatar. Make sure to check out this post for the codes, including those revealed earlier this year.
But that’s not all: a set of Pokkén Tournament DX emotes also went live on Twitch, and are available exclusively to Twitch Prime members until January 7th.
Here’s what the emotes look like:
Pokémon Duel
Here’s the English version of the trailer for Ver. 5.0.0 of Pokémon Duel, released last week:
Pokémon Puppet Show
Here’s the latest episode of the Pokémon Puppet Show:
Pokémon no Uchi Atsumaru?!
Here’s the preview for the next episode of Pokémon no Uchi Atsumaru?!, airing this Sunday in Japan: