
Fire Emblem if: differences between the two versions, screens / artworks, JP boxarts

Earlier today, Nintendo launched the Japanese website for Fire Emblem if, which will get two different versions in Japan. Of course, there is differences between the two, and the website tells us more about it.

– Hoshido: provides alternate ways to gain XP, gives you more freedom when it comes to growing your characters;
– Nohr: more difficult, will make players fight with limited XP and money, less ressources available.

With the physical versions, you can’t chose your path (unlike the downloadable version, which gives you the choice), and you’ll have to go through the path of the version you picked up. You can buy the other for 2000 Yen as DLC. The digital version is different: you can actually chose your path when you reach Chapter 6, and after that, you can buy the other path for 2000 Yen. Be careful though, once you’ve made your choice, you can’t go back!

Of course, both paths have roughly the same amount of content: you won’t feel cheated by picking one over the other. What’s more, a third path will be available as DLC at launch, providing even more content. It will also be included in a special edition with all 3 paths on a single cartridge, an artbook and some trading cards (it will cost 9 250 Yen).

Here’s the boxarts for each version:

Here’s some screenshots and artworks for the game:

Fire Emblem if (3DS) comes out on June 25th in Japan.

Source: Nintendo
Via: Siliconera


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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