Monster Hunter X: details about the Hunting Styles and two new monsters
This week, Monster Hunter X is featured in Famitsu with some new details about the various Hunting Styles and weapon types, but also two new monsters. As usual, we don’t have to wait until the magazine is out (Thursday at midnight JST for the digital edition) before getting some details from it!
Here’s the four Hunting Styles:
– Guild Style: a rather basic but well-balance Hunting Style, similar to the previous Monster Hunter games;
– Striker Style: a more flashy Style, focused on Attack and slightly less technical. It allows you to use more Hunting Arts than usual (up to three);
– Aerial Style: a style specialised in mid-air actions, which allows you to jump on monsters for special attacks;
– Bushido Style: a style specialised in turning critical situations into opportunities (for players who like to hunt dangerously). Evading monsters attacks gives you the chance to perform poweful counter-attacks. As you can imagine, the developers do not recommend this Style to beginners!
Famitsu magazine also gives details about one of the four new main monsters: the Gamut (or Gamoth, since it’s quite obviously based on a Mammoth). Despite being a herbivore, this Fanged Beast monster is actually pretty aggressive: it uses its massive fangs and body in order to attack. It can also use its trump in order to suck you in, use breath attacks (with a rather impressive range) or throw rocks with an insane precision.
Monster Hunter X will also feature a new monster called the Hororo-Hururu: a Bird-Wyvern which prefers to stay in the dark. Using its sharp claws, it attacks its preys and enemies from above. if you decide to go hunt it, pay special attention to their wings: their feathers contain special scales that will make you lose consciousness if you happen to inhale them.
But that’s not all: the Hororo-Hururu can also use a deadly laser-like sound wave attacks, which will put you in the “Pinch” status… unfortunately, we don’t quite know what this new condition does just yet!
Monster Hunter X (3DS) comes out on November 28th in Japan.
Source: Famitsu
Via: Hachima / Siliconera