
Yu-Gi-Oh!: new 3DS game to be called Yu-Gi-Oh! Saikyou Card Battle!

At the Jump Festa 2016, back in December, Konami announced they were working on a brand new Yu-Gi-Oh! for the Nintendo 3DS. Unfortunately, no details were given at all, other than the game would be released sometime this Summer. After that, the publisher announced in January that Europe and North America would also get the game.

But thanks to leaked scans from Jump magazine, we finally have some proper details. We learn the game is called “Yu-Gi-Oh! Saikyou Card Battle! (lit: Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Card Battle!). It will feature a cast of original characters.

Here’s the four characters introduced in the Jump magazine article (you will find the scans below):

  • the protagonist;
  • Guide-san: a young woman who provides support during duels;
  • Psychic Tendo: a young man who uses Psychic types to attack;
  • Strong 19: an angry-looking young man who focuses on raw attack, using power-type monsters during duels.

Here’s the scans from Jump magazine:

Yu-Gi-Oh! Saikyou Card Battle! (lit: Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Card Battle!) (3DS) comes out this Summer in Japan. Europe and North America should also get the game this Summer. No doubt we will get a proper announcement/reveal sometime next week, at least for Japan.

Source: Jump
Scans: Starlight Sokuhou
Via: Gematsu


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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