
eShop news (March 12): Vasara Collection / Super Real Mahjong PV

Today’s Nintendo eShop news: new game mode and screenshots for Vasara Collection, but also…

  • Super Real Mahjong PV
  • Little Shopping
  • Valley

Vasara Collection

Today, QUByte Interactive revealed a new game mode for Vasara Collection, called Timeless. It’s a procedurally generated mode featuring polygonal graphics, where you have to defeat hordes of enemies. Your goal is quite naturally to get the highest score possible before dying.

This mode also features new gameplay mechanics, making full use of the widescreen gameplay area (such as the new Dash mode). It supports co-op, with up to 4 players. Finally, it lets you play with any combination of heroes from both Vasara 1 and 2, each with their own stats and gameplay style.

Here’s some screenshots:

Vasara Collection (Switch – eShop) does not have a release date yet.

Source: QUByte Interactive PR

Super Real Mahjong PV

Here’s some more screenshots for Super Real Mahjong PV:

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Super Real Mahjong PV (Switch – eShop) comes out on March 14th in Japan.

Source: Famitsu

Little Shopping

Here’s some screenshots for Little Shopping, now available in Europe and North America:

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Source: Ultimate Games PR


Here’s the launch trailer for Valley, now available in Europe and North America:


Here’s the latest Top 5 Plays video for SMITE:


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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