Indies – Toto Temple Deluxe: poor sales, analysis / Catalis Group buys Curve Digital
Toto Temple Deluxe
Toto Temple Deluxe is a local multiplayer game released on the Nintendo eShop of the Wii U. It was developed by Juicy Beasts, who posted a long post about the game over at their official website. In this post, they reveal that sales for the game have been pretty poor, and explain why they failed financially with that game.
Even for a major publisher like Nintendo, releasing a local-only multiplayer is a pretty risky venture in the era of online multiplayer. So for an indie developer to do the same, on the Nintendo eShop, is even riskier. Yet, that’s what the developers at Juice Beast did.
In their blog post, they talk about how development started, why they chose to release the game on three platforms simultaneously, what they did to promote the game, why the it didn’t sell as well as they had hoped, and more. Even if you’re not particularly interested in Toto Temple Deluxe itself, you should definitely click here to read the whole thing!
Curve Digital
Last week, it was announced that The Catalis Group had acquired Curve Digital, that fans of indie games should know well (they have developed / published many games, including The Swindle, the Swapper, and many more). The Catalis Group owns Kuju, known for Zoe Mode and Headstrong Games studios (developers of the Art Academy series, but also Battalion Wars).
Following that acquisition, Kuju and Curve Digital will merge, and become Curve Digital Entertainment (described as potential “a major new British games publisher” by The Catalis Group). At the head of that publisher: Dominic Wheatley, CEO of Catalysis and co-founder of Eidos.
Source: MCV UK