
Daily news (October 1, Round 5): Super Smash Bros. Ultimate / Rogue Company

Today’s Daily news: Steve and Alex announced for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, but also…

  • Rogue Company
  • Horace
  • Override 2: Super Mech League
  • Orangeblood
  • Overcooked! 2

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Nintendo have announced that the latest DLC character for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is Alex and Steve (along with Zombie and Enderman) from Minecraft.

Here’s the reveal trailer:

Right now, we don’t know when it will be released, but it’s been announced that there will be another video presentation on October 3rd, called Mr. Sakurai Presents “Steve & Alex”. It will have further details about the DLC (including the release date), and will take place just before Minecraft Live at:

  • Europe: 4.30PM
  • UK: 3.30PM
  • North America (ET): 10.30AM
  • North America (PT): 7.30AM
  • Japan: 11.30PM

Rogue Company

Starting today, Rogue Company is in open beta. And with this, the game is now available as a Free 2 Play title!

Here’s the latest trailer to celebrate:


505 Games have announced their latest game for the Nintendo Switch: Horace, a cinematic pixel platform adventure developed by Paul Helman and Sean Scapelhorn. It will be released on October 15th in Europe and North America, and is now available for pre-order on the Nintendo eShop with a 10% off discount (regular price: £10.99).

Here’s a short trailer and some details for the game:

Meticulously crafted by a two-person development team comprised of industry veterans Paul Helman and Sean Scapelhorn, Horace is one of the most unique and heartwarming of gaming experiences. The little, big game boasts more than 15-hours of thrilling platforming and adventure peppered with bold storytelling and quirky pop culture references that will leave behind for players a lingering nostalgia for the classic 8 and 16-bit era of gaming. Metroidvania-inspired abilities are unlocked as players progress through challenging platforming areas while puzzles and difficult bosses invite players to further put their skills to test.

Horace is a hand-crafted experience that will leave players laughing, crying, and ultimately cheering their way through a touching narrative complete with full cinematic cut scenes, a host of mini games, and secrets waiting to be uncovered.

Horace (Switch – eShop) comes out on October 15th in Europe and North America.

Source: 505 Games PR

Override 2: Super Mech League

Here’s the latest trailer for Override 2: Super Mech League:

Override 2: Super Mech League (Switch) comes out this December in Europe and North America.


Here’s the launch trailer for Orangeblood, now available in Europe and North America:

Overcooked! 2

Here’s the launch trailer for Moon Harvest, the latest free update for Overcooked! 2 (now available worldwide):

The Upcoming Games page has been updated!


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.