Nintendo Direct: Dragon Quest XI presentation announced for Wednesday (June 21st)
E3 2017 took place last week, and already, fans are looking forward to the next Nintendo Direct presentation. And it turns out it will take place much sooner than expected… this week, in fact! Today, Nintendo announced that a special Nintendo Direct presentation entirely dedicated to Dragon Quest XI: Sugisarishi Toki o Motomete would be livestreamed on June 21st.
This Nintendo Direct presentation will focus exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS version of Dragon Quest XI: Sugisarishi Toki o Motomete, and more precisely its exclusive features (such as StreetPass). It will last about 14 minutes. Unfortunately, it’s highly unlikely that the Nintendo Switch version will be shown or even mentioned at all during this presentation.
This Dragon Quest XI Direct will take place on June 21st, at the following time:
- Europe: 1PM
- UK: 12PM
- North America (EDT): 7AM
- North America (PDT): 4AM
- Japan: 8PM
Here’s the relevant link for this new Nintendo Direct presentation (which is only for Japan, as no western release has been announced so far):
- official website
- NicoNico
- YouTube livestream:
Dragon Quest XI: Sugisarishi Toki o Motomete (3DS) comes out on July 29th in Japan. The Nintendo Switch version will follow at a later date. Unfortunately, no western release has been announced so far.
Source: Nintendo