Fire Emblem Heroes: new Summoning Focus (Darkness Within)
This week is another busy one for Fire Emblem Heroes, with a new Software update (most definitely releasing on May 8th/9th), but also a brand new Summoning Focus. This one is called Darkness Within, and it brings some more evil-infused Heroes for those of you who like your units all dark and evil! Quite interestingly, the Heroes are included in this Summoning Focus are not referred to as Special Heroes, despite them not being regular ones.
The Darkness Within Summoning Focus goes live on May 10th, and runs until May 27th. It will feature the following Heroes:
- [5 ★ Focus] Mareeta, The Blade’s Pawn. Voiced by Kayli Mills. Artist: kiyu;
- [5 ★ Focus] Berkut, Purgatorial Prince. Voiced by Ian Sinclair. Artist: Asatani Tomoyo;
- [5 ★ Focus] Corrin, Wailing Soul. Voiced by Marcella Lentz-Pope. Artist: Sencha;
- [5 ★ Focus] Tiki, Torpid Dragon. Voiced by Mela Lee. Artist: lack.
Here’s a trailer introducing this new Summoning Focus and its Heroes (English and Japanese versions), along with some pictures:
Alongside this Summoning Focus, the following will also go live:
- a new set of Story Maps, and more precisely a new Story Chapter called A Home Unknown (including the usual set of 5 maps);
- a new set of Quests relaed to the new Story Chapter;
- a new set of Daily Log-in Bonuses, allowing players to earn up to 13 Orbs.
And if you want even more evil Heroes, no problem: the next Grand Hero Battle features Delthea: Tatarrah’s Puppet. It will go live on May 12th.
As usual, keep an eye on the Events and Content Updates and Characters pages to stay up to date with all that’s happening in Fire Emblem Heroes!
Source: 4Gamer