Pokémon news (March 20th): Battle competitions, Pokémon Shuffle and more
Battle competitions – NicoNico Ultra Championship
In Japan, The Pokémon Company gave some details about an upcoming Battle Competition for Pokémon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire, called “NicoNico Ultra Championship 2015”. The registration period is from April 2nd to April 10th, and the competition itself runs from April 10th to April 13th. The best players in the competition will get invited to the Japan Finals, and the person to win those will get an invite to the Pokémon World Championship.
The rules are:
– single battles
– national Pokédex
– legendary Pokémon not allowed
Battle competitions – Enter the Dragon Type
The “Enter the Dragon Type” competition has started, and lasts until March 23rd.
Pokémon Championship Series – Australia and New Zealand
The Pokémon Championship Series will take place in April for Australia and New Zealand. More details will be announced soon.
Pokémon Shuffle
Several events are ending on Monday:
– Mew event (until 6AM UTC / 7AM CET / 1AM EDT / 10PM PDT on Sunday / 3PM JST)
– Kyogre event (until 6AM UTC / 7AM CET / 1AM EDT / 10PM PDT on Sunday / 3PM JST)
– Mega Lucario (until 5AM UTC / 6AM CET / 12AM EDT / 9PM PDT on Sunday / 2PM JST)
There’s also a new trailer for the game, straight from Japan:
Source: Serebii