
Indie news (June 26): De Mambo / Blade Strangers / Shakedown Hawaii

Today’s Indie news: livestream recording for De Mambo, but also…

  • Blade Strangers
  • Shakedown Hawaii
  • Kid Tripp
  • Hyper Sentinel
  • Yoku’s Island Express
  • Mitchaku Taisen 2048

De Mambo

Here’s a livestream recording for De Mambo, releasing on the Nintendo Switch on June 29th worldwide:

Blade Strangers

Here’s the boxart for Blade Strangers, a fighting game Nicalis is bringing to the Nintendo Switch:

Source: Nicalis

Shakedown Hawaii

Here’s the latest gameplay clip for Shakedown Hawaii:

Shakedown Hawaii (Switch, 3DS – eShop) does not have a release date yet.

Kid Tripp

Good news for those of you eagerly waiting for Kid Tripp on Nintendo 3DS: development is now complete, and the game has been sent to Nintendo for lotcheck. If everything goes well, we will have a release date pretty soon.

Here’s a new screenshot:

Kid Tripp (3DS – eShop) does not have a release date yet. The game is also coming to the Nintendo Switch.

Source: Four Horses

Hyper Sentinel

Here’s the latest devblog for Hyper Sentinel, coming to the Nintendo Switch “soon”:


Yoku’s Island Express

Here’s the latest screenshots and gameplay clip for Yoku’s Island Express on Nintendo Switch:

Yoku’s Island Express (Switch) will be released in 2018 in Europe and North America.

Source: official Twitter account

Mitchaku Taisen 2048

Here’s a trailer for Mitchaku Taisen 2048, that Collavier is bringing to the Nintendo Switch:


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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