
Investor Briefing (Oct. 2016) – Kimishima on Mobile, Super Mario Run to launch in ~150 countries

During the usual meeting with investors, which always follows the presentation of the latest financial results, Nintendo talked about its mobile games, including Super Mario Run.

First, Tatsumi Kimishima began by reminding investors about the three goals of Nintendo’s efforts in the mobile space:

  • use smart devices to increase the number of people who have access to Nintendo’s IPs;
  • make money;
  • generating synergy with the dedicated video game systems to “maximize the potential of Nintendo’s overall business strategies”.

One game has already been released (Miitomo), with three more coming before before the end of the current Fiscal Year (in April):

  • Super Mario Run: December (on iOS, Android coming later)
  • Fire Emblem
  • Animal Crossing

Speaking of Super Mario Run, Tatsumi Kimishima reminded investors than more than 20 million users have registered on the appstore in order to be notified of the launch. Also, it looks like Nintendo is getting ambitious: they are planning to launch the game in about 150 countries simultaneously (instead of 100 initially). Kimishima also confirmed once again that an Android version was in the works, but it will come at a later date.

He also confirmed again that while the game itself would be free, you’d have to pay in order to access all the content. That way, parents can let their kids play safely, without being worried about microtransactions or anything. Naturally, pricing will be announced at a later date, most likely at the same time as the release date.

Super Mario Run (iOS) will be released in December, worldwide. The Android version will follow at a later date.

Source: Nintendo


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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