
Fire Emblem Heroes: Mythic Hero Summoning Event (Yune, Chaos Goddess)

Another month has come and gone, which means it’s finally time for the latest Summoning Event for Fire Emblem Heroes! This time, it’s a new Mythic Hero that’s being added to the game, available from March 29th to April 5th. As usual, you don’t have much time to try and get the Heroes you’re interested in with this Summoning Event!

Here’s the various Heroes included in this Summoning Event (appearance rate of 5 ★ Focus Heroes bumped to 8%, and regular 5 ★ Heroes lowered to 0%):

  • [5 ★ Focus] Yune, Chaos Goddess (from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn). Voiced by Megan Lee. Artist: Miwabe Sakura. Mythic Effect: Dark. Bonus: HP+5, Spd+5;
  • [5 ★ Focus] Lyn, Brave Lady (from Fire Emblem). Artist: Yamada Kotaro;
  • [5 ★ Focus] Ryoma, Supreme Samurai. Voiced by Matt Mercer. Artist: Kita Senri. Comes with a Water Blessing. Legendary Effect: HP+3, Def+4;
  • [5 ★ Focus] Lucina, Glorious Archer. Voiced by Alexis Tipton. Artist: Yamada Kotaro. Comes with a Wind Blessing. Legendary Effect: HP+3, Speed+3;
  • [5 ★ Focus] Celica, Warrior Priestess (from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia). Voiced by Erica Lindbeck. Artist: Hidari;
  • [5 ★ Focus] Lewyn, Guiding Breeze (from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War). Voiced by Steve Staley. Artist: Suda Ayaka;
  • [5 ★ Focus] Ophelia, Dramatic Heroine (from Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest). Voiced by Angela Marie Volpe. Artist: Umiu Geso;
  • [5 ★ Focus] Kagero, Beverage Ninja. Voiced by Sarah Blandy. Artist: cuboon;
  • [5 ★ Focus] Myrrh, Spooky Monster. Voiced by Erica Lindbeck. Artist: Amagatairo;
  • [5 ★ Focus] Mia, Moonlit Witch. Voiced by Lani Minella. Artist: Yoneyama Mai;
  • [5 ★ Focus] Eir: Merciful Death (original character). Mythic Effect: Light. Bonus: HP+5, Res+5.  You can get her via Summoning, but also by completing Chapter 1 of Book III of the main story;
  • [5 ★ Focus] Azura, Vallite Songstress (from Fire Emblem Fates). Voiced by Rena Strober. Artist: kaya8. Comes with a Water Blessing. Legendary Effect: HP+3, Res+4

Here’s the trailer introducing the Summoning Event and its Heroes (English and Japanese versions), along with some artworks for Yune (Chaos Goddess):

Alongside this Summoning Event, the following will also go live:

  • a new Mythic Hero Battle featuring Yune (Chaos Goddess);
  • some returning Mythic : Legendary Hero Battles;
  • and that’s pretty much it!

As usual, keep an eye on the Events and Content Updates and Characters pages to keep up to date with all that’s happening in Fire Emblem Heroes!

Source: 4Gamer


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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