Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp – New changes and adjustments now live (new bugs and fish, Friendship Level, Crafting)
Today, a new Data Update for Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp was released. It brings various new changes and adjustments to the game, such as new bugs and fish, a new Friendship Level cap, changes to Crafting, and more!
New bugs and fish
New bugs and fish have started to appear in your recreational spots:
Also, some creatures are no longer appearing:
More new bugs and fish will now be added to the game on a regular basis.
Finally, the following have been adjusted:
- which creatures you can get from ballons on the map
- which creatures Animals will request
- the amount of Bells received for selling some creatures
- the catch rate of throw nets and honey
Max Friendship Level Increase
The Friendsihp Level cap has been raised to 35 (it was 30 until now)!
Adjustments to Crafting
Crafting in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp has become easier for people low on materials:
- if you’re low on natural essence or another essence material, then you will need less Leaf Tickets to craft something
- if you’re missing a large number of crafting materials, then you will need less Leaf Tickets to craft something
Bug fixes
The following bugs/issues impacted Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp have been fixed:
- The amount of Bells received for selling butterflies was higher than intended;
- The rarity of the ocean sunfish was lower than intended.
That’s all for this Data Update! To keep up to date with all that’s happening in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, make sure to check out the Events and Content Updates page!
Source: game