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Omega Strikers (Switch): all the updates (latest: July 24th Micropatch)

On this page, you will find all there is to know about the various updates for Omega Strikers on Nintendo Switch (originally released on April 27th 2023 in North America and Europe, and April 28th 2023 Japan)!

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Omega Strikers – Ver. ??? (July 24th Micropatch)

  • Release date: July 24th 2024 (North America, Europe) / July 25th 2024 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:
High elo Atlas was kinda struggling. Celestial Intervention also was (is) kinda bugged so this should also help mitigate some of those effects, while also strengthening him.
  • Celestial Intervention [SPECIAL]
    • Healing Per tick :: 3.75% Max stagger → 4% Max Stagger
  • Cosmic Expanse [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 21s → 20s
Large Goalie Buffs: Part II. Dubu can now roll to stop that core a little more frequently. Just don’t miss or this buff might be a nerf.
  • Somerassault [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 19s → 17s
  • Damage & Knockback :: 200 (+100% Power) → 220 (+110%)
Estelle’s been slowly working her way to the top despite recent nerfs so we’re trying to keep her in check!
  • Base Move speed :: 450 → 445
  • Rose Warp [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 16s → 17s
Us: Juno, stop jumping around or you’re gonna get nerfed.


Juno: i know, i know. i wooon’t!


Juno 10 minutes later: omg ur gonna haaate me.
  • Blob Bounce [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 11s → 13s
Did… did her legs get longer?
  • Base Move Speed :: 450 → 460
The bugfix last patch had a sizeable impact on Mako’s game feel. We’re pulling back some of those changes and loading more power into Drum and Base to compensate.
  • Drum and Base [SECONDARY]
    • Minimum cast time :: 0.25s → 0.2s
    • Self-slow while channeling :: 52% → 47%
      • (Base speed while channeling :: 262 → 289)
    • Size and Haste linger after cast :: 0.5s → 0.75s
  • Perfect Pitch [PRIMARY]
    • Minimum cast time :: 0.15s → 0.1s
2 more seconds of worry free gameplay on Ai.Mi’s app.
  • Death Touch [SPECIAL]
    • Cooldown :: 20s → 22s
Vyce’s damage was *off the charts


– especially if she picked up a couple cooldown awakenings. So we nerfed her. Did we really need to write that last sentence? You can read the change and see what we did right? It’s totally intuitive. Nah.
  • Power Chord [PRIMARY]
    • Cooldown :: 7s → 8.5s
    • Damage & Knockback :: 185 (+92.5% Power) → 175 (+87.5% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1350 (+185% Power) → 1330 (+175% Power)
  • Movement ability boost :: 75% → 80%
Cast to Last
  • Buff / Debuff duration :: 45% → 50%
  • Bonus Energy from dealing hits :: 20% → 15%
Orb Dancer
  • Move speed boost at max stacks :: 60% → 55%
Peak Performance
  • Percentage Move speed per 100 stagger :: 0.6% → 0.55%
Perfect Form
  • Normal hit cooldown reduction :: 15% (max 1.5s) → 13.5% (Max 1.35s)
  • Light hit cooldown reduction :: 5% (max 0.5s) → 4.5% (Max 0.45s)
Prize Fighter
  • Power per stack :: 20 → 23
The change for stinger in the last patch ended up being a much more sizeable nerf than intended. This should still represent a nerf from two patches ago, while also bringing the awakening more in line with its peers.
  • Percentage max stagger burn :: 8% → 9% (2.66% → 3% For Light hits)

Omega Strikers – Ver. ??? (July 4th Update)

  • Release date: July 4th 2024 (North America, Europe) / July 5th 2024 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:
Pick Order Display
  • Now displays which team picks first when it’s snake draft!
    • Located in the top left under the current map name
Pre-Match Mastery Banner Effects
  • You can now show off how good you are at Asher before the match starts.
In-Game Name Change Feature
  • Go to the Settings and change your name!
    • No cost (Ody/Striker Coins)
    • You can only change it once every 90 days.
      • Don’t change it and then be like “actually I don’t like it” and make a ticket, I’ll be so mad.
In-Game HUD Update
  • Just a small update to the change we made a bit ago.
    • Increased size and some polish.
Maps and Modes
Map Rotations
  • Rotated in
    • Ai.Mi’s App
    • Oni Village
    • Demon Dais
  • Rotated out
    • Taiko Temple
    • Atlas’s Lab
    • Inky’s Splash Zone
Thanks to our incredible community, we got a couple new emoticons, titles, and nameplates! We’ll be making ways to get those over the coming days.
  • New Community Nameplates
  • New Community Emoticons
  • New community Titles
We’ve got just a couple adjustments to some Strikers. Nothing big like the last batch where we changed virtually everything though!
Atlas has been exploring space and gaining knowledge so you haven’t seen him in a while. He learned how to reduce the cooldown of his Secondary so you might be seeing him more often.
  • Cosmic Expanse [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 22s → 21s
He’s a little stronger now and upgraded his Xeno Cloak so he can go invisible for longer. In general, we are trying to push some power away from his primary and into his other abilities so that Drek’ar won’t be so much of a one trick lizard.
  • Base Stats
    • Power :: 90 → 95
  • Xeno Cloak [SECONDARY]
    • Duration :: 1.0s → 1.25s
    • Speed Boost :: 50% → 40%
    • Stealth hit amp now has a 0.25s post-stealth grace window
Crystal Volley balls too hard sometimes so we’re turning it down.
  • Crystal Volley [SPECIAL]
    • Cooldown :: 20s → 22s
Finii was struggling to find her rabbit footing so we’re moving some of the power from her supportive utility to her own abilities. We’re also letting her hop across the battlefield a little quicker for good measure.
  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 470 → 475
  • Triple Take [SECONDARY]
    • Damage per pulse :: 50(+25% Power) → 55(+27.5% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1080 (+50% Power) → 1090(+55% Power)
    • Ally Damage Boost :: 30% → 20%
Sick Giga Blasts from like across the map are now cooler and better. You just can’t try and spam it as frequently.
  • Giga Blast [SPECIAL]
    • PvP Knockback and Damage :: 220 (+110% Power) → 240 (+120% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1390 (+205% Power) → 1400 (+210% Power)
    • Cooldown :: 22s → 23s
Try Juliette goalie! Surely it’s good!
  • Flying Phoenix [Secondary]
    • Cooldown :: 16s → 15s
Luna was pretty good in all tiers, especially in higher skill levels. Fewer random across-map rockets now.
  • W.H.A.M.M.Y. [PRIMARY]
    • Cooldown :: 6.5s → 7.5s
  • Stagger Growth Tier :: 375 → 250
Nao is quite strong in coordinated and high-tier games.
  • Proximity Drone [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 10s → 12s
  • Base Speed: 460 → 455
Vyce KOs a lot of people, so let’s see how she likes it now with her lower stagger!!!
  • Base Stagger :: 1300 → 1200
  • Stagger Growth Tier :: 375 → 300
  • Super Nova [SPECIAL]
    • [BUGFIX] Minimum cast time :: 0s → 0.25s
      • Due to how they were implemented, press and hold abilities were subverting the cast-time system that all abilities use and were effectively able to output hits faster than intended. We made a systemic change to normalize these abilities.
His special is pretty special am I right? Okay sorry, now it’s got a 5 second longer cooldown.
  • Oni’s Blade [SPECIAL]
    • Cooldown :: 35s → 40s
Very prevalent in coordinated and high-tier play (like Nao), Mako needs a touch to ensure she isn’t domineering.
  • Perfect Pitch [PRIMARY]
    • Cooldown :: 7s → 8.5s
    • [BUGFIX] Minimum cast time :: 0s → 0.15s
      • Due to how they were implemented, press and hold abilities were subverting the cast-time system that all abilities use and were effectively able to output hits faster than intended. We made a systemic change to normalize these abilities.
  • Drum and Base [SECONDARY]
    • [BUGFIX] Minimum cast time :: 0s → 0.25s
      • See above
  • Rotated out:
    • Specialized Training
    • Recovery Drone
    • Among Titans
  • Rotated in:
    • Glass Cannon
    • Big Fish
    • Perfect Form
Perfect Form
  • Normal hit cooldown reduction :: 20% (max 2s) → 15% (Max 1.5s)
  • Light hit cooldown reduction :: 6.66% (max 0.66s) → 5% (Max 0.5s)
Orb Ponderer
  • Orb Cooldown Reduction (Before max stacks) :: 15% → 17.5%
  • Base Size: 5% → 7.5%
Reptile Remedy
  • Max stagger increase: 350 → 400
Slick Kicks
Slick Kicks has been straight up really good for the past 10 years. Let’s try to give other Forward gear some love.
  • Speed boost duration 1.5 → 1.25
Stacks on Stacks
  • Speed per stack :: 0.08% → 0.075%
    • (Max speed :: 12/24% → 11.25/22.5%)
Increasing the duration of burns from Stinger so that quick reapplications of the debuff are weaker. This’ll be particularly noticeable when multiple people take Stinger and try and burn you to death.
  • Duration :: 2.5s → 4s (Damage per second effectively reduced from 3% → 2%)
    • Note: Stinger does not prevent stagger regen so this won’t keep you from healing any longer than before.
  • Burn :: 7.5% (2.5% for LIGHT hits) → 8% (2.66% for LIGHT hits)
Twin Drive
  • Secondary Cooldown Increase :: 5% → 2.5%
Vicious Vambrace
VV hasn’t really been poppin for a while. With the global stagger increase with the last big patch, VV was effectively healing you less. This should help it be decent again.
  • Heal% :: 40% → 45%
  • Core Heal% :: 8% → 9%
  • Mako Japanese VO is once again Japanese.
  • Zentaro Secondary dash will now travel full distance over terrain.
  • Modified amount of time before Asher special starts applying hits to reduce leaks during it spawn.
  • Rasmus secondary should no longer occasionally fail to cast. (Let us know if it does)
  • Multiple awakenings that reduce the base cooldown of an ability should now always stack correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where players using controllers could sometimes stop the core in place.
  • Player reports now show confirmation of successful report submission.
  • Slot swap UI should now be correct for all languages.
  • Various small bug fixes.

Omega Strikers – Micropatch

  • Release date: May 9th 2024 (North America, Europe) / May 10th 2024 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:
Strikes CD is being brought up to match Quick Strikes now that the global CD is gone. Also adding some strength to her Breakthrough to KILL PEOPLE
  • Breakthrough [SECONDARY]
    • Strike CD reduction on her side of the field 15% → 20%
    • Knockback and Damage :: 130(+65% Power) → 140(+70% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1240(+130% Power) → 1260 (+140% Power)
Atlas has struggled finding his sure ground this year, so now he peers ahead to make his path clear. That’s iambic pentameter I just really wanted to do that. But for real, Atlas hasn’t been doing great so far in Season 3 so we’re letting him project a little further into the future.
  • Astral Projection [PRIMARY]
    • Damage & Knockback :: 170(+85% Power) → 180 (+90% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1320 (+170% Power) → 1340 (+180% Power)
    • Lifetime :: 0.65 → 0.70 (Effective range 450 → 480)
This witch can be quite annoying in some cases because of that beam you know what I mean? So it’s getting a slap to lower its strength.
  • Bewitching Beam [PRIMARY]
    • Enemy Slow :: 25% → 20%
    • Enemy shrink :: 40% → 30%
    • Cooldown :: 8.5s → 9s
Juno has developed the taste for human blood and must kill. This will help her do so because we don’t have the bug where Stinger did 90% of enemy Max HP like it did in one of our playtests by accident.
  • Friend Fling [PRIMARY]
    • KB & Damage :: 185 (+92% Power) → 200 (+100%Power)
    • Core KB :: 1350 (+185% Power) → 1380 (200% Power)
Small adjustment from the divergent base stats that will stop Kai from really outclassing other forwards.
  • Stagger Growth Tier :: 425 → 250
  • Base Stagger :: 1200 → 1150
HUGE buff
  • Flow State [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 18s → 17s
  • Base Speed :: 450 → 460
Map Rotation
Rotated OUT
  • Demon Dais
  • Oni Village
Rotate IN
  • Atlas’s Lab
  • Ahten City
Rotated OUT
  • Knifes Edge
  • Demolitionist
  • Timeless Creator
Rotated IN
Orbs are back baby and I know you love it. We brought back and adjusted both Orb Dancer and Orb Ponderer. We wanted to “flatten” their strength curve so that compared to the previous iteration they perform better on average but have a lower top-end. We’re also keeping Orb Replicator out to prevent some snowballing with these changes.
  • Orb Dancer [Retuned]
  • Orb Ponderer [Retuned]
  • Catalyst
  • Movement/Haste buff :: 70% → 75%
  • Core hit amp :: 12% → 13%
Might of the Colossus
  • Power scaling per size :: 0.75 → 0.65
Orb Dancer
  • Speed Increase per orb :: 40% → 30%
  • Speed increase per orb at max stacks :: 80% → 60%
  • Max Stacks :: 10 → 5
  • Duration :: 6s → 4.5
Orb Ponderer
  • Active cooldowns reduced per orb :: 25% → 15%
  • Cooldown reduction per orb at max stacks :: 45% → 30%
  • Max stacks :: 10 → 5
Reptile Remedy
  • Heal :: 4.5% → 5%
  • Duration :: 3s → 4s
Stacks on Stacks
We’re trying something new on our pancakes where they take longer to stack but are stronger at max, making them more important to protect but also putting a bigger target on your back!
  • Max stacks :: 100 → 150
  • Speed per stack :: 0.1 → 0.08 (Max speed 10%/20% → 12%/24%)
  • Burn :: 9% → 7.5% (Light Hits: 3% → 2.5%)
Team Player
  • Allied strike power buff :: 20% → 22.5%

Omega Strikers – Micropatch

  • Release date: April 17th 2024 (North America, Europe) / April 18th 2024 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:
New Gameplay Rule

We’ve heard your feedback on this one. We’re reverting the “ability cooldown from striking the core” change that came with the Season 3 update. The original goal was to add additional gameplay depth by giving players the opportunity to make more dynamic decisions around what to do with the Core once they have possession. However, it’s become apparent that this new rule has negatively impacted game pacing and promoted some unhealthy play patterns.

  • Hitting the CORE with an ability will continue to reset your STRIKE cooldown (once per ability cast).
  • Hitting the CORE with strike now reduces your ability cooldowns


Maps and Modes
  • We’re aware of the issue of not displaying which team is 1st pick in the draft order.
    • We’re exploring some solutions to see if we can amend this in a future patch.
The weight of the world is proving a little much for Atlas. We’re increasing the uptime of his ranged tools to compensate him.
  • Astral Projection [PRIMARY]
    • Cooldown :: 9s → 8.5s
Finii was kinda bad, now she will be good?
  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 460 → 470
    • Power :: 90 → 95
Goalie Kai is running circles around the competition, we’re bumping his cooldowns a touch to give the rest of the cast some breathing room. As much as Kai probably dislikes that.
  • Barrage [PRIMARY]
    • Cooldown :: 11s → 12s
  • Giga Blast [SPECIAL]
    • Cooldown :: 20s → 22s
Mako’s struggling to find her footing this patch. With this change she may knock some other players off their footing too, so I guess that makes them even?
  • Perfect Pitch [PRIMARY]
    • Projectile Base PvP Damage and Knockback :: 100 (+50% Power) → 105 (+52.5% Power)
      • i.e. Fully charged player hit with no Awakenings :: 310 → 326
    • Projectile Base Core Knockback :: 1180 (+100% Power) → 1190 (+105% Power)
      • i.e. Fully Charged Core hit with no Awakenings :: 1613 → 1632
Reverting this preemptive nerf on Octavia. She did not need it. Sorry Octy.
  • Flow State [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 20s → 18s
X got way too buff way too fast this patch… what’s his diet anyway? We are stepping and hitting him with some immediate action from us.
  • Bell Ringer [PRIMARY]
    • Cooldown :: 8s → 10s
  • Bull Rush [SECONDARY]
    • PvP Damage and Knockback :: 210 (+105% Power) → 190 (+95% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1385 (+202.5% Power) → 1360 (+190% Power)
    • Strike Diameter :: 325 → 315
Might of the Colossus
The Colossus was a bit more mighty than we intended.
  • Power per 1% Size :: 1 → 0.75
I’m allergic to bees :(
  • Normal hit burn :: 10% → 9%
  • Light hit burn :: 3.33% → 3%
Reptile Remedy
This remedy wasn’t able to keep up with the damage, we’re increasing its healing powers with some new ingredients.
  • Missing health heal per second :: 3% → 4.5%
Quick Strike
Since we’re removing the strike CD change, we’re reverting the Quick Strike nerf that was affected by it.
  • Strike Cooldown Reduction:: 15% → 20%
  • Energy gain :: 2 → 1

Omega Strikers – Ver. 4.0

  • Release date: April 12th 2024 (North America, Europe) / April 13th 2024 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:
New Friends List
  • Now displays current game status!
    • Online, In Queue, In Game.
Custom Lobby Ping Filter
  • Filter out some custom games so your ping isn’t hella high.
Divergent Base Stats
  • Strikers now have different initial speed/power/stagger.
    • Each striker is currently on a “tier” of the new base stats, but we these stats will likely branch out in the future.
    • On average, strikers recieved an incease to their base stagger to dampen damage-focused playstyles moving into 4.0
    • For example, in general, bigger characters will have more power and stagger but will be slower in contrast to smaller characters. These changes are also to help strikers develop their unique themes and sharpen their identities.
    • Also, this will serve as another balance lever for us!
New Gameplay Rule
We want to reward players for their sickass dribbling and passses while further disincentivize pingponging, so we’re changing things up a bit. This new strike/ability adjustment should open up room for some new combos on many strikers while also shaking up “optimal” playstyles for everyone else. You can probably expect cooldown increases to strikers in future patches as we fine tune the game with these new rules.
  • Hitting the CORE with an ability resets your STRIKE cooldown (once per ability cast)
  • Hitting the CORE with strike now reduces your ability cooldowns
Custom Lobby Changes
  • Can now choose starting awakenings, draft type, sets, goals per set, etc.
    • How customizable! Go check it out!
Big changes to Ranked are here! We’ll be rolling out the new season starting today. The new season will feature all the goodies we mentioned before!

Ranked Rewards:

  • Aqua Cannon goal explosion
    • (This isn’t a seasonal reward btw, this is a forever thing that you’ll unlock once you hit challenger any time in the future.)
  • Top “x” titles
    • ex: Top 5, Top 10, Top 25, etc
  • Kazan Recolor
    • For anyone who reaches Gold!
  • An emote for reaching plat
  • An emote for playing a bunch of games
    • 25 Ranked Games to be exact

Most rewards will be based on your Season *Peak* rating, but the titles for “Top X%” will be based on your leaderboard position at the end of the season.
We are also working on an external match history webpage for you to track your progress!

Maps and Modes
Picking teams in ranked is getting a shakeup. We’re introducing a couple things to the game that’ll change up the whole Striker draft. Snake draft, no mirrors, slot trading. Check it out. These changes will hopefully add more game-to-game variance and add to the dynamics of picking!
  • Snake Draft
    • Teams now take turns picking their characters
      • Blue team picks 1, red team picks 2, blue team picks 2, red picks 1.
  • No mirrors
    • You can’t pick the same character as your opponent. Time to learn 3 more characters.
  • Slot trading
    • Want your goalie to go first? Trade them!
    • You’ll be able to trade before the pick-phase for your team.
      • Ban and pre-selection phase have been slightly extended to give players time to trade.
Map Rotations
  • Rotated in
    • Clarion Corp
    • Inky’s Splash Zone
  • Rotated out
    • Atlas’s Lab
    • Ai.Mi’s App
We whipped up a couple cosmetics and some other goodies for your enjoyment! Especially if you’re rich. Also our good ole’ community sent some emotes our way. Shouts out to them.


  • Gold Kazan (Ranked Reward)
  • Big Spender
    • 2,000,000 SC
  • New Community Nameplates
  • New Community Emoticons
Like I mentioned above, Strikers are getting changes to their base stats. We’ve changed pretty much every Striker because of that, so there will be lots of numbers here.


Unlocked Strikers
Ai.Mi’s been all sass and no swipe for the last few patches – especially at low-mid ranks. She’s sharpening her claws now!!
  • Cyber Swipe [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 14s → 13s
  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 450 → 440
    • Power :: 100 → 125
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1400
  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 450 → 440
    • Power :: 100 → 90
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1400
Shotgun Lizard developed an upgrade to his active camoflauge. We’ve shifted some of his power towards his secondary to give help him relive his dreams as an assassin when he ambushes his opponents.
  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 450 → 460
    • Power :: 100 → 90
    • Stagger Growth :: 500 → 375
  • Lock and Load [PRIMARY]
    • Cooldown :: 8 → 9
  • Xeno Cloak [SECONDARY]
    • Rework: Become invisible and gain 50% Speed for 1s. Using an ability during this
      invisibility will reveal you and make that ability hit 25% harder (12.5% to

      • The tooltip in-game is wrong for that, don’t worry about it. It’s right.
In addition to his base stat changes, Dubu is getting his old larger strike size back!
  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 450 → 435
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1500
  • Strike
    • Strike Range :: 275 → 285
  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 450 → 460
    • Power :: 100 → 90
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1300
  • Base Stats
    • Power :: 100 → 110
    • Stagger Growth :: 375 → 250
  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 450 → 460
    • Power :: 100 → 90
  • Base Stats
    • Power :: 100 → 110
    • Stagger Growth :: 500 → 425
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1300
  • Flying Phoenix [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 18s → 16s
  • Base Stats
    • Power :: 100 → 90
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1400
  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 450 → 475
    • Power :: 100 → 90
  • Base Stats
    • Power :: 100 → 90
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1100
  • Base Stats
    • Power :: 100 → 110
  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 450 → 440
    • Power :: 100 → 110
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1300
  • Drum and Base [SECONDARY]
    • Haste Granted :: 20% → 25%
  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 450 → 460
    • Power :: 100 → 90
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1100
Flow State just got a lot faster with her base speed increase. We’re gonna preemptively give her a tuning so she doesn’t run over the competition.
  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 450 → 475
    • Power :: 100 → 75
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1100
  • Flow State [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 18s → 20s
  • Base Stats
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1300
  • Base Stats
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1300
In upper tiers of play, Vyce is a real star. Were turning her volume down just a touch.
  • Base Stats
    • Power :: 100 → 110
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1300
  • Power Chord
    • Damage & Knockback modifier for chained hits :: 60% → 50%
  • Thunderstruck [SECONDARY]
    • Stun Duration :: 0.75s → 0.6s
X was sad last patch, but nothing will make him feel better than hitting you harder and more frequently!!
  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 450 → 440
    • Power :: 100 → 130
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1250
  • Bell Ringer [PRIMARY]
    • Cooldown :: 9s → 8s
  • Base Stats
    • Speed :: 450 → 460
    • Stagger :: 1200 → 1100
  • Rotated out:
    • Spark of Strength
    • Spark of Agility
    • Spark of Focus
    • Spark of Resilience
    • Spark of Leadership
    • Built Different
    • Stagger Swagger
    • Fight or Flight
    • Glass Cannon
  • Rotated in:
    • [NEW] Reptile Remedy
      • Gain 350 Stagger and heal 3% missing Stagger per second for 3 seconds whenever you strike the core.
    • [NEW] Might of the Colossus
      • Gain 15% Size and 1 Power per 1% bonus Size.
    • [NEW] Rampage
      • Gain 5% Size. Whenever you destroy or assist in destroying an enemy barrier, gain 7.5% more size. Lose additional size when KO’d and between sets.
    • Stinger
      • Normal hit burn :: 12% Max stagger → 10% Max Stagger
      • Light hit burn :: 12% Max Stagger → 3.33% Max Stagger
      • No Longer stacks if multiple players apply it to the same target
    • Adrenaline Rush
      • Speed granted from takedown :: 100% → 40%
      • Cooldown refund on takedown :: 5s → 10s
    • Stacks on Stacks
    • Peak Performance
    • Bulk Up
    • Reverberation
Heavy Impact
Heavy Impact had quite the impact on the last patch. We’re turning down its cooldown refund capabilities to bring it fully in line with other similar awakenings.
  • CD Refund :: 35% → 30%
  • Maximum CD Refund :: 7s → 3s
Magnetized Soles
Dust off these ole’ boots, the weather is changing so it’s time to try em out again.
  • Haste duration :: 1.5s → 2s
Siphoning Wand
With base stagger going up across the board were preemptively nerfing Siphoning Wand to keep it from going CRAZY.
  • Normal Hit Drain :: 6% → 5%
  • Light hit Drain :: 2% → 1.66%
Stagger Swagger
Stagger Swagger is being nerfed on its way out.
  • Bonus Movespeed :: 12% → 10%
Strike Shot
Strike Shot is a staple gear in high tiers. We’re nudging it down a touch to give the other options some room to breathe.
  • Cooldown :: 8s → 9s
Team Player
Sometimes Team Player was a bit too gatekeepy about whether your “pass” was truly a pass or just a random redirect. This should make it stop being so stingy.
  • Increased what counts as a pass for close-medium ranges.
Timeless Creator
What’s even more timeless than timeless? Timelessless??
  • Creation Duration :: 65% → 75%
Unstoppable is still struggling to find a home across all tiers of play. We’re giving it another nudge on the cooldown to see if it can live up to its dreams.
  • Recharge Time :: 7s → 6.5s
  • Fixed a bug where some creations visuals would disappear if the player had too much creation duration.
  • Clarion Corp: Project OBSCURA now correctly slows staggered players inside the zone
  • Clarion Corp: Project OBSCURA no longer adds multiple stacks of the intended slow onto staggered players
  • Improved consistency of Asher’s Special once it is deployed (Some cases still exist where it will leak as the ability spawns)
  • Attempted to fix a bug where Recovery Drone and Atlas SPECIAL would revive players without cleansing their staggered state.
  • Mako’s Primary Projectile now counts as part of her PRIMARY for the purposes of awakenings
  • Vyce Secondary now correctly grants her a Hit whenever she would stun a target with the ability
  • Reduced cases where Juno Blobbos would pass backwards to other Blobbos
  • Strike Shot now correctly has its knockback amped by Missile Propulsion
  • Fixed missing voice line from Shogun Asher’s MVP celebration

Omega Strikers – Ver. ??? (February 14th Update)

  • Release date: February 14th 2024 (North America, Europe) / February 15th 2024 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:
  • YES you can DM your friends in OS! Had a good teammate and want to play with them again? Add them and shoot em a DM directly in the Omega Strikers client!
    • I swear to god if you use this to be toxic I’ll send you to your room and take away your iPad time
  • Things look a little different, a little slicker in-game now! Check it out 8)
    • Original HUD can still be used via game settings
  • Rotated in :: [REWORKED]Gates of Obscura, Night Market
    • Gates of Obscura
      • Goal barrier shape changed
      • No longer spawns corner portals
      • No longer spawns additional portals in overtime
  • Rotated out
    • Clarion Corp, Ahten City

LIGHT hits now grant “regeneration lockout” for less time than normal hits. (Regeneration lockout meaning the time it takes until you start to regenerate stagger.)
We expect this change to effect a number of strikers, so we’ll be keeping an eye on those impacted to make sure no strikers were caught in the cross fire.

  • Regeneration lockout from LIGHT hits: 2.375s → 1.625s
Ai.Mi enjoyers have worked their way back to above the top of the win rates.
    • Cooldown :: 30s → 35s
    • The Core should no longer go through Asher’s Primary Shield (I think for real this time) ive written this 90 times dude. yeah but this time I did the fix xdd. Unironically I actually think its fixed. I applied the same fix to the special and it worked too well and I had to pull it out cause it let you insta farm max energy and I was worried about performance. Cause they just hit between each other insanely fast. Truly made unstoppable force vs immovable object xdd
The Steadfast Protector has fallen out of favor for a bit, this’ll open up more opportunities for his teammates to LIVE.
    • Cooldown :: 50s → 45s
Drek is sleeper OP and his mains are winning hella much.
    • Cooldown 7.5s → 8s
Forward Dubu is a menace. Kill him.
  • Stagger Growth Tier :: 600 → 500
Finii is kinda on the struggle bus recently.
    • Cast range :: 700 → 750
Last patch we hit Jules with a couple nerfs and she is still performing a touch below expectations.
  • Fiery Fist [Primary]
    • Cooldown 8 → 7.5
Stepping on them blobbos was hurtin.
    • Blobbo PvP Damage & Knockback :: 165 (+82.5% Power) → 150 (+75% Power)
      • Core Knockback unchanged
Kazan’s ban rate was through the ROOFS. We get it, we’re bringing him back into the house of the roof he broke. (Does that make sense? Does anyone even read these? Hello?)
    • Cooldown :: 15 → 16
    • PvP Damage & Knockback :: 230 (+115% Power) → 215 (+107.5% Power)
    • Core Knockback 1395 (+207.5% Power) → 1387.5 (+203.75% Power)
    • Base hitbox size :: 420 → 350
    • [BUGFIX] Now scales properly with size.
    • Cooldown :: 10 → 11
Fixing a bug affecting her most popular Goalie gear is a buff to her, so we thought we’d shout it out up here instead of the Bugfix section.
    • [BUGFIX] Should now correctly have cooldown reduced by eject button on all casts originating on your side of the field.
Nao was proving to be notably powerful at higher tiers of play where her healing is best utilized. We’re taking out some of the power from her SPECIAL as well as providing more counterplay options against her.
  • Stagger growth Tier :: 250 → 125
    • Cooldown :: 40s → 45s
    • % Missing Health Healed :: 50% → 40%
    • Range :: 1600 → 1500
    • Disarm Time :: 0.6 → 0.5
Forward Rasmus wasn’t really doing much in the brawl department, so we’re touching that up a bit for him. Hope he notices and gives me a raise.
    • PvP Damage & Knockback :: 140 (+70% Power) → 150 (+75% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1260(+140% Power) → 1280 (+150% Power)
    • PvP Damage :: 200 (+100% Power) → 230(+115% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1350(+400% Power) → 1395 (+400% Power)
    • PvP Knockback unchanged
Rune was struggling at higher tiers where players were often blocking his pillars before they could spawn. Generally we like this kind of counterplay, but the interaction felt a bit too one-sided. We’ve lined up his Pillars LIGHT hit damage with their knockback to add some more


to those fizzles.

    • PvP Damage :: 150 (+75% Power) → 187.5 (+93.75% Power)
    • Knockback unchanged
    • PvP Damage :: 150 (+75% Power) → 187.5 (+93.75% Power)
    • Knockback unchanged
Similar to Luna, this is a bugfix buff we’re calling out here instead of making you read all the bugfixes (which you should anyway).
    • [BUGFIX] Now properly chains to nearby enemies if it initially hits the Core.


Also Dubu got a new partner on the force in Ludwig and Vyce is becoming an Oni of your dreams.
  • NEW SKINS!!!
    • Ludwig Dubu
    • Dream Octavia
    • Dream Vyce
    • Shogun Asher
  • New Nameplates
    • Ludwig Break Time
    • You Know Rayditz Had To Do It To ‘Em
  • New Emotes
    • A handful of community made emotes! (More to come!)
    • Super Surge
    • Big Fish
    • Peak Performance
    • Reverberation
    • Egoist
    • Spark of Leadership
    • [NEW]
      Recovery Drone
      • Gain 30% size. The first time each set you would be KO’d, prevent it.
    • [NEW]
      Explosive Entrance
      • DASH range, BLINK range, and HASTE effects increased 70%. Your IMPACT abilities hit 12.5% harder (2.5% on Core).
    • [NEW]
      Siege Machine
      • PROJECTILES gain 30% travel or cast range. CREATIONS gain 30% duration and hit 15% harder
        (3% to Core).
    • [REWORK]
      • Gain a shield that protects you from 100% of the damage and 100% knockback from the first hit
        you take. This shield recharges at the start of each round and after 7.5s of not getting hit.
Cast to Last
We’re happy with the direction of the changes for CtL and Chronoboost, but they’re a bit weaker than we’d like. We’re giving them some love. A lil smooch for Valentine’s Day.
  • Buff & Debuff Duration :: +40% → +45%
We’re happy with the direction of the changes for CtL and Chronoboost, but they’re a bit weaker than we’d like. We’re giving them some love. A lil smooch for Valentine’s Day.
  • Movement ability boost :: +70% → +75%
Eject Button
EB was exceptionally strong on Strikers that made good use of it!
  • Secondary Cooldown Reduction :: 30% → 15%
Spark of Leadership
From the early data we scoped out from the last patch we noticed the initial implementation of Spark of Leadership was stronk.
  • Ally Effect share 50% → 40%
Vicious Vambrace
Core hogs were pigging out on the VV healing. We’re hoping this will pull VV back in line.
  • Healing from core hits :: 10% → 8%
  • Vyce SPECIAL VFX is now always displayed.
  • Mako’s basic strikes no longer count as normal hits for the purposes of Awakenings / Energy generation.
  • Mako’s SPECIAL hitbox should now properly trigger in the right location.
  • Mako’s PRIMARY no longer travels in an incorrect direction when cast at the last second.
  • Juno’s Blobbo’s hits should now properly be attributed to the abilities that spawned them for the purposes of awakenings.
  • Eject button now correctly grants reduces the cooldown for all SECONDARIES cast on your side of the field.
  • Core hit sounds are no longer significantly louder on some Clarion Corp map variants.
  • Evading will now prevent damage from Project OBSCURA pools on Clarion Corp.
  • Fight or Flight speed boost will now correctly activate on allied hits.
  • Spark of Leadership no longer grants your teammates an additional SPARK for their awakenings and the ability to share their SPARK effects.
  • Adjusted how Team Player determines if the hit was a pass. On average, it will be less strict on close passes, but stricter on far passes.
  • Games will now only surrender if at least one person on the team starts a surrender vote, even if all players on that team are detected as inactive.
  • Fixed a bug that would result in Zentaro dashing in place under various circumstances
  • Dubu’s SPECIAL no longer interrupts his SECONDARY
  • Dubu’s SPECIAL no longer blocks players who are ELUSIVE
  • Nao PRIMARY tooltip adjusted to reflect actual cooldown
  • Drek’ar should no longer briefly lose his stealth if he casts his SECONDARY right after casting another ability
  • Players should (hopefully) no longer bounce off the hole in Ai.Mi’s App in rare circumstances
  • Various other small bug fixes

Omega Strikers – Micropatch

  • Release date: December 15th 2023 (North America, Europe) / December 16th 2023 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:
The buff lady needs a buff because recently the buff lady was not so buff.
    • Cooldown :: 17s → 15s
We hit this brat with some damage nerfs a couple patches ago, so now she’s a little weak. She’ll get some correction in terms of a buff in a different aspect.
    • Cast range :: 850 → 900
Juno strong. All around. Strong. Blob goal. This help.
    • Cooldown :: 9s → 11s
Following his mini-rework type beat, we observed he landed pretty much where we wanted, but his numbers looked strong, most notably at higher skill levels. He was also giga brawling a lot.
    • Cooldown :: 7.5s → 8.5s
    • PvP damage :: 110 (+55% Power) → 100 (+50% Power)
      • Knockback values unchanged
    • PvP damage and knockback :: 120 (+60% Power) → 110 (+55% Power)
    • Core knockback :: 1220 (+120% Power) → 1200 (+110% Power)
Luna is pretty strong and manages to get goals or KOs from fishing for frequent across-map B.O.O.S.Ts.
    • Cooldown :: 12s → 15s
Makos were using Drum and Base as an instant era-like buff which was pretty strong (and in this community manager’s opinion, CRINGE). We’re adjusting that to change the behavior but buffing her primary to compensate.
    • Size and Haste linger after cast :: 1.5s → 0.5s
      • Duration while channeling unchanged
    • Minimum hold duration for projectile :: 0.25s → 0.15s
    • Projectile range increased slightly at all points in the cast
      • Minimum range :: 258.75 → 270
      • Maximum range :: 1310 → 1367
Rune was STRONG. We made him LESS STRONG. But it might’ve been a little too LESS STRONG. This should help balance him out a touch.
    • Cooldown :: 12 → 10
He’s strong, but not that popular (based on Pick rate. In the world, he’s definitely stupid popular I mean look at him.) This nerf will help bring him back to a nice even state.


  • PvP damage and knockback :: 200 (+100% Power) → 190 (+95% Power)
  • Core knockback :: 1380 (+200% Power) → 1360 (+190% Power)


  • PvP damage and knockback :: 220 (+110% Power) → 210 (+105% Power)
  • Core knockback :: 1390 (+205% Power) → 1385 (+202.5% Power)
I wanted Rapid Fire again. What are you gonna do about it, punk?
  • ROTATED OUT: Perfect Form
  • ROTATED IN: Rapid Fire
Demolitionist was just straight up pretty strong.
  • Cooldown refund :: 8s → 6s
Fight or Flight
Wake up babe new Slick Kicks 2 just dropped.
  • Speed boost duration :: 1.5s → 1.75s
Reverberation wasn’t at its peak performance, now it is. Hopefully.
  • Cooldown Rate per 100 Stagger :: 1.15 → 1.25
Specialized Training
Specialized Training? More like Unspecialized Training. Hey Siri what’s the opposite of specialized
  • Special PvP hit modifier :: +50% → +40%
  • Special Core hit modifier :: +10% → +8%
Stagger Swagger
Stag Swag was too strong at higher elos, but too weak at lower elos.
  • Base speed :: 10% → 12%
  • Heal per second at low health :: 200 → 150

Omega Strikers – Ver. 3.2

  • Release date: November 30th 2023 (North America, Europe) / December 1st 2023 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:
[NEW] Taiko Temple

Somebody started playing drums on a baseball field and thus Taiko Temple was born! …At least I think that’s the lore? (It probably isn’t, guess you’ll have to partake in the Oni event). Smash the core and enemies into the drums for some extra bounce, then round the bases after your home run.

Maps Rotation
  • Rotated Out: Night Market, Atlas’s Lab
  • Rotated In: Taiko Temple, Ai.Mi’s App

Maps’ Chance to Roll: All existing maps have an equal chance to roll in Ranked play. In normal and quick play, Taiko Temple will have a heightened percentage for the first weekend of the patch.

Custom Games
Continued improvements to custom games! We want to make it even easier for you to join up some customs with the homies, so now we have a custom game browser!
  • Create a Custom Lobby
    • Public/Private room
    • Lobby Size
    • Spectators enabled/disabled
  • Browse Custom Lobbies
    • Search by Lobby name/ owner
    • Filter by game mode / lobby size / map etc.
Dreams and Nightmares. Nameplates. Titles. Emotes. You pick.
  • New Skins!
    • Alpharad Rune
    • Dream Era
    • Nightmare Era
    • Nightmare Vyce
  • New Nameplates!
    • Creator Nameplates
      • Alpharad
      • IKeepIt Taco… again
      • Mang0
      • Nyanners
    • Pro Team Nameplates
      • One for each canon team!
[NEW] Mako
We’re finally getting the band back together! Mako is the final piece of the puzzle for the Oni twins – and for your team comp! She’s got plenty of tools to defend the net or hit a home run by using her trusty bats and Taiko drums to beat down enemies, amp up allies, and snare the Core. So if you’re up against Mako, be sure to bring some ear plugs, it’s gonna get loud!!
    • Knock the Core in a direction with a LIGHT hit.
      Every hit, gain a Beat. At 8 Beats, this Strike will be empowered with a larger size, more Core knockback, and it can hit enemy Strikers.
    • Push-and-hold this ability for up to 4s to push away enemies and BUFF all allies, granting 30% HASTE and 30% Size while drumming and for 1.5s after. Upon releasing the ability, emit a LIGHT shockwave that blasts enemies away from you.
      Gain a Beat upon using this ability and another every 1s it’s held.
    • Push-and-hold to wind up a huge swing. On release, swing the bat for a LIGHT hit. After .25ss the swing will also connect with a drum, launching it forward as a PROJECTILE. Charge up to 1.25s for a stronger swing.
      The wind up can be held for 2.5s.
    • Launch your drums towards enemies as a PROJECTILE. On hitting an enemy CREATE a trap that will let targets enter but will knock them back when they attempt to escape.
Ai.Mi was racking up the dubs at elite tiers while eating Ls at lower ranks. We’re hoping this change evens her out for everyone.
    • Cooldown :: 35s → 30s
    • PvP Damage & Knockback :: 125 (+62.5% Power) → 115 (+57.5% Power)
    • Core Knockback unchanged
Call us the exterminators because we’re DESTROYING these Asher bugs. For good measure, we’re giving her a few extra changes to get her back on her feet.
    • Barrier duration now scales with creation duration
    • Note: Barriers on enemy’s side of the field still break after 1 hit
    • Cooldown :: 18s → 17s
    • [BUGFIX] Adjusted her dash hitbox to hopefully prevent cases where she is unable to buffer her dash→ strike combo
    • [BUGFIX] Now hits all overlapping enemies when transforming to prevent cores from sneaking through
Dubu was often becoming a ghost from getting knocked out so often… maybe that’s what inspired DuBoo?
  • Stagger growth :: 500 → 600
    • Cooldown :: 20s → 19s
Kazan has proven to be frustrating for others to face off against, even when he’s not finding much success on the field. We are shifting his playstyle away from being an attrition brawler and more towards a mix of core-control/brawler depending on his form. This is a pretty hefty change, so we’ll be watching him closely and keeping an ear out for feedback and will be counting on you all to help us steer him in the right direction if you aren’t feeling these changes.
TL;DR : Kazan’s closed umbrella form is being adjusted to be better at core controlling (and worse at brawling) while his open form is being tuned to be better at knocking people out. We also hit him with a couple quality of life changes.
    • Hit type ::
      Normal → Light

      (<- this is important)

    • PvP damage :: 140 (+70% Power) → 110 (+55% Power)
    • PvP knockback (if staggered) :: 170 (+85% Power) → 250 (+125% Power)
    • Core knockback Unchanged
    • Cooldown :: 11s → 7.5s
    • Channel time :: 0.2 → 0.125
    • Linger time :: 0.5 → 0.35
      • This will reduce the duration that Kazan is stuck after a missed PRIMARY
    • Hit type ::
      Normal → Light

      (<- this is important)

    • PvP damage & knockback :: 140 (+70% Power) → 120 (+60% Power)
    • Core knockback :: 1260 (+140% Power) → 1220 (+120% Power)
    • Cooldown :: 11s → 10s
    • Hitbox size :: 350 → 475
    • [BUGFIX] Super Surge no longer amplifies Pop-Up’s damage.
    • [BUGFIX] No longer instantly warps to the maximum range of dash if dash attack special is triggered while in terrain.
    • PvP damage & knockback :: 170 (+85% Power) → 220 (110% Power)
    • Core knockback :: 1320 (+170% Power) → 1390 (205% Power)
    • Push effect prior to final hit :: Reduced by 60%
    • Improved ability to capture core during the spin.
    • PvP damage & knockback :: 200 (+100% Power) → 230 (+115% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1380 (+200% Power) → 1395 (+207.5% Power)
    • Cooldown :: 3s → 1.5s
Nao’s power went to the moon with our last set of (back-to-back) changes. These should bring her back to earth. Sell sell sell!
  • Stagger growth :: 450 → 250
  • Proximity Drone ::
    • Cooldown :: 10 → 12
    • PvP Damage and Knockback :: 140 (+70% Power) → 110 (+55% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1260 (+140% Power) → 1200 (+110% Power)
    • Disarm Time :: 0.8 →0.6
For real please stop banning Rune!! He’s nerfed again, you can play him!!
    • Cooldown :: 7.5 → 8
    • Core Knockback :: 1405(+212% Power) → 1175(+170% Power)
    • PvP Values unchanged
    • Core Knockback :: 1405(+212% Power) → 1175(+170% Power)
    • [BUGFIX] PvP damage reduced to match PRIMARY :: 250 (+125% Power) → 200 (+100% Power)
    • PvP Knockback unchanged
We buffed X a few patches ago and he was once again giving it to us. This is a light touch to make sure he doesn’t continue to over perform!
    • Cooldown :: 13 → 15
Somebody picked up ALL THE ORBS and now they’re gone again what the heck! We’ve taken out Orb awakenings while we wait for them to respawn, so try your hand at this brand-new batch of supportive awakenings! Titans will soon walk among us, so you can find new ways to lead your team to victory with all the giants walking around the field with this rotation.
P.S. We’ve also DEMOLISHED some PANCAKES!!


[NEW] Among Titans
  • Lose 30% Size and gain 15% Speed. Your teammates gain 15% Size.
[NEW] Team Player
  • Strikes hit the core 20% harder when aiming towards an ally. If that ally strikes the core within 1.5 seconds they will hit the core 20 % harder, if they strike towards an ally they can transfer this effect.
[NEW] Spark of Leadership
  • SPARK – Your Allies gain 50% of your SPARK effects. Gain 5 Cooldown Rate, 150 Stagger, 8 Power, and
    2% Speed.
[ROTATED OUT] :: Orb Dancer, Orb Ponderer, Orb Replicator, Stacks on Stacks
[ROTATED IN] :: Among Titans, Team Player, Spark of Leadership, Demolitionist
Big Fish
Big Fish? More like… Medium Fish? This should bring this awakening to more of like an Above Average Fish but Not Quite Huge Fish.
  • Size increase :: 25% → 30%
Glass Cannon
Glass cannon had too much time out of combat while it wasn’t in the rotation. We’ll reset its stacks to keep things fair.
  • Power per stack :: 8 → 6
  • Speed per stack :: 4 → 3
  • Max stacks :: 4 → 6
  • Time until fully charged :: 10s → 15s
Heavy impact
Heavy impact is a bit of an outlier in terms cooldown reduction so we’re going to bring it into alignment with the other cooldown reducers.
  • Maximum cooldown reduced :: 14s → 7s
Peak Performance
With all his stagger buddies gone, this is no longer what Peak Performance looks like… Hopefully this change piques your interests and returns him to his former glory.
  • Speed conversion per 100 Stagger :: 0.5% → 0.6%
Primetime has had a long fall from grace, and after giving others a chance to shine, it’s coming back for its time slot.
  • Hit power Reduction:: 15% → 10%
  • Core Hit power reduction :: 3% → 2%
Siphoning Wand
Siphoning wand was too good on some Strikers and not good enough on everyone else. We’re retuning it to be more in line with other awakenings by treating light hits and normal hits differently. We are giving it a small buff to make up for overall nerf it’ll be taking.
  • Normal hit drain :: 5% → 6%
  • Light hit drain :: 5% → 2%
  • Heal amount :: 100% → 150% of damage dealt
Twin Drive
Oh, you want two abilities? Ha ha ha, sure. (Monkey’s paw curls.) Twin Drive now lets you cast abilities twice, but it’ll have a longer cooldown.
  • (Bug fix) Fixed a bug where Twin Drives cooldown reduction wasn’t applying
  • Cooldown Modifier:: -5% → +7.5%
    • That’s a nerf btw. Twin Drive makes your cooldowns 7.5% longer.
  • Demolitionist no longer triggers multiple times per barrier.
  • The hole in the center of Ai.Mi’s app will now correctly KO Strikers
  • Gates of Obscura no longer causes players to jitter around the map when dashing or getting knocked back.
  • Knockback resist is no longer granted in the enemy goal arc.
  • Drek’ar now correctly plays SFX when entering stealth.
  • Rapid Fire now correctly works on abilities with more than one charge.
  • Magnetized Soles tool-tip correctly reflects buffed duration of 1.5 seconds
  • Fixed missing VOs for Octavia, Vyce, Spirit Warden Zentaro, Magician Rasmus, and Pop King Kai
  • Adjusted Nao’s MVP screen to use the correct camera angle.
  • Fixed tooltip for Nao’s primary recast.
  • Various minor bugfixes.

Omega Strikers – Ver. ??? (Micropatch)

  • Release date: November 16th 2023 (North America, Europe) / November 17th 2023 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:
Maps Rotation
It’s getting cold in Ahten and the pipes of Inky’s Splash Zone risk becoming frozen, so we’re moving it into storage for a bit!

Rotated in :: Ahten City, Demon Dais
Rotated out :: Oni Village, Inky’s Splash Zone

When it comes to damage, Finii is shining! Outside of that, she’s a bit… dull? These changes intend to lower her damage while helping her control the field in other ways.
    • Cooldown :: 10s → 8s
    • PvP damage :: 80 (+40% Power) → 50 (+25% Power)
    • Core knockback :: 1140 (+80% Power) → 1080 (+50% Power)
Nao is still struggling to find her footing, particularly at higher tiers of play. We’re hoping to hook her up with a competitive advantage by adding some much-needed consistency to her portfolio.
    • Cooldown :: 7s → 6s
    • Drone Duration :: 3.25 → 3.5
    • Cooldown :: 12s → 10s
    • Explosion radius :: 575 → 650
Perhaps the extra data Nao has provided to him has helped Rasmus climb his way back to the top. To keep him in line, we’re giving his Death Touch a… love tap.
    • Cooldown :: 18s → 20s
As usual, her sister was getting all the attention, so Vyce has slipped out of the limelight. We’re giving her some playmaking tools so she can shine a bit as brightly as she once did.
    • Cooldown :: 16s → 14s
    • Teleport Recast window :: 3.25s → 3.75s
The Orb map is back, so we’re bringing the Orb awakenings with it!

ROTATED IN: Orb Dancer, Orb Ponderer, Orb Replicator
ROTATED Out: Tempo Swing, Bulk up, Reverberation

Y’know, movement abilities also count as “buffs”, so we’ll be nerfing chronoboost to weaken those movement buff double dippers a touch.
  • Buff and Debuff duration increase :: 35% → 30%
  • Movement ability range increase :: 75% → 70%
While Deadeye’s main users have no trouble making dead guys, it still falls a bit flat for the rest of the cast. We’re making it a bit easier to trigger so more Strikers can take their turn sniping the competitors.
  • Range :: 600 → 550
Fight or Flight
Fight or Flight, aka ‘Better Slick Kicks’ was too good. We’re changing it to “Better Slick Kicks but not as good as before.”
  • Speed boost :: 20% → 15%
Magnetized Soles
Everyone in the city has been waiting in line before the store even opens to get their hands on Slick Kicks. We’d like to see if the other stylish footwear from Ahten City can give it a run for its money.
    • Speed boost duration :: 1s →1.5s
    • This won’t show up in the game tooltips but it’s actually there. Source: just trust me bro
Monumentalist wasn’t really popping off in high tiers. With this change, Strikers might be creating some monuments in memory of their opponents. Because they’ll be knocking enemies off the stage. Get it?
  • Creation PvP hit amplifier :: 15% → 20%
  • Creation Core hit amplifier :: 3% → 4%
Quick Strikes
We’re striking Quick Strikes again quickly after we struck it last time. (It was still really good)
  • Strike Cooldown Reduction :: 20% → 15%

Omega Strikers – Ver. ??? (Micropatch)

  • Release date: November 2nd 2023 (North America, Europe) /November 3rd 2023 (Europe)
  • Patch notes:
Last patch buff wasn’t as effective as we’d hoped, so we’re buffing the buff lady a bit more.
    • Barrier width on her side of the field increased by 5%
Though not dominant, Estelle excels in a lot of different ranges of gameplay tiers. This is just a little touch to bring her in line.
    • Cooldown :: 15 → 16
    • Damage and Knockback :: 150 (+75% Power) → 140 (+70% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1280 (+150% Power) → 1260 (+140% Power)
Luna mains get real good with Luna – and they be B.O.O.S.Tin’ their enemies off the map too much man.
    • Damage + Knockback :: 220 (+110% Power) → 200 (+100% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1390 (+205% Power) → 1380 (+200% Power)
Players were sleeping on this Oni, but she’s seen a resurgence a bit at higher levels of play and people are flow stating all over the place.
    • Base speed bonus :: 30% → 28%
    • Speed growth (per second) :: 2% → 1.6%

We put the director of special projects into your hands and she made a decent debut. She’s a little weak following said debut, so this should help her fare better in all tiers of play.
    • Minimum recast time :: 0.2 → 0.1
    • Cooldown :: 8 → 7
    • Duration :: 3.0 → 3.25
    • Knockback & Damage :: 150 (+75% Power) → 160 (+80% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1220 (+125% Power) → 1260 (+140% Power)
    • Time to Destroy (How long enemies need to step on it) :: 0.65 → 0.8
    • Range :: 1250 → 1500
    • Teleport duration :: 0.5 → 0.4
Projectiles with Aerials were projecting too much. Just a bit. This’ll make it a little more appropriate.
  • Projectile range 35% → 30%
  • Dash range :: 0.75 → 0.7
Cast to Last
Cast to Last casts were really lasting, but now the Cast to Last casts will last less.
  • Buff and Debuff duration increase :: 70% → 60%
Dead eye
Dead eye is pretty underwhelming. It’s now a little less dead.
  • Damage increase:: 30% → 32.5%
His ego got the best of him, though he sticks around while his Energy friends are gone, he’s a little weak without them.
  • Energy refund on flip :: 20 → 25
  • Energy refund on dodge :: 10 → 12
Heavy Impact
Heavy Impact? More like Heavier Than Before Impact
  • Impact Bonus :: 15% → 20%
Hot Shot
We nerfed Hot Shot last patch, but the chili pepper was still performing red-hot. This’ll cool it down a bit.
  • Ability damage increase :: 14% → 12%
Quick Strikes
The higher your tier, the better Quick Strikes would perform. This’ll help bring it down in line for all gamers of the game “Omega Strikers”.
  • Strike Cooldown Reduction :: 25% → 20%
  • Energy bonus :: 2 → 1
Stagger Swagger
Defense awakenings can be a little offensive too, as a treat.
  • Base speed :: 8% → 10%
Strike Shot
Strike Shot is currently the worst of the goalie Gear by a bit. (Even though it’s the patch note editor’s favorite). This’ll make it compete with the others a little better!
  • Cooldown :: 10 → 8

Omega Strikers – Ver. 3.1.0

  • Release date: October 19th 2023 (North America) / October 20th 2023 (Europe)
  • Patch notes:
[NEW] Clarion Test Chamber
  • Deep underground below Clarion Corp HQ hides Rasmus’ private Corestrike Arena. However, there’s more to this technological marvel than a simple love for the sport. Here is where Rasmus and Clarion Corp’s Director of Special Projects, Nao are testing the effects of Omega energy on humans. They’ve found a way to replicate the magic and technologies of some of the League’s strongest strikers, and now they’re using those powers to push the players to their limit…
  • The Test Chamber is an indoor Arena with 5 different ‘variants.’ Before each round, the Arena morphs into a new variant, changing its terrain and incorporating a new mechanic based on the powers of other strikers. After each Set, the variants reset!
    • Use invisibility vents to surprise your enemies on

    • Knock enemies into the crippling auras of

    • Trigger the cosmic power of Atlas on

    • Use high-speed bumpers to send the core (and enemies) flying on

    • Fight with your team to secure a massive size buff on

Maps Rotation
Like Awakenings, we’ll now rotate maps in and out on occasion to highlight new options and improve the meta.

Rotated Out: Oni Village, Atlas’s Lab
Active Rotation: We’re reducing the number of maps in the active rotation from 6 to 5. We expect to rotate maps in and out more frequently during future patches and micropatches. The standard rule is that all maps have an equal chance to be selected.
Clarion Test Weekend: In Normal and Quick Play queues, Clarion Test Chamber will have a heightened (50%) chance to be selected this weekend. On Monday, Normal and Quick Play queues will be changed back to have an equal chance for all maps in the active rotation to be selected. Ranked queue percentage will be unchanged and follow the standard rule.

UI / Systems
USE ENERGY BURST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Something long requested – we’ve finally be able to add in some more callouts for all of your in-game communication needs
  • 7 Total pings!
    • KO Them!
    • Get Orbs!
    • Sorry!
    • Use Energy Burst!
    • Spread Out!
    • Let Me Defend!
  • no more “help help help…” sorry.
Custom Games
We’ve overhauled custom games. It’s now MUCH easier to join/host custom games with a bunch of new features.
  • Choose lobby size
  • Enable/Disable spectators
  • Premade lobby codes
  • Lobby owner can rearrange teams (drag and drop)
  • Map selection
  • Game mode selection (Normal, Quickplay, Tea Time Tussle)
  • Server selection
Not only Rasmus, Zentaro gets a skin too. Lookin’ a little cyberpunk over there, dude.
  • Magician Rasmus
  • Neon Soul Zentaro
[NEW] Nao
Nao is Clarion Corp’s Director of Special Projects; a calculating businesswoman who uses drones to support her allies and create zones of power on the field. While her offensive capabilities are limited, this supportive striker offers players a high skill ceiling and a suite of utility and core control tools. To make the most out of Nao’s kit, you’ll have to think two steps ahead by placing her long-lasting creations in strategic spots, and know when to warp into the action to take matters into your own hands.
    • Launch a drone that hits the first enemy struck. At max range or upon recast, it halts and creates unstable energy that increases in power and size over time, hitting the first enemy struck in the direction cast.
    • Deploy a drone at a target location that lasts up to 15s and detonates on contact with a friendly player, hitting enemies away. Nearby allies restore 20% max stagger and gain a 50% Haste BUFF for 1.25s. Enemies can disarm the drone by briefly standing on it.
    • Become ELUSIVE and BLINK to a target location near yourself or an ally, restoring 50% of nearby allies’ missing stagger on arrival. Within the next 3.25s, recast to BLINK back to your starting position.


Ai.Mi simps, erm, players I mean, were KOing others too easily with her combo. This will make it just a tad trickier to pull it off.
    • PVP Damage and Knockback :: 210 (+105% Power) → 195 (97.5% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1315 (+192.5% Power) → 1300 (+185% Power)
We mentioned some Asher buffs last time, these should help Goalie Asher but should not buff forward Asher too much.


    • Barrier width on her side of the field increased by 10%
    • Hitbox reduced to better match strike size
    • This should make Secondary → Strike combos more reliable
We want to see Shotgun Lizard pull off some cool plays, this’ll help him control the field a bit more.
    • PVP Knockback :: 120 (+60% Power) → 140 (+70% Power)
    • Damage and Core Knockback unchanged
    • [BUGFIX] No longer spawns behind him.
      • As a result, max range :: 900 → 950
As we mentioned previously, Finii has struggled to find her footing despite living it up in buff city. We’ve decided to give her whole kit some love with QOL changes, numbers buffs, and a mini ability rework! We expect she’ll now sit at Finii percent win rate.
    • Number of pulses :: 1 → 3
      • Time between pulses :: 0.4s
    • PvP Damage per pulse :: 180 (+90% Power) → 80 (+40% Power)
    • PvP Knockback :: 180 (+90% Power) → 160 (+80% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1340 (+180% Power) → 1140 (80% Power)
    • Missile size Increased by 10%
    • Missile speed increased (ability resolves about 10% faster)
      • Initial forward speed :: 2900 → 3000
      • Minimum speed going forward :: 0 → 500
      • Backwards speed :: 6000 → 6125
    • [BUGFIX] Attempted to fix a bug where Finii PRIMARY occasionally fizzled out without switching directions
    • Improved ability to initially capture the Core
      • Ability to hold captured Cores unchanged
    • Cores that have recently been boosted by Core Burst will more consistently escape.
    • Recast lockout :: 0.5s → 0.25s
    • Recast channel time :: 0.15s → 0.1s
    • PvP Slow reduced :: 25% → 15%
Juno can now consistently strike the Core at ALL points of her jump.
    • [BUGFIX] Juno can now consistently strike the Core at ALL points of her jump.
Kazan has been underperforming in win rate in most tiers of play. We’re giving him a slight nudge to his most devastating, but also most fair, ability.
    • PvP Damage and Knockback :: 180 (+90% Power) → 200 (+100% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1340 (+180% Power) → 1380 (+200% Power)
In upper tiers of play, Kai can’t really hang. This will help him fit in with the damaging gamers a bit more.
    • PVP Damage and Knockback :: 50 (+25% Power) → 60 (+30% Power)
    • Core Knockback unchanged
Everyone is banning Rune. Stop it. This should make him less annoying to play against in the goal but keep him relatively the same Forward.
    • Pillar duration :: 1.75 → 1.6
    • Pillar duration :: 1.75 → 1.6
In many tiers of play, X is not a popular choice! Why? I mean look at him, he is so fine and so cool. His hair is so rad. I am glad I am getting this buff. I mean he is getting this buff. haha.
    • PvP Damage and Knockback :: 200 (+100% Power) → 220 (+110% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1380 (+200% Power) → 1390 (+205% Power)
[NEW] Fight or Flight
  • Gain 20% Speed for 1.5s whenever you hit something or get hit. Refresh your SECONDARY ability whenever you stagger an enemy or become staggered.
[NEW] Knife’s Edge
  • Gain 40 Power and 30% Speed whenever you’re within 400 range of the Arena’s edge.
[NEW] Demolitionist
  • Gain 25% Size. Whenever you destroy or assist in destroying an enemy barrier, your cooldowns are reduced by 8s.
[ROTATED OUT] :: Catalyst, Fire Up!, Rapid Fire
The era of hotshot is coming to an end. Cores in general have been flyin’ that we need to slow it down. Just a lil’
  • Core Hit amplifier :: 15% → 14%
  • CD reduction :: 35% → 30%
  • Max CD refund: 3.5s → 3.0s
One-Two Punch
As with Hotshot, we want to slow down cores a bit with One-Two Punch as well.
  • Hit amplifier for second hit within 2.5s :: 30% → 28%
  • Core Hit amplifier :: 15% → 14%
Overshadowed by the other schmoovement picks, Pummelers wasn’t giving players what they needed!
  • Speed boost during power plays :: 20% → 30%
Spark of Resilience
We undid the “base” stagger buff from the last patch but are looking to have this particular spark scale better.
  • Base stagger :: 150 → 100
  • Stagger Bonus per spark :: 250 → 350
Strike Shot
Strike Shot has been underperforming other options as of late, so we’re giving it a decently large bump in the right direction.
  • Missile Speed :: 1750 → 2000
  • Range increased by 75
  • Cooldown :: 11s → 10s
Timeless Creator

Strikers with creations were leaving them on the playing field timelessly. This will make them a little less timeless and smaller, but still effective.
  • Duration increase :: 70% → 65%
  • Size increase :: 50% → 40%
Vicious Vambrace
An unpopular choice, Vambrace was only kinda good on a small subset of characters. This will make it a better choice for anyone in the cast to pick.
  • Healing from hitting core :: 4% → 10% of damage dealt
    • (Ex: Healing from strike on Core 54 → 135) (Yes striking the Core counts as damage. The core feels pain. Think about that when you play.)
  • Kai no longer cancels his PRIMARY when his SPECIAL hits something.
  • Strike Shot indicator no longer disappears.
  • Sakura Wildstyle Rune now shows correct model when using in-game expressions.
  • Finii’s Misdirection projectile will no longer disappear when it reverses course.
  • Kazan can no longer hit elusive allies with his Open-Form PRIMARY
  • Inky’s Splash Zone water cannon audio will no longer sometimes play indefinitely
  • Various other minor bug fixes.

Omega Strikers – Micropatch

  • Release date: October 5th 2023 (North America, Europe) / October 6th 2023 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:
Strike Size Nerfs
Strike size has proven to be an extremely potent stat for all of our, well, thicc strikers. These beefy ones have continuously beat out the competition – despite having on average longer cooldowns on their abilities. Normal-sized characters are unchanged but we’re shrinking the power of the big ones.


Asher is part of the size nerfs, but we don’t want to nerf Asher too much on the whole. We will look to buff her in a future patch to make up for these changes.
    • Strike :: 270 → 265
Atlas often had the weight of the world on his shoulders, and was holding it up too well, so he’s getting hit with an extra nerf.
    • Cooldown :: 8s → 9s
    • Strike range :: 270 → 265
He’ll still be bigger than the rest of the cast, but… just less bigger.
  • Strike range :: 285 → 275
X is collateral damage of this change, so we’re making sure he still gets his moment to shine when he try and give it to ya.
    • Strike range :: 270 → 265
      • Strike range during SPECIAL unchanged
    • Size increase :: 35% → 37.5%
Our last set of changes helped make Estelle less of a damage menace, but she’s still wracking up those wins with outstanding core control. This should bring her back in line.
    • Cooldown :: 20s → 22s
After the change to her Blobbo activity in 3.0, Juno’s been struggling to find her footing – the additional hold time has given enemies more opportunities to stop Juno’s friends from finding shots. To level that out, we’re giving them some more firing power.
    • Blobbo Core Knockback :: 1310 (+165% Power) → 1350 (+185% Power)
      • PvP values unchanged
    • Cooldown :: 35s → 30s
    • Cooldown :: 40s → 35s
Big Fish
The theme of this patch is size reduction! Big Fish is now a less big fish.
  • Size :: 30% → 25%
Built Different
The theme of this patch is size reduction! Built Different is now a less built different. Okay, that didn’t make sense, sorry.


  • Size :: 30% → 25%
  • Persistent speed boost at full Energy :: 10% → 12%
    • Burst of speed when hitting full Energy unchanged
Extra Special
The happy star was a bit too happy – and is still always good. We’re just gonna wipe that smile off its face a bit.
  • Cooldown reduction :: 30% → 25%
The reverb was a bit too strong after the buffs last time. We’re adjusting the parameters to bring it back in line with the other stagger options.
  • Cooldown per 100 max Stagger :: 1.5 → 1.15
Spark of Resilience
Spark of Resilience has fallen behind its Spark compatriots, and some other awakenings, in terms of power and pick rate. We’re pushing some power into it to give it a… spark.
  • Base Stagger :: 100 → 150
  • Stagger per Spark :: 200 → 250
Stagger Swagger
  • Heal per Second :: 150 → 200
Tempo Swing
  • Max Stagger percent for Damage/Heal on hit :: 5% (1.66% for LIGHT hits) → 6% (2% for LIGHT hits)

Omega Strikers – Micropatch

  • Release date: September 21st 2023 (North America, Europe) / September 22nd 2023 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:
Asher, on the wings of some bugfixes (and some intended buffs) really carved her own path. We’re reducing the effectiveness her SPECIAL has in locking people down, knocking them out, and scoring. We’re also taking down her Barrier Beam damage substantially; it’s proven too effective as a KO tool even without Awakenings backing it.
    • PvP Damage and Knockback :: 200 (+100% Power) → 175 (+87.5% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1380 (+200% Power) → 1330 (175% Power)
    • Cooldown :: 35s → 40s
    • PvP Damage and Knockback :: 120 (+60% Power) → 100(+50% Power)
    • Core Knockback unchanged
    • [BUGFIX] :: Minimum stun time for the knockback is no longer .3s (unintentionally got reverted, which caused players to get locked down by the ability more)
Era is battling with the best of them. We’re bumping the Bewitching Beam back to better balance.


    • Cooldown :: 8s → 8.5s
    • Buff / Debuff Time :: 2.25s → 2s
If you skipped the blurb at the beginning, first of all, how dare you, second of all: bigger Finii changes are coming in a future patch!


Juliette is the preeminent brawler at high MMRs and in tournaments. We’re grounding her a bit, though she’ll probably still rise from the ashes.
    • Cooldown :: 16s → 18s
We gave players more control over Blobbos, but that unintentionally made her a bit harder to use. We’re letting her Strike &lsquo;suggestions’ to Blobbos last a bit longer – and are upping her damage as well.
    • Strike suggestion hold time :: .25s → .4s
    • PvP Damage and Knockback :: 170 (+85% Power) → 185 (+92.5% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1320 (+170% Power) → 1350 (+185% Power)
We might have given Obscura a bit too much power in the last micropatch. We’re pulling back a bit on the range, and also pulling some power elsewhere from Unstable Anomaly to, well, stabalize it.
    • Cooldown :: 7s- &gt;7.5s
    • PvP Damage :: 250 (+125% Power) → 200(+100% Power)
    • Range :: 750 → 700
We’re making it so if you stick around for her show, it’ll cost you. More visits to the School of Rock will end up in detention.


    • PvP Damage and Knockback :: 170 (+85% Power) → 185 (+92.5% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1320 (+170% Power) → 1350 (+185% Power)
    • LIGHT chain hit damage and knockback unchanged
    • Max PvP Damage and Knockback Multiplier for Full Charge :: 2.25x → 2.5x
    • Max PvP Damage and Knockback :: 360 (+180% Power) → 400 (+200% Power)
It’s hard to hit things with your head, even when it’s a big one! We’re giving X more opportunities and more payout for his difficult-to-land dashing attack.
    • Cooldown :: 14s → 13s
    • PvP Damage and Knockback :: 190 (+95% Power) → 200 (+100% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1360 (+190% Power) → 1380 (+200% Power)
Zentaro has been on the receiving end of a lot of buffs and then a lot of nerfs. While he is most effective (and annoying) at whittling enemies down, we’re giving him some better finishing power for one of his harder to hit abilities.
    • PvP Damage and Knockback :: 160 (+80% Power) → 180 (+90% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1300 (+160% Power) → 1340 (+180% Power)


Big Fish
Size isn’t everything, but it is a VERY good stat. Like Stagger. In this case, Big Fish will remain big, but it will grant a bit less sturdiness.
  • Stagger :: 300 → 200
Bulk Up
Bulk Up has never been the belle of the ball. We suspect it still won’t be the best in slot for most, but it should provide a better offensive contribution when you’ve accumulated a bunch of stagger.
  • Power per 100 max Stagger :: 1.5 → 1.75
Reverberation, like Bulk Up, grants good defense but doesn’t really convert it meaningfully. We’re taking a big swing here to make it live up to its promise.
  • Cooldown per 100 max Stagger :: .8 → 1.5
Spark of Agility is overperforming largely due to its base stats. We’re going to be pulling that back, but give better bonuses to its neighbors in Sparkington City as they are currently lackluster.


Spark of Agility
  • Base Speed :: 2% → 1%
  • Speed per Spark :: 7% → 6%
Spark of Focus
  • Base Cooldown Rate :: 2 → 4
  • Cooldown per Spark :: 10 → 12
Spark of Power
  • Power per Spark :: 20 -&gt; 22
Spark of Resilience
  • Base Stagger :: 50 → 100
Stacks on Stacks
The pancakes have always been a staple of the meta. Lately, though, it’s risen to the top of the heap. We’re bumping it down to a more reasonable place, so it doesn’t stack up so well against the other options.
  • Speed per Stack :: .12% → .10%
  • Max Speed :: 24% → 20%

Omega Strikers – Micropatch

  • Release date: September 7th 2023 (North America, Europe) / September 8th 2023 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:
Ai.MI has absolutely infected the hearts, minds, and computers of players. She’s still our most popular Striker and is also winning a large proportion of her games. One culprit is the usefulness of Firewall Sentry, given its relative (to her other abilities) ease of use.
    • Cooldown :: 30s → 35s
    • PvP Damage and Knockback :: 140 (+70% Power) → 125 (+62.5% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 819 (+91% Power) → 800 (+80% Power)
Asher’s shield was patched up a bit and is once again a dominant force at high levels of play, so we’re slowing down her barrier-ing.
    • Cooldown :: 8s → 9s
Atlas has been the stoic angel, protecting his teammates a bit too well. We’re reducing his save attempts and giving patient opponents some better counterplay.
    • Cooldown :: 45s → 50s
    • Duration of Guardian :: 3.5s → 3s
Dubu (and Atlas) have been running the meta from the net. We’re slowing his roll.
    • Cooldown :: 18s → 20s
    • PvP Damage and Knockback :: 180 (+90% Power) → 170 (+85% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1340 (+180% Power) → 1320 (+170% Power)
The consummate professional has been slowly creeping up the winner boards (that a thing?). She is great at putting the Core in the net! We want her to keep that strength, so we’re just tuning down her damage a tiny bit.
    • PvP Damage and Knockback :: 130 (+65% Power) → 120 (+60% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1240 (+130% Power) → 1220 (+120% Power)
Bumping up some of Finii’s damage output, following bugfixes to her PRIMARY last micropatch.
    • PvP Damage and Knockback :: 160 (+80% Power) → 180 (+90% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1300 (+160% Power) → 1340 (+180% Power)
Rune has always been one of the trickiest of the Strikers to play. We’re removing some emphasis on his damage combos and giving him some range so he can better control the Core.
    • Increase Pillar Range :: 600 → 750
    • Same pillar damage reduction :: 90% → 99%
Due to how impactful Vyce was with rocking out initially, we had her SPECIAL at unusually high cooldown. Players have learned better to counter it, so we’re pulling back some of the protection. Time to DODGE.
    • Cooldown :: 45s → 40s
With our micropatch we also bring a new rotation. Sparkington City is back!!! Orbs are out! …temporarily. Oh, and Glass Cannon is joining them on the sideline. Aside from those, we have a couple small adjustments to some of the other ones.



: Orbs (Orb Dancer, Orb Ponderer, Orb Replicator) and Glass Cannon


: Sparkington City (Spark of Strength, Spark of Agility, Spark of Focus, Spark of Resilience)

Built Different
  • Impact bonus damage :: 10% → 5% (2% on Core → 1% on Core)
Bulk Up
All the Stagger conversion trainings have been left behind again. Bumping up their durability and thus their synergy with each other.
  • Max Stagger :: 300 → 350
  • Max Stagger :: 300 → 350
Peak Performance
  • Max Stagger :: 300 → 350
Catalyst has been the keystone of the Energy Exodia build. While the other Energy awakenings are performing below average, Catalyst has been seeing a lot of success and a lot of focus. We’re bringing it down a notch and will reassess the state of the rest of the Energy options afterward.
  • Energy on taking hits :: 6 (2 for LIGHT hits) → 4.5 (1.5 for LIGHT hits)
Eject Button
  • SECONDARY Cooldown :: 25% → 30%
Heavy Impact
  • Cooldown Refund for multi-hits :: 25% → 35%
  • Max CD refund :: 10s → 14s
Missile Propulsion
  • Damage Bonus :: 15% → 20%
Perfect Form
  • Cooldown :: 15% (5% for light hits) (max 1.5/.5s)→ 20% CD reduction (6.66% for light hits) (max 2/.666s)
Primetime took a lot of nerfs and is STILL SLIGHTLY too strong. We’re bringing it down just a final smidge.
  • Damage Reduction for PRIMARY :: 10% → 15%
Siphoning Wand
Siphoning Wand has been underperforming slightly since its back-to-back nerfs.
  • Drain :: 3.5% → 4%
Specialized Training
  • 55% → 50%
Super Surge
  • Damage Bonus :: 25% → 30%

Omega Strikers – Micropatch

  • Release date: September 1st 2023 (North America, Europe) / September 2nd 2023 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:


The Slip (Closed Secondary)

  • Cooldown 10->11

Crooked Leverage (Closed Primary)

  • Cooldown 10->11
  • Damage 170->140 (0.85->0.7 Power)
  • Knockback unchanged

(Open) Secondary + Special

  • Damage + Knockback 200->180 (1->0.9x Power)
  • Core hits 1380->1340 (2->1.8x Power)
  • Cooldown: 13->15

Stagger grow tier: 500->375


Misdirection (Primary):

  • Projectile is now like 15% bigger and a little faster

Omega Strikers – Ver. 3.0 (Season 2)

  • Release date: August 24th 2023 (North America, Europe) / August 25th 2023 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:

Yeah, you read that correctly. There’s an ENTIRE VISUAL NOVEL now in Omega Strikers for Summer Splash.
Head to the beach with Asher, Juno, Estelle, X, Juliette, or Dubu! Progress through the event, hang out with your new friends, get to know them better, and unlock new stuff in game! There’s even missions for you to complete, some of which will even grant you fresh new titles and emotes!

[NEW] Inky’s Splash Zone
  • We have a brand new map that’s incredibly interactive and breaks the boundaries of our previous designs! It’s always summer at Inky’s Splash Zone, always wild, and everyone is always prone to getting SOAKED. When you take down a barrier on this map, the corner without the barrier turns into a KO zone and gives your team access to a water blaster that’ll knock enemies into the deep end.
[NEW] Gates of Obscura
  • The Gates of Obscura take us in a different direction than the fun-loving Splash Zone. Here, we’ll explore the depths of the void and source of Rune’s power. The portals on the map will possibly get you turned-around and upside-down, but once you master them, you can melt the brains of your enemies and dominate the map. There’s crazy new angles on this map and things will get even spicier in Overtime, so keep your head on a swivel.
Maps Rotation
Like Awakenings, we’ll now rotate maps in and out on occasion to highlight new options and improve the meta.
  • Rotated Out: Ahten City and Demon Dais will have their places taken by the new maps: Inky’s Splash Zone and Gates of Obscura.
  • Maps’ Chance to Roll: Historically it’s been completely equal, but for the first weekend, Inky’s Splash Zone will have a higher chance to appear! We’ll probably highlight Gates of Obscura down the road as well!
UI / Systems
  • Recast abilities now have a slightly different icon background color when they’re reactivatable. Applies to:
    • Ai.Mi’s PRIMARY
    • Era’s SPECIAL
    • Finii’s SPECIAL
    • Rasmus’s SECONDARY
    • Vyce’s SECONDARY
    • X’s STRIKE
  • It’s (soft) reset time! Congratulations on your climb for this season. We hope you climbed to where you wanted and didn’t tilt into oblivion. Let’s see what new heights you can soar to in Season 2!
    • Almost everyone will end up in silver or below, with the highest ranks (challenger and above) resetting to gold or platinum.

Yeah there’s A LOT OF NEW SKINS. Some in the shop, some in the Striker Pass!

  • Summer Splash
    • Asher
    • Juno
    • Estelle
    • X
    • Dubu
    • Juliette
  • Spirit Warden Zentaro
    • Blackheart Spirit Warden Zentaro
    • Ghostwood Spirit Warden Zentaro
  • Red Rose Estelle
  • Cat Butler Kai
We’ve seen some higher lethality overall during the early stages of matches than we’d like. We’re giving strikers a bit more breathing room before the brawl becomes overwhelming.
  • Base Stagger :: 1125 → 1200
[NEW] Kazan
Say hello to our little frenzied enforcer. Kazan is… crazy, but he’s got a soft side for family. Much like his personality, he has a wild and unique playstyle where he utilizes his umbrella in a variety of different ways – swapping forms, leaping about the map, and comboing his abilities together to be our most mechanically challenging Striker to date. He’s here to lend Clarion Corp a little extra muscle in exchange for their help curing his big Sis.
    • Knock the Core with a LIGHT hit that has greater force generated by the point of the umbrella.
    • Dash a short distance, passing by all targets.
    • Float up in the air, becoming Elusive. Elusive targets are invulnerable and untargetable.
    • Hook all enemies in a line towards you.
    • LIGHTLY hit all enemies in a line, pushing them towards the top of the umbrella. The umbrella will then spin rapidly, dealing multiple LIGHT hits leading up to a final, more powerful flourish..
    • Pop open or Retract the umbrella, unlocking a different set of abilities per form.
    • Maddening Descent: While floating from Carried Away, reactivate to dive downwards and slam all nearby enemies.
      Pop-Up: During The Slip, popping the umbrella will hit all nearby enemies and stop the dash.
Finii is not really winiing so we’re reducing her Special cooldown. While we expect this to be an overall buff, we do have bugfixes that will also make the BIG FINISH slightly more fair for opponents to play around.
    • Cooldown :: 35s → 30s
    • The Core now can escape Big Finish noticeably easier especially when Energy Burst is used
    • [BUGFIX] No longer slows or vacuums enemies who are EVASIVE
    • [BUGFIX] Finii ultimate no longer incorrectly holds on to the core when being hit with Energy Burst
    • [BUGFIX] Implemented a likely fix to a rare bug where Finii ultimate would crash custom games.
      • If this still occurs, please let us know.
We’re giving Juno more control over Blobbos, especially for chained hits. The commands to Blobbos have to be made within a tighter window, but Blobbos will also hold the Core for a tad longer while waiting for Juno’s command.
    • Blobbos hold time :: .15s → .25s
    • Blobbos speed (as a % of Juno’s) :: 90% → 100%
    • Strike override (Juno’s command to direct Blobbo’s) linger duration :: .75s → .25s
    • [NEW] :: Juno’s Strike cooldown refreshes when a Blobbo uses Juno’s strike override direction
    • [BUGFIX] Juno can now consistently strike the Core underneath her while she’s jumping
Her inventiveness has her more prepared than the average Striker to explore new maps!
    • [NEW] Now extends duration when teleporting (relevant for Gates of Obscura)
Trying to fix more bugs on one of our more… bug prone Strikers.
  • [BUGFIX] Can now cast primary during her secondary without the ability cancelling&nbsp;
  • [BUGFIX] Primary shield has had some bug fixes to prevent the core from going through it. Again.
Even with recent buffs, Hotshot is still more like warmshot. We’re touching it up to really push the pace.
  • Core Hit amplifier :: 12% → 15%
  • [BUGFIX] Description updated to include the maximum refund amount
Momentum Boots
Momentum Boots have been dominating the goalie gear slot for a while. By taking the Speed down a notch, they’ll grant less coverage of the goal arc.
  • Movement Speed per Stack :: 1.75% → 1.5%
  • Max Movement Speed over 10 seconds :: 22.5% → 20%
The time has been prime for too long. We’re taking serious swings because it was simply the best for too many characters.
  • Hit Amp :: 5% → 0%
  • Hit Reduction :: 0% → 10% (2% for Core)
  • Standard recast time between charges :: .5s → 1.5s
    • Drek’Ar’s recast timing is unchanged
Strike Shot
Accidentally got shortened in 2.3, we’re finally bringing it back to its previous glory.
  • [BUGFIX] No longer unintentionally shorter. Missile speed corrected as well.
  • [BUGFIX] Speed buff is no longer lost when another haste effect is applied
  • [BUGFIX] Now correctly increases damage and knockback for:
    • Ai.Mi special
    • Finii Special
    • Asher Special
  • A new set of Orb trainings can be found in Quickplay!
  • Ai.Mi Secondary no longer locks her out from using eject button slightly longer than intended
  • Dubu Special no longer sends the Core flying at mach 5 (it’ll still go fast, but won’t break the Core speed cap)
  • Rasmus’s and Drek’ar’s SECONDARIES are now appropriately tagged as BUFFS (previously just HASTES).
  • Heavy Impact should now work when an ability hits two friendly units
  • Tactical callouts probably work correctly now all the time. (Probably. We did some stuff and can’t reproduce the bug any longer, but it

    still occur. Let us know if it does.)

  • Fixed a bug that caused some players to experience some issues when entering overtime when playing in non-english languages
  • Emotes and tactical callouts should no longer get stuck above player’s heads for the whole game.
    • Added Melee Tag to Zentaro Special
    • Added Buff tag to Rasmus Secondary
    • Added buff tag to Drek’ar SecondaryAdded missing tags on the following abilities: (gameplay unchanged)
  • Can now activate Night Market speed gates while elusive.
  • Fixed a bug causing Rasmus to lose Twin Drive benefits if his secondary was recast at the last second.
  • Kai Special now properly explodes when hitting targets at close range.
  • Fixed a rare bug that caused Juno to become stuck in her secondary.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some players to report extremely incorrect latency values, which resulted in poor server placement
  • Made some additional stability improvements to Dubu special to prevent the core from passing through it.

Omega Strikers – Ver. ???

  • Release date: August 17th 2023 (North America, Europe) / August 18th 2023 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:
The boy is still dominating the net with no regard for human, or opposing giant hamster thing, life.
    • Cooldown :: 8s → 9s
We created a new stagger grouping in the last micropatch for Kai, Juno, and Finii. Era should fit in this grouping better than the heavy weights she was previously with.
  • Stagger Growth over levels :: 500 → 425
Juno doesn’t excel at dishing out damage but she should excel at avoiding it. Giving her some more opportunities to be elusive.
    • Cooldown :: 10s → 9s
One-Two Punch
One-Two Punch has notable high moments (like Juliette looking at you sideways) but despite some of its best users being great in the meta, it wasn’t performing great on a whole. We’re boosting its brawlin’ effect a tiny bit but amping up its Core Hit a bigger bit so it can be used for goals or powerful passes too!
  • Hit amplifier for second hit within 2.5s :: 25% → 30%
  • Core Hit amplifier :: 5% → 15%
Rapid Fire
Rapid Fire used to be a go-to pickup. Ole reliable. Nowadays, it’s bland, overshadowed, and weaker than other options. We’re bumping up the rapidity of the fire so it will get rapidly selected in drafts.
  • PRIMARY cooldown reduction :: 33% → 40%
Stacks on Stacks
The pancakes withstood the previous nerf and remained one of the best pickups in the game. We’re toning down the reward for stacking up once again.
  • Speed per Stack :: .15% → .12% (30% Speed at Max Stacks → 24%)
Twin Drive
Charges are real powerful! We’re reducing the extra sweetness of Twin Drive to make up for it. Primetime is in our sights, but it needs more extreme work. That’ll be in the coming larger patch.
  • SECONDARY cooldown reduction :: 10% → 5%

Omega Strikers – Ver. ???

  • Release date: August 3rd 2023 (North America) / August 4th 2023 (Europe, Japan)
  • Patch notes:
She’s still more trick(y to play) than magic. We’re giving her a few more attempts at sleight of hand and a sturdier frame to boot so she can stay on stage.
    • Cooldown :: 8s → 7s
  • Stagger Gain Over Levels :: 375 → 425
When it comes to brawling and lethality, it’s no surprise that Juno can’t hang. Though, with a little help, she might be able to take it, SURVIVE, and let the Blobbos do their work.
  • Stagger Gain Over Levels :: 375 → 425
Kai used to set the pace for goalies and forwards. These days, picking Kai forward might send you a bit backward. We’re giving him some buffs that will hopefully make him blaze along more freely in the midfield.
    • HASTE Duration :: 3s → 4s
  • Stagger Gain Over Levels :: 375 → 425
Vyce has toed the line of nerfs since her release. She’s been a staple of brawling based teams and is finally getting some of her most consistent damage tuned down to a lower chord. Where does that leave her on the tier list now? B flat? Sorry. Bad joke.
    • PvP Knockback and Damage :: 185 (+92.5% Power) → 170 (+85% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1350 (+185% Power) → 1320 (+170% Power)
    • Chaining LIGHT Hits PvP Knockback and Damage :: 120 (+60% Power) → 110 (+55% Power)
    • Chaining LIGHT Hits Core Knockback :: 878 (+120% Power) → 858 (+110% Power)
Zentaro is the most banned Striker in the high elos, in part due to his blade just being literally everywhere. We’re slowing down his tirade by increasing his cooldowns. He might miss a stuffing opportunity or two now.
    • Number of hits required :: 10 → 12
      • (This won’t show up in-game but it’s there. Source: just trust me bro)
    • Cooldown :: 35 → 40

As a general approach, we’re buffing options that are more defensive or rooted in utility and nerfing those that contribute to damage. We also eyed some outliers that were clearly out of whack!

Big Fish
Size is a really strong stat! Both Big Fish and Built Different continue to overperform, so we’re pulling back specifically their size buffs (but leaving other bonuses in the game alone).
  • Size Gain :: 35% → 30%
Built Different
Size is a really strong stat! Both Big Fish and Built Different continue to overperform, so we’re pulling back specifically their size buffs (but leaving other bonuses in the game alone). (I just copied and pasted this from above lol)
  • Size Gain :: 35% → 30%
Catalyst is underperforming a little bit on average, but it does have pop-off moments for multi-hitters which didn’t feel all that appropriate. So we’re giving it a bit of a… burf? The offensive pop-off moments should be less egregious, but it should be much better when you’re actually tanking hits. Like a LOT BETTER. Maybe even twice as good? Quick maths.
  • Additional Energy Gained on Hit :: 50% → 20%
    • Energy gained on taking Hit:: 3 (1 for LIGHT hits) → 6 (2 FOR LIGHT hits)
Alright, we get it you egomaniacs. When you take Egoist, you want the ball and you’re gonna score. This should help.
  • Energy Refund for Evade :: 5 → 10
  • Energy Refund for Burst :: 15 → 20
As the preeminent Core Control option, it’s not surprising to see Hotshot struggling when brawling is on the table. Hopefully this will be a small shift in the larger swing of tides.
  • Cooldown Refund :: 30% → 35%
Perfect Form
Perfect Form performed pretty poorly even for its prime people. It should be a more-perfect form after this.
  • Hits reduce other ability cooldowns by :: 12% (4% for LIGHT hits) → 15% (5% for LIGHT hits)
Powerhouse Pauldrons
Giving another buff to this Gear for goalies to deal with brawlers up in their business.
  • Damage Reduction :: 15% → 20%
Prize Fighter
While Prize Fighter isn’t the most popular of pick-ups, it can be very dominant when it’s taken, so we’re knocking it down a peg.
  • Power Per Stack :: 25 → 20
Extra Special
The happy star is now a slightly more emotionally neutral star.
  • Cooldown reduction :: 40% → 30%

Omega Strikers – Ver. ???

  • Release date: July 20th 2023 (North America) / July 21st 2023 (Europe, Japan)
  • Patch notes:
Ok but first maybe one nerf. Dubu is the king of Dubs. He’s been consistently the winningest goalie at all ranks, and now wears the crown at high level play, too. Heavy is the (proportionally smaller) head that wears the crown, so tuning him down a bump. His competitors are pretty close by, and we don’t want to lower the strength of goalies too much more.
    • Cooldown :: 35s → 40s
Era is speccing into Fly mode. Allies are going to be shooting out of the gates with this buff.
    • Initial Speed :: 40% → 60%
    • Min Speed :: 10% → 15%
Finii has some really complex magic tricks. No, seriously, she’s very hard to play! Some might even say 3-star difficulty? While she has some really high highs, we are giving her some more consistent damage to… consistently contribute with.
    • Hiitbox linger lifetime :: .25s → .15s
    • PvP Knockback and Damage :: 140 (+70% Power) → 160 (+80% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1260 (+140% Power) → 1300 (+160% Power)
    • Cooldown :: 40s → 35s
    • PvP Knockback and Damage :: 180 (+90% Power) → 200 (+100% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: Unchanged
Speaking of tricky tricks and difficulty: Rune has also struggled for a long time to get a foothold. While there are definitely Rune masters, they are few and far between. For this set of buffs, we’re bringing up his Core controlling potential.
    • Cooldown :: 7.5s → 7s
    • Fully formed duration :: 1.5s → 1.75s
Octavia is still the least favored twin (among players. We have no data to suggest which of the two are the parents’ favorite). We’re giving her a tiny buff that’ll help give her more pressure and bridge the gap for Flow State.
    • Cooldown :: 8s → 7.5s
X was the best. Now he’s the rest. As in, he’s RESTing on the sidelines behind all the other bruisers. We’re letting him ring some following the last micropatch. Ding ding ding!
    • PvP Knockback and Damage :: 185 (+92.5% Power) → 200 (+100% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1350 (+185% Power) → 1380 (+200% Power)
The blade has been studied. The mastery is complete. Zentaro has sliced and diced competition on every map and in every way imaginable. It’s time we dulled his sword. (Don’t say we didn’t warn you last patch!)
    • Cooldown :: 16s → 18s
    • PvP Knockback and Damage :: 180 (+90% Power) → 160 (+80% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1340 (+180% Power) → 1300 (+160% Power)
For this round, no rotations! Just simple, old-fashioned, good-natured, well-meaning buffs. The options below were underperforming, so we’re giving them slight nudges in the right direction. The buffed direction.
  • Powerhouse Pauldrons
    • Power :: 20 → 30
  • Egoist
    • Lingering Haste :: 5% → 10%
  • Fire Up!
    • Energy Share Percent :: 15% → 25%
  • Hot Shot
    • Core hit amplifier :: 10% → 12%

Omega Strikers – Ver. ???

  • Release date: July 13th 2023 (North America) / July 14th 2023 (Europe, Japan)
  • Patch notes:
Atlas should be a great pick against brawl-heavy teams, but he still seems to be falling behind competitors, even when his stars align. To help with that, we’ve giving his heal more… heal?
  • Celestial Intervention [SPECIAL]
    • Percent of max Stagger healed per second :: 10% → 15%
Juliette has been an incredibly strong choice since *checks notes* …forever. She also happens to dominate at high levels of play AND for the average player, so we’re setting our sights on her before Rasmus and Zentaro, who are only problematic in the uppermost echelons. Yeah, that’s right you two, we’re watching you.
  • Flame Flurry [SPECIAL]
    • Cooldown :: 30s → 35s
All aboard!! Last call to Sparkington City! Sparkington Express is shutting down for Summer break (terrible timing if you were waiting for a Sparkington Summer) but, as with all rotated Awakenings, it may be back in one form or another. Which is exactly what we’re doing with some old friends of yours this patch! Most of them are just as you remember, but Stagger Swagger splurged and got a bit of a makeover. Hopefully you dig the new look!
Rotated Out: Sparkington City (Spark of Focus, Strength, Resilience, and Agility)


Rotated In: Perfect Form, One-Two Punch, Stagger Swagger, Prize Fighter


Stagger Swagger
A fresh new, more consistently defensive look for an old friend.
  • Base Speed :: 2% → 8%
  • Enhanced (below 50% Stagger) Speed :: 40% → 20%
  • Healing :: 100 Stagger per second → 150 Stagger per second
It’s still deadeye, just maybe less dead.
  • Hit units over 600 Range harder :: 35% → 30%
Glass Cannon
Because it can be shut down by opponents, Glass Cannon has a bit of additional power baked in compared to other awawkenings. It’s just quite a troublesome task to actually shut it down, and we’ve seen it overperforming for a while, so it’s getting a slight bump down.
  • Speed :: 5% (20% max after not being hit for 10 seconds) → 4% (16% max)
  • Power :: 10 (40 max) → 8 (32 max)
Orb Ponderer
The Orb enhancing Awakenings are sitting close to where we want them. Decent on most maps, excellent in Ahten City. Ponderer was part of the pack that wasn’t quite living up to expectations, though, so we’ve given it a boost!
  • Active Cooldown Reduction :: 20% (40% when fully stacked) → 25% (45% when fully stacked)
Peak Performance
Move over Sparkington City. Staggerton Suburb is the new destination of choice. While most of the Stagger options are adding some heft, Peak Performance is losing a bit of the speed because it was already a dominant selection.
  • Stagger :: 250 → 300
  • Percent of Speed per 100 max Stagger :: 7% → 5%
Bulk Up
  • Max Stagger :: 250 → 300
  • Max Stagger :: 250 → 300
Quick Strikes
Quick Strikes has mostly felt like a niche X pick so we’re making it stronger and making it play real nice with other Energy Awakenings.
  • Energy bonus for strikes :: 1 → 2
Matchmaking Adjustments

We recently upgraded our matchmaking tools to let us fine tune our matchmaking system to a more precise extent.

Using these new tools, we’re rolling out some new matchmaking systems to NA, EU, and JP servers first as a trial to see how it performs on a larger scale.

We’ll be looking to eventually use these new tools to improve the matchmaking experience in other regions as well. However, due to regional differences, the changes on other servers will likely be different from the changes below.

To better suit the variety of ranks on the ladder, this system will differ depending on the ranks.
Here’s a rough breakdown of what we expect to see per rank:


The matchmaker will wait longer before matching into players below challenger, and generally make it much less likely to match with diamonds and below.


The matchmaker will create fewer lobbies with both Omegas and Diamonds. Instead it will create more lobbies with only Challenger+Omega or Challenger+Diamond. It should also be less likely to match with players below diamond. Queue times on average should be slightly higher as a result.


Similar to challenger, there will be fewer lobbies with both Challenger and Platinum, with more matches dedicated to Diamond + Plat only or Diamond + Challenger only. It should also be less likely to match into players below Platinum. As a result, high and mid-diamond queue times will be slightly longer.


There should be fewer games with players from three different ranked tiers. Queue times should be roughly the same.

Gold and below:

Matchmaking will take slightly longer to find matches as it will spend more time looking for players near your rank.

Omega Strikers – Ver. 2.3

  • Release date: July 11th 2023 (North America) / July 12th 2023 (Europe, Japan)
  • Patch notes:
High Tea Hijinx
Someone finessed, flipped, and faked out people on a new mode full of fantastic freedom. The mode features 4 new wild maps!! Strikers will battle it out in insane new environments in a first-to-3 frantic showdown.

The 4 maps:

  • Flipped
  • Corner Pocket
  • Back to Back
  • About Face

All Strikers on the map will have their own Hijinx buff which will grant the following:

  • 125 Move Speed
  • 75 Power
  • 30 Ability Haste
    • Note: the maps are larger so the size isn’t particularly apparent but missiles and movement abilities cover relatively less distance35% Size
  • Increased in-game experience gain.
UI / Systems
  • Updated Strike Shot indicator for mobile and console
  • Updated Voiceover logic
    • Strikers will now more frequently play their VO to allies and enemies when using their Specials
      • Octavia and Rune in particular will ALWAYS play their VO to help assist for counterplay purposes
  • Emote Muting!
    • Check it out on the scoreboard!
  • Decay
    • We’ve added a rank decay system for challenger and above.
    • You can bank up some days depending on your rank.
      • You’ll decay LP per day if you don’t have any days banked.
    • You’ll lose previously banked days when you promote.
  • High MMR central server
    • Challenger and above


  • Delicious new Juno flavors! (DO NOT EAT HER)
    • Taro
    • Pumpkin
    • Milk Tea
    • Matcha
  • Gamer Juliette
  • Dubu Barista emote
  • New Titles!
    • Tea Time Tussle – Boba
    • Tea Time Tussle – Jelly
    • Tea Time Tussle – Caffeinated
    • Event – Ignited


Atlas is returning to his lab to soup up his Projection. He’s been a tiny bit behind other meta goalies so we’re giving him some more aggressive options.
  • Astral Projection [PRIMARY]
    • PvP Knockback and Damage :: 160 (+80% Power) → 170 (+E damage up : 160-&gt;170 (+85% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1300 (+160% Power) → 1320 (+170% Power)
Drek’ar has been a high MMR staple for a while and has made good tournament showings. He cloaked away from nerfs last patch but can’t escape our aim this time.
  • Molten Bolt [SPECIAL]
    • PvP total DoT damage :: 200 (+100% Power) → 180 (+90% Power)
Sibling buffs! Atlas didn’t want to leave his sister in the dust, so he tinkered with her gear too. Hopefully now when she takes the ultimate risk of launching herself at an enemy, it’ll pay off!
    • Cooldown :: 14s → 12s
    • PvP Knockback and Damage :: 210 (+105% Power) → 220 (+110% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1385 (+202.5% Power) → 1390 (+205% Power)
The Pendulum has finally swung the other way. After bribing his way into numerous buffs, Rasmus then had the AUDACITY to show off at the tournament stage with his advantaged cooldowns and consistency. We’re pulling them back in line.
  • Whiplash [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 14s → 16s
  • Pendulum Swing [PRIMARY]
    • Cooldown :: 7.5s → 8s
X can still make a game all about himself when he gets the right Awakenings, so we’re treading lightly and letting him stampede over enemies slightly more.
  • Bull Rush [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 15s → 14s


Infinite Awakenings are gone.


We found that the negatives outweighed the purpose it served, which was a safety measure to ensure that players had a higher chance of grabbing a usable Awakening. We want players who succeed in a draft to always feel like their success matters, which failed too often when the best choice was an Infinite Awakening. Additionally, strategies could become too easy to shut down (via infinite Unstoppable, for instance) or too overbearing (like infinite Stinger). While we want Awakenings to change the experience of the game, the shared choices should only be presented at the beginning of the game so you can plan around them with your picks and bans.


  • Fire Up! will no longer grant double energy at round start under some circumstances.
    • The tooltip also now accurately shows how much energy is shared with the team on use of Energy Burst
  • Rune’s Shadow Swap (SECONDARY) will now work in Practice mode
  • Certain abilities will no longer bring the Core to a halt when using a gamepad
  • Knockbacks that knock you directly away from a KO zone will no longer knock your striker out (most relevant to Ai.Mi’s App map)
  • Cast to Last no longer appears as having no effect for Vyce in awakening draft.
  • Eject button now works with Octavia’s secondary
  • Vyce Special no longer casts on release if you attempt to cast any other abilities during the channel
  • Players will no longer consistently go into loading screen and get kicked back to main menu.
  • Alternate language unicode symbols are now useable in name creation.

Omega Strikers – Ver. ???

  • Release date: June 22nd 2023 (North America, Europe) / June 23rd 2023 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:
We can’t cap the App. Even following some nerfs targeted at Ai.Mi goalie, she’s still overperforming as the most played and a very winning Striker. We’re bringing down the damage that has been long kept her on top of the charts.
  • Glitch.Pop [PRIMARY]
    • Damage :: 170 (+85% Power) → 160 (+80% Power)
    • PvP Knockback :: 190 (+95% Power) → 160 (+80% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1340 (+180% Power) → 1300 (+160% Power)
    • Missile hitbox linger lifetime :: .15s → .1s
      • We want there to be a slight linger to make the ability easier to use but it was staying out in the world too long. To be clear, it should have never have been invisible but now it’ll end more towards the front end of the VFX
Our favorite shield wall has been a bit crumbled since her small rework. She’s getting a small buff to tide her over.
  • Breakthrough [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 20s → 18s
Juliette has always been THE brawler. With no Unstoppablers to get in her way, she’s risen to the top – especially at high levels of play.
  • Flying Phoenix [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 14s → 16s
  • Fiery Fist [PRIMARY]
    • Damage and PvP Knockback :: 165 (+85% Power) → 155 (+77.5% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1310 (+165% Power) → 1290 (+155% Power)
We overestimated the potency of Octavia’s bugfix and see she’s a bit out of the spotlight. We’re pulling back some of the nerfs and giving her a touch extra to bring her back to a nice place. Maybe we’ll get to hear Thousand Absolutes more!
  • Flow State [SECONDARY]
    • Starting Speed :: 25% → 30%
    • Duration : 2s → 2.25s
  • [NEW] :: New Awakening sets with the new Energy Awakenings and Reverberation added to Quick Play
Vicious Vambrace
  • Stagger restore percent of damage dealt :: 30% → 40%
Specialized Training
  • Extra Damage and Healing for Specials :: 50% → 55%
Siphoning Wand
Even with previous nerfs, Siphoning Wand is overperforming against its competing options, so we’re giving it an even lighter tap.
  • Bonus Damage and Heal :: 4% of enemies’ max stagger → 3.5% of enemies’ max stagger 4% healing and damage dealt → 3.5%
Built Different
  • IMPACT abilities hit 15% harder (3% on Core) → 10% (2% on Core)
Fire Up!
The new Energy Awakenings landed well but Fire Up! was a bit problematic when stacked with allies. We’re reducing the amount it batteries itself in those cases.
  • Energy share for allies :: 30% → 15%
  • Note: Tooltip will still show 0% until next major patch

Omega Strikers – Ver. 2.2

  • Release date: June 13th 2023 (North America, Europe) / June 14th 2023 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:
Surrender System
  • In Normal and Competitive modes, either team may now surrender during the Awakening Draft phase between sets if they have lost at least 2 sets in the game or have a player on their team that is inactive.
    • “Inactive” in most cases means disconnected from the match, but will also apply to players that haven’t made any inputs in 40 seconds of one point.
    • Everyone on the team (not including inactive players) must vote to surrender for a surrender to occur.
  • Teams that surrender lose the match and will lose rank as if they had lost normally.
Auto Match Cancel System
  • If a player is detected as inactive early on into a match, the match will automatically cancel
  • A player that causes an automatic match cancellation will be penalized as if they had lost the match. This penalty will also apply to players in their pre-made group they queued up together with.
  • Penalties will not be incurred if you/your premade member caused an auto-match cancel and it was the first time within the last 2 weeks.
Competitive Mode Integrity Changes
  • Players above Challenger will no longer be able to enter Competitive mode in a premade group, they must queue up solo.
  • Players that solo queue at ANY rank will benefit from higher minimum rating gains if they win a match to balance out cases where they had to fill into a less than ideal match
    • Minimum win rating gains reduced at Challenger tier and above.
New Rank Tier – Pro League
  • We’ve introduced a new rank tier: Pro League. Only the top players in each region can qualify to be within the Pro League tier. A player needs to have at least 100 points in the Omega Tier to be promoted into the Pro League tier.
    • That doesn’t mean once you hit 100 points in Omega you are automatically added to the pro-league!
    • There is a hard limit to the amount of players that can be in the Pro League, so be sure to fight for every LP you can!
  • There is no longer a multiplier that will weigh events more favorably later in the game for the purpose of determining the end of game MVP
Game Content Refund System
  • All accounts start with 3 refund tokens that you can use to refund eligible content.
    • Details on how to use the refund system can be found on our support site.
Night Market and Oni Village

Doing some maintenance on these maps by making the Speed boosts boost speed a tiny bit more, but largely aimed at making the rules more consistent.

  • Oni Village Core speed bonus :: 75 → 100
  • Max Core Speed :: 2,000 → 2,100 (now matches previous Night Market max speed)
  • Night Market Core speed boost will more consistently grant speed up to the max (2,100)
  • [BUGFIX] No longer will slow the Core down if it’s already beyond it’s max speed (most frequently happens with Energy Burst into strike)
Practice Mode
  • You can now head into PRACTICE MODE from the queue selector and practice those sick trick shots

Our favorite app has gone viral: she’s particularly popular and pretty potent. 5 stars. We’re pulling back on how much reach she has, which we suspect will especially tap her down as a goalie.

  • Glitch.Pop [PRIMARY]
    • Range :: 980 → 900
  • Barrier Beam [PRIMARY]
    • [BUGFIX] Shield no longer occasionally lets the core pass through.
  • Flutter Fly [SECONDARY]
    • [BUGFIX] Resolved an issue where quick casts of her secondary in succession via Twin Drive would not correctly apply the full duration of the buff
  • Flame Flurry [SPECIAL]
    • [BUGFIX] Staggered targets getting hit by the light hit portion will no longer be able to Evade before the final hit

Clarion Corp has been hard at work upgrading Rasmus’ signature ability, allowing it to benefit from size, duration, and power modifiers such as Monumentalist and Timeless Creator. Note: Death Touch is still considered a projectile during its initial travel, so it’ll will benefit from projectile modifiers such as Missile Propulsion, but transforms into a creation once it expands. We hope this change gives Rasmus some fun new options during the Awakening draft, even if everyone bans him on Ai.Mi’s App!

  • Death Touch [SPECIAL]
    • Cooldown :: 20s → 18s
    • [NEW] Now considered a CREATION after it enters its empowered state

When Octavia gets flowing, she gets winning. She’s already actually pretty strong AND she has a bugfix buff incoming so we’re making sure she doesn’t flow out of control.

  • Flow State [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: Increased from 16s → 18s
    • Base Duration :: Reduced from 2.5s → 2s
    • Haste Gain per Second :: reduced from 2.5% → 2%
    • BUGFIX :: Fixed a bug where Octavia would use a random player’s BUFF duration enhancement stat instead of her own to extend the duration of Flow State
  • Power Chord [PRIMARY]
    • [BUGFIX] Recharge time is no longer unintentionally increased to 8s with Prime Time (always 7s now)
  • Iai Rush [SECONDARY]
    • Indicator now shows full area he’ll hit, instead of location of his dash. This should be much more accurate for enemies now. Note: it’ll also seem bigger for Zentaro but his range is unchanged!
  • Oni’s Blade [SPECIAL]
    • [BUGFIX] If a singular enemy is Staggered within the area during the Special, they will be knockback-locked until the final hit
    • [BUGFIX] Hopefully no longer falls off the map while in the middle of this Special

Gear is sitting in a relatively balanced place, but we’re giving Pummelers a bonus to its speed bonus so those KOs translate to wins.

  • Speed on Striker Advantage :: 15% → 20%

We’re welcoming some new Energy related Awakenings, rotating out some Awakenings that have been stifling in high MMR play, and doing some bugfixing and light balance. As a reminder: getting rotated out doesn’t mean gone forever!

  • Aerials
    • [BUGFIX] No longer shows a warning for Strikers with mobility abilities
  • Bulk Up and Peak Performance
    • [BUGFIX] Tooltips in game now accurately represent the extra stats given for Stagger
  • Primetime
    • Primary ability hits 10% harder → 5% harder
  • Super Surge
    • DASH, BLINK, and HASTE abilities hit 20% harder → 25% harder
Rotated Out
  • Adrenaline Rush
  • Stagger Swagger
  • Stinger
  • Unstoppable
Rotated In
  • Egoist
    • [NEW] Evades refund 5 Energy (15 from Energy Bursts). Reaching max Energy grants 75% Speed for 8s, reducing to 5% Speed while you remain at max Energy.
  • Catalyst
    • [NEW] Gain 50% more Energy from dealing hits. Being hit generates 3 Energy (1 for LIGHT hits).
  • Fire Up!
    • [NEW] Gain 10 Energy on round start. Casting Energy Burst restores 30% of max Energy to other allies and Speeds up your whole team by 40% for 5s.
  • Reverberation
    • [NEW] Gain 250 max Stagger and .8 Cooldown Rate per 100 max Stagger.
  • Some Goal explosions no longer look very low quality on Ultra or lower settings.
  • UI Mission Timers are now all displayed correctly.
  • Strikes are no longer able to “stop” the core in some situations
  • MVP animations no longer “pop back” to idle just before transitioning to the end of game screen.
  • Audio and SFX are no longer dropped during active gameplay.
  • If Vyce is KO’d while using Super Nova [SPECIAL], the VFX will no longer remain playing for the entire match.
  • Striker Ability Information UI will no longer get stuck for controller and gamepad during a match.

Omega Strikers – Ver. 2.1.9

  • Release date: May 30th 2023 (North America, Europe) / May 31st 2023 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:
Era has been a staple of tournament play for longer than the game has been released! Her potential to keep a debilitating debuff on enemies for up to 84 years had to be trimmed somewhat.
  • Bewitching Beam [PRIMARY]
    • Buff and Debuff Duration :: 2.5 → 2.25
    • Slow Amount :: 30% → 25%
Before Vyce rocked our worlds, ‘Vyce at home’ was committing war crimes against us. We’re going back to those good ole’ days – the risk and difficulty in landing her abilities should have more of a payoff.
  • C.R.A.T.E.R. [SPECIAL]
    • Inner radius PvP Knockback and Damage :: 360 (+180% Power) → 380 (+190% Power)
      • Outer radius (40% reduced) :: 216 (+108% Power) → 228 (+114% Power)
    • Inner Radius Core Knockback :: 1460 (+240% Power) → 1470 (+245% Power)
      • Outer Radius (25% reduced) :: 1095 (+180% Power) → 1103 (+184% Power)
  • B.O.O.S.T.
    • PvP Damage and Knockback :: 200 (+100% Power) → 210 (+105% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1380 (+200% Power) → 1385 (+202.5% Power)
Rasmus performs pretty on Ai.Mi’s App for some reason, but he’s been underswinging everywhere else. We’re putting some more weight into his pendulum so when he smacks you with it, it hurts more.
  • Pendulum Swing [PRIMARY]
    • Sweetspot PvP Damage and Knockback :: 180 (+90% Power) → 190 (+95% Power)
      • Non-Sweetspot (45% Reduced) :: 99 (+49.5% Power) → 104.5 (+52.25% Power)
    • Sweetspot Core Knockback :: 1340 (+180% Power) → 1360 (+190% Power)
      • Non-Sweetspot (22.5% Reduced) :: 1038.5 (+139.5% Power) → 1054 (+147.25% Power)
X is strong. Size is strong. Both are a bit less so, beginning today.
  • X Maximus [SPECIAL]
    • Size :: 40% → 35%


Powerhouse Pauldrons
  • Size :: 40% → 35%
Built Different
  • Size :: 40% → 35%
Big Fish
  • Size :: 40% → 35%
Eject Button
Eject Button does so many fun things for goalies and is a cool tool on its own, yet it still is being overshadowed by the other options.
  • Secondary Cooldown :: 20% → 25%
Siphoning Wand
This wand is being put to good use by a lot of intended users and some surprise beneficiaries (Zentaro studies the Wand now??). We’ll be keeping a close watch on its impact on game health, but for now we’re toning it down as it’s just a touch too magical.
  • Drain percent (health and damage) :: 5% → 4%

Omega Strikers – Ver. 2.1.8

  • Release date: May 23rd 2023 (North America, Europe) / May 24th 2023 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:
Ahten City
The map where it all began is now being Awakened into the spotlight as a true competitive staple. With its higher focus on Orbs and (spoiler) synergy with certain Awakenings, we believe it’s distinct enough to rise to the occasion.
  • Now part of the Normal and Ranked map rotation
May 17th Micropatch:

We nerfed Octavia and Vyce in the May 17th Micropatch. They were just playing their music too dang loud!! Here are the deets if you missed it:



Octavia is intended to be weaker when she’s not rolling around at the speed of sound. However, she wasn’t feeling particularly vulnerable at lower stagger. She should now be easier to KO and interrupt her Flow State.
  • Stagger Gain Over Levels :: 250 → 125
  • Flow State [SECONDARY]
    • Increased speed per second :: 2.5% → 2%
    • Duration :: 2.75s → 2.5s
  • Sonic Boom [PRIMARY]
    • Cooldown :: 7.5s → 8s
    • PvP Damage and Knockback :: 175 (+87.5% Power) → 160 (+80% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1330 (+175% Power) → 1300 (+160% Power)


Vyce is always down for an encore, but her long sets gave opponents too little counterplay. She’ll end her riffing a bit earlier now so Evades are more feasible.
  • Thunderstruck [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 14s → 16s
  • Super Nova [SPECIAL]
    • Hold time allowed : 2.5s → 2s (time to fully charge unchanged at 1.25s)
No matter if the strategy is to score or KO, Atlas has tools at his disposal to thwart the attempt. We’re tuning down how often he can use his abilities – and we’ll see what he cooks up in his Lab to counter us next.
  • Cosmic Expanse [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown :: 20s → 22s
  • Celestial Intervention [SPECIAL]
    • Cooldown :: 40s → 45s
We like that Juno and her buds provide some KO threat, but they’re going a bit overboard now. They’re supposed to be squishy and comfy and FRIENDLY!!
  • Friend Fling [PRIMARY]
    • PvP Damage and Knockback :: 180 (+90% Power) → 170 (+85% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1340 (+180% Power) → 1320 (+170% Power)
Rune clearly has a high skill ceiling, but his floor is way down in the shadow realm. We’re giving him a slight boost to the baseline effectiveness of Banish so you don’t need all of your cooldowns up to make it worth.
  • Banish [SPECIAL]
    • PvP Damage and Knockback :: 240 (+120% Power) → 260 (+130% Power)
Zen’s gonna pass that test with all the blade studying he’s been doing.
  • Oni’s Blade [SPECIAL]
    • Cooldown :: 40s → 35s
Hitting Gear and Awakenings with some light balance changes as data continues to roll in!


Magnetized Soles
  • Speed :: 30% → 25% (will not be reflected in the tooltip but trust me it’s there)
Vicious Vambrace
  • Stagger restore :: 25% of damage dealt → 30%
Stacks on Stacks
  • Speed per Stack :: .175% → .15% (35% Speed at Max Stacks → 30%)
Stagger Swagger
  • Base Speed :: 4% → 2%
Tempo Swing
  • Max Stagger Percent for Heal/Damage on hit :: 4% (1.33% for LIGHT hits) → 5% (1.66% for LIGHT hits)


We’ve got ideas for fun and exciting Awakenings that can really change the game and your focus on the round. We don’t want a million awakenings always active, reducing your chance of getting stuff you want or stuff that works well together, so we’re going to implement a “rotating” system of awakenings. Some older ones are gone, some newer ones are in. That doesn’t mean the older ones will be gone forever, you’ll see your beloved Prize Fighter again in the future
. The new Awakenings should be enticing to get in every game, but you shouldn’t have to ponder taking them on Ahten City where the Orbs are plentiful.


Rotated In
  • [NEW] Orb Dancer :: Power Orbs increase Speed by 40% for 6s. After collecting 10 without being KOed, this effect is increased to 80%.
  • [NEW] Orb Ponderer :: Power Orbs reduce active cooldowns by 20%. After collecting 10 without being KOed, this effect is increased to 40%.
  • [NEW] Orb Replicator :: 50% of benefits from Power Orbs you collect is also granted to allies.
Rotated Out
  • Perfect Form
  • One-Two Punch
  • Prize Fighter

Omega Strikers – Ver. ???

  • Release date: May 20th 2023 (North America, Europe) / May 21st 2023 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the game would not start and be stuck on loading screen for too long.

Omega Strikers – Ver. 2.1.1

  • Release date: May 17th 2023 (North America) / May 18th 2023 (Europe, Japan)
  • Patch notes:

Omega Strikers – Ver. 2.1.0

  • Release date: May 16th 2023 (North America, Europe) / May 17th 2023 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:




[NEW] Vyce

Vyce is an explosive long-range Striker who uses an electrified guitar to deal heavy damage and warp across the field. She can drop thunderbolts from the sky to stun enemies from a distance, launch chain lightning attacks, and emit a MASSIVE shockwave that sends enemies flying. With Vyce, it’s all about finding the perfect moment to warp into your enemies and start melting their faces with a ripping guitar solo.

  • Thunderstruck [SECONDARY]
    • Summon a thunderbolt from the sky to a target location, hitting and stunning enemies for .75s. For the next 3.25s, recast to assume a form of pure energy and teleport to the cast location.
  • Power Chord [PRIMARY]
    • Launch a lightning riff, hitting and slowing the first target struck before chaining LIGHT hits to nearby opponents.
  • Super Nova [SPECIAL]
    • Push-and-hold this ability to start rocking out, gaining 100% knockback resistance. Upon releasing the ability or after 2.5s, emit a shockwave that blasts enemies away from you. The wave increases in size and power for the first 1.25s it’s charged.
[NEW] Octavia

Octavia is a speedy but fragile Striker who excels at controlling the core and evading enemy attacks with her pair of psychically-controlled speakers. Her entire playstyle is built around Flow State, which grants her a scaling speed boost that refreshes its duration whenever she hits something. To become a true virtuoso with Octavia, you’ll need quick reflexes and a focused mind in order to continually extend your Flow State for as long as possible.

  • Flow State [SECONDARY]
    • Gain 25% Speed for 2.75s, increasing by 2.5% per second. Hitting anything refreshes the duration, scaling infinitely.
    • Sonic Boom [PRIMARY]
      • Launch a sonic wave that hits all targets it passes through and slows them for 1s. Deals light hits to subsequent targets.
    • Bass Drop [SPECIAL]
      • After a delay, emit 5 sound pulses over a short duration that hit surrounding enemies.
Asher – Mini-rework

Asher’s kit was too oppressive at keeping the Core forward, which made it very frustrating for opponents when trying to counter her core control. We’re removing her passive shield barrier and moving that to the duration of her PRIMARY ability cast only. If she casts PRIMARY on her side of the field, her barrier will be larger and unbreakable. We think these changes, along with a defensive buff to her SECONDARY, will improve her tank-like playstyle. All of these changes should improve counterplay against opposing Asher forwards, but we’ll be keeping a close eye on how she performs as a Goalie as well. Does that fit the criteria for a “mini-rework”? You tell me!

  • Striker Barrier (STRIKE)
    • Passive Barrier Creation on ability casts :: Removed
    • Now is just a normal Strike
  • Breakthrough [SECONDARY]
    • Fixed a bug where Asher could move during the channel time of the dash (0.125s channel before dash)
    • Tuned to be more forgiving to hit units slightly in front of and behind her
    • Now grants Asher a BUFF that reduces incoming Knockbacks by 30% and damage taken by 25% for 5 seconds. This buff loses its effects if Asher is staggered.
  • Barrier Beam [PRIMARY]
    • Renamed from Arc Beam to Barrier Beam
    • [NEW] Creates a barrier while cast that deals a LIGHT hit to enemies it comes in contact with before breaking. If cast on Asher’s team’s side of the field, the barrier is
      larger and unbreakable

      for its duration.

    • Asher is no longer further slowed if the barrier hits something (she is still slowed while channeling)
    • Beam Range :: Increased from 340 → 350
  • Magical Maelstrom [SPECIAL]
    • Maximum knockback angle to the cast direction :: 90 degrees → 60 degrees
      • This will keep both the Core and knocked-back players moving in the direction of the Maelstrom, instead of it being all funky.
  • Strike with Friends (STRIKE)
    • [BUGFIX] Blobbos will now reset their overridden strike direction when Juno strikes the Core
      • This should make it easier for Juno to set up some pass plays with the Core
  • Pendulum Swing [PRIMARY]
    • [BUGFIX] The head of his chain sickle (circular area) now scales with increased size
  • Unstable Anomaly [PRIMARY]
    • [BUGFIX] Now scales at a fixed rate, instead of being slowed down by increased Creation Duration
    • [BUGFIX] Will knock back targets multiple times if they stay inside the Anomaly
  • Banish [SPECIAL]
    • [BUGFIX] Now banishes additional targets hit for the same amount of time as the first target.
[NEW] Demon Dais
  • Our first brand-new map! It pairs perfectly with the Oni twins of Ahten.
  • On this new music stage, we have a unique Barrier setup with two concentric circles that you have to break through. On breaking the outer barrier, the speakers on the sides of the map activate, pumping out sonic waves! These waves will push Strikers and the Core away from them. When the inner barrier on either team drops, the speakers get amplified, expanding the impact of the sound waves further into the map!! You might want to bring earplugs.
Ahten City
  • Now spawns 6 Orbs per wave instead of the standard 3
    • This is intended to give Ahten City a little bit of variety and have a unique feel to it, rather than it just being the “standard” map. We’ve got a couple things in the future brewing around Ahten City as well, so keep your eyes peeled for that.
Night Market
  • [BUGFIX] Speed gate now grants bonus to all units within its area when it is activated.
  • [BUGFIX]On being hit by the Core, barriers take the standard 1s to fully deactivate (was shorter to match previous visuals)
Oni Village
  • [BUGFIX] Speed zones now better match the visuals and do not extend into the corners.
  • Updated to better teach players how to aim their Strike and Abilities with controllers and on mobile
  • Default setting for Controllers now has Aim Guidance turned off, letting players aim with their movement stick (Left Stick)
  • [BUGFIX] Goal gates now meet in the middle instead of appearing slightly open during tutorial
  • [BUGFIX] Goal gates in tutorial will no longer disappear when they’re closed in the tutorial
  • Healing :: 20% of Max Stagger → 7.5% to 30% based on current stagger (more healing when more damaged)
UI and other improvements
  • More Striker info on lore page
  • Improved layout in lore book
  • Barriers now have a VFX on destruction

We’ve gone and added all those cute and cool skins we made from the first Creator VS. They’re cool. And cute.
We also made some super rad stuff for the Ahten City Music Festival!!!! Be sure to check these out 8)

Creator Skins

You might’ve seen ’em shared by us before, but they’re finally here!

  • Moist Asher
  • Rakin Juliette
  • Lily Juno Bee
Music Skins

The Oni twins aren’t the only ones ready for the music festival! A couple of your other favorite Strikers are getting into the groove:

  • Idol Ai.Mi
  • Pop King Kai
  • Soundwave Atlas
Goal Explosions + Emotes

What’s a music festival without a little visual effects? We threw in a nice new goal explosion and a couple emotes into the patch, just to take this concert to the next level.

Nintendo Switch
  • Now playable at 60FPS!
  • [NEW FORWARD GEAR] Siphoning Wand :: Hits deal bonus damage equal to 5% of the enemy’s max Stagger over 2.5s, healing the user for the same amount.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where gear benefits would sometimes be lost when if goalies ventured to the very edges of the map.
  • 25% bonus knockback to staggered targets → now grants 10% more knockback to all targets

Making a video game is hard. We ran into some bugs, but we squashed some bugs too! Here’s a couple in particular that we squashed. Thank you for all your diligence in reporting them!!

  • End of match screen in non-English languages no longer shows weird debug text.
  • Omega Strikers no longer crashes Nintendo Switch when playing in 60 FPS!
  • Core, goal gates, and goal barriers no longer disappear when dead.
    • THIS ONE IN PARTICULAR IS REALLY NASTY. It will likely still occur on consoles, so if this keeps happening to you, PLEASE let us know!Fixed an error that repeatedly caused players to fail to connect to games during the loading screen.
  • Battle pass icon has been updated to show Season 2 content.
  • Atlas Lab Recharge time indicator is now red instead of green. Just an additional warning that you should get away from the area instead of trying to pick it up because it will explode.
  • Various other small bug and crash fixes.
  • Fixed a bug on Gamepads where quick casting a cast at location movement ability on certain settings would cast directly at your Striker’s feet instead of at maximum range.
    • Affects:
      • Juno Secondary
      • Estelle Secondary
      • Ai.Mi Secondary
      • Zentaro Special

Omega Strikers – Ver. 2.0.3

  • Release date: May 9th 2023 (North America, Europe) / May 10th 2023 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:

While it’s good to have Strikers who are behind to have some options of getting back into the game, the catch-up experience for knockouts provided too much of an XP Swing.

  • Catch-up experience for KOs and assists :: 60% of the difference between KO’ed and KO’er (30% for Assisters) → 40% of the difference (20% for Assisters)

It’s been raining Cats and Blobs out there. Juno is excelling, so we’re hampering her ability to clog the alleys a bit.
Make it Rain [SPECIAL]

  • Cooldown :: 30s → 35s

Last time, Rune got the knockback buffs. We’re now giving him the damage to match.

  • Unstable Anomaly [PRIMARY]
    • Fully formed Damage :: 220 (+110% Power) → 250 (+125% Power)
    • Fully formed Core Knockback :: 1390 (+205% Power) → 1405 (+212.5% Power)
      • Unformed damage and knockback unchanged
      • Also applies to the Unstable Anomaly left by Shadow Walk [SECONDARY]

X has been nonchalantly kicking in goals after bashing heads. He can still do that, it just won’t be as X-cessive.

  • Bell Ringer
    • PvP Damage and Knockback :: 200 (+100% Power) → 185 (+92.5% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1380 (+200% Power) → 1350 (+185% Power)
  • X Maximus!
    • Size gain :: 50% → 40%
    • Cooldown :: 30s → 35s
    • No longer has a minimum knockback duration per hit

Mastering the blade is no easy task, but we think Zentaro could use a little help from our end. Now, when he’s dashing, he might bring an enemy with him.

  • Iai Rush (SECONDARY)
    • PvP Damage and Knockback :: 170 (+85% Power) → 180 (+90% Power)
    • Core Knockback :: 1320 (+170% Power) → 1340 (+180% Power)

Sparkington City needs to boost its tourism revenue. Stop by sometime!

Spark of Focus
  • 2 Cooldown Rate, plus 8 per Spark → 2 Cooldown Rate, plus 10 per Spark
Spark of Strength
  • 4 Power, plus 16 per Spark → 4 Power, plus 20 per Spark

Omega Strikers – Ver. 2.0.2

  • Release date: May 2nd 2023 (North America, Europe) / May 3rd 2023 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:
Night Market

Night Market is a bit tame in comparison to the explosions and firepower of our other maps. We’re turning up the speed a bit!

  • Speed Zone recharge time :: 5s → 4s

Atlas can use Astral Projection to win trades with frequency. This is a minor touch – he’ll still be winning trades with said frequency, but he’ll be paying a slightly higher cost for it.

  • Astral Projection [PRIMARY]
    • Cooldown :: 7.5s → 8s

Asher’s special is quite good at stun-locking and creating forward pressure, given how easy it is for her to hit it. We’re reducing its effective range and stun power to keep her more in line with other Strikers.

  • Pathsplitter [SPECIAL]
    • Base Creation Duration :: Reduced from 2.25 → 1.9s
    • Minimum hit stun duration :: Reduced from 0.3s → 0.05s

Fixing a Drek’ar bug that made his Molten Bolt last longer than intended, especially when he’d selected Cast to Last.

  • Molten Bolt [SPECIAL]
    • [BUGFIX] No longer gains CREATION benefits for the ability

Our favorite hampter sure is a stalwart defender. Honestly though, sometimes he also wants to slam. We’re giving him some more opportunities and payoff for belly flopping on his enemies. (Just like he did in the Trigger trailer!!!! He did the thing!)

  • Somerassault [SECONDARY]
    • Cooldown 20s → 18s
    • Damage and PvP Knockback :: 200 (+100% Power) → 210 (+105% Power)

Magic Maelstrom (Era’s SPECIAL) was blocking off large sections of the map too frequently and effectively. We’re increasing its cooldown to make it more punishing when she has a poor cast.

  • Magic Maelstrom [SPECIAL]
    • Cooldown :: Increased from 15s → 20s

Luna’s W.H.A.M.M.Y (that’s her missile) is a little too punishing to miss, given its short-ish base range and acceleration time to get a stronger hit. We’re going to give Luna a bit more opportunity to fish for good hits by reducing its cooldown. And more chances for you to launch a random missile across the map for a free goal.

    • Cooldown :: Reduced from 7s → 6.5s

Kai can deny too many opportunities, so we’re knocking down his rapid firing barrage’s rapidness and its range a bit.

  • Barrage [PRIMARY]
    • Cooldown :: 10s → 11s
    • Range :: 775 → 650

Rune’s combinations aren’t as lethal as we’d like. While he has a lot of tricks in his bag, his KO bread and butter Banish into Unstable Anomaly should be confirming knockouts on players close to the edge of the arena.

  • Unstable Anomaly [PRIMARY]
    • Fully formed PvP Knockback :: 220 (+110% Power) → 250 (+125% Power)
      • PvP Damage and Core Knockback unchanged
      • Unformed damage unchanged
      • Also applies to the Unstable Anomaly left by Shadow Walk [SECONDARY]

We’re giving Rasmus a bit more mobility and agency over when he can utilize his Whiplash. This should mean he can do more than just Death Touch unsuspecting victims.

  • Whiplash [SECONDARY]
    • Duration :: 2s → 2.25s

Goalie Gear seems to be a toss up between Strike Shot and Eject Button. We’re giving the other options a bit of love to make them do what they do… except better.

Momentum Boots
  • Move Speed per Stack :: 1.5% → 1.75%
  • Max Speed :: 20% → 22.5%
  • Power :: 15 → 20
Extra Special
  • Special cooldown reduction :: 35% → 40%
  • Creations hit bonus :: 20% → 15%

How to download updates for Omega Strikers for the Nintendo Switch?

To download the updates for Omega Strikers, you have three options:

  • let the console do its thing if you have automatic downloads activated, and didn’t completely turn it off

If not…

  • try to launch the game from the Home Menu while being connected to the internet. You should get a prompt when doing so: simply follow the instructions on screen;


  • select the game > press either + or – to go to the Options page > select Software update > select Via the Internet.

To check that you have the latest version installed, simply select the game on the Home Menu, and press – or + to go to the Options: the version number is displayed just below the game title.


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.