
Bravely Second: StreetPass event in Japan

Bravely Second: End Layer came out last week in Japan, and is off to a rather disappointing start with only 100 000 units sold during the first four days.


Today, Square-Enix announced a StreetPass event for Bravely Second: End Layer, which will allow players to get some special costumes for the main characters (more precisely: Edea, Magnolia and Yuu).

Here’s the various locations where players can get the special costumes:

– Yodobashi Camera Multimedia Akiba (Tokyo): Edea
– Yodobashi Camera Multimedia Umeda (Osaka): Magnolia
– Futaba Tosho TERA Wonder City Store (Nagoya): Yuu

To get the costumes, players will first need to reach a certain point in the adventure. Then, by going to one of the StreetPass locations mentioned above, they will be able to encounter special versions of Kamiizumi (Asterisk holder of the Swordmaster job), called “StreetPassizumi” (“StreetPassizumikyo” for Tokyo, “StreetPassizumisaka” for Osaka, and “StreetPassizumiya” for Nagoya).

Then, they will have to beat that StreetPassizumi to get the costumes, but without friend summons. This shouldn’t really be a problem though, as StreetPassizumi is weaker than the actual Kamiizumi, and its level scale to the level of the player.

Here’s some pictures of the costumes and the StreetPassizumi:

Source: Famitsu
Via: Siliconera


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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