
No More Heroes 3: latest video showcases Death Kick & Death Force

Last week, Marvelous began sharing some videos for No More Heroes 3, showcasing some of the elements and gameplay mechanics of the game. The first one was about the Beam Katana (and the unique way to recharge its batteries), the second one showcased two mechanics of the battle system (Emergency Evade and Weapon Clash), and the third one was about Slashes & Death Blows.

The new video, uploaded today, showcases two brand new abilities introduced in No More Heroes 3: Death Kick and Death Force. Both make us of the Death Glove.

Death Kick works just like the name implies. You lash at enemies, and give them a good kick. As for the Death Force, it allows you to hit enemies with some sort of energy blast, which blows enemies away. Pretty handy when you need to get some breathing space during a particularly tense encounters (if you’re surrounded, for example).

Here’s the video:

No More Heroes 3 (Switch) comes out on August 27th worldwide.


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.