PokéNews (Oct. 16) – Pokémon Sun and Moon (Shiny Silvally) / PokéLand / Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
Today’s Pokémon news: Shiny Silvally distribution announced for Pokémon Sun and Moon in Europe and North America, but also…
- Poké Land
- Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
Pokémon Sun and Moon – Shiny Silvally
Today, The Pokémon Company announced that the Shiny Silvally would be distributed to Pokémon Sun and Moon players in Europe and North America pretty soon. This Pokémon is also being distribution in Japan, as a pre-order bonus for Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.
This Shiny Silvally will be available from the following stores:
- United Kingdom: GAME stores
- United States: GameStop stores
- Canada: EB Game stores
- Spain: GAME stores
- Germany: GameStop
- France: Micromania
- Australia: EB Game stores
- Italy: GameStop stores
- Netherlands: Nintendo Zones @ Game Mania
In Europe, the distribution runs from November 3rd to November 16th. In North America and Australia, the distribution runs from October 23rd to November 13th. In both cases, the Serial Code has to be used before February 13th. The Shiny Silvally comes with a Gold Bottle Cap.
The list of Serial Codes for Pokémon Sun and Moon has been updated!
Source: The Pokémon Company / The Pokémon Company
Remember PokéLand, the new game from the Pokémon Rumble / Scramble series, that’s coming “soon” to the Android and iOS? Well, after months of complete silence, a new Alpha test for the game is starting tomorrow in Japan, and runs until October 27th. This one is only for Android device owners, though there will also be an Alpha test for iOS devices later this year.
So, what’s different from the first Alpha test? Well, for starters, it includes more stages and Pokémon. Also, it gives access to more items and abilities for each of the Pokémon available in the test.
Finally, here’s some more screenshots for the game:
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
Thanks to the packaging of the new Z-Power Ring toy, we now have the confirmation that Mimikyu is indeed getting a Z-Move in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. Unfortunately, we don’t know anything about this mysterious Z-Movie: what it’s called, what it does, and… well pretty much anything about it other than “yup, it’s in the game alright!”.
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon (3DS) comes out on November 17th in Japan.
Source: Serebii