eShopWii U

Bloodstained reaches 3.5 million on Kickstarter, new stretch goals added

Last week, the stretch goal for the Wii U version of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (developed by Armature Studios) was reached on Kickstarter. Two new stretch goals were added, and it didn’t take long for them to be reached either… which is why some more stretch goals were added, once more!

Here’s the new stretchgoals:

ONLINE CHALLENGE MODE: Compete and cooperate with a friend to earn points in specially designed stages by clearing challenges, killing enemies, collecting items, and more. Rumor has it there there may even be incredibly powerful bosses which drop rare crafting materials…

3RD PLAYABLE CHARACTER: IGA and Inti Creates will include a third playable character in Bloodstained! They don’t want to give away too much—it might even be a character you haven’t met yet.

PREQUEL MINI-GAME FOR CONSOLES: Inti Creates is so excited about Bloodstained that they’re hoping to create a 2D, pixel-based, retro-styled mini-game that sheds some light on the world of Bloodstained before Miriam awoke from her coma. This is a complete game which will be sold separately, but every $28+ backer copy of Bloodstained will come with a FREE download of this game on PS4, XB1, Wii U, or PC! (Backers at Physical+Digital tiers will be eligible for 2 copies of the mini-game.)

PREQUEL MINI-GAME FOR PORTABLES: At $4.75 million Inti will port their side story game to the PS Vita and Nintendo 3DS. Backers $28 and up will be able to choose any platform for their free copy (or copies)!

There’s still one more bonus stretch goal to be added, but players will need to unlock by completing 50 achievements!

If you wish to pledge some money for this project, you can visit the Kickstarter page for Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night will come out on Wii U.

Source: Kickstarter


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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