Vertex Pop: Graceful Explosion Machine sales “exceeded our expectations”, additional content on the way
A few days ago, Graceful Explosion Machine (a really unique and colourful shoot ’em up) was released on the Nintendo Switch, to critical acclaim (both from the press and from players). The good news is, the game seems to be selling pretty well, better than the developers expected at the very least.
In an AMA session on Reddit, Vertex Pop said the following about Graceful Explosion Machine:
They’ve exceeded our expectations! We’ve been really happy with it overall. 👍
Since a great game doesn’t automatically mean great sales (they point out that some games sometime do not find their audience), they’re pretty grateful for all the love and support they’ve received (especially from the Ontario Media Development Corporation, as the game wouldn’t have happened without their support).
If you liked Graceful Explosion Machine, and already cannot wait for Vertex Pop’s next game, here’s some good news: it will most definitely be released on the Nintendo Switch. Here’s what they replied when asked if they had plans to release more games on the console:
Definitely! 👏👏
But before that, there will be some additional content for Graceful Explosion Machine, though we don’t really know what for now. Not really surprising though, since the game was just released!
We’re listening to everyones feedback! We are supporting the game going forward, but it’s a week in and we haven’t figured everything out yet.
During the AMA, the developers also answered various questions about development (including some rather technical ones): click here to check out all the answers!
Graceful Explosion Machine is currently available from the Nintendo eShop of the Nintendo Switch.