Wicce set for a June 3rd release worldwide
CFK have announced that Wicce, a side-scrolling action game developed by Alpheratz*, will be released on June 3rd worldwide. It’s now available for digital pre-order with a 10% off discount (regular price: $7.99 / 800 Yen). The Japanese version does offer an English language option.
Here’s a trailer, some details, and some screenshots:
「Wicce」 is a side-scrolling action game that takes place in the Middle Ages, where a witch enters the town overrun by plague to find her missing daughter. As the era was ruined by disease and countless death, 「Wicce」 features a storyline full of dark fantasy and atmosphere.
A witch was living with her daughter in the deep woods. One day, her daughter went on an errand but didn’t come back even after the sun set on the horizon. The witch set out to find her missing girl, only to find the woods and the nearby town filled with foul fiends and deadly traps. Will the witch be able return with her dear daughter?
● A variety of action with simple controls
Players use the witch’s broom to attack, cast magic, and fly when exploring the stages in 「Wicce」. From striking at the fiends to shooting charged magica, players have a variety of options to battle grotesque fiends. In addition, the witch can double jump, slide, and fly using her broom to overcome obstacles and get to various places in the stage.
● Explore. Save the fallen. Collect hidden items.
In the course of searching for the witch’s missing daughter, players will find the townspeople fallen by the plague and can choose to heal them with magic. Also, something good may occur to players if they happen to discover treasure chests hidden throughout the stage.
● Gigantic evil vs. the witch
Each stage has a deadly foe awaiting those who pulled through countless fiends and traps. Once human beings, they became abominations for reasons unknown and will mercilessly storm the area with unique attack patterns. Players need to analyze their movement and learn to strike at weak spots when the time is right.
● Find the best end for the mother and the daughter
Word has it that there is a witch who roams the town and the forest to fight fiends and save the fallen. Upon hearing this, the Pope tries to arrest the witch for being the cause of the plague. Will the witch escape from hazards around her and find the dear girl?
「Wicce」 encourages players to start New Game+ as hidden stories are revealed in the second loop. Help the witch save the daughter and meet the best ending.
Wicce (Switch – eShop) comes out on June 3rd worldwide. The Upcoming Games page has been updated!
Source: CFK PR