
Daily Briefs (Oct. 19): Super Mario Run developed by DeNA / Corpse Party website

Today’s Daily Briefs: Super Mario Run reportedly develoepd by DeNA, but also…

  • Corpse Party
  • Mario Party: Star Rush
  • amiibo
  • Unlucky Mage
  • Fake Game Boy Micro

Super Mario Run

Super Mario Run is the second game Nintendo will release on smart devices (in December on iOS), and the first one starring Mario. Shigeru Miyamoto is directly involved in this project, along with Takashi Tezuka, and other developers from Nintendo. But it turns out the game isn’t actually developed by Nintendo, but by… DeNA.

This tidbit comes from Serkan Toto, which is pretty knowledgeable when it comes to the smartphone market in Japan. He also explains that Nintendo is “only” taking care of Quality Assurance (most likely via its Mario Club subsidiary). Of course, the whole game is designed and directed by Nintendo (Miyamoto’s team), but it’s DeNa who’s doing the heavy lifting.

Source: Serkan Toto

Corpse Party

Corpse Party comes out next week in North America and Europe (on October 25th and October 26th, respectively), and to help player get in the mood, XSEED launched the official website in English. You can click here to check it out. Make sure you use earphones or headphones, but whatever you do, do not scroll down all the way down!

Mario Party: Star Rush

Here’s some screenshots for Mario Party: Star Rush, releasing on October 20th in Japan (tomorrow!) and November 4th in North America:

Source: Famitsu


Here’s the latest promotional video for amiibo:

Unlucky Mage

Here’s some screenshots for Unlucky Mage, now available in Japan and releasing next week (on October 27th) in North America:

Source: Famitsu

Fake Game Boy Micro

In his latest video, Ashens takes a look at a very peculiar Pop Station console, which is ripping off the Game Boy Micro!


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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