
Daily news (January 20, Round 2): Jack Jeanne / Märchen Forest

Today’s Daily news: latest set of videos for Jack Jeanne, but also…

  • Märchen Forest
  • Star Renegades
  • Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time
  • Dark Souls @ First 4 Figures
  • Tool Assisted Speedrun

Jack Jeanne

Here’s the latest set of videos for Jack Jeanne:

Jack Jeanne (Switch) comes out on March 18th in Japan.

Märchen Forest

Here’s a making of video for Märchen Forest:

Märchen Forest (Switch) comes out on June worldwide.

Star Renegades

EXNOA have announced that the Japanese release of Star Renegades has been delayed to April 28th. It was previously slated for a February 25th release.

Source: Famitsu

Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time

Here’s the latest set of screenshots for Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time:

Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time (Switch) comes out on January 21st in Japan.

Source: Famitsu / 4Gamer

Dark Souls @ First 4 Figures

Here’s some videos for the Gravelord Nito Statue by First 4 Figures:

Tool Assisted Speedrun

Here’s the latest Tool Assisted Speedrun video for Nintendo platforms:

  • Winnie the Pooh: Adventures in the 100 Acre Wood (GameBoy Color) “100%” by Winslinator in 17:40.63

The Upcoming Games page has been updated!


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.