Miitomo: major update coming soon, will add “messages”, room customisation, sidekick Mii
We’ve known for a while that Nintendo was working on a new update for Miitomo (which will fix a minor issue with iOS 10). Last week, during a meeting with investors, Tatsumi Kimishima explained that the update would be quite substantial, adding long-requested features such as the ability to chat directly with your friends.
And today, Nintendo announced via a notification that this update would be released “soon”, and gave more details about its contents. Alongside the ability to chat directly with your friends, this new version of Miitomo will finally let you customise your room (flooring, wallpapers). In fact, you will even be able to use your favorite pictures as posters.
This update will also introduce the “Style Central” and “Answer Central” features, that allow you to easily share your outfits and your answers with the rest of the world. Finally, you will be able to create a sidekick Mii, who will have their own room. Unfortunately, we don’t quite know what a sidekick Mii is supposed to be!
Here’s the list of changes and additions to be included in the next update for Miitomo:
- The ability to talk directly with your friends through “messages”
- The ability to customise your room with new flooring and wallpapers
- The ability to hang your favourite images on your room’s walls as posters
- The ability to share your outfits with the world through “Style Central”, and your answers through “Answer Central”
- The ability to create “Sidekick Mii” characters, who will have their own room
Unfortunately, we don’t know when this update will be released, but it’s probably safe to assume it will be available before the end of the month. Something important to keep in mind: this update will be mandatory, and you will have to download it in order to be able to keep using Miitomo.
Up until now, Nintendo has let users use whichever version they wanted, but things will be different with this update. This is most likely because it adds some rather major features, and that trying to keep all versions compatible with each other has become to complex.
Unfortunately, users who have to use Security Bypasser (on Android) will most likely be forced to wait until an update for that tool is released before being able to use Miitomo again.
Source: Miitomo