Pokémon news (July 19) – Pokémon Shuffle / Pokémon GO / Pokémon Sun/Moon
Today’s Pokémon news:
- Pokémon Shuffle
- Pokémon GO
- Pokémon Sun and Moon
- Pokémon Comaster
Pokémon Shuffle
Today, some new content for Pokémon Shuffle went live:
- a special stage featuring Rhyperior is available until August 2nd
- the special stage featuring Palkia is back until August 2nd, and may drop Palkia Skill Boosters
- the special stage featuring Landorus is back until July 26th, and may drop Landorus Therian Forme Skill Boosters
- the special stage featuring Bellossom is back until July 26th 2016, and may drop Bellossom Skill Boosters
- the Daily Pokémon (#2) challenge is back until August 2nd. It features Druddigon, Pachirisu, Sigilyph, Tropius, and Farfetch’d. For the Pokémon you’ve already caught, you will receive Coins instead.
Also, a new challenge featuring Mega Manectric is now live until July 26th. As usual, the reward you get depend on your overall rank at the end of the challenge:
- Top 1,200 players in Europe, Top 1,800 players in North America, Top 5,000 players in Japan = Manectite + Mega Speedup + Raise Max Level
- Top 3,800 players in Europe, Top 5,600 players in North America, Top 15,000 players in Japan = Manectite + Mega Speedup
- Top 15,000 players in Europe, Top 22,000 players in North America, Top 60,000 players in Japan = Manectite + Disruption Delay
- Top 20,000 players in Europe, Top 30,000 players in North America, Top 80,000 players in Japan = Attack Power and a Disruption Delay
- Not ranked = Attack Power
Source: Serebii
Pokémon GO
Last week, Pokémon GO was launched in several European countries, but not in France. It turns out the app was indeed supposed to launch last week in that country, but it was delayed due to the events of July 14th. Unfortunately, we don’t know when it will be released (maybe sometime this week?).
Talking of Pokémon GO, it looks like it could launch tomorrow (July 20th) in Japan!
Source: IGN
Pokémon Sun and Moon
If you live in the United Kingdom: Pokémon Sun and Moon is now available for pre-order on the official Nintendo UK Web Store. The two editions are available right now (regular and Fan Edition), and both comes with a figure of Solgaleo or Lunala (the same as those offered by GAME). The Solgaleo + Lunala New Nintendo 3DS XL model isn’t available for pre-order yet.
Also, a new pre-order bonus was revealed:
- ShopTo (United Kingdom): serial code for 12 Quick Balls
- GameStop (Italy): serial code for 12 Quick Balls
Talking of Pokémon Sun and Moon, don’t miss today’s new trailer, footage, and details: click here to learn more!
Source: Nintendo UK Official Web Store / Serebii
Pokémon Comaster
Today, it was announced that Pokémon Comaster (on smart devices) has been downloaded over 1 million times since launch, in Japan. To celebrate, players can get various bonuses until August 2nd, simply by logging in: Diamonds, Trevo Tickets, Ingots, Rare Metal items, and more.
Source: Serebii