
eShop news (March 6, Round 2): Bomber Crew / Brawlout Ver. 2.0

Today’s Nintendo eShop news: second set of DLC for Bomber Crew releasing next week, but also…

  • Brawlout Ver. 2.0
  • Baba is You
  • American Fugitive
  • Arcade Archives Ikari Warriors

Bomber Crew

Curve Digital and Runner Duck Games have announced that the second set of DLC for Bomber Crew, the USAAF DLC, will be released on March 12th. It will add the following to the game:

  • iconic American Bomber, which holds more Crew than ever
  • brand new campaign set in a never before seen Theatre of War
  • new enemy fighters and Aces

The DLC will be sold for 6.99€ / $6.99 / £5.99, and will be included in the Bomber Crew: America Edition (including the base game and the USAAF DLC) sold 19.99€ / $19.99 / £15.99 (with 20% off discount for two weeks).

Here’s some screenshots:

The USAAF DLC for Bomber Crew (Switch – eShop) comes out on March 12th in Europe and North America. The Upcoming Games page has been updated!

Source: Curve Digital PR

Brawlout Ver. 2.0

Angry Mob Games have announced that Brawlout will get a major Software update by the end of the month. It will bring the game to Ver. 2.0.0, and will provide the following:

  • Dead Cells
  • Prisoner’s Quarters
  • New Online Lobbies
  • Single Player Trials

Source: Angry Mob Games (Twitter)

Baba is You

Here’s the latest soundtrack sample for Baba is You: Water is Sink – The lake!

Baba is You (Switch – eShop) comes out on March 13th in Europe and North America.

American Fugitive

Here’s the latest video clip for American Fugitive:


American Fugitive (Switch – eShop) comes out later this year in Europe and North America.

Arcade Archives Ikari Warriors

Here’s the recording of the latest livestream from Famitsu, featuring Arcade Archives Ikari Warriors:

Arcade Archives Ikari Warriors (Switch – eShop) comes out on March 7th worldwide.


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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