Japan: Famitsu sales for September 2019 (Software, Hardware, Publishers)
Famitsu have shared their monthly report on video game sales in Japan, this time covering September 2019 (to be more precise, the period going from August 26th to September 29th, so 5 weeks in total).
Unlike August, there’s quite a lot of new entries in the Top 5 Software: in fact, only one game was not released in September.
Dragon Quest XI: S Echoes of an Elusive Age sold 302 204 units at retail, and was the second best-selling game of the month with just two days tracked. This goes to show that when it comes to late port, providing a fair amount of additional content and improvements goes a long way, especially if you’re planning to sell it at full price. Then again, this is Dragon Quest we’re talking about, so not just any old late port.
As for The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening, it’s off to a decent start with 187 150 units sold during the first week.
Here’s the Top 5 Software for September 2019 from Famitsu:
01./00. [PS4] Monster Hunter: World – Iceborne Master Edition <Monster Hunter: World \ Monster Hunter: World – Iceborne> # <ACT> (Capcom) {2019.09.06} (¥6.990) – 346.239 / NEW
02./00. [NSW] Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition # <RPG> (Square Enix) {2019.09.27} (¥7.980) – 303.204 / NEW
03./00. [NSW] The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening # <ADV> (Nintendo) {2019.09.20} (¥5.980) – 187.150 / NEW
04./00. [PS4] eFootball Winning Eleven 2020 <SPT> (Konami) {2019.09.12} (¥7.600) – 86.822 / NEW
05./01. [NSW] Super Mario Maker 2 # <ACT> (Nintendo) {2019.06.28} (¥5.980) – 85.024 / 644.445 (-40%)
This month around, the Nintendo Switch didn’t manage to grab all 5 spots of the Top 5, “only” 3 of them:
NSW – 3
PS4 – 2
And once again, Nintendo was the most successful publisher with well over 600 000 units sold. What’s more, the games in the Top 5 do not even account for half of those sales, thanks to the strong sales of the usual evergreen titles. Capcom is #2 with over 450 000 units sold, mainly due to Monster Hunter. As for Square-Enix, they’re #3 this month thanks to Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age (which accounts for the vast majority of sales).
Here’s the top publishers for September 2019, courtesy of Famitsu:
Nintendo – 632.000
Capcom – 457.000
Square Enix – 368.000
Hardware-wise, Famitsu report that the Nintendo Switch reached the 9 million units milestone 2 years and 7 months after launch. It was the best-selling platform for the 19th month in a row, with over 650 000 units sold: a massive increase quite obviously due to the launch of the Nintendo Switch Lite, which sold 258 693 units. But despite this strong debut, the OG model actually sold more, with nearly 400 000 units sold.
September 2019 was so much better than September 2018: sales are more than three times higher, but that’s not surprising given the launch of the Nintendo Switch Lite and the strong line-up.
As for the Nintendo 3DS, it didn’t even manage to sell 10 000 units this month (9 372 units to be precise), which is a massive drop from September 2018 which already was a really poor month (34 380 units).
|System | This Month | Last Month | Last Year | YTD | Last YTD | LTD |
| NSW # | 655.793 | 159.362 | 203.432 | 2.518.642 | 1.762.517 | 9.408.188 |
| PS4 # | 121.604 | 56.193 | 95.206 | 871.912 | 1.217.718 | 8.424.002 |
| 3DS # | 9.372 | 15.778 | 34.380 | 165.590 | 440.487 | 24.470.554 |
| XB1 # | 890 | 178 | 719 | 5.223 | 10.967 | 108.154 |
| PSV # | 193 | 397 | 12.001 | 37.241 | 151.724 | 5.862.595 |
| ALL | 787.852 | 231.908 | 345.862 | 3.598.608 | 3.585.417 | 48.273.493 |
| NSW L | 258.693 | | | 258.693 | | 258.693 |
| NSW | 397.100 | 159.362 | 203.432 | 2.259.949 | 1.762.517 | 9.149.495 |
| XB1 X | 573 | 126 | 426 | 3.534 | 7.500 | 16.990 |
| XB1 S | 317 | 52 | 293 | 1.689 | 3.467 | 19.162 |
|PS4 Pro| 46.813 | 20.214 | 27.396 | 317.102 | 299.438 | 1.289.692 |
| PS4 | 74.791 | 35.979 | 67.810 | 554.810 | 918.280 | 7.134.310 |
| PSV | 193 | 397 | 12.001 | 37.241 | 151.724 | 5.862.595 |
|n-2DSLL| 8.483 | 14.659 | 21.921 | 135.918 | 274.634 | 1.080.162 |
| n-3DS | 889 | 1.119 | 11.271 | 28.581 | 147.744 | 5.884.406 |
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