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Splatoon: tweet and video of the day (May 27th)

Today, the Squid Research Lab didn’t post too many tweets on the official Twitter account for Splatoon. The first one was about the special clothes for Girls Mode 3: KiraKira code, which we talked about in this post.

The second one was the continuation of their countdown for the Japanese release: only one day left until Splatoon comes out in Japan! In fact, it will be available on the Nintendo eShop is less than 5 hours (10PM JST), so if you haven’t preloaded the game yet, you should do it right away.

Finally, they published another weapon video, showcasing the Hot Charger set of weapons:

Splatoon (Wii U) comes out in a few hours in Japan, and on May 29th in Europe and North America.

Source: Splatoon


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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