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eShop news (December 17): Cozy Grove / Elliot

Today’s Nintendo eShop news: Cozy Grove, Elliot, and Fantasy Tavern Sextet -Vol.2 Adventurer’s Days- announced for the Nintendo Switch, Japanese releases for Bit.Trip series and Fox n Forests, and release date for Dungeon Nightmares I & II in Japan!

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eShop news (April 24th): Death Road to Canada / FOX n FORESTS / PixelJunk Monsters 2

Today’s Nintendo eShop news: Death Road to Canada delayed due to the tragic events in Toronto, release date and video for FOX n FORESTS, demo for PixelJunk Monsters 2 releasing this week worldwide, Path to Mnemosyne announced for the Nintendo Switch, latest trailer and new game mode for Hyper Sentinel, and screenshots for the latest DLC character in Mighty Gunvolt Burst!

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eShop news (March 27): Snake Pass / The Adventures of Bertram Fiddle

Today’s Nintendo eShop news: Snake Pass gets an Arcade Mode to celebrate its 1st Anniversary, trailer for The Adventures of Bertram Fiddle, gameplay footage for FOX n FORESTS, release date for Devious Dungeon, release date and launch trailer for Sling Ming, and latest screenshots for Feudal Alloy and Another Sight!

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eShop news (Feb. 21): Castle of Heart / Fox ‘n Forests / Fear Effect Sedna

Today’s Nintendo eShop news: release date for Castle of Heart, release window for Fox ‘n Forests, latest character profile for Fear Effect Sedna, Poisoft no Zun: Atsui Trump announced for the Nintendo Switch, trailer for the extra scenario for Order Land, release month for World Conqueror X, Tiny Metal getting a Colour Blind mode, Kyougeki Quartet Fighters announced and now available in Japan, latest screenshot for Soul Saga, concept-art for Old Man’s Journey, Conga Master Party and Neurovoider now available in Japan, and release date for Link-a-Pix Colour in Japan!

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eShop news (Feb. 7): Seven Knights / FOX n FORESTS / The Fall Part 2: Unbound

Today’s Nintendo eShop news: Seven Knights announced for the Nintendo Switch, latest trailer for FOX n FORESTS, some gameplay footage for The Fall Part 2: Unbound, screenshots for Arcade Archives Crazy Climber, ACA NeoGeo Super Baseball 2020, and Mercenaries Saga Chronicles, Japanese launch trailer and screenshots for Dandara, Wonder Boy and the Dragon’s Trap getting a retail release in Japan, one lone picture for Sally’s Law, Chronicles of Teddy: Harmony of Exidus releasing next week in Japan, and English trailer for FANTASY HERO ~unsigned legacy~!

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