
Etrian Mystery Dungeon: final soundtrack sample and Famitsu preview

Etrian Mystery Dungeon comes out in less than 48h in Japan, and Atlus seems determined to keep on actively promoting the game until the very last minute! Today, we get a preview of Famitsu magazine, which has a 15 pages article about the game in its latest issue (coming out this Thursday), with lots of info about the game, but also a special supplement, gifts for readers and more.

Here is the preview of Famitsu magazine:

But that’s not all: Atlus has also uploaded the third and final soundtrack preview for the game. This time around, it’s very calm and soothin track, called Cherry-Tree Bridge, which is from Etrian Odyssey II : Heroe of Lagaard.

Here is the preview:

Here is the original version of the track:

Here is the Etrian Odyssey Untold 2: Knight of Fafnir version of the track:

Etrian Mystery Dungeon (3DS) comes out on March 5th in Japan, and April 7th in North America.

Source: Famitsu


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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